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Astra's Lump of Sprites


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I swear, this edit makes me almost question my sexuality.

I can fix this.


Fixed. :newyears:

Astra, I fell for your trap too -_-

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^Yay, a useless comment~

^Yay, a useless person~

Nickt, I swear if you say boxy frames I'll shoot you.

My comment was more a jovial crack at him cause he said this.

Also, what I find interesting is if he acknowledges their is something wrong with his sprites, why doesn't he fix it.

And another thing, there's nothing wrong with pointing out a fault, no rules say that you have to tell people how to fix it, or that you have to do anything, there is no structure to an on topic gallery post, it could be praise, comment, criticism. Nothing says you have to explain why you like it, dislike it, nothing says you have to explain how to fix something, or what needs to be done, that's merely the choice of the person commenting.

So stfu, my comment wasn't useless.

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Sorry for assuming you would use common courtesy and be a nice person.

Glad to see you're just a stubborn asshole :/

Blah blah, I'm Nickt, blah blah, I can say what I want, blah blah, STFU, my comment was useful, QQ.

Common courtesy?


How am I stubborn asshole for choosing not to tell him how to fix it? All I did was say his frames were boxey, if anything, I was actually not being an asshole like I usually am to you people. Also, incase you didn't notice, I posted an edit I did showing him smoother shaped frames.

So stop being a bitch. :/


Also, to top it off, I didn't see anything slightly negative in any of the comments before yours, I viewed it as completely jovial, a joke.

So nice job on that, douche bag. I swear, you people make it out like I'm this big asshole and a jerk, it's funny when I'm not and yet you guys still insist that I am.

Edited by 弐句戸™
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I made you out to be a jerk, 'cause Dan complained about your comment being useless, saying that it's why he didn't like posting his art on SF. He doesn't like getting useless comments :/

To your credit, yes, the frames are good.

It still makes you seem like a bigot to just edit around other peoples sprites without asking, though :/

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I made you out to be a jerk, 'cause Dan complained about your comment being useless, saying that it's why he didn't like posting his art on SF. He doesn't like getting useless comments :/

To your credit, yes, the frames are good.

It still makes you seem like a bigot to just edit around other peoples sprites without asking, though :/

Well he should have said my comment was useless, not you.

It's his gallery, I could have understood the situation a lot better had it come from him, but from you it just seemed like a crack shot.

Plus I went an extra step and I would work on people's sprites and show them it as an example, I did whatever I could to help people.

A quote from a message I sent to Hatari about a week ago. It's probably out of context, cause at the time I was referring to a time almost forever ago, but the point still stands in which I edit people's sprites to show examples of how to do things, cause it's a lot more easier to follow than text.

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Redlining kinda helps them a lot more than just doing the edit, because then they can figure out the shading from text, and actually learn. I mean, sure, they can reference the edit you've done, but they're not really doing any work, so, it's not really the best choice.

I agree that Dan should have said something, so, sorry.

I do wish he'd actually say these things rather than just tell me on Skype >__>;

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Just a quick note to say that I've also thrown this in Lumi's topic incase she wants to go through and do any of the listed suggestions.


Eyes/brows, the lines on the brow were more there for humour, but I really do think Lakche needs to look determined, she isn't a laid back girl from what I understand so you should try to convey that.

Collar, I don't think it should slope in toward the top like that, if it was soft material then maybe it would, but how you've sprited it, it looks very thick and stiff, so you either need the material to fall more smoothly and shade it as if it were thinner and softer, or change the angle so that it looks nicer for stiff material, this is just IMO.

For the thick band of trim, i think it would look nicer if it was a consistent slope, particularly when using diagonal lines consistency is nice, e.g. diagonal in 2 pixels, 2 pixels, 2 pixels, or a pure 45* angle of all 1 pixel diagonals.

e.g. c9dccdba9b8ef9f2e4fd6cb59a3f1dc0.png

Or if not then you want the anti aliasing to be impeccable

e.g. fd2b7eba3b9092d884443982dd38f8a6.png

While you can't really anti alias outlines onto the background, you can do it on things inside the image, like the trim on the chest ;)

Here are a few examples of how the games, and other spriters have done similar trim.



My Lakche

Aeo's Ayra

Blackavar/Chalpy's Radney

Squarerootofpi's Radney

Referencing Gilliams and taking a look at how the others are shaded might help, I particularly like the edged highlight line on the far side that Pi and I implemented, it adds a crispness to the sprite.

A few more examples, this time for the detailed swirl in the trim, 348cecdf6d9f40fc98a167a13601cb75.png, referencing these might help it come across more nicely.


Above are some examples of white armor shading, I just find that it looks very stark in your Lakche mug, you're welcome to ref any of my mugs if you like, I just think that for 4 shades, you could have it look a lot more smooth and crisp (yes, both at the same time :P, crisp lines, smoothed with anti aliasing)

Anyway that's about it for now :)

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