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Fire Emblem Characters in SSB4


Pick your desired FE Characters for SSB4!  

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  1. 1. Who would you like to see playable in SSB4?

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Eliwood, Lyndis and Eirika. Hector & The BK are suggestions as dumb as Riley. Really, it's just that they don't fit, seeing an axe using guy in a SSB game just isn't the most ideal of things.

What makes it so that Hector wouldn't work? The fact that he uses an axe?

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I think that someone already brought up this point, but I highly doubt that there will be 3-4 FE characters in the next brawl. That is way too much cloniness. Granted the StarFox and Original-Mario people can get really clone-y as well...HOWEVER:

Most FE lords use swords - there is only so much you can do with a sword.

- Kinda like StarFox/ Falco/ Wolf - all have the same set of moves with slight variations.

- Even Axes/Lances will have similar movements.

I think they need new people with a whole set of new powers.

Rob, Snake, Sonic can leave...

Peach needs to be re-upgraded, as does shiek


Personally, Roy > Ike. I'm a in the center brawler who uses light, fast characters. Loved the fire element of roy and his middle-class weight didn't hinder my style all that much. Marth completely owns for me. Extremely fast, light, hits well.

Granted though, my style of play means I need to be really good at recover moves...light people tend to fly far with 100-115 damage...so I had to learn that lesson well and fast.

A mage character would more than likely be like Zelda...who I can't use (but that's beside the point)...Would be interesting but at the same time, not sure how effective/clone-y it would be.

Edited by Hatari
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What makes it so that Hector wouldn't work? The fact that he uses an axe?

The fact he isn't, well...he just wouldn't fit, just look at the SSB characters, they are more fit to be likeable by children, Hector would be more favorited among FE fans, but SSB newcomers mostly like the cool-looking sword lords like Eliwood, Roy, Marth & Ike.

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seeing an axe using guy in a SSB game just isn't the most ideal of things.

Dedede/Kirby have a hammer Hector can use a hammer in his game, so whats the problem? Its not like people will notice the difference between a cartoony hammer and the oversized hammer from FE. (or a gigantic battle axe like the Armards for that matter)

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A mage character would more than likely be like Zelda...who I can't use (but that's beside the point)...Would be interesting but at the same time, not sure how effective/clone-y it would be.

How about Cellica then? She's a lord, a mage, and she uses swords as well.

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Marth and Ike.

Nobody else is being introduced to the smash universe because Fire Emblem won't release a new game that isn't a remake for a while. Probably not before SSB4 comes out.

And I doubt they'll be adding anyone from Fire Emblem as a result.

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They were in a relatively infamous game (To the fans) for its easiness and those two lords would be boring to use, unless we're adding horses to gameplay which would be retarded.

If anything, they'll add some shitty character to Brawl. Like Micaiah or Lyn, because those fanboys will NOT shut the fuck up.

Actually, if there were a new FE character, I'd like for it to be a villain. Black Knight?

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All characters should have certain aspects of how they look customizable. These changes don't change how the character plays but if you want Sigurd to hold Ragnell in battle ten go for it. Weapons and alternative costumes are unlocked through playing the characters story mod section and getting a lot of kos with that character.

Ike (Por; Lord, por ranger, vanguard) should be very fast with high damage and VERY low ko power. His up special is aether that includes the back flip which stuns opponents leaving them open to a combo. The first strike heals half the damage it deals and the second stuns them with massive damage. His side special is his critical from por and has some ko power upward. His down special is a basic fire emblem counter in which he takes his miss stance from por. His Normal special is a sword beam like the black knights but it is very fast and only hits once dealing a ton of damage and hitting them with pretty decent ko power. Ike caps it off with a final smash that starts with the flash that appears whenever he used aether in PoR. The flash expands a distance away from Ike and anyone it hits gets caught in a battle scene like in radiant dawn. Ike then uses aether with Yune's power dealing massive damage and blasting his enemies away at a diagonally upward angle.

Marth (DS) would be like Ike but would trade damage for ko power and be just as fast. His move set would remain unchanged.

Roy (Master lord) should be like marth with higher ko power but slower than Ike. His attacks all have fire energy that increases his reach. The less damage he has the greater the flame size. His normal special is his critical were he charges at the point his sword is on fire. His Side special brings back his old charge attack with increased size the less damaged he is. His up special is like Marth's dolphin slash but he spins upward hitting the enemy multiple times. His down special is the average fire emblem counter with the flame gimmick. his final smash is a backhanded slash that rockets the opponent into the sky.

Eliwood (Knight Lord) will be slower than Roy but would be a slow character with high damage/ko power. He can jump very well three times. He has good air maneuverability in the direction he is facing especially if he gets a running start. His up special would be his critical and his side special would be a charged attack that causes him to move faster cutting anything in his way. If he doesn't charge fully then he can't stampede at all. His down b makes him dodge and smash anyone that attacks him. His normal special is a sword stab that knocks you to the ground. His final smash causes him to jump up and smash the ground creating a pwnsome shockwave.

Lyn (lord) is the fastest but has VERY LOW DAMAGE and average ko. She can teleport and cut you with her up special. She can also break shields with a side b that makes her perform a flash step sideways to the nearest opponent/edge or 8 custom blocks. Her down special makes her shimmer and, if she is hit, attack you three times with after images. She has infinite combo and her smashes are fast. Her normal special is a super fast strike that charges and can ko you at zero damage. If she sheaths her blade, RUN!!!! Her final smash starts with a single quick cut but if it connects then you get barraged by after image cuts with her dealing a final blow that should ko you every time. It has low range so just stay back.

The Black Knight (has full Zelgius alternative costume mode) would be super slow with OMFG pwn power. He can't jump worth a darn but his up special uses his warp powder to make him into sparkles of energy that you control until you let go of the special button. While warping he is being slowly damaged but is invincible until he reaches 999 damage/0 stamina at which point he loses. His down special is an attack were he prepares his sword for an upward strike and, when hit, smashes his opponent with a quick counter that will upward ko you at low damage. His side b is his three hit critical and if you get hit it sends you flying! His normal special is a sword beam that pulls anyone it hits along for a extremely high damage (and if your close to the edge of the stage deadly) ride. His final smash starts just like Ike's but he uses luna instead.

Sigurd (lord knight) is as fast as Lyn but with higher attack and ko power. His fatal flaw is his complete lack of a second jump. His first jump stinks anyways but he doesn't have warp powder to help him like the BK. His normal special is a rune sword that sends down a slow bolt of light that saps life from anyone it hits. It will not cause flinching and is easy to avoid. His side special is his normal attack were he jumps sideways and then stops short striking his opponent. If it misses he is wide open. His down special makes his horse rear up and strike anyone foolish enough to attack. His up special causes him to strike upward breaking the opponents shield but leaving him open to a counter attack. It is the highest he can jump and leaves him immobile while falling. I don't know enough about him to say more.

Rhys or some other healer should use a healing staff as an assist trophy.

Soren could cast blizzard as an assist. This would temporarily make the field all ice except for the person using the trophy.

Zephiel would be an assist that could shoot a shock wave that expands as it goes. His sword would make an interesting pick up item that would be like the home run bat but still able to damage while spinning for the attack. You should only be able to us it once.

All fire emblem attacks have a chance of getting a critical depending on the character. They use the dual random number system.

Black Knight; 60

Lyn; 50

Ike; 45

Sigurd; 40

Eliwood; 35

Marth; 40

Roy; 30(Get over it he has his flame ability.)

When Eliwood jumps after the initial jump he jumps off of a platform of magic energy.

I thought about the Elincia idea and decided to make her moves. She should be a low damage and low ko unit but is only average speed! how is this fair! Because she can fly forever without a penalty instead of jumping. Her up special is an uppercut that sends her way up into the air. As she ascends she inflicts drill-like damage on her enemy. she has a two hit normal attack combo. Her normal special charges power then uses a healing staff equal to the power of her charge. The staff cannot heal her but heals her team mates. (A full charged heals her team mates and gives them a life back.)Her down special causes her to use a random healing item. Whiles doing so she is wide open. Her side special is an attack where she zooms forward and slashes her enemy. Her final smash heals her fully and gives her two lives. In other words she is a healing character. She is very hard to kill but is almost useless in all battles except for team. She would be of great use in the story mode because she can use a fully charged staff to replace herself with a revived ally and revive or add a new ally.

Her critical rate is 15.

Edited by IkefanCail
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The Black Knight (has full Zelgius alternative costume mode) would be super slow with OMFG pwn power. He can't jump worth a darn but his up special uses his warp powder to make him into sparkles


I will never be able to think of the Burger King as anyone else. Thank you.

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Roy (Master lord) should be like marth with higher ko power but slower than Ike. His attacks all have fire energy that increases his reach. The less damage he has the greater the flame size. His normal special is his critical were he charges at the point his sword is on fire. His Side special brings back his old charge attack with increased size the less damaged he is. His up special is like Marth's dolphin slash but he spins upward hitting the enemy multiple times. His down special is the average fire emblem counter with the flame gimmick. his final smash is a backhanded slash that rockets the opponent into the sky.

You give both Ike and Zeglius their ranged attacks but leave out Roy's?

Anyway, here is my take on a decloned Roy:

Size: ***

Weight: ****

Power: ****

Speed: ***

Jump: ****

A - A straight horizontal slice starting from the right and going towards the left.

AA - A straight horizontal slice starting from the left going towards the right.

AAA - A vertical slice going from the top down with the sword on fire.

Over + A - A vertical slice starting from the top and going down. Roy also ends up one step forward after using this attack.

Smash Over + A - A vertical slice starting from the top and going down while ignited on flames. Roy also ends up one step forward after using this attack.

Up + A - Roy shoves the flatside of the Sword of Seals into the bottom of the chin of the person he is attacking. If timed correctly it could be used to deflect an attack.

Smash Up + A - Roy shoves the flatside of the Sword of Seals into the bottom of the chin of the person he is attacking, while the sword ignites into flames. If timed correctly it could be used to deflect an attack.

Down + A - A vertical slice starting from the bottom and going up. This attack will knock the enemy up into the air.

Smash Down + A - A vertical slice starting from the bottom and going up, while the sword ignites into flames. This attack will knock the enemy up into the air.

Crouch + A - Same as Melee.

Aerial A - A simple forward kick.

Aerial Forward + A - Same as Melee

Aerial Backward + A - Roy kicks behind himself.

Aerial Up + A - Same as Melee.

Aerial Down + A - Roy's swings his leg forcefully down hitting with the heel of his foot.

Grab attack - Roy knees the person he is holding in the gut.

Forward Throw - Roy rams into his opponent's chest with his shoulder.

Back Throw - Toss the person you're holding behind you and kick them in the chest.

Up Throw - Roy tosses the person he is holding into the air.

Down Throw - Roy puts his foot behinds his opponent's and shoves him to the ground.

B - Hono no Dansu/Dance of Flames: Roy goes into a three attack combo with the Sword of Seals on fire.. Similar to Roy's Double Edge Dance.

B+Over - Blazing Slash: Roy will pull his sword back while it is igniting then swing it over his head sending a fiery orb forward that explodes after it goes a certain distance* if it doesn't hit anything. While Roy is in the air the orb goes down and forwards at a shallow 30 degree angle.

B+Up - Rising Phoenix: Roy jumps up into the air and comes back down at a 30 degree angle with the Sword of Seals, on fire, pointed forwards in front of his body.

B+Down - Reinvigorating Flame: Roy takes a defensive stance. When Roy gets hit with an attack while in the stance fire flares up around him for a second and he heals for 3/4ths of the attack power and knocks back the opponent while dealing 1% damage. Only works once per stance.

Final Smash: Hartmut's Legacy

Zephiel comes onto the field with his sword Exaacus and starts fighting alongside Roy. At the end of the duration of the Final Smash Zephiel leaves while performing either his ranged critical or his normal critical, depending on how close the nearest enemy is.

* - Slightly shorter than Samus's missile range.

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Roy's fire aura thing gives his attacks a pretty good reach when he starts out. Until he takes some damage he is a pwn go but once he takes damage his range drops greatly but still better than most physical only fighters. To put his attacks in perspective imagine that all of the attacks I gave Roy have the effect of his charge move from melee. I do like your move set very much but what do you think of my critical idea? Do you like my other characters? Could we incorporate the fire aura effect into your attack set because yours is better hands down and more professional?

Should have seen the twilight reference coming.

Ike's energy slash has longer range than Zelgius's. Zelgius's does a lot more damage and mega kos you.

Edited by IkefanCail
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seeing as they decided to use her maps' battle theme remixed in Brawl, I wouldn't mind seeing Cellica or Alm even as Fire Emblem representatives in a new Smash Bros Game, if they decided to keep that theme anyway~; seeing a new lord altogether wouldn't be bad, either

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