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Best Paladin in the Series


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Seth is always your best unit. IIRC, 20/20 Seth beats 20/10 Franz (reasonable assuming no tower) in every stat except speed. So, yeah. Everyone loves Oscar and Kieran, but Seth's just awesome.

Haven't dealt with many SNES or NES Paladins, so I don't know what to say about them, but I find it hard to believe they do much better than Seth.

Seth still having a 10 level lead over Franz that late isn't realistic. Iirc, the exp formula guarantees that if you give two characters 37 kills against identical enemies, the level gap halves. I can see Seth getting some earlygame boss kills, but he'd only be a few levels higher. Still, Seth has better supports.

Well, it's not like either of them will ever have issues surviving and killing stuff.

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and no skills

Which, based on the way your PCs get skills in that game, kinda makes you wonder what his mother was like. Apparently she had Pursuit + Continue + Ambush. I suppose that the units that aren't specifically children characters of two PCs don't all seem to work that way. Like, where did Julia get Pursuit, Continue, Awareness and why does her (full blood) brother have Wrath + Pursuit + Charge when you first meet him and then doesn't get awareness until later. And how does Ishtar get 20 hp in 3 levels, when earlier she only got 8 hp in 5 levels.

Alvis has Continue and Awareness when you first meet him, and later has Big Shield, Awareness, Charisma as Emperor. Big Shield and Charisma are class skills, so he lost Continue and gained nothing in return. And we know Diadora only has Awareness.

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Judging by my avatar people can guess that I would have to go with Aless hands down. Without the Holy weapon, Sirius owns. Seth is great and what happened to Percival? He's also great.

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I am confused as to why any of them besides Titania and Seth would ever receive any votes.

Aless is pretty reasonable, though. Even though I felt I needed to give him a shield ring to get his durability high enough for me to use him more fully. Clearly I'm in favour of rating units with optimal resource distribution considered. However, I don't feel I'm experienced enough with fe4 to make that determination properly.

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... that was pretty obvious being the Seth fangirl that I am.

I am almost tempted to say Sirius just because he share the name with my favorite fictional character of all time, but I haven't played Monshou no Nazo so I can't comment on him.

Most of the earlygame cavaliers do well as Paladins too. Disregarding Seth, I like Franz and Abel best out of them, followed by Sain. But Seth gets the vote because he's...Seth.

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Aless is reasonable if you want him to enter a fight with Titania and Seth or something.

Titania and Seth are both the top of top tier, or even in their own tier in some cases, in their respective games. No other Paladin has that status, including Sirius, Percival, Aless, etc.

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Seth. He makes a good argument for best character overall in the entire series. FE9 Titania is close... but she does lose a bit of her strength for the final few chapters. Seth really doesn't have this problem.

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I don't really know if I'd say Seth. Yes, he does have the advantage of staying good for the entire game while FE7 Marcus and FE9 Titania slow down, but he also is in an easier game and probably doesn't help as much in the grand scope of things as FE7 Marcus and FE9 Titania do. Like, you'd probably feel the hurt more by losing one of those two in their games as opposed to losing Seth in his game.

My vote would have to be for FE9 Titania.

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Seth. He makes a good argument for best character overall in the entire series. FE9 Titania is close... but she does lose a bit of her strength for the final few chapters. Seth really doesn't have this problem.

Sigurd is probably better than Seth. He's everything Seth is, and stays on top while Seth gets passed by people.

Also, I'm going to play Devil's Advocate once again and say Percival. Lol @ making Lance and Alen look pretty gay.

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Either FE10 kieran or FE10 geoffry. They were the only killers on the whole royal guard squad, and were boss.

lol @ FE10 paladins. This was the last thing that I would expect.....Well no I guess it isn't.(Paladin!Amelia)

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Oscar (FE9)

Great affinity, great availability, great endgame, solid early game, weapon triangle potential... all in all, just a great unit.

(And a winning personality to top it off... that dude smiles during everything, including killing people. What a wonderfully sadistic knight he is.)

Edited by Saint Nightroad
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Seth and Titania are the only ones that are the best units in their respective games. Which one is better? I don't know, and it doesn't matter much. Both are top of top tier.

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Seth and Titania are the only ones that are the best units in their respective games. Which one is better? I don't know, and it doesn't matter much. Both are top of top tier.

Sigurd in Gen 1 of FE4.

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Sigurd in Gen 1 of FE4.

Even though he has swords and lances and is very similar cap-wise (though not the same) to a Paladin, he's not a Paladin. Name isn't even the only difference.

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