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enemy exp?


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it's so unfair if you think about it, the enemy and other characters can't gain experience while the blue team can.

I think it'd be nice if they did, even if the enemy probably won't gain enough to level up. It looks more fair for the enemy.

How do you think about this? and did anyone else ever think about this before?

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There really isn't much of a point. The amount of enemies that acutally manage to survive enough rounds against your characters to actually get a level up is very low. And to get fair EXP they would need to kill your characters, and that's not good.

They do get WEXP, though. I once got an enemy tiger in 1-4 to SS strike. He should have had 32 mt, but for some reason the game didn't give him the full mt of SS strike.

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It's not necessary to give enemy exp since they are designed to increase in levels and stats based on their class growth when the player progress farther in the game. Unless if you like seeing an enemy level up when they kill one of your units...

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It's not necessary to give enemy exp since they are designed to increase in levels and stats based on their class growth when the player progress farther in the game. Unless if you like seeing an enemy level up when they kill one of your units...

Which would be quite a rare sight since killing 1 of your units alone will not result in a level up (unless the enemy is underleveled and your killed unit as promoted and high level >_>) and most players restart the second a single unit is killed.

Whether or not the enemy get EXP makes no difference to me unless this enemy happens to be one that gets +3-5 in significant stats and levels up after killing one of your units or with 2 attacks.

Edited by Speedwagon
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What if we added to the realism even further? How about enemies that leveled up, started with certain amounts of experience (ie maybe one enemy always starts at lv. 13.35), and weapons that are partially used. This should also apply to characters who were just recruited. While we're at it, characters and enemies should each start with a certain amount of WEXP, not the usual, "Hey, I just so happened to reach A rank exactly the minute before you recruited me."

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Well, it somewhat begs the question - if one of your units needed to kill 100 Soldiers to reach level 10, then surely all of the enemy level 10 units must have done something similiar?

So a typical lategame map would imply millions of dead people in the name of having level 20/10 enemies to throw at you.

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They do get WEXP, though. I once got an enemy tiger in 1-4 to SS strike. He should have had 32 mt, but for some reason the game didn't give him the full mt of SS strike.

I once had Micaiah go from a C in staff to a B in 3-7....

Needless to say I was very happy, even if it did cost 2 uses of her Physic staff.

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There really isn't much of a point. The amount of enemies that acutally manage to survive enough rounds against your characters to actually get a level up is very low. And to get fair EXP they would need to kill your characters, and that's not good.

They do get WEXP, though. I once got an enemy tiger in 1-4 to SS strike. He should have had 32 mt, but for some reason the game didn't give him the full mt of SS strike.

Did you check the weapon rank of their Strike weapon (Fang)? Maybe enemies aren't programmed to upgrade their Strike weapon when they rise a weapon rank.

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Why would it matter? It's not like Final Fantasy Tactics where enemies are strong enough to survive a couple of attacks. In FE enemies usually get killed by a counter attack.

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Did you check the weapon rank of their Strike weapon (Fang)? Maybe enemies aren't programmed to upgrade their Strike weapon when they rise a weapon rank.

He did upgrade from A rank to S rank. He started with 22 ATK, and when he went from A to S, he got 27 ATK. I admit I did not check his weapons stats aside from MT when that tiger went from S to SS, though I could get it again soon (It takes about 100 turns to do so in EM, considering he untransforms quite frecuently).

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  • 2 weeks later...

just thinking about it, what if an enemy is lvl.20 E.99 (like with FE10, no items needed to promote).

that could actually make a difference. Or maybe they can have promotion item they actually use.

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just thinking about it, what if an enemy is lvl.20 E.99 (like with FE10, no items needed to promote).

that could actually make a difference. Or maybe they can have promotion item they actually use.

That could be interesting and might add some strategy or story to the game. But it really doesn't make that much sense. Enemies gaining experience would be more suitable in a level where you have many allied npc. This way enemies can kill off some units without the player restarting the level.

Edited by Velver
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And people should talk before battles and dying too since only the blue army really talks.

Enemy: hey what's up

karel: my sword lusts after your blood

sword: prepare to die fool

enemy: demon sword :( "runs away"


enemy: hey u just killed me :(

demon sword: :( weakling

karel: r there any strong enemies

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And people should talk before battles and dying too since only the blue army really talks.

Enemy: hey what's up

karel: my sword lusts after your blood

sword: prepare to die fool

enemy: demon sword :( "runs away"


enemy: hey u just killed me :(

demon sword: :( weakling

karel: r there any strong enemies

Karel obsessed much?

but indeed, you have a point. (about the talking in general, not about Karel)

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