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Wifi Team Advice?


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lol...yeah after I bet endgame XD.

Edit: A level 29 Tiki vs. Medeus, gets 5 experience per hit. Arg...this is def. annoying now, yep yep.

Almost there though. Gotoh hit level 20 in the endgame. Tiki will to by the time I'm done. Then everyone will be 20/20 or 30.

Edit 2: Everyone is done :). Yay Tiki ended up being pretty good, too bad she won't be WiFi usable :(

Edited by Hatari
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Evolve mages without arena abuse then level them with staves while arena abuseing ... Well that's what I do at least and I like useing fortify and hammarine to lv elice in lv u get aum and going to Nagi lv and using generals with no weapons as shields giving elice a beefed up thoron and starsphere and let her kill all except Mage drags. I think Elise is the best sage.

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Elice can be arguably the best sage statistically. her, Linde and Merric are all pretty great choices. Merric is just the easiest to make.

and on H5. the arena is still possible. its definitely harder though. i used a loan unit to level up my guys but i could tell that even the enemies there get improved stats too.

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Ah, weapons generally don't concern me, since I arena abuse massively, so money is usually not an issue for me. Killing as enemies might be easier.

Do all recruits talk to Marth automatically (approach him and start the conversation). That's one thing I noticed about a few of them. (The pegasus sisters in particular, or is that just because they have a reason to talk to him)

OR, you could recruit all of them, and then kill them off, and then use then (If you are playing on an emulator/ have an AR) use a 99 use Aum staff to revive all of your characters. Elice gets a crapton of levels for doing this. :D

I am thinking about hacking Elice to replace Lena. :/

If you are useing a WiFi team, buy all of the statboosters.

Edited by Bryan
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Why not just hack her to 20/20? Either way is stupid but that one is less efficient.

Then she doesn't seem Hacked... If you hacked her to 20/20, her stats would be lacking, if you hacked her EXP to 99, she would still need to use a staff (or a tome) anyway.

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I was just lazy and barricaded myself in with weaponless falconknights and other decently res and def characters, let the enemies wail and leveled up all of my healers/sages that way....

I finished 5/6 of them too. Linde was the only one that needed another chapter to reach 20/20. Took around 200+ turns I think, but worked none the less.

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Use whips to evolve Pegasus knights because I like their promotion stats better than dracos then class change to sm or sniper and don't use anything with a smaller cap than 28 so u can't get hit 4x with brave weps. I like berserkers snipers sm horseman with a sage but it's all ur personal prefference

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If that was directed at me ferret...my falcoknight est turned out extremely well. Granted I'm on normal mode, but she capped 3 stats, as did Catria and Palla capped two. All three sisters are falcoknights.

Palla had a better overall def/res balance than est or catria

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If that was directed at me ferret...my falcoknight est turned out extremely well. Granted I'm on normal mode, but she capped 3 stats, as did Catria and Palla capped two. All three sisters are falcoknights.

Palla had a better overall def/res balance than est or catria

Paola/Palla has 5 more resistance growth than the others I believe.

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