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Iran launches mouse and shit into space

General Spoon

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Lol noobs. Humans were put on the moon a few decades ago, and brought back safely. And now, all you noobs can do this many years later is put a mouse, turtles, and worms into space?

EDIT: And yes, I do understand the implications of this.

Edited by General Spoon
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Are the implications of this that worms are impossible to count or something?

I mean really, I could really use a hard count on the worms, I can't make any predictions without that kind of information.

I wonder who chooses what animals various countries send on space expeditions. "Hey guys this time lets send up a shark, a platypus and a flying squirrel!"

Anyway, at least it's better than Zaire's space program (epic phail) under Mobutu.

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True, but the United States can do that too, and so can many other countries... right?

Someone launches something at you, it doesn't matter if you can launch something back if you can't block it.

Also, one would hope that anyone considering a missile strike would work out that it would just end up in everyone getting owned shortly thereafter, due to alliances and such. Of course, people being idiots, that can't be assumed.

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Iran successfully launched into low Earth orbit a domestic satellite, Omid, by its own means over a year ago, and has performed multiple successful sub-orbital rocket tests, of which this launch is one, since this date (literally) in 2008. The "implications" I believe are being suggested in this thread, whether valid or illegitimate, aren't expressly new. This recent launch confirms Iran's continued interest in developing its space program, something I personally find more interesting than threatening.

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  • 2 weeks later...
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the feat showed Iran could defeat the West in the battle of technology.

To beat the US technologically, they'd have to acquire the following:

#1 Nukes, damn good ones.

#2 iPhones.

#3 A Rail Gun

#4 McFee Virus portection :lol:

#5 Fifth Generation Stealth Fighter Jets

#6 An decent Aircraft Carrier, no F-14s allowed <_<

#7 Fox News equivalent

#8 A Star Destroyer

So come back when you can scratch someone's ass with a laser beam from space, Ahmadinejad.

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To beat the US technologically, they'd have to acquire the following:

You're interpreting it wrong. Iran isn't looking to match anyone in terms of technology, they're just looking to nullify the advantage high technology gives to their potential opponents. It's many billions of dollars cheaper cheaper to take down an aircraft carrier with a Russian or Chinese-designed surface-to-surface missile launched from a speedboat by some guy with only a few weeks of training than it is to build and outfit an aircraft carrier with the same capabilities.

Same goes with the space program. I don't think Iran's too worried about sending out manned missions or exploring other planets, in the short term at least what counts is that they're able to launch stuff up there.

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You're interpreting it wrong. Iran isn't looking to match anyone in terms of technology, they're just looking to nullify the advantage high technology gives to their potential opponents. It's many billions of dollars cheaper cheaper to take down an aircraft carrier with a Russian or Chinese-designed surface-to-surface missile launched from a speedboat by some guy with only a few weeks of training than it is to build and outfit an aircraft carrier with the same capabilities.

Same goes with the space program. I don't think Iran's too worried about sending out manned missions or exploring other planets, in the short term at least what counts is that they're able to launch stuff up there.

Elvis Presley once said "In the ghetto..."

Now I know what he meant. The sad part is, it's their ONLY option for "beating" the US :facepalm:

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There's nothing sad about it, Iran is a much smaller country than giants like the US, China, Russia etc. and has had many fewer years to develop. The '80s and '90s in Iran were marked by a decaying infrastructure and increased foreign dependence in the economy, even as it saw superficial growth after the initial tumult following the Islamic Revolution.

I think the current leadership has been doing a pretty good job in making the Iranian economy more robust over the last few years. They haven't neglected education either, and in international politics they've managed to match the clout of major countries through a strategic use of limited resources. There's a big political crisis right now that still might fall out in a number of ways, and then a demographic crisis that will come up in the next couple of decades, but for the short term Iran has managed to put itself in a favorable position.

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Hero and Wist are the only ones with some ounce of thought in their posts. Congrats people.

I have not much to say on this. I've been detached from my country for a very long time now, so it's not like I feel proud or anything, but I guess it's nice to see progress like this in Iran, since something like this wouldn't have been very possible years ago.

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There's nothing sad about it, Iran is a much smaller country than giants like the US, China, Russia etc. and has had many fewer years to develop. The '80s and '90s in Iran were marked by a decaying infrastructure and increased foreign dependence in the economy, even as it saw superficial growth after the initial tumult following the Islamic Revolution.

I think the current leadership has been doing a pretty good job in making the Iranian economy more robust over the last few years. They haven't neglected education either, and in international politics they've managed to match the clout of major countries through a strategic use of limited resources. There's a big political crisis right now that still might fall out in a number of ways, and then a demographic crisis that will come up in the next couple of decades, but for the short term Iran has managed to put itself in a favorable position.

There'll always be more than one way to interpret a situation. I usually lean towards pessimism.

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