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Calvin and Hobbes


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I can't say I really like either. I mean, on one hand I admire a lot of what John Calvin did but a lot of his stuff took the reformation to points where it didn't really need to go. And Thomas Hobbes can write as many Leviathans as he wants, the guy was obviously proto-Communist.

(Protip briefly glance at the wikipedia pages for both people and then act like an expert on the subject.)

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I can't say I really like either. I mean, on one hand I admire a lot of what John Calvin did but a lot of his stuff took the reformation to points where it didn't really need to go. And Thomas Hobbes can write as many Leviathans as he wants, the guy was obviously proto-Communist.

(Protip briefly glance at the wikipedia pages for both people and then act like an expert on the subject.)

I thought this was going to be a topic about the comic. :( C&Hs = Epic winnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

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I can't say I really like either. I mean, on one hand I admire a lot of what John Calvin did but a lot of his stuff took the reformation to points where it didn't really need to go. And Thomas Hobbes can write as many Leviathans as he wants, the guy was obviously proto-Communist.

(Protip briefly glance at the wikipedia pages for both people and then act like an expert on the subject.)

I thought this was going to be a topic about the comic. :( C&Hs = Epic winnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

Whoa my gosh I did not foresee that misinterpretation at all my thread is going to suck now

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I can't say I really like either. I mean, on one hand I admire a lot of what John Calvin did but a lot of his stuff took the reformation to points where it didn't really need to go. And Thomas Hobbes can write as many Leviathans as he wants, the guy was obviously proto-Communist.

(Protip briefly glance at the wikipedia pages for both people and then act like an expert on the subject.)

i lik the tim wen calvin fought in the ameican revololution but in space with a massive erection man that was pretty cool and his book about sex in various positions or was that aristotle

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I can't say I really like either. I mean, on one hand I admire a lot of what John Calvin did but a lot of his stuff took the reformation to points where it didn't really need to go. And Thomas Hobbes can write as many Leviathans as he wants, the guy was obviously proto-Communist.

(Protip briefly glance at the wikipedia pages for both people and then act like an expert on the subject.)

i lik the tim wen calvin fought in the ameican revololution but in space with a massive erection man that was pretty cool and his book about sex in various positions or was that aristotle


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And Thomas Hobbes can write as many Leviathans as he wants, the guy was obviously proto-Communist.

Hah! For all that he's commonly cited as an influence for modern democracy, the man's political theories did nothing more than describe the most advanced stage of feudalism. He made astute observations and used solid reasoning, to be sure, but feudalism! The social contract theory separates government and governed so completely that it can never be relevant in progressive post-Enlightenment political thought.

John Calvin was the true proto-socialist. He condemned the decadent Catholic celebration and idolatry centuries before Marx, and the Calvinist doctrine of universal and direct connection to God predicts the Workers' and Soldiers' Soviets that finally brought the revolution to the twentieth century.

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I have all of them.


Best one is "It's a Magical World".

I had most of them myself I think, though the one I remember coming back to most times was "The Indispensable Calvin and Hobbes".

But there wasn't too much in-depth philosophy or theology in those comics. John Calvin would have disapproved, I'm sure.

Edited by FreeKnt
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