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I'm so sick


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Yeah, so, like I said. They all get a free pass because they're 'just teasing' me. You know what happens when kids tease other kids on the internet? Sometimes, they commit suicide.

Exactly this, you're all serious business about it, you're the only one who cares about how others treat you.

And how the heck are you so sure that they're 'just teasing' anyway?

Because they told it to YOU, remember that PM Seph send you?

Hell, I even know this because I am friends with the ones who bug you too, they did it because you are taking it too seriously.

Well, maybe they should go 'tease' someone who can actually tell the difference.

They aren't teasing you anymore...you are rather bringing up facts from last month, like when you "sued" BK for something he did in the past, he no longer teases you but YOU are the one bothering him by calling him "Punk" or telling him you don't tolerate being in the same thread as him.

And you get mad at ME?

Nope. I rarely get mad. Especially with you.

How in the world are you even supposed to know where I'm being serious and where I'm kidding?

Because...you said it yourself on this topic, you said it many times before. And because you aren't the type of guy to go about saying "I hate you all" when you are yuorself even on Internet.

Maybe that's the real problem here. Maybe it's because you can't tell the difference about me.

Nope, I can tell the difference very clearly, they actually are teasing you, there's no need to go around using inverted commas in a word that actually IS.

How are you to know who the real me is?

The real me is both of these personae.

Self-explained and explained earlier by me.

I just use the other one here because I don't like to be a jerkoff when I don't absolutely have to. And even then, I don't like it.

Then don't do it. You are not going to gain anything by hating. If they are bothering to much use the Ignore List.

Yeah, and you're looking at one of the worst judges of a person's character here. Either I open up and get stomped on or I shut myself in and feel lonely all the time.

Then listen to what I said, it's better than just denying when even YOU aren't aware of what you think it's true.

Well, it's not like I have one to go to in the real world. I don't have friends or a social life in the real world. Well, outside of meal time, that is. That's the only time I have to talk to others outside of being on the internet. This is my life, at least. Why else am I on here all the time? Because this is what I like to do. And I want to make friends here since I have so few in the real world.

Hehe, just move from that boring place and get some kind of job, that's where everyone starts.

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I just wanna say that between this


You suck at improving.

and this

Well, what am I supposed to do then? As badly as people treat me here, what else am I supposed to believe? These people aren't stupid. If they say things like that, there must be a good reason that I haven't figured out yet. I respect these people enough to know that they wouldn't lie about something like that.

I thought this conversation was a joke, and that by "improving" revan was saying that RP sucked at making up drama that doesn't exist.

Is the drama here real? :(

I would never have thought RP had done anything to make people here dislike him prior to this topic.

Edited by SeverIan
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Exactly this, you're all serious business about it, you're the only one who cares about how others treat you.

Well, so I'm just supposed to sit here and LET them tease me? I don't see them teasing anyone else here.

Because they told it to YOU, remember that PM Seph send you?

Hell, I even know this because I am friends with the ones who bug you too, they did it because you are taking it too seriously.

And they think that by teasing me they're going to make it better? Don't they realize that?

They aren't teasing you anymore...you are rather bringing up facts from last month, like when you "sued" BK for something he did in the past, he no longer teases you but YOU are the one bothering him by calling him "Punk" or telling him you don't tolerate being in the same thread as him.

I don't recall Friday as being 'last month' but oh well.

Nope. I rarely get mad. Especially with you.

Well, that's good to know. I've not been truly mad in a long time until just recently here.

Because...you said it yourself on this topic, you said it many times before. And because you aren't the type of guy to go about saying "I hate you all" when you are yuorself even on Internet.

Not usually. I must be quite mad to go that far. And please, don't assume things about me.

Nope, I can tell the difference very clearly, they actually are teasing you, there's no need to go around using inverted commas in a word that actually IS.

Well, I can't tell the difference. Hasn't anyone here learned that you don't welcome people by teasing them and treating them like dirt, especially when said person has never been a member of any internet site before and even more so when said person doesn't have anyone to talk to about it?

Self-explained and explained earlier by me.

No comment.

Then don't do it. You are not going to gain anything by hating. If they are bothering to much use the Ignore List.

Hmm. I don't like to hate. But I don't have any other way to keep from being treated badly.

Then listen to what I said, it's better than just denying when even YOU aren't aware of what you think it's true.

I'm going to need some sort of insurance to protect myself. How do you propose to make me feel like I'm still wanted here?

Hehe, just move from that boring place and get some kind of job, that's where everyone starts.

It's college. I don't exactly have all the time in the world, given that I'm taking 18 hours of classes and have other stuff going on as well.
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Is the drama here real? :(

I would never have thought RP had done anything to make people here dislike him prior to this topic.

This is all real, and yes, apparently, I have done plenty to make people dislike me. Now, I seek to learn and to atone.
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Hasn't anyone here learned that you don't welcome people by teasing them and treating them like dirt, especially when said person has never been a member of any internet site before and even more so when said person doesn't have anyone to talk to about it?

Just like you. How were they supposed to know?

How do you propose to make me feel like I'm still wanted here?

Nobody ever said you were unwanted and nobody told you to to GTFO either.

It's college. I don't exactly have all the time in the world, given that I'm taking 18 hours of classes and have other stuff going on as well.

Well, I did say to move, you know, as in actually leaving a place yuo don't like rather than stay only to be the way you are.

And please, don't assume things about me.

There's nothing to assume over a facts you told us.

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Just like you. How were they supposed to know?

Well, I guess I just expected that people here would be different than they actually are. I never expected that internet forums were a place where people tease and make fun of each other all the time (or what seems like all the time).

Nobody ever said you were unwanted and nobody told you to to GTFO either.

Sometimes their actions seem to be saying that very thing to me.

Well, I did say to move, you know, as in actually leaving a place yuo don't like rather than stay only to be the way you are.

I think you need to clarify yourself here. I don't know what you are getting at.

There's nothing to assume over a facts you told us.

I suppose so. But really, after everything you've heard from me, and everything that you know about me, can you really blame me for being so upset and angry?
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You know...The more posts I read in this thread the more I start to believe that RP is a troll account.

So anyone who shows emotions and weakness is a troll?

What I meant to say was that you once told me you didn't like where you lived, and I am suggesting you to move if yuo don't like it, that's all.

And next time...watch =3

Well, it's not as bad as I make it out to be. Besides, I will have to move in a couple of years anyway.
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It's for RP, you can have the paper bag he brought for lunch.

I already puked in the bag you offered to RP, but I will puke in that one too...

I am feeling sick again...

I am so sickkk.....





Thanks RP and BK!

So anyone who shows emotions and weakness is a troll?

I think it's more that anyone who shows emotion to taunts that seem rather trivial, and obviously just meant to egg ya on.

People often make fun of people more when they see something bothers that person. If you don't have friends, you might not know this. Generally I see it happen more among groups of just guys than groups of girls and guys together IRL, I haven't seen it much when I am the only guy in a group with several girls but that might be because I'm not an "insider" in the group.

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Well, it's not as bad as I make it out to be. Besides, I will have to move in a couple of years anyway.

Two camels and a tiny car. That joke doesn't even make sense unless you watch =3!

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People often make fun of people more when they see something bothers that person. If you don't have friends, you might not know this. Generally I see it happen more among groups of just guys than groups of girls and guys together IRL, I haven't seen it much when I am the only guy in a group with several girls but that might be because I'm not an "insider" in the group.

I haven't seen it in female-dominated or mixed-gender groups much either. I guess that I haven't built up tolerance to that sort of thing because I am not used to associating in male-dominated groups. But yes, I do see your point.
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You're so oblivious to sarcasm.

Work on that. /pat


Is communard actually hero's alt? If not, Alan was probably joking too.

(I don't actually know. You all seem the same to me, I thought every account but this one was run by the same person.)

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