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Playing Mist as a Swordfighter

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I did this too but I agree with Bryan that she is pretty weak. her strength cap sucks, it's so much lower than most characters. I guess it's good to try at least once to see how she is but she's much better as a healer

I think she 3HKOs White dragons at her caps, so that is not great. Rolf/Shinon 2HKO Red dragons with the double bow at caps. :(

Her only use is as a Mage killer & a healer.

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I think she 3HKOs White dragons at her caps, so that is not great. Rolf/Shinon 2HKO Red dragons with the double bow at caps. :(

Her only use is as a Mage killer & a healer.

Mist at caps: 60 mt with Wyrmslayer and any A support that doesn't give +mt. 25 + 33 + 2.

Whites? At best they have 72 hp and 24 def on hard mode. Sure, she needs that cap to do it, but they still die. And some may only have 22 def, since their average says 23, which is not possible.

Reds? 75hp and 36 def minimum. Shinon and Rolf have 61 mt at most. So since neither have +mt of their own, they cap out at 63. You could give them Ena and they'd still only have 68mt. 64 damage only. And the 77hp 38def reds only take 60 and have 17 remaining. In fact, remove Ena and their 63 mt does just 50 damage to the 38 def ones. They don't even 3HKO anything with at least 76 hp and 38 def. And that's with supports present, and their support being fire/water/dark. At least Mist only needed her supporter present. Without that important +mt support, they only 3HKO the 75hp36def reds.

At least they ORKO whites. Most beorc don't. Well, except every single beorc that can use wyrmslayers. At least, as long as you don't use more than 5 sword users in endgame.

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Mist at caps: 60 mt with Wyrmslayer and any A support that doesn't give +mt. 25 + 33 + 2.

Whites? At best they have 72 hp and 24 def on hard mode. Sure, she needs that cap to do it, but they still die. And some may only have 22 def, since their average says 23, which is not possible.

Reds? 75hp and 36 def minimum. Shinon and Rolf have 61 mt at most. So since neither have +mt of their own, they cap out at 63. You could give them Ena and they'd still only have 68mt. 64 damage only. And the 77hp 38def reds only take 60 and have 17 remaining. In fact, remove Ena and their 63 mt does just 50 damage to the 38 def ones. They don't even 3HKO anything with at least 76 hp and 38 def. And that's with supports present, and their support being fire/water/dark. At least Mist only needed her supporter present. Without that important +mt support, they only 3HKO the 75hp36def reds.

At least they ORKO whites. Most beorc don't. Well, except every single beorc that can use wyrmslayers. At least, as long as you don't use more than 5 sword users in endgame.

Gah, I forgot to add a IIRC to the 2HKO thing. Sorry about that. :(

I also meant Mist with the Alondite... On NM.

I really need to be more specific. :(

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Gah, I forgot to add a IIRC to the 2HKO thing. Sorry about that. :(

I also meant Mist with the Alondite... On NM.

I really need to be more specific. :(

I don't know why you'd bother with that. Sure, enemy phase and all, but you can mostly handle the map with player phase only. Lessee, 25 + 18 + 2 = 45, so she 2 rounds the whites. Hey, if nothing else it means lots of your units can OHKO afterwards on player phase and thus not take counters. That's something.

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I don't know why you'd bother with that. Sure, enemy phase and all, but you can mostly handle the map with player phase only. Lessee, 25 + 18 + 2 = 45, so she 2 rounds the whites. Hey, if nothing else it means lots of your units can OHKO afterwards on player phase and thus not take counters. That's something.

It is still better than some characters, but it is still not great. :/

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