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If I Was Your Nazi

Dark Sage

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Someone has GOT to do a dramatic reading on youtube, or Spoony Experiment, or Atop the Fourth Wall or whatever, on this abomination. THat, and the author is an emo punktard who is also preachy, obnoxious, and somewhat condescending about homophobia. Keep in mind I think homophobia is wrong. Try not to boggle.

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somewhat condescending about homophobia.

That's not the worst thing about the story, or even the first. It's clear from the first couple paragraphs that the author doesn't know any of the history he or she's writing about, yet presumes to treat it lightly.

I actually clicked the link to read the story, the first time I've read fanfiction in several years. I think I'll avoid it again for the next several years.

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That's not the worst thing about the story, or even the first. It's clear from the first couple paragraphs that the author doesn't know any of the history he or she's writing about, yet presumes to treat it lightly.

I actually clicked the link to read the story, the first time I've read fanfiction in several years. I think I'll avoid it again for the next several years.

Plus the characters are complete hypocrites about the whole mess and treat the mass murder and genocide of Jews as just a minor thing. Another 6000 jews died today, ho hum.

Also apparently, Demyx has gaydar.

That and the line "I'll ask the Fuhrer to put us together to round up Jews," and this is said by Roxas THE JEW.

This story is a bigger slap to face to me, because I myself am Jewish and so's my family.

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Even worse, it's written like a High School AU fics and I HATE High School AU fics. It's already bad enough, but then you have THIS. WWII as the backdrop for a bad gay romance fic? DOES NOT COMPUTE!

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I actually clicked the link to read the story, the first time I've read fanfiction in several years. I think I'll avoid it again for the next several years.

F*CK!!! I just finished act 1 of the Six Seals too.... :facepalm:

Lost potential reader aside, he could have at least given them accents.

My fanfic has a race of people based on the Germans, and even they have the accents. Lazy bastard....

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This person is the 2nd best troll of all time.

That's probably not true, and is nothing to be proud of regardless.

The tone of the story makes me think it's some clueless fourteen-year-old who doesn't understand just how offensive stuff like this is.

I'm a religious Jew. Should I be scared to read it?

There's nothing too grizzly about the content itself, it's the context and irreverence that makes it so bad. You're my age, you've probably seen much worse.

But regardless you should never be "scared" to read anything.

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If you are scared to read anything, it should be leprechaun slashfic.

"Seamus stroked Macmillan's beard, the elder purring softly at the touch. 'They're after my lucky charms', said Macmillan. 'But only YOU can catch my red balloons'".

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Either a 14 year old who thinks he's cool, or a troll wanting to get everyone all riled up. Reminds me of my favorite type of hero......those of the destiny kind.

Hey, even the 14 year old wannabe cool kids at my school don't pull this shit

Troll is much more likely imo

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It's... strangely funny. A sort of black, post-modern humour. The whole contrast between the high school gossiping, complete with 'oh noes maybe he doesn't like me', and the fact that they're in the FUCKING THIRD REICH. They'll play chess together while making off-hand comments about death tolls at Auschwitz. I would not be surprised if this was a trollfic. Although looking at the author's history, it doesn't look like a troll, just a yaoi fangirl.

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Uh uh. She's an Orginization XIII yaoi fangirl and spends most of her waking moments thinking and squeeling about them.

In other news: fanfiction with pregnant Zexion. And in the If I Was Your Nazi fanfic, Zexion's nickname is Zexy. Author Appeal much?

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"Seamus stroked Macmillan's beard, the elder purring softly at the touch. 'They're after my lucky charms', said Macmillan. 'But only YOU can catch my red balloons'".

In other news: fanfiction with pregnant Zexion.


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