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RIP Luminothe


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Actually, not EVERYBODY is against you. You actually think I am lying, I am really not lying when I tell you to stop being a showoff, not because I hate or despise you, I don't.

Just be "Normal". You know, not going like "Everyone is superior to me", "I feel depressed", "Bla bla bla...". KK?

I don't think you are a bad person Random :)

Thanks a bunch you two. It really means a lot to hear that from you. :)

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I'm glad to hear you accsept it :)

Well, if there are at least a few people who don't think I'm the spawn of Satan, that's got to account for something. :) I honestly try not to be a bad person. Maybe my problem isn't that I don't try hard enough. Maybe I try too hard and turn into a kiss-up. ;)

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Well, if there are at least a few people who don't think I'm the spawn of Satan, that's got to account for something. :) I honestly try not to be a bad person. Maybe my problem isn't that I don't try hard enough. Maybe I try too hard and turn into a kiss-up. ;)

I don't know why people would think that. O.o

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I don't know why people would think that. O.o

I don't know either, but I can't ever seem to shake that feeling. Oh well, all I can do is live a life I find to be honorable and hope that people don't choose to hate me. If I try to be a good person and people see me as bad, maybe I'm wrong. Then again, maybe they are too. ;) Who knows? I'm an econ major, not a philosophy major. ;)

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I still don't see why some people are still mad at RP. Why don't you all just forgive him and stop attacking him? He isn't going to lighten up if you all don't just shut up. He isn't a bad person, I think he's learned his lesson if you all be nicer.

It seems like people started to forget about Luminothe. I personally think he deserved to be banned, he never did anything worthwhile with is account. Yeah, he has a personality in rl that is actually interesting. It's like Nephinel, the account can be better or worse than the actual person.

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The ":)" simley looks so false.

At least it's not :D

I still don't see why some people are still mad at RP. Why don't you all just forgive him and stop attacking him? He isn't going to lighten up if you all don't just shut up. He isn't a bad person, I think he's learned his lesson if you all be nicer.

It seems like people started to forget about Luminothe. I personally think he deserved to be banned, he never did anything worthwhile with is account. Yeah, he has a personality in rl that is actually interesting. It's like Nephinel, the account can be better or worse than the actual person.

No, Kinata, they all have a point. I agree with them to some extent. I needed a good solid whipping to get my bearings straight. However, I think that they can stop now. I've learned my lesson. Thanks for supporting me though.

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I still don't see why some people are still mad at RP. Why don't you all just forgive him and stop attacking him? He isn't going to lighten up if you all don't just shut up. He isn't a bad person, I think he's learned his lesson if you all be nicer.

It seems like people started to forget about Luminothe. I personally think he deserved to be banned, he never did anything worthwhile with is account. Yeah, he has a personality in rl that is actually interesting. It's like Nephinel, the account can be better or worse than the actual person.

I'm not attacking him anymore. I don't have that much bloodlust especially considering what just happened yesterday. He earned it although I hope he doesn't go a little too... far after this banning.

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He even said not having an alt is the one rule he agrees with.

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