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FE6 Archer Run


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To get 20x, (or whatever the gaiden for the Miurgre/Maltet) you have to beat the chapter before that in a certain amount of turns. IIRC 25. As for the Sue thing, I though you could recruit Shin with Fir?

I distinctly remember someone on the tier list saying that they could not recruit Sue so that they can use Shin.

Offending me isn't going to get your point across any faster, you know.

EDIT: Okay fine. It's supposed to be 20x. Shut up.

Remove the .txt, load that up in your emulator and just try recruiting with Fir. I put her right in range for you. Also brought along Sue, just in case it doesn't work out for you. :D

And your comment about chapter 20 still makes no sense. That's a tiny fucking map, and if you take longer than 25 turns on it, you better be trying to fail the gaiden requirement. (I know I had to wait ages for the reinforcements to show up so I could check their levels and stats when I was grabbing enemy samples.) Sure there's FoW to worry about, and some nasty long range coming at you, but seriously...

Edit: I think I might remember the tier list discussion in question now, but that must have revolved around killing Sue after you recruited Shin, as otherwise it'd be impossible. I'm still doubt that would automatically send you to Ilia, as IIRC it's experience gained by the unit types in question, not "current level of remaining living characters", but I don't care to do extensive testing, and it's a dumbass idea anyway.


Edited by Balcerzak
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Remove the .txt, load that up in your emulator and just try recruiting with Fir. I put her right in range for you. Also brought along Sue, just in case it doesn't work out for you. :D

And your comment about chapter 20 still makes no sense. That's a tiny fucking map, and if you take longer than 25 turns on it, you better be trying to fail the gaiden requirement. (I know I had to wait ages for the reinforcements to show up so I could check their levels and stats when I was grabbing enemy samples.) Sure there's FoW to worry about, and some nasty long range coming at you, but seriously...

Edit: I think I might remember the tier list discussion in question now, but that must have revolved around killing Sue after you recruited Shin, as otherwise it'd be impossible. I'm still doubt that would automatically send you to Ilia, as IIRC it's experience gained by the unit types in question, not "current level of remaining living characters", but I don't care to do extensive testing, and it's a dumbass idea anyway.

OK fine. Maybe I recalled the comment wrong. But still, it's a viable thing to do.

As for the chapter 20 thing, YOU try beating the map with only bows in under 25 turns. You have FoW, long range units, and a shitton of melee units to worry about. Unless I'm missing something, the only viable strat is to hole up in the start area and shoot over each other's shoulders. And you get Dayan, but that's besides the point.

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