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Appropriate continue the story

luigi bros

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EDIT: Ninja'd again!

Micaiah, with her powers of foresight, strongly warned the SF Army and the GameFAQers not to fight each other. "GameFAQs shall not move!" exclaimed the leader of GameFAQs. Serenes Forest agreed not to fight as well, so they began to live in peace. Micaiah was praised for her great wisdom. Though she seemed reluctant, the people crowned Micaiah as Queen of the World.

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The GameFaqers had their minds broken by the paradox, and ended up craving for the blood and livers of their fellow GameFaqs members. Eventually, the GameFaqers wiped each other out, and GameFaqs became a desolate wasteland, barren of life.

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But the Serenes Forest continued to flourish. Eventually, the barren land of GameFAQs grew crops and trees again. As the years passed, the people noticed how Queen Micaiah didn't seem to age at all.....She looked just as young and beautiful as she was before. But she had given birth to a boy with green/silver hair.

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But no one got the reference, therefore no one got cookies. SlayerX, fueled by his jealousy of Queen Micaiah, intended to mess up the future that she created.....through events in the past!

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Micaiah, puzzled by this strange turn of events, retired to her chambers. Her husband and pillar of strength, Sothe, tried to comfort her. "Don't worry, Micaiah. No matter what happens or who comes after you, I will protect you." Micaiah didn't say anything in response..... She knew that soon,people would discover that she was a Branded.

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Shinon turned around to see Alec impaling Gatrie on his sword. Both had been trying to impress a nearby dancer. Alec whirled to bow and flourish to her, but she was gone.

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Gatrie knew he would finally be in his dream heaven, a place where there were many beautiful girls, waiting for him... and a truly magnificent tree, dressed in a beautiful skirt. He knew he would be able to die happy.

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Shinon, who was content in his inevitable Chaotic Evil doom, shrugged and went on with his mission; to kill Miciaaihahihhahr iah at all costs.

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Shinon, who was content in his inevitable Chaotic Evil doom, shrugged and went on with his mission; to kill Miciaaihahihhahr iah at all costs.

Unfortunately, Shinon couldn't resist one final look at Ike, and as he peered over the edge of the cliff, a particularly strong wind began to blow.

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