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Who is the best GBA FE Sage



50 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is the best

    • Lugh
    • Lilina
    • Hugh
    • Erk
    • Pent
    • Nino
    • Lute
    • Saleh
    • Artur
    • Ewan
    • Moulder

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Erk, Lute, Pent, or Moulder if you count him. I'd say Erk is the best of them - better start than Lute (already borderline doubling), and much more availability than Pent. Moulder is a healer, but in a game with few and short chapters, so it takes pretty long to get him to promotion. Close though, and really apples and oranges.

Well, maybe I'm not really objective to Erk. I don't know why, but I don't use him very much in my playthrough.

Erk is your only Anima user until at least Chapter 17/18(first Guiding Ring if you give it to Priscilla)

And you have him before Lucius.

All of this favour him.

OK, change my ranks :











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I'd say Erk is the best of them - better start than Lute (already borderline doubling), and much more availability than Pent.


The only thing he's doubling is one archer and lolsoldiers.

Pent stopms his Defense, he even has better Luck and around the same Resistance.

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I'd say Erk is the best of them - better start than Lute (already borderline doubling), and much more availability than Pent.


The only thing he's doubling is one archer and lolsoldiers.

Pent stopms his Defense, he even has better Luck and around the same Resistance.

I think he says this because you have it far before Pent. Unless, you arena abuse, He is the only mage with Lucius during half the game.(except maybe Prissy or Serra. (and you don't need to take Louise with him)

But Pent is still better, because he comes great and stay good until the end.

I really think Moulder is far better as a Bishop than as a Sage

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That is still not something you could consider "good" durability or "durability at all, Pent has great offense with 15 AS & 29 Atk.

If Erk promotes at 20, He has 5.7 more average HP and 1.2 mare average RES, but 2.6 less average DEF. He can maybe take 1 or 2 hits more... And his Avo is not really better than Pent. And with heavy tome, the SPD difference disappears, and Pent can have better Avo thanks to his LCK. (only 2 AS difference with Elfire, Fimbulvetr and Excalibur)

Yes, Pent is far better.

but in a game with few and short chapters, so it takes pretty long to get him to promotion

So you don't count Valni Tower, do you ?

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I'm sticking with Moulder since he gets a double Anima support with Vanessa and comes two chapters earlier than the offensive magic users.

also, wtfbase 9 SPD/40% growth.

You make it sound like 9SPD/40% growth is great, when it isn't in FE8 since all the Sages are fast.

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Moulder is probably the best character here, but I don't really consider him and Artur because they don't start with Anima magic.

It's a tough call between Erk and Lute, but I think I'll go with Lute. She has the opportunity to gain more Mov (Mage Knight) and more Avo through supports than Erk does.

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Moulder is probably the best character here, but I don't really consider him and Artur because they don't start with Anima magic.

It's a tough call between Erk and Lute, but I think I'll go with Lute. She has the opportunity to gain more Mov (Mage Knight) and more Avo through supports than Erk does.

The idea is 'which character is the best Sage'. It doesn't matter how good Lute is as a Mage Knight, only how good she is as a Sage.

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Other than that he actually has one of the best base SPDs in the earlygame; he's only beaten by Seth, Joshua, Vanessa, and Colm. Top that off with Anima affinity plus an Anima support with Vanessa and perhaps a Thunder one with Gilliam, he'll get some pretty epic avoid for a magic unit.

He'll also play a very pivotal role for earlygame, as he'll be your only healer until Ch. 6, but even then, he still beats Natasha in nearly everything except lolRES and lolLCK. Not to mention an automatic C in staves which is pretty awesome.

But then come his growths. Most unpromoted magic units have similar growths. A common theme, however, is a 40%-ish SPD growth. And since Moulder already keeps a lead in base SPD and comes at LEAST two chapters earlier than every other magic user, he'll be able to consistently keep his SPD lead. Well, Lute has a higher one but it's a difference by lol5%. But even then, she loses to his base SPD by 2.

AND THEN HE PROMOTES WHICH BECOMES GODLY. Sure his primary function will be to heal but not he becomes a combat unit on the same level as, say, Forde. Thanks to VERY high CON, he'll lose little AS from almost anything you throw at him, and the ones that DO weigh him down are siege tomes which NOBODY can double with, lolAura's 20 WT, and Fimbulvetr/Divine/Excalibur, but even with those last three, he loses one, one, and two AS from them respectively.

NO OTHER, and I repeat, NO OTHER can match that kind of awesomeness. Not even Lute.

Edited by Merlinus the Jew
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My Moulders always get Magic screwed and raped by criticals :facepalm:

but I do see your point

Most of Moulder's supports give CEV. Very few enemies will actually display any crit on him.

I'm not really a big fan of Moulder though. Since he's a healer, I usually end up having to underpromote him, and as a underpromoted Sage, he isn't great due to kind of substandard magic. He's better as a Bishop, because then he rapes the monsters you fight near the end of the game.

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My Moulders always get Magic screwed and raped by criticals :facepalm:

but I do see your point

Most of Moulder's supports give CEV. Very few enemies will actually display any crit on him.

I'm not really a big fan of Moulder though. Since he's a healer, I usually end up having to underpromote him, and as a underpromoted Sage, he isn't great due to kind of substandard magic. He's better as a Bishop, because then he rapes the monsters you fight near the end of the game.

Yeah thats why I find Lute better, she levels faster due to being able to fight right off the bat, while Moulder is locked to staves. The only way to max his level is spaming staves and I dont have time to do that, with so few chapters. And really I dont have much need for staves in FE8 becuase the enemies are piss easy. I find healing only valuable in the first few chapters

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Moulder gets to build his Staff rank. You could underpromote him and he'll still serve his purpose extremely well, assuming you don't promote him at anything below 15.

Then again, that goes with every unpromoted character in the game.

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