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Mafia Round 2

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I smell buddy protection.

Vote: Messy Mike

Please. I'm not the one who voted against the last 3 mafia lynchings. In fact, I voted in favor of the first two, and voted for you in the third one, because you didn't vote for Hero and attacked Balc a few times when the rest of us knew he was the constable.

I could understand you flailing wildly for a scapegoat now, but me? Everyone already knew that Hatari was an innocent towny, and I took her place.

In fact, I had been PM'ing the Cap'n and didn't know he was Mafia, but I didn't disclose any of Balc's info to him because if Balc didn't trust him, he must have had his reasons. But when I brought up my suspicions about you, he defended you pretty strongly. Who's protecting their buddies now?

You've been suspicious all game, but I never had anything more to act on until now, and I'd be willing to bet you're the last mafia member. My vote for Weapons still stands.

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messy mike seems to have some solid reasoning against WeaponsOfMassConstruction.

FoS: WeaponsOfMassConstruction

Not voting until I see his response. I want to see how he defends himself first.

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Please. I'm not the one who voted against the last 3 mafia lynchings. In fact, I voted in favor of the first two, and voted for you in the third one, because you didn't vote for Hero and attacked Balc a few times when the rest of us knew he was the constable.

Solid reasoning enough, however, my votes were a more a reaction against the tables lynch, where it seemed town just wanted to lynch and forgot that the point of pressure bandwagons is to gain knowledge, which I don't think led us to any with the quickness of it. It seems I was overcomplicating things, so I'm acting on a suspicion I've had for a bit.

I could understand you flailing wildly for a scapegoat now, but me? Everyone already knew that Hatari was an innocent towny, and I took her place.

@bold Not a defense. How does everyone know Hatari was a townie? In fact, she was one of the first to no vote.

In fact, I had been PM'ing the Cap'n and didn't know he was Mafia, but I didn't disclose any of Balc's info to him because if Balc didn't trust him, he must have had his reasons. But when I brought up my suspicions about you, he defended you pretty strongly. Who's protecting their buddies now?

@bold, could I get a clarification of what you mean? I personally have engaged in no PMs this game, and it's possible you're either lying or Cap'n did it to seem more town/drag someone else down.

You've been suspicious all game, but I never had anything more to act on until now, and I'd be willing to bet you're the last mafia member. My vote for Weapons still stands.

You'd be betting wrong.

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Also, where did Balcerzak claim to be Constable?

He didn't claim so in the thread for fear of Mafia retaliation. A lot of good that did him, since he was killed the next night anyways. But Balc PM'ed everybody that he believed to be innocent and shared the results of his investigations. He's been right every time so far, and he obviously didn't share with you, so there's that.

Solid reasoning enough, however, my votes were a more a reaction against the tables lynch, where it seemed town just wanted to lynch and forgot that the point of pressure bandwagons is to gain knowledge, which I don't think led us to any with the quickness of it. It seems I was overcomplicating things, so I'm acting on a suspicion I've had for a bit.

Fair enough. Even if that's true though, you must admit it's fairly suspicious, especially since after Tables's lynching we killed 3 mafia members in a row.

@bold Not a defense. How does everyone know Hatari was a townie? In fact, she was one of the first to no vote.

Eh, I guess you're right, not everybody knew, although I know for a fact that at least two of the surviving players are aware of her/my innocence.

@bold, could I get a clarification of what you mean? I personally have engaged in no PMs this game, and it's possible you're either lying or Cap'n did it to seem more town/drag someone else down.

Cap'n and I started a conversation about something else, and he changed the topic to mafia, and started to bounce some ideas off of me (that I now realize were designed to lead me off track). I disagreed on several points and told him what I was thinking, and when I mentioned that I was suspicious of you in particular, he claimed that you were definitely innocent. He also claimed that Balc was guilty and Proto was just leading a witch hunt on him because Proto was actually Mafia, and of course Cap'n was Mafia, so it's entirely plausible that he was lying about you as well.

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He didn't claim so in the thread for fear of Mafia retaliation. A lot of good that did him, since he was killed the next night anyways. But Balc PM'ed everybody that he believed to be innocent and shared the results of his investigations. He's been right every time so far, and he obviously didn't share with you, so there's that.

You think of the possibility that someone he pm'd someone who was actually mafia, thus giving away his role and leading to an easy disposable of the constable?

Anyways, unvote for now.

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You think of the possibility that someone he pm'd someone who was actually mafia, thus giving away his role and leading to an easy disposable of the constable?

Anyways, unvote for now.

I did think of that, and that's probably what happened, unless the Mafia just took him out because he was good at presenting logical arguments and was consistently on the right track. However, that doesn't change the fact that there's a small amount of evidence intimating that you're guilty but no evidence on the contrary. My vote stands.

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Well, messy mike's reasoning is very solid and I'm inclined to vote for WeaponsOfMassConstruction solely because of that... however, I can't reject the possibility that messy mike is a Mafia member himself and is fabricating the whole thing (without Balcerzak, we can't confirm it).

BUT it would be very stupid for the last Mafia member to try and pull something like this when there are eight of us left. So, I believe messy mike.

##Vote: WeaponsOfMassConstruction

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Here's my analysis on the whole deal:

Remaining players are Messy Mike, Weapons, Emerald Jealousy, Proto, Nightmare, Reinfleche, Ninji, and Crysta. One is Mafia.

I'm innocent. A few of you know this, the rest of you are just gonna have to believe me. Sorry I don't have any actual proof, besides the fact that I'm probably going to die tonight if I'm wrong about Weapons.

Nightmare and Reinfleche are either both innocent, or one is innocent and one is the Godfather. Both have been investigated and were found innocent. 3 Mafia members have been found, but Severlan was not the Godfather, because he was investigated and found guilty. that means there is a 2 in 3 chance we've already killed the Godfather (Hero or Cap'n) so for now let's assume they're innocent.

Ninji is probably innocent as he started the bandwagon against Hero. I understand it could be a Mafia ploy, but there is really no need for that so early in the game (Hero was the first one we caught), and Ninji actually cast the first vote. I can understand going with the general consensus so as to appear innocent, but it would be stupid for the Mafia to voluntarily stick out the neck of one of their own like that. I believe Ninji is innocent.

I also believe Proto is innocent. Unless his dispute with the Cap'n was planned out from the very first death, then I doubt they were on the same side. If I turn out to be wrong, I commend you sir, but I don't think I am.

If I'm wrong about Weapons, then I apologize, and if I don't make it to the next morning I'd keep an eye on Emerald Jealousy and Crysta. They've been absent pretty much the whole game so we know virtually nothing about them.

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That's a good point.

Here's a plan: At this point in the game, if any surviving townies have a role, they should declare it. We really have nothing to lose. We'll be fairly certain that everybody is telling the truth, because an innocent would have no incentive to lie, and if the last Mafiosi claimed a job, the actual holder would call him/her out and we'd know one of them was lying and narrow our search down to two people. The only negative I can think of is making someone like the 3-13 Archer a target for the Mafia or something, or perhaps the Mafia claiming the job of someone who's dead and us not knowing. But do we know what jobs are left? The constable is obviously dead. And I have no role, I'm just an ordinary peasant.

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I've been around, just not very vocal. Though quite frankly I'd probably be suspecting me, too. I haven't been real assertive and I made an allegation against Rein earlier.

I'm a scrubby villager again, so I can't do much other than bandwagon or try to decipher things on my own if no one has any better ideas lol.

Weapons seems a safe enough vote and I can't say I find his defense very convincing.

##Vote: WeaponsOfMassConstruction

Edited by Crysta
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That's a good point.

Here's a plan: At this point in the game, if any surviving townies have a role, they should declare it. We really have nothing to lose. We'll be fairly certain that everybody is telling the truth, because an innocent would have no incentive to lie, and if the last Mafiosi claimed a job, the actual holder would call him/her out and we'd know one of them was lying and narrow our search down to two people. The only negative I can think of is making someone like the 3-13 Archer a target for the Mafia or something, or perhaps the Mafia claiming the job of someone who's dead and us not knowing. But do we know what jobs are left? The constable is obviously dead. And I have no role, I'm just an ordinary peasant.

I completely disagree with this plan. While it's true that I have nothing to lose by roleclaiming, since I lack any kind of special power or ability, the same can't be said for the rest of the Town. Like you said, the 3-13 Archer might become the next nightkill target, dead roles might be claimed, etc but what's significantly more important is the fact that the Doctor would expose himself. If our Doctor manages to successfully protect the Mafia's target even once, then the chances of victory greatly improves. We do NOT want to paint a bulls-eye on the Doctor under any circumstances and a Doc can't protect himself AFAIK (might be different over here but idk).

We also have nothing to GAIN by roleclaiming, since unless the Mafia lacks brains, he'll roleclaim villager and then, we won't make any progress at all in finding him while he learns the identity of all his potential threats. This is a very very bad idea and I fail to understand why you suggested it. Even the fact that a few people roleclaimed could be used to the Mafia's advantage, since he can focus on the ones who haven't roleclaimed and deal with the confirmed villagers later.

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Well, I already said it's messy mike and WeaponsOfMassConstruction. Weapons because of the stuff that mikey brought forth, mikey because he didn't actually prove that Balcerzak PM'd him or anything. Not that it matters, because once Weapons is lynched, we'll hopefully win the game.

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Hmm. I was wrong.

I'm probably going to be lynched today; that's entirely understandable since I lead the charge on Weapons and I was wrong. I'm not Mafia, but I would lynch me today too. If I hang today, I at least want to give everybody all the information I have so that one way or another, we can root out the last mafiosi. Since Proto wanted proof that Balc PM'ed me, here's a direct copypasta of the message, since apparently he wasn't sure about the innocence of anybody remaining.

Hey. I have very good reasons to believe you are innocent, so I don't feel bad sharing this information. I'm sending this to everyone I have full reason to believe is innocent, so that even if one of you is Godfather, the truth will get out there.

I'm the Constable, and I've been doing investigations. I can't say this in the thread publically, for fear of mafia retaliation, but if they kill me tonight, or if I hang (as the tides seem to be turning), I need the knowledge that I've collected to be put to good use.

Night 1:

Investigted Reinfleche -> Innocent result

Talked with Hatari via PM, she claimed to be town, I trust her.

Night 2:

Investigated Nightmare per the wishes of the unfortunately departed I eat tables -> Innocent

Night 3:

Investigated Severlan -> Guilty.

I'd appreciate it if you could support my lynch attempt tonight, but if it fails, and I die, and am proven to be town, I expect you to take up the torch tomorrow.

Thanks for listening, and let's root out those scumbags and free our town!

He was obviously right about Reinfleche and Severlan, so Nightmare is either innocent or the Godfather. Ninji is also most likely innocent, and I'm almost as sure about Proto. That leaves Crysta and Emerald Jealousy. Especially the latter.

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