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so i herd we were affiliated


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You were dealing with one of the laziest and most forgetful people around, who also happened to be extremely busy before the start of February : P

Which reminds me, I still haven't updated the affiliates yet.

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It was probably just

"Hey, we should be affiliated"

*3 months later*

"Oh hey guess what I forgot to do"

But anyway Death and I are pretty damn lazy too.

And I don't do anything with respect to FEU's external relationships. I'm all about improving FEU and treating it like China.

Edit: The way the old Chinese empire treated China, that is. That's right; I come here just to look down on all of you not-as-mandated-by-Heaven folks.

Edited by Xeld
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"Oh yeah Vince, I was supposed to ask you about so and so"

"Hi Death, I'm a little busy, ask me in a month"

More than a month later.

"o yeah hi vince lol"

Or something. There was a pretty profound lack of interest on both sides. But I think it's nice I guess, I mean it's not like I use FEU or SF much more anyways, but you can ride our hackcocks while we ride your activitycocks and both of us can have minimal benefits from it.

Edited by Death
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The way the old Chinese empire treated China, that is. That's right; I come here just to look down on all of you not-as-mandated-by-Heaven folks.

So wrong. In the traditional Chinese zietgiest, there is no world but China. You can't look down on people who aren't even supposed to exist--any interaction with foreign devils is dirty and without honor.

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