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Mafia Round 3 Postgame Discussion

General Spoon

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Thanks to the carriage driver for saving my ass on night 2, though admittedly I didn't do anything useful with my role. Here were my thoughts:

Ninji: No evidence for anyone at this point, so I went for Ninji since he broke the tie and a citizen got lynched as a result of his vote. Of course, the person he didn't vote for was also a citizen, but at the time I didn't know that. I thought it was possible that he was protecting a mafia by breaking the tie, and it was the best I could come up with.

Big Daddy: He called for a no-lynch several times, and the connection of a Big Daddy's size and strength -> a physically strong killer (which had been used several times already) was the only remotely convincing clue I could think of.

messy mike: Random guessing at this point. His behavior had been similar to WoMC's.

Obviously I did a crappy job, but meh.

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I gave Weapons responsibility while I was gone. I misread the votes and my battery died so I thought CATS was gonna die and it was gonna be fine.

Also, I was playing as a towny, and the thing I said when Cap'n Crunch suspected me was because I had too much information about who the Detective was, not because I was werewolf

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In the end for me, it was a toss-up between voting for I eat tables or for Core. I almost voted Core, but there were just too many little things that were bugging me about Tables. Plus there were no votes against Core yet, and I didn't want to make things into a 3-way tie.

At least I did better in the last part of the game than I did in the first part. :unsure:

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Werewolves. You'd have to ask them for who in particular thought about it.

I guess I'll take a page out of your book and give out some more of the detailed information.

Night 0: Suggested candidates for death were Reinfleche and Luke Fon Fabre. Reinfleche was decided, by unanimous agreement.

Night 1: I suggest the following

We kill one of the other "Hero for President" supporters tonight. I'm leaning towards BK-201, with no good reason at all. This, combined with the fact that Hero had a high vote total today might trick some of the townsfolk into believing that the mafia (or the werewolves) are trying to protect one of their own, and could help getting him hung tomorrow, while in the actual day phase one of us might lobby for say, Isaac55, while the other two branch out and try to establish other nuggets of information.

Everyone seems to like it. Carriage driver interferes, but the mafia were targeting Hero, so they die anyway. This throws a wrench in my daytime lynching ideas, though, so we play things from ear.

Night 2: I make the following comment, which I'm sure will be interesting in the post-game anyway

People the priest(s) have been asked to protect:

Freohr Datia

I eat tables

Assuming Candlejack's story about the ban is accurate (did anybody check up on this), he's a roleless innocent (else he'd have been modkilled for stalling the game), and personally, I find his antics hilarious, and his signal-to-noise ratio is pretty low, so it really can't hurt to let him live a little longer.

I don't really believe my claim that Freohr is the 3-13 Archer, due to the fact that Lux was in my opinion really stretching it looking for clues, but it is always possible, considering she went completely to ground today. Still I don't think we should try to kill her yet, as protection is not unlikely.

I don't think I eat tables is going to get the protection he asked for, to be honest, as if I were a priest I don't think I'd honor a selfish request without a damn good reason. He didn't vote today though, but perhaps that was because Hero was found innocent and he'd voted for him yesterday. I'm pretty sure tables is town, and since he does seem rather smart we'll want to kill him eventually. I'm not sure tonight is a good night for that though.

I have no idea what Big Daddy is doing. He's voted Nobody twice in a row, which is incredibly ballsy considering that's what got a lot of the mafia killed in round 2. Is he trying to bank on the fact that nobody would expect the mafia to retry a failed tactic, or just honestly doesn't want people killed?

Dracohon and Bizz have been consistently voting together, this might be something worth keeping an eye on.

I don't see a clear choice anywhere that will provide more benefit to the team. I was leaning toward Core for an element of random, but since I was browsing while I typed this, I got to see that Hika has recommended CATS, which in my opinion is not a bad choice either.

CATS was ultimately decided upon, and apparently the mafia had the same idea, but the carriage driver disagreed.

Night 3: Cap'n generates a huge stir. While I'd discovered Bizz was detective hours before the self-reveal, we leave her alive for now because it suddenly became beneficial to do so.

Well, we do still need to kill someone. Killing Crunch, and Bizz are far too risky at this point. It might even be too risky to kill Alakazam or CATS.

I guess I'd lean towards either Freohr Datia, messy mike, or Core, without any really good reasons for any of them.

Messy mike, for not being very active this game

Freohr, for quickly going to ground after getting accused on day 2

Core, for ... I forget what reason but I'd thought about getting him killed last night too.

Anybody else have any decent thoughts?

RNG decides that Freohr gets the axe, and then I die too. I will never live long enough to ever get close to the end-game. Not even in a killing role. :teardrop:

Night 4: Hika leaves for Texas, Weapons kills Alazakam.

Night 5: Weapons was Hung and Hika is still MIA. Mod-kill follows.

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Since I kept reading the PM I do know who was killed.

Night 0: We killed Ether because he's too smart, and it's kinda necessary to kill random people earlygame. Then I died, which kinda sucked.

Night 1: We killed Hero for the same reasons as Ether: he's smart, and people who might figure you out need to be eliminated.

Don't really remember the rest of the kills, but I know we didn't kill Bizz because we were hoping that the werewolves would do it for us. Obviously, it didn't really work.

I think it'd be interesting if you could investigate dead people ex: if Bizz investigated my Night 1 the townies would know that the godfather was already dead and they wouldn't have made such a fuss about it (I enjoyed watching that part, btw, and I laughed when someone said "the godfather is definitely alive")

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... Be quiet.

I wasn't helping or aything, mostly reflecting on what had been going on (since I couldn't do it in the actual topic).

Also.. I remember that 4 panel comic thing. At the end part where it was "so yeah ll the other mafia members are--" and it said "FFFFFFFFFFF---" the fact you weren't letting 'me' say it could've been a potential giveaway.

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I know, but I might have just done that anyway, actually :P. Really though, respect the rules and you don't get comics made. Hmm... this sounds like a bad deal, actually...

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Also.. I remember that 4 panel comic thing. At the end part where it was "so yeah ll the other mafia members are--" and it said "FFFFFFFFFFF---" the fact you weren't letting 'me' say it could've been a potential giveaway.

Actually, for me, this exchange was one of the little things that were bugging me about Tables:

Hmm... still, I personally think what he did was a bit stupid for someone innocent. Faking the detective, getting the real detective to reveal herself and all for a hunch? Not a good move. We're almost better off without him.

Yeah, he was kinda being an idiot--*shot because I died already*

On behalf of General Spoon and Lord Ratatosk:


Can the Wolves please kill him again? Kthxbai.

It just kind of felt like Reinfleche was helping out a fellow mafia by backing up his reasoning, and Tables told him to shut up because he was afraid someone might realize that.

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At least you made it longer than me... and I was the godfather, dammit, first time I ever get a mafia role and boom. I died first night.

I bit you in self defense...the werewolves found you limping on the verge of death and finished you,thus taking the credit...showboating bastards...

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I bit you in self defense...the werewolves found you limping on the verge of death and finished you,thus taking the credit...showboating bastards...

Yeah but I didn't die from the bite, so hah.

I still owned you.

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Yeah but I didn't die from the bite, so hah.

I still owned you.

*shoves Rein into the ground and bashes his face in repeatedly,after boring of his tears,I jam my fangs into his throat*

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