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Best characters for their respected classes


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What's with people saying that Soren is the best Sage?

Well, since most people haven't played the Japanese Only FE games, FE9 Soren is pretty much the best bet, since he starts good and only gets better. FE10 sages are pitiful, so there's no competition there.

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Off topic: I'm just lol'ing @ an opinion that states "Best Nomad: Sue" right now.

On topic:

FE10 Shinon for Sniper seems almost unanimous...
May as well be fact, so is Levin/Sety being the best Sages but of course there`s going to be different votes on that since they`re in an SNES FE.

Same thing can be said for Sigurd. Edited by LittleAl
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Alright I think I'll contribute since most people here either don't check up on stats page to actually BACK SHIT UP, or they just haven't played those games.


Lord: Sigurd. Any other answer is WRONG.

Hero: Othin. PUGI BEATS ALL. And he counts for this one.

Swordmaster: Shanan.

Thief: Pahn

General: FE10 Gatrie with Oswin a close second. Then again, these are the only GOOD ones PROD PROD PROD.


Peg Girl: Fee, although Florina nearly takes it.

Halberdier: Nephenee I suppose.


Warrior: I don't really know. They all suck ballz. If I had to choose, Dagda.

Berserker: Gonzales. Doubling at base? Yes plz

Sniper: Shinon FE10. Anyone else is WRONG.

Nomad Trooper: Shin, though most people in this class suck anyway.

Light User: Artur. Yeah, Lucius just has nothing on Artur's supports.

Anima User: Levin!Arthur. FUCK YEAH also any other answer except Levin!Sety or Sety is wrong.

Dark User: It's probably Salem although I'm not too sure.

Priest: Safy, with Moulder the MOTHERFUCKING BOULDER a close second.

Troubadour: Nanna. With Clarine and Prissy a close second.

Great Knight: Lex. HE COUNTS

Rogue: Colm for SURE. Sothe sucks ballz.

Assassin: Matthew, definitely.

Edited by Merlinus the Jew
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General: FE10 Gatrie with Oswin a close second. Then again, these are the only GOOD ones PROD PROD PROD.
Fixed, mainly because Lex wasn't an Armor Knight/General to begin with.
Great Knight: Kyle or Duessel.
I'm surprised you didn't put Lex in here instead. Edited by LittleAl
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Oh shit I forgot Oswin.

And I probably SHOULD put Lex there...

EDIT: After reading through this, I have to lol at some of the choices.


Edited by Merlinus the Jew
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I'll do my list 6-10 only.

Theif- FE10 Sothe

Myrmidon- FE6 Rutger

Mercenary- FE7 Raven

Knight- FE10 Gatrie

Cavalier- FE8 Seth

Soldier: FE9 Nephenee

Wyvern Rider- FE10 Haar

Pegasus Knight- FE8 Vanessa

Fighter- FE9 Boyd

Brigand- FE6 Gonzales

Archer- FE10 Shinon

Nomad- FE6 Shin

Mage- FE7 Erk

Dark Mage: FE6 Niime

Cleric/Curate- FE7 Serra

Troubadour- FE6 Clarine

Cat- FE9 Lethe

Tiger- FE9 Mordecai

Lion- FE10 Caineghis

Hawk- FE10 Janaff

Raven- FE10 Naesala

Dragon- FE6 Fa

Dancer/Heron- FE10 Reyson

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I'll do my list 6-10 only.

Thief- FE10 Sothe

Tiger- FE9 Mordecai

Hawk- FE10 Janaff

From my limited knowledge of FE9 and 10, I am going to question these three selections. My replacements would be

Thief: FE9 Volke

Tiger: FE10 Mordecai

Hawk: FE10 Tibarn

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From my limited knowledge of FE9 and 10, I am going to question these three selections. My replacements would be

Thief: FE9 Volke

Tiger: FE10 Mordecai

Hawk: FE10 Tibarn

Sothe acts is one of your best combat units for all of Part 1 and has theiving utility. FE9 Volke is a fairly crappy fighter on a team with great combat units and has theiving utility. This seems fairly straightforward to me.

FE9 vs. FE10 Mordecai is pretty debatable. FE9 Mordecai does better against enemies (he can double for a while, and just needs a Speedwing to do it later), but FE10 is harder than FE9 so it's close.

Janaff is worse than Tibarn when both are around, but Janaff has 5 chapters of utility before Tibarn shows up, which gives him the victory IMO.

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From my limited knowledge of FE9 and 10, I am going to question these three selections. My replacements would be

Thief: FE9 Volke

Tiger: FE10 Mordecai

Hawk: FE10 Tibarn

Sothe acts is one of your best combat units for all of Part 1 and has theiving utility. FE9 Volke is a fairly crappy fighter on a team with great combat units and has theiving utility. This seems fairly straightforward to me.

FE9 vs. FE10 Mordecai is pretty debatable. FE9 Mordecai does better against enemies (he can double for a while, and just needs a Speedwing to do it later), but FE10 is harder than FE9 so it's close.

Janaff is worse than Tibarn when both are around, but Janaff has 5 chapters of utility before Tibarn shows up, which gives him the victory IMO.

Alright, allow me to give my reasons.

Sothe is very good in part 1, that much is given. However, come part 3, he starts becoming pretty not-so-great once other units catch up. While Sothe is never bad, he starts becoming a very average unit. Volke, on the other hand, starts pretty average. However, he gets better instead of worse. Although Volke is locked to knives, his stats are on par with other swordmasters. Late promotion is meh, but Sothe has the same problems as Volke. Plus, Volke has enough time to get to a decent level for the last chapters. Sothe will always be far behind in levels compared to the rest of your characters by part 4.

FE10 Mordecai needs only one number: 32. His base defense (transformed). Plus, he's got this great skill called Resolve? Why? Who else can easily: get to under half HP, survive there, and makes great use of that extra skill and speed (his weaknesses). No one. And Ike or Neph is getting the only PoR Resolve scroll, so Mordy isn't getting it in FE9. Tauroneo won't keep his, and there is another one as well. Plus, in FE 10, Mordecai has access to grass, meaning he can stay transformed much longer than he could in FE9.

As for Janaff, he has these levels before part 4:

3-7, 3-8, 3-10, 3-11, and 3-E. However, Tibarn is a partner unit in 3-11 and an other unit in 3-E, which has to count for something. Then, he'll likely go to 4-E while Janaff doesn't. Plus, Tibarn is better in 4-2 and 4-5 than Janaff will be in his part 4 maps. It's closer than I said at first glance, but I still think that Tibarn ekes out a small advantage here. I do however grant that there are really no bad hawks, and all are viable. However, I'd rather use other units when I could use Janaff. I've got Gatrie, Shinon, Ike, Mist, Mordecai, Mist (as a healer), Titania, Haar, and other required units that I'd play before Janaff. Tibarn is pretty much a lock for his 4-E slot and is required in 4-2 and 4-5. Hence, I think that Tibarn > Janaff.

Edited by Randomly Predictable
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3-11 list:

Lord : Sigurd

Forrest/Mercenary/Hero : Othin

Swordmaster : Shiva

Warrior : Dagda

Berserker : Gonzales

General : Zagaro, FE 10 Gatrie if no reclass

Sniper : FE 10 Shinon

Paladin/Weapon based Knight : Sirius

Female Paladin/Valkyrie : Clarine

Pegasus Rider : FE 10 Elincia

Dragon Rider : Haar

Sage : Sety

Mage Knight : Arthur

Bishop/High Priest : Moulder

Dark Mage/Druid/Summoner : Salem

Thief Fighter/Rogue : Parn

Assassin : FE 10 Volke

Laguz/Mamkute/Shapeshifter : Volug

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Hero: Deick

Swordmaster: Shannon

Warrior: FE9 Boyd

Berserker: Don't really use any.

Halberdier: FE9 Nephenee

General: Oswin

Paladin: FE9 Titania

Wyvern: FE10 Haar

Peg Knight: FE3 Katria?

Sniper: FE10 Shinon

Nomad: Shin?

Sage: FE4 Sety

Druid: Don't use any.

Summoner: Same as above.

Bishop: Safy

Valkyrie: Clarine

Theif: Matthew

Mamkute: Don't really care.

Dancer/Bard/Heron/Potato: FE10 Reyson

Cat: FE9 Lethe

Tiger: FE9 Mordecai

Lion: FE9 Giffca

Hawk: FE10 Tibarn

Raven: FE10 Naesala

Wolf: Nailah

Dragon: FE9 Nasir

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Lord: Sigurd

Swordmaster: Lakche

General: FE10 Gatrie

Warrior: Nolan

Berserker: Barst

Sniper: FE10 Shinon

Paladin: Seth

Hero: Sedgar

Sage: FE5 Sety

Bishop: Lucius

Dark Mage: Salem? Though it's just choosing from a pile of mediocrity.

Valkyrie: Priscilla

Thief: Rifis

Assassin: FE10 Volke

Dancer: Lara

Mamucoot: Nagi

Laguz: Tibarn

Edited by Ike-Mike
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BTW guys, this was meant to be an opinion topic, I never meant for people to be warring over why unit X is a better Sage than unit Y, and such.

Lol @ Pelleas.

As I said, he is in my opinion, based on the way I use people. I abuse him through his chapters, and basically he turned out to be on par with all the other archsages, and better than most

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I miss these. :*

Lord: Sigurd

Forrest/Hero: Othin

Swordmaster: Ayra

Warrior/Berserker: -

Sniper: Ronan Shinon

Bow Knight/Nomadic Trooper/Ranger: Robert

Axe Knight: Lex

Sword Knight: -

Lance Knight: -

Paladin (overall): Titania

General: Oswin

Rogue/Assassin: Pahn/Volke

Wyvern/Dragon Master: Miledy

Falcon Knight: Catria

Wind Sage: Levin/Sety

Fire Sage: Yurius >:]

Thunder Sage: Olwen/Tinny

Sage (overall): Sety

Mage Knight: Arthur

Dark Sage/Druid: Salem/Rei

Bishop/High Priest: Lucius/Serra

Dancer: Lara

Mamkute: Fa

Laguz: Nailah

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I have played Shadow Dragon and Mystery of the Emblem, but I don't remember them very well so no appearances from those games. (thus no shooter rated)

Laguz are grouped into tribe, so hawks and ravens are listed together. Herons count as dancers.

One thing I am not sure of is who is the best transporter. FE7 merlinus doesn't take a slot to bring into combat. He also gains levels rather easily and ends up w/ fairly good durability, so you could actually use him to distract enemy units. However, FE6 merlinus doesn't have to be brought onto the battlefield to allow you to convoy excess items, while if FE7 merlinus dies you can't convoy items (you have to discard them) for the rest of the chapter.

I think FE6 Merlinus > FE7 Merlinus if you count his out-of-battle utility as part of his character. Otherwise FE7 merlinus wins.

Best Character Overall: Julia!Narga > FE10 Laguz royals, right?

Lord: Sigurd. But I like Hector and Ike (both) a lot too.

Price/Princess: Leaf (FE4)

Pegasus Knight: Fury (FE4)

Myrmidon: Very tough! Probably Ayra, but I would also consider Rutger or FE10 Mia.

Mercenary: Raven. Or Othin if you count him as this based on promotion (but I am ranking him as a warrior).

Thief: I feel like FE9 and 10 thieves get to steal more stuff thanks to being able to steal unequipped weapons and hidden items. And Sothe is a vital unit for part 1. So Sothe it is, despite terrible endgame.

Dancer: FE10 Reyson. I put him above FE9 Reyson because I think there are more transformation items in FE10.

Fighter: Othin. Or Boyd if you count Othin as a mercenary/hero on account of promotion swords.

Bandit/Pirate: Ross or Gonzales. Don't know which.

Soldier: Aran. I like Nephinee, but I don't feel like I depend on her performance after 2-1. Whereas I do feel like Aran is a really important unit for part 3, and his earth affin helps a lot too.

Archer: FE10 Shinon

Cavalier: I am gonna go with FE6 Alan. I know that Lance is considered better for whatever reason, but I am going by my own experience here (which may not be correct).

Nomad: Shin I guess?

Troubador: Clarine

Armor: FE10 Gatrie. Oswin FE9 is his only competitor IMO.

Dragon Knight: FE10 Haar or Miredy.

Elemental Mage: FE5 Sety

Dark Mage: Canas???

Light Mage (starts w/ light unpromoted): Julia

Priest: Safy

Dragon: Myrrh

Beast Laguz: Volug for his part 1 alone.

Bird Laguz (heron = dancer): FE10 Janaff

Unlockable NPC: Guinevere (> Zephiel!)

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Soldier: Aran. I like Nephinee, but I don't feel like I depend on her performance after 2-1. Whereas I do feel like Aran is a really important unit for part 3, and his earth affin helps a lot too.

No, Aran has thunder affinity. Volug, Nolan, and ...Fiona... (there, I said it) have Earth.

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Soldier: Aran. I like Nephinee, but I don't feel like I depend on her performance after 2-1. Whereas I do feel like Aran is a really important unit for part 3, and his earth affin helps a lot too.

No, Aran has thunder affinity. Volug, Nolan, and ...Fiona... (there, I said it) have Earth.

Wow. You're right. Thunder affin is still a pretty good affin to help with survival, but I'm amazed I made that slip.

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I'm listing the lowest classes, but I am referring to the entire group of classes. (EX: Theif would include Theif, Rough, Assassin, Whisper, etc)

Lord- FE11 Ike

Theif-FE10 Sothe

Myrmidon- FE10 Edward

Mercenary- FE3 Navarre

Knight- FE11 Draug

Cavalier- FE8 Franz

Soldier: FE10 Aran

Wyvern Rider- FE8 Cormag

Pegasus Knight- FE10 Elincia

Fighter- FE11 Cord

Brigand- FE6 Gonzales

Archer- FE10 Shinon

Nomad- FE6 Sue

Mage- FE11 Merric

Dark Mage: FE6 Ray

Cleric/Curate- FE11 Rena

Troubadour- FE6 Clarine

Cat-FE11 Ranulf

Tiger-FE11 Mordecai

Lion-FE11 Skimir

Hawk- FE11 Tibarn

Raven-FE11 Naselea

Dragon- FE8 Myrrh

Dancer/Heron- Reyson

Ike, Ranulfe, Mordy, Skrimir, Tibarn, and Naesala aren't in Shadow Dragon/FE11. I'm guessing that was a mistake and that you meant FE10?

Yeah, for some reason I always mix up FE10 and FE11... Just roll along with it...Who's Mordy?

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Alright, allow me to give my reasons.

Sothe is very good in part 1, that much is given. However, come part 3, he starts becoming pretty not-so-great once other units catch up. While Sothe is never bad, he starts becoming a very average unit. Volke, on the other hand, starts pretty average. However, he gets better instead of worse. Although Volke is locked to knives, his stats are on par with other swordmasters. Late promotion is meh, but Sothe has the same problems as Volke. Plus, Volke has enough time to get to a decent level for the last chapters. Sothe will always be far behind in levels compared to the rest of your characters by part 4.

Gotta disagree here. Nothing you said is exactly wrong, but it isn't really accurate. Sothe is one of your best combat units in possibly the toughest part of the game on top of having thieving utility. Volke starts as your worst combat unit (And I can find the comparison to prove it if you need me to) and never really reaches anything very good. Even if he does, FE9 is just easier than FE10, so nothing he'd ever be able to do could amount to how much Sothe helps out.

However, Tibarn is a partner unit in 3-11 and an other unit in 3-E, which has to count for something.

It doesn't. At least it never has before. It's hard to credit units you don't have full control over.

Plus, Tibarn is better in 4-2 and 4-5 than Janaff will be in his part 4 maps.

That's not necessarily true. Sure, part of what makes Tibarn's maps easy is him being there, but they also aren't too difficult even if you don't use him. Janaff has the option of helping on Ike or Micaiah's route, both of which are tougher than Tibarn's. I'd say their part 4's are relatively even.

I've got Gatrie, Shinon, Ike, Mist, Mordecai, Mist (as a healer), Titania, Haar, and other required units that I'd play before Janaff.

Transformed Janaff is likely better than every one of them, even Haar. Who else flies, doubles everything, kills very often and seriously injures otherwise, and is practically invincible?

No, Aran has thunder affinity. Volug, Nolan, and ...Fiona... (there, I said it) have Earth.

And Zihark.

Rogue: Colm for SURE. Sothe sucks ballz.

Stop talking or learn to think rationally. Seriously.

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Alright, allow me to give my reasons.

Sothe is very good in part 1, that much is given. However, come part 3, he starts becoming pretty not-so-great once other units catch up. While Sothe is never bad, he starts becoming a very average unit. Volke, on the other hand, starts pretty average. However, he gets better instead of worse. Although Volke is locked to knives, his stats are on par with other swordmasters. Late promotion is meh, but Sothe has the same problems as Volke. Plus, Volke has enough time to get to a decent level for the last chapters. Sothe will always be far behind in levels compared to the rest of your characters by part 4.

Gotta disagree here. Nothing you said is exactly wrong, but it isn't really accurate. Sothe is one of your best combat units in possibly the toughest part of the game on top of having thieving utility. Volke starts as your worst combat unit (And I can find the comparison to prove it if you need me to) and never really reaches anything very good. Even if he does, FE9 is just easier than FE10, so nothing he'd ever be able to do could amount to how much Sothe helps out.

Well, I find that Volke will eventually be only slightly worse than a SM once you reach the last couple of chapters (his stats are similar, but luck and knives hold him back with thieving and locks as a plus). I'd say he's on par with Mia by endgame, though knives hurt him a lot. Still, Volke's not as bad as you're making him out to be

However, Tibarn is a partner unit in 3-11 and an other unit in 3-E, which has to count for something.

It doesn't. At least it never has before. It's hard to credit units you don't have full control over.

No argument there

Plus, Tibarn is better in 4-2 and 4-5 than Janaff will be in his part 4 maps.

That's not necessarily true. Sure, part of what makes Tibarn's maps easy is him being there, but they also aren't too difficult even if you don't use him. Janaff has the option of helping on Ike or Micaiah's route, both of which are tougher than Tibarn's. I'd say their part 4's are relatively even.

Assuming that most of your fliers are going with Micaiah for the desert, you've got Tibarn and Elincia left as flying combat units. Unless Elincia is majorly blessed or overleveled, she's not going to be getting to Izuka in time to get much BEXP. You literally need 2+ flyers to beat this level in a reasonable time, unless you're prepared to put Reyson in the line of fire. Tibarn's helping out more than you give him credit for.

I've got Gatrie, Shinon, Ike, Mist, Mordecai, Mist (as a healer), Titania, Haar, and other required units that I'd play before Janaff.

Transformed Janaff is likely better than every one of them, even Haar. Who else flies, doubles everything, kills very often and seriously injures otherwise, and is practically invincible?

Yes, but we can't arbitrarily assume Janaff gets to be transformed all the time. He's going to spend at least half of his turns smoking grass, and mages and snipers get free hits on him during EP. While I'm on the subject, Janaff is facing >50% displayed hit against crossbow units which 1HKO him (or very close), and even regular bow units seriously hurt him. And there are a lot of those in 3-10 and 3-11.

No, Aran has thunder affinity. Volug, Nolan, and ...Fiona... (there, I said it) have Earth.

And Zihark.


Rogue: Colm for SURE. Sothe sucks ballz.

Stop talking or learn to think rationally. Seriously.

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Well, I find that Volke will eventually be only slightly worse than a SM once you reach the last couple of chapters (his stats are similar, but luck and knives hold him back with thieving and locks as a plus). I'd say he's on par with Mia by endgame, though knives hurt him a lot. Still, Volke's not as bad as you're making him out to be

He also doesn't have a SM's crit or access to forges, but being slightly worse than a SM isn't really impressive in the first place. And I never said he doesn't end up at least okay, but he'll never be on par with anyone who's mounted, for example, or Boyd, Ike, etc. Sothe has a while where he's either your definite best or one of them and during harder maps.

Assuming that most of your fliers are going with Micaiah for the desert, you've got Tibarn and Elincia left as flying combat units. Unless Elincia is majorly blessed or overleveled, she's not going to be getting to Izuka in time to get much BEXP. You literally need 2+ flyers to beat this level in a reasonable time, unless you're prepared to put Reyson in the line of fire. Tibarn's helping out more than you give him credit for.

Elincia should get Paragon in 4-2 since she makes the best use of it, which makes for her level problems. It's true that Tibarn is pretty essential to a quick clear of 4-5, but Janaff can be of great help in places like 4-3 and 4-4, which I'd still say are tougher maps than 4-5 without Tibarn.

Yes, but we can't arbitrarily assume Janaff gets to be transformed all the time. He's going to spend at least half of his turns smoking grass, and mages and snipers get free hits on him during EP. While I'm on the subject, Janaff is facing >50% displayed hit against crossbow units which 1HKO him (or very close), and even regular bow units seriously hurt him. And there are a lot of those in 3-10 and 3-11.

That's very true. However, I once counted and I think there were a mere 8 Crossbow units left in part 3 by the time Janaff shows, a few of which he'll never reasonably encounter anyway. Thus, Crossbow enemies aren't much of a threat to him. Regular Snipers can do some damage, but even they can't bring him low enough to allow other enemies to OHKO him iirc.

Transformation can be a problem, but there's also the fact that enemy phase generally sees more action than player phase. There's also Reyson, and since Janaff flies, it's easy to have him be a part of the Vigor consistently.

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Well, I find that Volke will eventually be only slightly worse than a SM once you reach the last couple of chapters (his stats are similar, but luck and knives hold him back with thieving and locks as a plus). I'd say he's on par with Mia by endgame, though knives hurt him a lot. Still, Volke's not as bad as you're making him out to be

He also doesn't have a SM's crit or access to forges, but being slightly worse than a SM isn't really impressive in the first place. And I never said he doesn't end up at least okay, but he'll never be on par with anyone who's mounted, for example, or Boyd, Ike, etc. Sothe has a while where he's either your definite best or one of them and during harder maps.

Wait, what? Unless you are talking about Sothe (which doesn't seem likely based on what you said), last time I checked Assassins had better crit than Trueblades (Unless they use a killing edge). And how is the FE10 Assassin class slightly worse than the Trueblade class? 5 more Def > 5 more avoid and hit. Also, Knives can be forged, so I don't see how Volke wouldn't be able to use forges.

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I must be an idiot getting into a debate with RFoF, but here I am. I feel real stupid right about now, but it's time I got some sense smacked into me... It's been nice knowing me... :(

Well, I find that Volke will eventually be only slightly worse than a SM once you reach the last couple of chapters (his stats are similar, but luck and knives hold him back with thieving and locks as a plus). I'd say he's on par with Mia by endgame, though knives hurt him a lot. Still, Volke's not as bad as you're making him out to be

He also doesn't have a SM's crit or access to forges, but being slightly worse than a SM isn't really impressive in the first place. And I never said he doesn't end up at least okay, but he'll never be on par with anyone who's mounted, for example, or Boyd, Ike, etc. Sothe has a while where he's either your definite best or one of them and during harder maps.

However, we also have to remember that no sane person uses Sothe in FE9 unless they're doing a transfer run, and keys are rare enough that you basically need Volke in chapters 13, 18, 21, 22, and 27 if you're hoping to get all the treasure, and since Volke is the only viable thief, he gets credit for all that stuff, as well as whatever else he can steal (physic access? higher level tomes?) which make other characters better. I'll admit, Sothe is almost necessary to get through 1-2 through 1-5, but the game is definitely playable without him once other battle utility in part 1 however, after which you've likely got at least 2 of Jill, Nolan, and Aran plus Zihark and Volug to get through part 3 DB. By part 3, he's got nothing to steal, and though he's got the treasures in 4-3 (assuming another unit isn't getting them too), his battle utility has dropped significantly. The only mastery which doesn't all-but-1HKO doesn't help either, nor does a relatively late promotion which all but guarantees no 20-20-20 for him.

Assuming that most of your fliers are going with Micaiah for the desert, you've got Tibarn and Elincia left as flying combat units. Unless Elincia is majorly blessed or overleveled, she's not going to be getting to Izuka in time to get much BEXP. You literally need 2+ flyers to beat this level in a reasonable time, unless you're prepared to put Reyson in the line of fire. Tibarn's helping out more than you give him credit for.

Elincia should get Paragon in 4-2 since she makes the best use of it, which makes for her level problems. It's true that Tibarn is pretty essential to a quick clear of 4-5, but Janaff can be of great help in places like 4-3 and 4-4, which I'd still say are tougher maps than 4-5 without Tibarn.

While Elincia is the best healer, I'd rather give my paragons to Jill (who's got arguably the best set of caps in the game), Ike (to help him level for the final chapters), Mordy (defense tank), or perhaps even Mist (for 4-4 healing, when it's most needed). But let's assume that she gets one anyway (for the sake of argument or some genius reason you'll provide later). She probably gained all of 3 levels from staff-spam in 2-E, making her --/--/4 for 4-2. Let's assume that we take 10 turns (max BEXP) in 4-2 and she gets vigored for 5 of them. That's 15 staff uses, and assuming paragon and an even balance of mend and physic (average 30 exp per use), she gets 4 levels. We'll BEXP her to --/--/9 for 4-5. She'll have 24 str/28 spd, ~110 AVO counting Tibarn's stars, and 40 HP/ 23 Def (counting Amiti here). She's getting no support at this point, except for Tibarn, which is a heaven X heaven anyway. Well, she's not an attacker, that's for sure. She's facing 50+ displayed from everything that is not a dragon, and 2RKOed by everything that's not a hawk or 30 SPD raven (32 SPD doubles her). Thankfully, she has stun, but she's only quadding dragons and tigers. With 39 Atk, she's 10-12HKO'ing dragons, 3HKO'ing cats, 4HKO'ing tigers, and 3-4HKOing the birds. In other words, don't count on her ORKOing anything that's not a tiger (or maybe a cat). And without Tibarn, she's going to be on the front lines. With those stats? No, not happening.

Yes, but we can't arbitrarily assume Janaff gets to be transformed all the time. He's going to spend at least half of his turns smoking grass, and mages and snipers get free hits on him during EP. While I'm on the subject, Janaff is facing >50% displayed hit against crossbow units which 1HKO him (or very close), and even regular bow units seriously hurt him. And there are a lot of those in 3-10 and 3-11.

That's very true. However, I once counted and I think there were a mere 8 Crossbow units left in part 3 by the time Janaff shows, a few of which he'll never reasonably encounter anyway. Thus, Crossbow enemies aren't much of a threat to him. Regular Snipers can do some damage, but even they can't bring him low enough to allow other enemies to OHKO him iirc.

Transformation can be a problem, but there's also the fact that enemy phase generally sees more action than player phase. There's also Reyson, and since Janaff flies, it's easy to have him be a part of the Vigor consistently.

Well, there is one in 4-P and 5+ in 4-3, the most likely route for him. And both of those levels have a fair amount of regular snipers as well. Sure, he might get nullify, but Tibarn will take it from him in part 4 since he's gone from single weakness to indestructible beast... I mean bird. And with formshift, Tibarn doesn't have to waste turns either untransformed, smoking, or getting stoned (pardon the pun). Those extra turns help out, especially when you're going to bum-rush the tower, especially the last 2 levels. 1 turn with a gem or stone is huge in the tower, and your herons are going to want to help your other units get more kills, not waste turns with valor or vigoring Janaff. Also, I'd like to know who else you plan on taking to fight with Tibarn. Besides your healer Elincia, you've got Lucia (bad), Tauroneo (inadequate), Ranulf (a cat), Pelleas (need I say more?), and Geoffrey, Bastian and Volke for 4-5. Not exactly the cream of the tier list crop.

Alright, I'm done. Looking forward to getting creamed in your next post, RFoF.

Edited by Randomly Predictable
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Well, I find that Volke will eventually be only slightly worse than a SM once you reach the last couple of chapters (his stats are similar, but luck and knives hold him back with thieving and locks as a plus). I'd say he's on par with Mia by endgame, though knives hurt him a lot. Still, Volke's not as bad as you're making him out to be

He also doesn't have a SM's crit or access to forges, but being slightly worse than a SM isn't really impressive in the first place. And I never said he doesn't end up at least okay, but he'll never be on par with anyone who's mounted, for example, or Boyd, Ike, etc. Sothe has a while where he's either your definite best or one of them and during harder maps.

Wait, what? Unless you are talking about Sothe (which doesn't seem likely based on what you said), last time I checked Assassins had better crit than Trueblades (Unless they use a killing edge). And how is the FE10 Assassin class slightly worse than the Trueblade class? 5 more Def > 5 more avoid and hit. Also, Knives can be forged, so I don't see how Volke wouldn't be able to use forges.

FE9 classes. We're talking FE9 Volke vs. FE10 Sothe.

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