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Appropriate continue the story

luigi bros

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...occupied with stabbing his way through King Barney's force. The Battle of Unnamed Feast Place Location Castle left few survivors.

Lyn found herself cornered into an alcove by Hemi-Baron Winesides Winesidesson the Occasionally Lucid, brandishing his feared Axe of Defenestration, as his brother Second Second Assistant Vizier Location van der Winesides came in from behind with the Bearded Quarterstaff of Tinfoil Summoning. She braced herself for death, as the feared Colour Guard of Castle Winesides closed in, lucern bill-bec-de-glaive-guisarme-corbins at the ready.

Suddenly, the 2nd 2nd Assist. Vizier stabbed Hemi-Baron Winesidesson through the chest with his completely blunt quarterstaff, killing him instantly. The colour guard were overcome by mutual animosity and started killing each other. Dodging flying limbs, Lyn grabbed the Axe of Defenestration and ran further into the next corridor.

And the next, and the next, until...

"Fffffffffffffffout of corridors."

"I'mma use these stairs."

Five minutes later, Lyn found herself at the top of the tower, only to find herself face to face with...

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Marquess Hausen.

Lyns grandfather whisked her away to Narnia, where all her deceased friends and her lover Kent awaited.

As for Sothe...

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Cutting down Jeter Twelvedudes of Polyester, he realised that his ninja were being slaughtered. He had to face down the Big Man Himself; King Barney of Westshores.

Then the Doomguy ran in and cleared the room except for Sothe with a plasma gun.

"Wuh" said Sothe intelligently.

"Gotta run!!!!" said Doomguy, running.

"wuh" said Sothe.

But then the green thief remembered...the last words of Aran. "The colour guard are fucking awe...ssssome...."

He had to call the colour guard of Miciaishat's Castle! "Miahcahah! I need your dudes!"

Crickets chirped.

"Cool beans, bro!" squeaked Sothe, in a high-pitched falsetto.


Eight guys rushed in suddenly, bristling with knives, swords and axes. "WOH! PAH! BRING IT!"

The first guy, garbed in red, brushed forward and punched the ground dramatically. "RED CROCODILE! POWER OF UNDERRATING!"

The second guy moved up, shooting arrows wildly with a crossbow, missing every target. "GREEN SPIDER! POWER OF INCONTINENCE!"

The third guy flew a short distance into the sky, flexing dramatically. "BLONDE WHITEBAIT! POWER OF ROPES!"

The fourth guy moved back slightly, drawing all eightythree of his short knives. "PURPLE LEECH! POWER OF LICKING!"

The fifth guy charged forward a short distance, before stopping and touching his toes. "BLUE WALRUS! POWER OF MEMEIFICATION!"

The sixth guy began to do his thing, before a man ran in from the sidelines. "STOP! hammertime."

Chaos reigned.

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