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Question for Female Playthough

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I am wanting to do a n all female playthrough seeing as I have always seen how some people love it, but I need a little help with a few things first...

Okay the team is pretty obvious seeing as there are only like 12 females in the game picking the ones I need is simple:



Mia-Vantage, Wrath


Marcia-Adept, Miracle

Nephenee-Wrath, Resolve


Lethe-Nihil, Smite

Jill-Guard, Vantage



Based off of this who would be the best canidate for the Full Guard, Dracon Shields, Arms Scrolls, and Seraph Robes? Those are the only Items I am not sure about handing out. Also some aspects of this team can change depending on responces. Thanks to any help people can give.

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Well,Mia would appreciate one or two of the durability boosters so she can Wrath more safely,and Mist likes arm scrolls for the SS/RS.

Wouldn't Tanith be better with the SS or even the RS seeing as Mist has Sol?

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Wouldn't Tanith be better with the SS or even the RS seeing as Mist has Sol?

No. Mist actually has impressive magic. Wasting SS and RS on Tanith when Tanith can use something else well enough is just dumb. Mist needs the SS/RS so her crap strength isn't pulling her down

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Okay I see your point. Only thing bugging me though is Neph starts out at an E in Lances so wouldn't one arms scroll be useful on her?

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Okay I see your point. Only thing bugging me though is Neph starts out at an E in Lances so wouldn't one arms scroll be useful on her?

She might be able to do okay with a forge. Neph also kinda wants a seraph robe but idk whether she needs it the most.

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Okay well here is an outline of the bands and items I am thinking of throwing out to my people...

Titania-Paladen Band

Energy Drop

Mist-Mage Band (till magic catches up) Laguz Guard (that may not be the right name it's been awhile since i played this game lol)

Arms Scroll, Spirit Dust, Draco Sheild

Mia-Soldier Band

Draco Sheild, Energy Drop

Ilyana-Theif Band

Spirit Dust

Calil-Laguz Guard

Nephenee-Fighter Band

Arms Scroll

Tanith-Full Guard

Seraph Robe

Marcia-Knight Band

Seraph Rose, Ashera Icon x2 (for Miracle)

Jill-Wyveren Band

Speed Wing, Secret Book

Astrid-Knight Ward

Speed Wing, Secret Book

Lethe-Demi Band

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You would be better giving that Resolve to someone else...Nephenee doesn't have low Def later on.

Try focusing that on someone fragile, maybe Mist with Resolve would be better, her Def and HP are pretty low, that'll help her Str & Spd increase. I gave it to Elincia, she was great, but giving it to Eli isn't too recommendable since I gave her a few stat boosters for a good start.

Nephenee is way better of with Luna, the activation rate is defeneatly higher than Mist due to having more Skill and actually doing more damage, Mist does pretty low damage and has low Skill.

And don't forget that Callil already has Flare.


Try giving Nephenee the Knight Band, it hepls her Str & Def grow better.

Mia with Fighter Band, she's wanting Atk the most seeing as her Def doesn't need to get too high since she's dodging nicely, one Dragonshield is pretty much what you need.

Jill should keep her Wyern Band.

Marcia would want the Soldier Band for better HP & Def, her base Str isn't too bad.

Edited by Soul
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Resolve on Mist...idk if I want to try that for exactly the reason that she is fragile

Maybe Resolve for Titania giver her occult to Ilyana take mists off to neph and just leave mist with miracle?

Edited by Knight of Zero
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Sounds like a good idea...Titania's Def is good but not all that either. But if we think of it well, does Titania really NEED Resolve? She's already great, it's just making a great character stand out to be...broken.

At least Mist will get good results out of Resolve, she could actually be reliable on combat and the activation might come more often due to her frailty.

I think you should give the Occult to Titania (Her Atk is pretty good thanks to axes, don't forget that Knight Band to boost up her Str/Def), Nephenee (She makes good use out of it, her Str ain't that high and the activation rate is neat. Ilyana isn't going to need Flare thanks to that Spirit Dust you're giving her, you might want to give her a second one, Mist will already gain high Mag with that Mage Band and a great +4 Mag when she promotes) and Astrid is a good candidate for Sol due to high Skill and fantastic Spd later on, give her axes.

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Resolve on Mist...idk if I want to try that for exactly the reason that she is fragile

Maybe Resolve for Titania giver her occult to Ilyana take mists off to neph and just leave mist with miracle?

What mode are you playing on? Mist is epic with Resolve on EM (of course, almost every unit is epic with resolve on EM), still reasonably durable (as far as avo is concerned) on NM, especially if she has an A Jill support and a B with some other unit (if it gets her to 5 def instead of 4 then so much the better) and she'll maybe have the strength to ORKO stuff without needing SS or RS. Of the females, I'm not sure which is the best user of Resolve, of course. Still, it's only 2 chapters anyway so I'm not sure how much it matters. Also, Resolve makes the RS kinda pointless on her. It's only 15 uses, though, so it's not a huge loss.

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So based on that we have...


Energy Drop

Paladin Band

Mist-Resolve, Miracle

Arms Scroll, Draco Shield

Mage band (till magic gets up) Laguz Guard

Mia-Vantage, Wrath

Draco Shield, Energy Drop

Fighter band

Ilyana-Flare, Shade (I just love Flare...)

Spirit Dust x2

Theif band

Marcia-Adept, Miracle

Seraph Robe, Ashera Icon x2 (For Miracle)

Soldier band


Arms Scroll

Knight Band


Speedwing Secret Book

Knights Ward

Lethe-Nihil, Smite

Demi Guard

Jill-Guard, Vantage

Speedwing, Secret Book, Talismin x2 (wind magic=screwd!)

Wyveren Band


Laguz Guard


Seraph Robe

Full Guard

I'm doing NM since it was asked...

Edited by Knight of Zero
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I suppose Jill with Vantage + Guard isn't so bad, but doesn't she have enough durability (especially if she supports Mist) to not care about that? Vantage + Wrath on Nephenee is pretty cool.

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Hmm...I assumed you'd only be using three scrolls and give the fourth to Ike, but I forgot there are others who can kill Ashnard, Giffca is the best choice without doubt.

Titania doesn't really need the Paladin Band either, I thought the Knight Band was a good choice seeing as how fast she already is and how well her HP grows.

And I dunno...maybe a Priest Band for Tanith would do in a chapter that isn't filled with Archers/Snipers? She will gain more Luck & Res...

Other than that, you're good to go. Did you start the run?

EDIT: Nephenee is better of with Wrath & Luna for good activation rates, her Spd isn't bad since she's getting Spdwings already.

Edited by Soul
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I honestly didn't think about Ike. If yout think it would still be a female playthrough using Ike (seeing as I know some people would get all defensive about it) then I will use Ike. Slightly revised list...



Energy Drop

Paladin Band

Mist-Resolve, Miracle

Arms Scroll, Draco Shield

Mage band (till magic gets up) Laguz Guard

Mia-Vantage, Wrath

Draco Shield, Energy Drop

Fighter band


Spirit Dust

Theif band

Marcia-Adept, Miracle

Seraph Robe, Ashera Icon x2 (For Miracle)

Soldier band


Arms Scroll

Knight Band


Speedwing Secret Book

Knights Ward

Lethe-Nihil, Smite

Demi Guard

Jill-Guard, Vantage

Speedwing, Secret Book, Talismin x2 (wind magic=screwd!)

Wyveren Band


Laguz Guard


Seraph Robe Spirit Dust (helps SS pwn a boss in one turn lol)

Preist Band (only for first chapter she joins as i have her take out the wyverens to the side first) Full Guard

EDIT: I plan on starting tomorrow with the weekend I have more time to focus on the play

Edited by Knight of Zero
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Why are you giving Lethe Nihil? Personally I found Nihil rather useless in PoR, seeing as negating enemy skills means crap if there are next to no enemies with skills you'll be cancelling.

@ Soul: Personally, I think Luna is overrated. Aside from generals, wyverns and dragons, you're only getting an extra 4-8 damage out of it tops. And in Nephenee's case, dropping Wrath in favor of Luna smells of a losing trade, if you ask me...

Edited by Richter Renard
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EDIT: Nephenee is better of with Wrath & Luna for good activation rates, her Spd isn't bad since she's getting Spdwings already.

Neph can't use both Wrath and Luna, as

@ Soul: Personally, I think Luna is overrated. Aside from generals, wyverns and dragons, you're only getting an extra 4-8 damage out of it tops. And in Nephenee's case, dropping Wrath in favor of Luna smells of a losing trade, if you ask me...

this^ response implies with the whole "dropping Wrath" thing.

And yeah, enemy def isn't so great. Even at the most we are talking 20 def or something (aside from dragons), so that's 10 tops. And on things like warriors and halbs, etc, you are looking at that 4-8 he said.

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Idk why I'm giving Lehe Nihil to be honest. I may give Flare to Calil, as Nihil is pointless on her, and give Neph Jill's Vantage keeping Neph's Wrath, then giving Jill Savior.

Edited by Knight of Zero
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You don't really have to train Ike, it was more of question...you can use Giffca as the only male i nthis run because him, or some other laguz like Tibarn or Naesala are required to beat Ashnard.

Using Giffca would mean you will only be using him one chapter and not as much as Ike, you should drop Ike since you want to use that fourth Occult on someone else.

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Astrid doesn't really need a secret book IMO. She is already a dodgetank once she gets some levels and her accuracy is just fine. Maybe Jill would like to have that secret book, but idk.

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Bah. I was going to do this as my next run of PoR, since I did the same for SS.

Why Miracle on Marcia, out of curiosity?

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Mia'd prefer a robe over a shield,since she can get it in the base the chapter after she joins,and it gives her enough durability to handle the cavaliers to the south in her first full chapter.

She'd do okay with a shield too,but the robe is much better for her.On that note,since being at low health gives her her best offense,she's the best person to give miracle to.

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you forgot a female -.-

since Ike will prob not be trained (not female), you could run from the BK and get Ena

(which iirc is one of the only female units you have to do real dmg against Ashnard)

if you really want to do a female run ofcourse >.>

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Ena can't even (or BARELY) damage Ashnard, she will also get doubled.

When you have 11 characters to play with for the whole game (+ Ike), you can afford to save a few thousand BEXP for Ena when she arrives. She DOES have 10 levels to gain.

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