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I see more parallels between Fire Emblem and Final Fantasy ...


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... than that you control a bunch of guys who level up and battles are determined by statistics:

  • FE/FF1: Pioneered a genre previously only known and played in the West in Japan.
  • FE/FF2: Lots of new ideas thrown together into one game to see what sticks.
  • FE/FF3: Took everything what made the first game great and built upon it.
  • FE/FF4: Is a favorite for many, mostly because of its story and scope.
  • FE/FF5: The last game directed by the game's creator.
  • FE/FF6: Ok, I can't seem to find a comparison for those two. :/
  • FE/FF7: The game that made the series really popular in the West. It's also many a fan favorite for being their first game of that series.
  • FE/FF8: Has very mixed opinions about it.
  • FE/FF9: A wonderful celebration of everything that made the series great so far.
  • FE/FF10: Draws itself out more than most of the other games in the series. Also features a "lol the deity you've been worshipping was the bad guy all along" plot.
  • FEDS: Eh, I suppose it's comparable to how Square has been relying mostly on ports and remakes after FFX.

Edited by Ike-Mike
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  • FE/FF1: Pioneered a genre previously only known and played in the West in Japan.

What? Dragon Quest II was already out in Japan nearly a year before Final Fantasy was released. The only places where Final Fantasy innovated over DQII were in the lateral battle perspective, the use of multiple vehicles and the creation of a party of four characters with customizable classes. Dragon Quest III, which was released less than two months after Final Fantasy, independently developed multiple vehicles and a far more in-depth party creation system for itself. Final Fantasy as a series has been very innovative, but only after the first game.

  • FE/FF7: The game that made the series really popular in the West. It's also many a fan favorite for being their first game of that series.

I'd say Final Fantasy has been the most popular RPG series abroad ever since it overtook Dragon Warrior with Final Fantasy II (IV), and its been popular period since Final Fantasy III (VI). There are lots of people who cite those two as their first RPGs. Final Fantasy VII brought the Final Fantasy name into a whole new level of popularity, but isn't the only game to have done that. I think even Final Fantasy X did the same (if not so dramatically).

Does this mean FE11 will be an MMORPG?


Hey, it does have online play!

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I meant 'pioneered' as in that Dragon Quest introduced Japan to RPGs while Final Fantasy established it just like how Famicom Wars introduced the turn-based strategy game before Fire Emblem.

Also FFVII brought in a whole new level of popularity just like FE7 brought in a whole new level popularity by it being the game that introduces the non-Japanese to FE.

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FFXIII/FEXIII- Maybe we'll get futuristic units :3


I would like to see an FE game in a futuristic style. And no Advance Wars doesn't cut it as you control generic armies there. I'm talking an FE style game, where you control individual units with a main "lord", class promotions and all that good stuff. I mean, yeah, modern wars don't play out like medieval-ish wars, but I'm sure they could...make it...work...somehow..

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FFXIII/FEXIII- Maybe we'll get futuristic units :3


I would like to see an FE game in a futuristic style. And no Advance Wars doesn't cut it as you control generic armies there. I'm talking an FE style game, where you control individual units with a main "lord", class promotions and all that good stuff. I mean, yeah, modern wars don't play out like medieval-ish wars, but I'm sure they could...make it...work...somehow..

You mean kinda like Rebelstar: Tactical Command?

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FE/FF3: Took everything what made the first game great and built upon it.

Maybe I'm confused, but I don't see that much of a link between FF3 and FF1.

FE/FF8: Has very mixed opinions about it.

FE/FF9: A wonderful celebration of everything that made the series great so far.

I see about as many mixed opinions about FF9 as I do about FF8.

Also, FEDS (or FE11) and FF11 were both the first games in the series to feature online play! So that works pretty well!

Edited by SeverIan
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I like how you imply that FF12 is significantly more cliched than any of the other FFs.

inb4 Han + Chewbacca were the original Balthier and Fran

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