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For A Day...

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Because you are all (total jerks)/(boring)/(awesome people)/(fish) I have decided to (leave the forest)/(return to the forum)/(burn down the forest) and am declaring that I now (own the forest)/(now have an empire)/(am a man)/(am 12 and what is this)

Thus I (don't care what y'all think)/(love you guys)/(think I'll go die now)/(can't find my hamster) and it has (been a pleasure)/(sucked that I haven't been online)/(been terrible)/(caused me to lose the game).

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What level have I sunk to... I was the Chosen One of the great war, I was here when the forest was young... now I am a mere ghost of myself, deriving amusement from commenting snidely on current fads...

That's alright. At least you got a chuckle out of me. Now, time to go back in time and relive your real self, then come back to be your real self. You can do it. I'm rooting for you!

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