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I have the exact same problem, though not quite so severe. My dad (he's unemployed right now) wakes me up at 10:00-10:30 every morning so I'm usually ready to sleep by 3:30 or 4:00.

Certain people have different internal schedules, and when there's not a strong reason to sleep or wake up at a certain time they revert to those schedules. My mom prefers to be asleep two or three hours before midnight whenever it's possible.

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I am beginning to think I myself have some sort of mild sleep disorder; I don't fall asleep until (usually) an hour and a half following laying down, no matter how tired I am. This is a continuing affair, too, and has been going on for years, at least since my final year in high school.

Maybe it's been my irregular sleeping patterns, but you'd think almost three years of a maintained schedule would clean that shit up.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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I am beginning to think I myself have some sort of mild sleep disorder; I don't fall asleep until (usually) an hour and a half following laying down, no matter how tired I am. This is a continuing affair, too, and has been going on for years, at least since my final year in high school.

I'm usually not able to get to sleep until at least 45 minutes after I lie down myself, but I think that's more of a function of me always needing 7-8 hours of sleep a night (It helps with the migraines) than anything else. But if it's that bad, then psychological research suggests to do as little as possible in your bedroom, and use it exclusively for sleep as best as you can.

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I'm usually not able to get to sleep until at least 45 minutes after I lie down myself, but I think that's more of a function of me always needing 7-8 hours of sleep a night (It helps with the migraines) than anything else. But if it's that bad, then psychological research suggests to do as little as possible in your bedroom, and use it exclusively for sleep as best as you can.

Wow, you too? I have a big problem with this, since I hate using an alarm clock, but when I wake up naturally, it's usually after only six hours. But if I go back to sleep right away, I usually sleep for another six before waking up again, and twelve hours is too much sleep. :( But if I get up after only six hours, then I'm tired and I have a migraine all day (like today). :(

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My sleeping habits are insane.

Sometimes I sleep for three hours, sometimes for six, or eight, or twelve.

I don't drink alcohol, but I once made an exception because there was nothing else. I drank half a bottle of my father's "light stuff" and I woke up fifteen hours after falling asleep two days in a row as a result. I'm a f*cking lightweight :facepalm:

I woke up around 4:00pm today(Vegas time). I went to bed but couldn't sleep. It wasn't because I wasn't tired, but because I was playing my iPod. Sometimes I fall asleep with the head phones on, sometimes I just listen for a few minutes, then turn it off. So I got out of bed and played Mass Effect 1 until 10:30am.

I tend to fall asleep within an hour after letting my head hit the pillow. On average, I can only remember lying around for about thirty minutes, then the crazy dreams start.

My sleeping habits are insane.

Edited by Phoenix
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Wow, you too? I have a big problem with this, since I hate using an alarm clock, but when I wake up naturally, it's usually after only six hours. But if I go back to sleep right away, I usually sleep for another six before waking up again, and twelve hours is too much sleep. :( But if I get up after only six hours, then I'm tired and I have a migraine all day (like today). :(

Yeah, I definitely can relate to you there. Except for that last part, because I can definitely sleep through the night (though sometimes if I'm trying to get extra sleep, I will wake up in the middle of the night.

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I usually can't sleep up to 5:00 AM. It is very annoying, because even though I'm really tired, I can't seem to get myself to sleep.

Then, the next day, I usually wake up at 3:00 - 5:00 PM.

You think that's bad? Most days I don't get any sleep, except for the weekends where I end up sleeping 'til 4PM.

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Try sleeping somewhere else for a change.

It may not sound comfortable, but lying on the floor will at least let you appreciate your bed, and maybe that's all that it will take.

The floor is actually pretty comfortable. It was more comfortable than my bed before my bed frame broke. Now that my mattress is on the floor as well, my mattress is more comfortable. Which, I know, is odd. Maybe it's because I prefer being as close to the ground as possible (since my bed was a bunk-bed, and I slept on the top bunk). :D

I use to have sleeping problems in middle school, and mild problems during my ninth grade year. After football (tenth grade, first semester) I haven't had a problem sleeping. To be honest, sometimes I even fall asleep within a few minutes of lying down.

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I don't have any particular sleep issues. I usually just turn off the light and think about stuff until I fall asleep...

Well, my AP Psych teacher once gave us these 11 tips if we ever had trouble sleeping. Never really tried all of them, though. Someone can report back, if they wish...

1. Sleep only when sleepy.

2. If you can't fall asleep within 20 minutes, get up and do something boring, but not for more than 20 minutes.

3. Don't take naps.

4. Get up and go to bed the same time everyday.

5. Refrain from exercising 4 hours before you sleep.

6. Develop sleep rituals. (When you are about to go to sleep, do the same thing(s) everyday. IE: brushing your teeth, laying out your bed, reading a story, or whatever it is that you want to do)

7. Stay away from caffeine.

8. Only use your bed for sleep. (I assume this excludes certain "sleep rituals" from tip #6.)

9. Have a light snack before bed.

10. Have a hot bath 90 minutes before bed.

11. Make sure your bed/sleeping area is quiet and comfortable.

Edited by Fireman
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I'm pretty sure my body's natural sleep pattern is to fall asleep at 2PM and wake up at 11PM. This causes problems sometimes, especially during school breaks which cause me to revert from whatever sleep pattern I had back to my 2-11 one in just one night. Then it takes me two weeks or so to get back to "normal".

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