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Recruiting Raven


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So, I'm in Chapter 16, and I'm trying to recruit Raven. However, those green soldiers end up killing him before I can get Priscilla to talk to him. What can I do to get to Raven before he ends up dying.

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Bring Marcus, and as many horseback units as possible. If you charge towards the soldiers you should be able to get to them and rescue them before they can attack Raven and rescue them.

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So, I'm in Chapter 16, and I'm trying to recruit Raven. However, those green soldiers end up killing him before I can get Priscilla to talk to him. What can I do to get to Raven before he ends up dying.

Hurry up thats what you have to do

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you just need two tough units to deal with the knights in your way (recommend oswin, hector) and a cavalier

two fast units to deal with the archers

and of course Priscilla

if things go well, all units between Raven and Priscilla shoul be dead one or two turns before the green soldiers move, giving you a chance to recruit him with Priscilla next turn (keep her one space out of his range to do it)

This worked for me, good luck

Edited by Light_sword_Lord
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Yeah, I've never had this problem either. Usually the problem is protecting the soldiers from the dark mages

There are Shamans besides the one in the beginning of the map?

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He's playing ENM, which has Shamans instead of Archers in that locked room. He's also not moving as fast as people who know how to play well because they played this game a thousand times, which is why the soldiers actually get to him.

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Just use mine glitch it's fun also if u kill all soldiers but one u get another mine :)

or u could rush in with Kent and sain if u did lm they should be freakin beasts that should slaughter all of their weaklings.

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