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holy mother of god


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You're not Catholic are you? :)

No-siree! Baptist! To be honest, a lot of Catholic doctrine I have learned since I was gone from here is super frightening to me. The most scary is transubstantiation, where apparently, the bread and grape juice really turns into Jesus' body and blood!

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No-siree! Baptist! To be honest, a lot of Catholic doctrine I have learned since I was gone from here is super frightening to me. The most scary is transubstantiation, where apparently, the bread and grape juice really turns into Jesus' body and blood!

What? :blink:

Yeah, that's over the top....

Wait, what was Sonata person really posting about in the first place? SolLuna, whoops...

Edited by Phoenix
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Are you trying to imply Mary is God's mother? She is merely earthly Jesus' mother.

Wow. Way to miss the point. I can simultaneously believe that "god does not exist" (more nuanced: the god depicted by the religions of earthlings does not exist outside our conception of god) and "mary was god's mother" (more nuanced: you can interpret the bible to say that mary was the mother of god, and some christian denominations do interpret it in that fashion).

I am sure that you understood from the start that when someone says "Holy Mother of God" they are referring to jesus. When you first pretend to be nonplussed and clueless ("I don't get it") and then present a somewhat well-informed argument based on religious dogma (Mary is not god's mother, she's just Jesus' earthly mother) which made it obvious you were aware of the belief that "mary is the mother of god"...you kind of end up a jerk.

It's like, first you were acting like it's astonishing anyone thinks god has a mom, then you follow up with an argument that makes it clear you've heard such thoughts before...

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Wow. Way to miss the point. I can simultaneously believe that "god does not exist" (more nuanced: the god depicted by the religions of earthlings does not exist outside our conception of god) and "mary was god's mother" (more nuanced: you can interpret the bible to say that mary was the mother of god, and some christian denominations do interpret it in that fashion).

I am sure that you understood from the start that when someone says "Holy Mother of God" they are referring to jesus. When you first pretend to be nonplussed and clueless ("I don't get it") and then present a somewhat well-informed argument based on religious dogma (Mary is not god's mother, she's just Jesus' earthly mother) which made it obvious you were aware of the belief that "mary is the mother of god"...you kind of end up a jerk.

It's like, first you were acting like it's astonishing anyone thinks god has a mom, then you follow up with an argument that makes it clear you've heard such thoughts before...

The sick sadistic SOB in me wants this to turn into another religion topic, but the cowardly little boy in me wants the Sonata person's original point to come back up before that can happen... :E

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Wow. Way to miss the point. I can simultaneously believe that "god does not exist" (more nuanced: the god depicted by the religions of earthlings does not exist outside our conception of god) and "mary was god's mother" (more nuanced: you can interpret the bible to say that mary was the mother of god, and some christian denominations do interpret it in that fashion).

I am sure that you understood from the start that when someone says "Holy Mother of God" they are referring to jesus. When you first pretend to be nonplussed and clueless ("I don't get it") and then present a somewhat well-informed argument based on religious dogma (Mary is not god's mother, she's just Jesus' earthly mother) which made it obvious you were aware of the belief that "mary is the mother of god"...you kind of end up a jerk.

It's like, first you were acting like it's astonishing anyone thinks god has a mom, then you follow up with an argument that makes it clear you've heard such thoughts before...

Meh, the first picture didn't strike me as being Mary. I suppose the "Maria" deal would ought to tip me off... But hey, I confuse easily!

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The sick sadistic SOB in me wants this to turn into another religion topic, but the cowardly little boy in me wants the Luna person's original point to come back up before that can happen... :E

Let me just clarify this. I don't really want to argue that mary is god's mother. I don't give a damn. However, it should be fairly obvious that the phrase "holy mother of god" refers to mary. It's possible to recognize that a particular religion (in this case catholicism, which refers to Mary as "theotokos") sees god as having a mother.

Meh, the first picture didn't strike me as being Mary. I suppose the "Maria" deal would ought to tip me off... But hey, I confuse easily!

EDIT-Sorry for getting testy. Honestly I like posting pics as replies, so getting to do it multiple times was cool.

Edited by SeverIan
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Meh, the first picture didn't strike me as being Mary. I suppose the "Maria" deal would ought to tip me off... But hey, I confuse easily!

That was a playboy magazine cover... I didn't even see the "Maria" part til I checked it a third time.

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So sex and religion don't go together? LOL.

Eileen had long thin cool white hands too because she was a girl. They were like ivory ; only soft. That was the meaning of Tower of Ivory but protestants could not understand it and made fun of it. One day he had stood beside her looking into the hotel grounds. A waiter was running up a trail of bunting on the flagstaff and a fox terrier was scampering to and fro on the sunny lawn. she had put her hand into his pocket where his hand was and he had felt how cool and thin and soft her hand was. She had said that pockets were funny things to have: and then all of a sudden she had broken away and had run laughing down the sloping curve of the path. Her fair hair had streamed out behind her like gold in the sun. Tower of Ivory. House of Oold. By thinking of things you could understand them.

I'm not saying that all religions are initially sexual - assuming its formed at least partially by a divine presence, it might not be. But the human element that affects it IMO makes it almost always or always develop sexual connotations, especially something around as long and as widely propagated (haha) as christianity.

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Sorry. But really, I don't entirely understand. Did you just mistake "20 posts" as "20 pages" or was there some sort of non-error based reasoning behind your post?

That's really what I wanted to get at by using the overruled - I was hoping you'd counter w/ some kind of argument.

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Sorry. But really, I don't entirely understand. Did you just mistake "20 posts" as "20 pages" or was there some sort of non-error based reasoning behind your post?

That's really what I wanted to get at by using the overruled - I was hoping you'd counter w/ some kind of argument.

No. And I won't give you the pleasure of Ace Attorney things.

Edited by Emerald Jealousy
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