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Your Fire Emblem History


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Yeah, just state how you started and developed.


2 years ago, I saw Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn in a store in Wisconsin. I bought it because I needed some new games. I got hooked on it. after about a year, I wanted to see the prequel. So E-bay, and I got it. I soon got FE7 and 8. I knew that 6 games were released in Japan, but none were for sale. I eventually found out about emulators, and got fe6. I also got fe4, but I didn't get into it the first time. I picked it up again, and got hooked. I soon got Thracia as well.

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I heard about the series from playing Melee. Read about FE7 being released but I didn't get it. (I didn't know much about any of the FE games though.) It was election day in my state, voting to see who was gonna become the new governor. I obviously had a day off, so I went to Target with my mom. I bought FE9 because I wanted to try ut out. I got hooked, beated it, and decided to get FEs 7 & 8. I bought FE8 in the same Target store as FE9, and after a few months, I got FE7, used, at Gamestop. It wasn't until after playing FE10 that I found out about ROMs, and went and got FEs 4-6. I haven't played 5 yet though.

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I found FE8 while searching for a ROM. Then I started playing it a lot and then found out about 7, then about 6. After that, I stopped playing FE for a long time, until I found out about SD, which brought me back to the series. Some months later I bought POR, and finally RD. I still haven't played 1-5.

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I first got the remake of Shining Force: Resurrection of the Dark Dragon for GBA, and loved it. Then I heard that Fire Emblem was a similar kind of game, so I got FE8, and got 9, 10, and 11 when they came out. Then I went on eBay and started collecting the earlier games, so now I have all of them except FE 2.

I keep promising myself I'll learn Japanese so I can play them. :unsure:

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I first heard of FE from seeing FE8 in a little booklet that listed GBA games (it came with an actual GBA game). I thought it looked interesting, and I wanted to play FE since then. But I never did get FE8 first. I forgot about it. Then when I got Brawl and my brother got me into playing Ike, I soon found an article on PoR and was like "OMG I GOTTA PLAY THIS!!" :P

When I finally did get my hands on PoR, I got hooked to it and played it to death before getting any other FE games. I fell in love with Ike very quickly too, haha. I wanted RD so badly after that. Finally did get it a few months later. Played it to death too. It made me love Ike even more. XD

I got FE8 at the same time. Played it after. Then a few months later I got FE7. Then I got SD for my birthday that same year. I started playing FE like a little over a year and a half ago.

Edited by Eternal Bond
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Saw something about FE7 in an issue of Nintendo Power. Downloaded it. My sister played it and finished it. When FE8 came out, I found out through Gamespot and soon downloaded that too. I watched my sister play FE8 and I absolutely loved it and later started playing FE7 and FE8 myself. I wanted to know what happens after FE7 so I downloaded FE6 as well and played it, while looking through a translation FAQ to understand what was going on. Then two years ago, someone told me that the SNES games were good and I should play them. He gave me the translated roms and I played FE3, 4 and 5 and finished them all.

atm I have FE10 but I would still rather play FE9 first and am currently looking for a pirated copy of it.

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I'm one of those boring people who found out about Fire Emblem from SSBM.

I picked FE7 up after a friend recommended it and I immediately fell in love with it.

Then I decided to check out the other FEs and fell in love with FE4 and FE5 even more.

While constantly switching out between them I was of course picking up the next FEs usually on release day or very near to it.

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First got the ROM of 776 around the time Melee was released. Of course, it was too difficult for me back then.

Later on, I wanted to get Drill Dozer, but couldn't find the game. I ended up getting FE8 instead. And since then, I was addicted.

My favourite games are FE6, 8 and 10 now. And FE5 is less difficult to me now. Like FE6, green-haired little mage boys are very useful and it appears to me only the early levels are difficult =P

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Friend got PoR, and I acted as his tactical advisor...guy. First PT we couldn't beat final stage and second PT we smashed it utterly. Although my estimations of placement DID cause Shinon's death just after we forged him a lovely new bow. The bastard.

Then I got FE8, then FE7. Hopefully FE4 is next.

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Like many, I first heard of Fire Emblem from Marth and Roy in Super Smash Bros. I didn't pay it much mind but was aware enough to recognize the name in an advertising booklet that came with the GBA version of A Link to the Past, next to an intriguing screenshot.

Before long I'd gotten my parents to buy the advertised game, FE7, for me. I enjoyed it and lent it to Le Communard, who enjoyed it even more. In turn when I played FE8 later it was his copy of the game.

And so when I started posting on GameFAQs in 2005, the Fire Emblem boards were one of my main haunts. I hung out there for more than half a year before I signed up at FESS, which was in January 2006 the #1 English FE community. It was on FESS that I really got involved with the Fire Emblem community, meeting lots of cool people that were older than me and made me feel smart by association (like VASM). It was also there that I learned about the games that had come before FE7, and under the impression that FE4 was the most popular and most referenced FE game I downloaded it and played it through, mostly on a PSP.

Later that year I downloaded and played FE6. It was on the recommendation of a Spanish classmate who brought a DS to tests in order to play bits of an imported copy of that game. I've never located her online, but I know she's still into FE. I'm convinced I've bumped into her many times without either of us knowing it. Eugenia, if you stumble on this post send me a message!

I went on to play FE5, finishing in December 2006 and then ignored the Fire Emblem games for a long time, even as I continued to participate (inconstantly) in the online community.

It was just a few weeks after I made that topic that I started a new playthrough of FE6. That launched a rebirth of my interest in Fire Emblem. Most recently I've started Shadow Dragon for the first time a few weeks ago, playing H5, after having owned the game since a few weeks after its US release.


Hopefully that post isn't too much of a tl;dr, I surprised myself a bit with the amount of information I was able to remember.

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I was enjoying Advance Wars at the time and read in a magazine about a fantasy version by the same company called Fire Emblem, but unfortunately none of the games were released in English.

Later, I stumbled upon a lol, pirated copy of FE6 while I was on vacation in Hong Kong. It hooked me straightaway and I ended up playing it 10+ times, until I finally saw everything in the game (minus several supports). Needless to say, I tracked down the other games afterwards, starting with FE4, FE5 and eventually FE7, which came out in English recently.

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I play FE GBA emu.


When I was 5, I saw my brother played FE8, I was wondering what it was. Then when I was 8, I heard my brother kept talking about FE. I was curious so I tried play it. Lol, I got through the P but chap 1 I stucked, Haahhahaha, I don't know how to make through the chapter so I gave up. The day after that, I tried again. And yay! I made it,from then I started to like FE.

Last summer, I started to play FE7 then FE6. And I found this site, and well... Here I am. :P

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(3/19/2011 EDIT)

Like the masses of non-JP gamers, I first heard about FE through Melee.

Almost three years later (August 2004), I decided to give the franchise a shot. I bought Fire Emblem 7 and ever since I played it, I got hooked on the franchise.

I bought FE8 in the summer of 2005. I became a Tana fanboy from that day until late 2006 when I got my copy of Path of Radiance. Yes guys, FE9 actually dragged me away from Tana, but that didn't last forever.

Around the summer of 2007, I learned about the Fire Emblem games that existed before FE7. I started emulating games , and discovered the Sword of Seals translation patch. I played it for a while, but I lost my save data >_> I later emulated Fire Emblem Thracia 776, but didn't beat it until much later. I haven't played much of FE2, FE3, or FE4 at those times. I used the Serenes Forest mainsite for data regarding those games. I got Radiant Dawn not too long after it came out.

2008 came and I heard that the Forums for this site opened. And the Tana fanboy that died in me got resurrected (I blame her OA :wub: :wub: ). Around the time that I joined in June '08, I also became a Lara fanboy.

I got Shadow Dragon in 2009. And I am patiently waiting for FE12 to come out in English.

Edited by Radeon
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I heard of Fire Emblem from magazines every now and then, saying they're an import worthy series. I saw Advance Wars on the official Nintendo US site and decided it looked pretty fun. Played it and loved it; sometime after that I was hearing Fire Emblem again and decided to pick up two copies, FE4 and FE6 (newest at the time). Played a few minutes of each, liked FE4 way way way more. Played it, loved it, later in the year heard one of the Fire Emblem games were coming to the US.

I like FE2 the most though.

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Heard from Fire Emblem from Melee, then saw a few sites of FE 5 and 6 back then. Then I remember getting a Nintendo Power issue (Dec. 2002 I believe) where they mentionned Blazing Sword being developped in Japan, but they were unsure at the time if it would be released elsewhere. I guess fan demand was high since it did and I got my copy on first day.

Soon afterwards I played FE 6 through roms, downloaded FE 4 but didn't play it yet, then 8, 9, 5, 3 and finally 10. Then there's also Tear Ring Saga I got a few months ago which is also pretty good.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest Wen Yang

It started when I was bored, looking for old SNES games to play (using an emulator), and the title "Fire Emblem - Genealogy of the Holy War" Caught my eyes.

Played it, was instantly hooked, still loving it.

Finished every single game other than Radiant Dawn after that, and only because I lack the funds to procure a Wii. :)

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