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How much are these worth

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I have been a collector of rare games & items for a couple years now and thanks to my step-brother I have come into possession of one of the Fire Emblem 4 Manga series (every volume) & I also have original copies of Fire Emblem 4 Seisen No Keifu & Fire Emblem 5 Thracia 776 (4 is still in the plastic & 5 is near-mint condition), I have posted pictures on multiple websites on the internet so if anyone wants any I can get some together & post the pictures. The reason I am asking here is because I think that actual Fire Emblem fans would be able to tell me better prices than ebay or craigslist. I have multiple other Rare game items my possession pertaining to Fire Emblem 1-5 & Final Fantasy 2-6 (All Japanese stuff cause my step-brother lived in japan) If anyone has some of the original Fire Emblem Trading Cards 4-5 than I would buy them for a very generous amount :)

Thank you to anyone that helps me with these items :)

Edited by Masamune_Wielder
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Try Googling it or go on ebay. If your looking for some cash you could sell them on ebay

I'm just asking here to see if I could make more by selling it to one of my friends (best offer is $1,400 for Fire Emblem 4 & 5), but I don't know where I can sell The Manga's for a large enough amount? But if anyone here wants to buy them then I can put them on Ebay under buy it now for whoever has the best offer (on this website)

Edited by Masamune_Wielder
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The general answer? As much as you can get people to pay for it.

The specific answer? Don't sell for anything less than a $1000, and work your way up from there depending on what you can get people to pay.

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The general answer? As much as you can get people to pay for it.

The specific answer? Don't sell for anything less than a $1000, and work your way up from there depending on what you can get people to pay.

I was hoping to get about $1000 for just FE4 but If I don't then I am just gonna keep them and sell them in like 20 years when there worth a lot.

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You're serious?

Nobody is going to pay $1,000 for a game, especially one that they can download and play for free.

I know but I aM just saying cause 4 of my friends are vintage video game collectors & they have a bidding war going on right now (best offer $725 & still rising) I know it's stupid tp want a lot but still have high hopes for it :)

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