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Best GBA paladin



50 members have voted

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Alan, no contest here. Really, Seth is overrated when the game is easy as hell and he isn't even required. Or are you lame enough as to field a unit that hogs all your EXP? By midgame you could already have a promoted Franz, who would be great if you even have bothered to train him instead of training a character that gets 4 EXP per kill unless he kills a boss and gerts around 50 EXP.

Alan because he is tough enough to at least survive his Hard Mode, you know, one that actually makes enemies stronger, he also has WTA once promotion arrives.

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Really, Seth is overrated when the game is easy as hell and he isn't even required.

No unit in this poll is ever required to beat their game.

I vote Seth. Alan, Lance, and FE7 Marcus are not too far behind, though.

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I don't want to vote Seth, he annoys me. I think I'll vote Percival, I haven't played FE6 but he sounds pretty cool.

He's overshadowed by Alan and Lance in NM, he really shines in HM though with HM bonuses.

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In situations like this, I put Seth in FE6 on Hard Mode.

He still breaks the game. Completely.

Seth is the only right answer here when it comes to the best paladin on the GBA games.

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Alan, no contest here. Really, Seth is overrated when the game is easy as hell and he isn't even required. Or are you lame enough as to field a unit that hogs all your EXP? By midgame you could already have a promoted Franz, who would be great if you even have bothered to train him instead of training a character that gets 4 EXP per kill unless he kills a boss and gerts around 50 EXP.

You seem to be seriously misinterpreting what everyone else is saying about using Seth. Where do you get the idea that Seth is soloing and thus takes all the exp and prevents you from promoting other units? Why do you think people aren't training their other units at the same time?

Let me give you an example with exp gains.

You have 7 units. They can be any units. If you distribute exp evenly (not that this is necessarily efficient, just an option) then on each map your units get 1/7 of the kills and 1/7 of the attacks. Each of those units, Franz included, hog 1/7 of the exp that you can gain. So, are you lame enough that you field Franz? He's as much of an experience hog as Seth is, depending on how you use them.

Now, the fact that some units get more exp per each action than the others isn't really relevant. Seth is far more helpful early than anyone else is later, and apparently is still good enough later on that he's not a waste of space. (I've never played, so I can't vouch for how good he is relative to the others later on. It is, however, so obvious how superior he is early on that I don't need to play in order to know that much.)

Also, if this game is so easy that Seth's early game amazingness is lost on you, then what does it matter if you can promote Franz a chapter or two earlier if you let Franz fight what Seth would have fought?

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In situations like this, I put Seth in FE6 on Hard Mode.

He still breaks the game. Completely.

Seth is the only right answer here when it comes to the best paladin on the GBA games.

Of course, Marcus' growths SUCK in FE6, he'll just laugh at Idoun. Oh wait, who doesn't?

Where do you get the idea that Seth is soloing and thus takes all the exp and prevents you from promoting other units? Why do you think people aren't training their other units at the same time?

Because many others have mentioned Seth could solo the game. And "solo" means using him ONLY. Everyone just keeps mentioning it, you know.

So, are you lame enough that you field Franz? He's as much of an experience hog as Seth is, depending on how you use them.

Not when he gains around 10 EXP per hit not. Seth isn't getting that per kill, and I am not using Franz only, I am as well using Eirika earlygame due to many axe users, I use Gilliam against soldiers.

Now, the fact that some units get more exp per each action than the others isn't really relevant. Seth is far more helpful early than anyone else is later, and apparently is still good enough later on that he's not a waste of space.

But to beat "good" later on you will at least have to train him a bit, and that requires alot of killing, you know, he gets 40 EXP for 10 kills, Franz could get 3 level-ups with 7 kills (350s EXP, I just calculated it on Hard Mode), Seth gets around 3-4 EXP per kill, I just took out all the enemies in the prologue to see how much EXP he gets, he gets a total of 57 EXP, but if you're playing on effeciency you are most likely to use Eirika, later, I killed the boss at Chapter 1, he got +40 EXP, that's good...but the requirement for a full level-up requires killing more than two bosses, and you sure to leave some kills for Eirika since you don't want her to be so fragile later on, now do you? 10 kills = +400 EXP for Franz. That's x10 the EXP Seth gets, he isn't bad when he has quite the terrain advantage on Chapter 2 to deal with bandits, especially since he comes with an iron sword.

Also, if this game is so easy that Seth's early game amazingness is lost on you, then what does it matter if you can promote Franz a chapter or two earlier if you let Franz fight what Seth would have fought?

The only "amazingness" he has is taken out one or two bosses, but again, why does Eirika have a rapier? She one-rounds chapter 1's boss at base level =P

What is there to be useful about? Maps aren't HUGE, his rescuing utility has no big value, the only place he could be needed is at Chapter 6, but before that...there is really not much enemies your characters can't take on.

Edited by Alan Rainsworth
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Not when he gains around 10 EXP per hit not. Seth isn't getting that per kill, and I am not using Franz only, I am as well using Eirika earlygame due to many axe users, I use Gilliam against soldiers.

But to beat "good" later on you will at least have to train him a bit, and that requires alot of killing, you know, he gets 40 EXP for 10 kills, Franz could get 3 level-ups with 7 kills (350s EXP, I just calculated it on Hard Mode), Seth gets around 3-4 EXP per kill, I just took out all the enemies in the prologue to see how much EXP he gets, he gets a total of 57 EXP, but if you're playing on effeciency you are most likely to use Eirika, later, I killed the boss at Chapter 1, he got +40 EXP, that's good...but the requirement for a full level-up requires killing more than two bosses, and you sure to leave some kills for Eirika since you don't want her to be so fragile later on, now do you? 10 kills = +400 EXP for Franz. That's x10 the EXP Seth gets, he isn't bad when he has quite the terrain advantage on Chapter 2 to deal with bandits, especially since he comes with an iron sword.

Narga's point -------------------------->

(Your Head)

Edited by Anouleth
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Did you even read properly as to insult me? Try it yourself, get Franz to kill 7-10 enemies himself, screenshot it and show me. Oh, wait...I'll do that myself in a while. And read the edit.

EDIT: Of course, it's easy to insult me but follow the other's arguement while not pointing out a good argument yourself, eh.

Edited by Alan Rainsworth
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The only "amazingness" he has is taken out one or two bosses, but again, why does Eirika have a rapier? She one-rounds chapter 1's boss at base level =P

She has 64 displayed hit against him. She does 10x2 to his 21 HP. He 2HKO's with 77 displayed against her.

Seth for being the God of the Desert, Storms, Darkness and Chaos. Oh, and for also kicking ass in a Fire Emblem game, I guess.

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She has 64 displayed hit against him. She does 10x2 to his 21 HP. He 2HKO's with 77 displayed against her.

It takes two lucky shots, that's all. She also had slighlty more for me, it's the RNG.

Seth for being the God of the Desert, Storms, Darkness and Chaos. Oh, and for also kicking ass in a Fire Emblem game, I guess.


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