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FE11 100% crit playthrough log

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Welcome to my 100% crit playthrough, a follow-up from my FE8 one. Many thanks to dondon for doing the necessary ROM edits to FE11 after finishing his amazing 0% growths run.

The premise of a 100% crit playthrough is to play the game when all weapons have been edited to have 100+% crit. As long as you don't miss, you don't critical. I expected this to be pretty easy in FE11, since enemy density is pretty low, so I'll be scraping for some low turns. I'm not going to recruit every character, and I'm going to sacrifice accordingly to get into gaiden chapters, though I'll try to do the sacrificing so that it isn't necessary for game completion.

I am not sure about my Warp usage yet. It might very well make the run too boring, so I think I'll try not using Warp on Marth at all other than when he has backtracked for a village or something similar and I want to spare you the endless trail back. Well...I say that because I plan to make videos, but right now I already finished the first three chapters while only recording the boss fight. I'll give recording another go later.

For my planned team (to raise), my ideas:

- Bord and Barst are good because they have a good axe level and high strength. Spd is not an issue - if you get hit, you're dead.

- Abel and Hardin will likely come in handy. Ridersbane OHKOs Cavaliers without forging any might on it. I might use Cain for Armorslayer...but probably not. Or maybe I'll just keep Jagen alive.

- Wendell for Excalibur hax. I don't really need healing, but I'll keep Lena as well for Warp.

- Julian for thievery.

- Sedgar for actual enemy phase action.

EXP is very limited due to the low enemy density and turn counts, so I really need to pick here.


I actually ended up recording sometimes. Note that I started making videos after I landed on Ch16 in my original run. They are completely seperate playthroughs.

Playthrough log

Put in spoiler tags to make it less work to scroll to the edit button for me.


There's two people who can survive a hit from a Pirate: Draug and Jagen. Everyone else gets OHKO'd. There's also only three people who can OHKO a Pirate: Draug (Javelin), Jagen (Silver Lance/Javelin) and...Gordin (Steel Bow). Everyone else can double team on one pretty easily, but Marth and Cain simply cannot do anything but finish off a Pirate someone else attacked.

I have Draug stand in range of the first Pirate you see because he doesn't move by default, and next turn he gets company, so I want to get rid of him quickly. Abel borrows him his Javelin and trades it to the top, since Draug does not OHKO with his own Iron Lance. Meanwhile Marth visits the village and Shiida buys a lot of Javelins, an Iron Lance and an Iron Axe, and Jagen takes some of the Javelins she buys to make it easier to trade one of them to Abel when needed.

On enemy phase, Draug survives the Pirate with 5hp left and OHKOs back (sometimes he doesn't hit and I have to reset), and some other Pirates show up. Everyone else gets into position to kill as many of them as possible. There's four of them who have to be killed right away, as two of them are in range of the scrubs and the two others can kill anyone who stands close to them. Everything works out perfectly as long as I don't miss with my lances more than once.

Jagen stands rather close to the Hunter's range, so he's drawn in and instantly killed on playr phase by Abel, who by now has a Javelin. Meanwhile the two northern Pirates who start with wet feet are getting on the shore, so Marth has to move his full move to stay out of their range while Draug hides on the other edge of the island. Some people have to backtrack a bit to take care of these two, again with the chance of missing free throws, and Jagen positions himself so that one of the final three non-boss Pirates comes closer.

Eventually everyone gathers to kill the final three Pirates, and Marth gets the completely useless Wrys on the second to last turn. The boss is

. In my actual run, Abel got the bosskill, not Jagen.

Turns: 9

Gold: 5450G

Stats (Character Level.EXP HP Str Spd Def Weapon Ranks)

Marth 1.30 18 5 7 7 D swords
Caeda 1.30 16 4 12 7 D lances
Cain 1.90 20 7 6 7 D swords, E lances
Abel 2.13 21 7 8 8 E swords, D lances
Draug 1.80 base
Jagen 1.46 base
Gordin 2.01 18 5 4 6 D bows
Wrys 1.00 base

Ogma 4.00 base
Barst 3.00 base
Bord 2.00 base
Cord 2.00 base


Pirates have upgraded to 20 atk, so now literally nobody can take a hit. To make it worse, there's a Pirate that does not move in another guarding Pirate's range, so someone has to take a hit. I didn't intend to sacrifice yet, so I used Int's idea of putting (or rather, leaving) Ogma on a fort to lure that first Pirate, resetting until I got a miss (he has like 47% hit). As for the enemies up north, at first I planned to take out Daros' soon-to-be-ex-friends on turn 1. Only the Hunter and the Pirate attack as long as the thieves are free to walk towards the village, so I could have Barst trade his Hand Axe to Bord, and then he and Jagen can kill those two. But I ended up pretty much doing nothing on turn 1 to allow them all to come to me, and then anyone could pick them off. I know from experience that EXP distribution can be tight on 100% crit runs, so this helped me focus more on Caeda and Abel. I manually recruited Daros to prevent him from dying.

After the first western Pirate, I use my mounted units to gang up on the second one as well as the Cavaliers, which triggers Castor, a Hunter and a Pirate. I backtrack a bit, as while I could handle them, I won't be able to pick off all the other baddies it brings. Those are fed on next turn though. I had Ogma's Steel Sword traded to Cain, so now I actually had two mounted units that could OHKO Pirates.

This boss has 1-2 range, so I use the map save. I was going to go for a miss on Ogma followed by a finisher, but then I realized I could do

. Note the 46% hit on my side.

I bought an extra Hammer and Steel Axe on the last turn with Castor.

Turns: 11

Gold: 8650G

Marth 1.30 18 5 7 7 D swords
Caeda 1.90 16 4 12 7 D lances
Cain 2.50 21 7 7 7 D swords, E lances
Abel 3.33 21 7 8 8 E swords, D lances
Draug 1.80 base
Jagen 1.59 base
Gordin 2.11 18 5 4 6 D bows
Wrys 1.00 base
Ogma 4.27 base
Barst 4.53 24 11 9 7 D axes
Bord 2.90 base
Cord 2.00 base
Darros 3.00 base
Castor 3.00 base

Julian 3.00 base
Lena 3.00 base


I used Draug, Cord and Wrys as throwaway distractions for the northern group to allow Lena and Julian to flee, not even bothering to recruit Navarre. I could have used dondon's trick to keep them stuck there without a sacrifice, so it's all good. Meanwhile everyone else completely massacred the 3 Fighters, and then the two Hunters to the west. Bord can OHKO with Steel, and Barst has enough muscle to do it with Iron. To give you an idea of how much easier this becomes, Steel Bow Castor leaves one of those beefy Fighters with about 5 hp, allowing even Julian to finish the job.

I also threw Darros and Gordin at the now-slightly-less-northern group as I think they will be wastes of space. After killing the Hunters I put Jeigan so that he attracted the last two mobile Fighters (without being able to get attacked, of course), then ganged up on them with the usual range + sword combo. Even Marth got a kill out of this, putting him in position to seize next turn. I had Julian use the map save. This time around, Barst was a bit too far away to do anything to the boss except Hand Axing (36 dmg at 34% hit), and Bord doesn't do much better (33 dmg at 47% hit). Obviously everyone gets ORKO'd. I could have gone for a cheap resetting strategy with Ogma dodging a 47% hit attack, but instead I did


Turns: 7

Gold: 25450G

Marth 1.60 18 5 7 7 D swords
Caeda 1.90 16 4 12 7 D lances
Cain 2.50 21 7 7 7 D swords, E lances
Abel 3.93 21 7 8 8 E swords, D lances
Jagen 1.65 base
Ogma 4.27 base
Barst 4.80 24 11 9 7 D axes
Bord 4.47 22 8 7 5 C axes
Castor 3.10 base
Julian 3.00 base
Lena 3.00 base

Most units change very little over the course of chapters because almost everything is OHKO'd, and the density is pretty low. Last chapter I killed only 5 Fighters, 2 Hunters and the boss - assuming 30 EXP per kill and 100 for the boss (an overestimation), that's still barely over 3 levels.


Ah, the preps screen! I got three L4 generics.

Reclass: Jagen to Dracoknight, and one of the generics to Mercenary

Forge: will probably be a hit/mt boosted Javelin.

I'm not sure if I'm going to record this one yet, so stay tuned. The planning's practically been done.

Edited by Mekkah
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I still need it XD

Any game that encourages me to use my patented 'Stalingrad Technique' is an instant-win. Besides, there ain't no personality like an imprinted personality.

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Ah, the preps screen! I got three L4 generics.

Reclass: Jagen to Dracoknight, and one of the generics to Mercenary

Forge: +6 mt, +15 hit Javelin called Harpoon. Cost me over 10k.

I painstakingly made videos for these! I'm not a dedicated director like dondon so I put these in no less than four segments, seperately uploaded on Youtube.

I put the three sword-weilding generics on the right as a distraction for the blood thirsty Fighters, and focused everyone on taking out the five cavaliers, including Matthis. Where most people end up does not matter as long as they stay out of range of the Horsemen, except for Abel. Abel's position on one side of the bridge manipulates the armor knight and archers AI. The archers only move if they can attack something, while the armor knight only moves if you attack him. The armor knight blocks the only space the archers can attack Abel from, resulting in perfect immobility.

These 14-15 atk horsemen are almost impossible to deal with. An Armor Knight like Draug might have been able to survive the one with 14 atk, but not the other, and it would cut into my turn count to get them there. Barst actually survive if he procs HP and heals that point of HP somehow, then counterkills with a Hand Axe. But instead, I forged that expensive Harpoon that allows Shiida to OHKO one at range (she can't reach otherwise), so Jagen can safely kill the other.

The last bit is just Marth getting the 5k village (didn't really like the sidetrack, but I'm greedy), while everyone else gets some CEXP and WEXP from the boss. It didn't matter much who hit or missed, as I had Excalibur Merric and Wing Spear Shiida there if I needed him dead pronto. Meanwhile I had Castor get rid of that thief (as he catches up a little too quickly), then die to the Fighters. On the last turns they actually come close to massacring my group, but I manage to stay out of range until the final turn, where I kill as many as possible without risking deaths before seizing with Marth.

Turns: 9

Gold: 19950G

Marth 1.90 18 5 7 7 D swords
Caeda 3.17 16 5 14 7 D lances
Cain 2.50 21 7 7 7 D swords, E lances
Abel 5.63 23 9 8 8 E swords, D lances
Jagen 2.21 20 8 8 11 B lances, E axes
Ogma 4.54 base
Barst 5.56 25 11 10 7 D axes
Bord 4.74 22 8 7 5 C axes
Merric 1.60 base
Julian 3.00 base
Lena 3.00 base

Shiida proc'd str in one of her two level-ups, and Abel did it on both, which makes me very happy. Merric isn't in for a long life considering Wendell's existence, and Ogma and Cain aren't going to be very useful either. Abel and Shiida are about halfway through to C lances, but Barst is only at about a third for C axes.


Reclass: nothing

Forge: +3 mt, +10 hit Javelin called Javelin. Mostly for Abel to KO consistently.

On turn 1 I experimented with how many enemies I wanted to lure towards Hardin's group. I ended up with two Cavs and two Archers, and later the Peg came down too. That means Marth's group only had one Archer to deal with on the left, which Abel took care of pretty easily. While Marth walked north to the Firestone village, Shiida and Jagen flew to Hardin. I parked Barst, Merric, Bord and Ogma at the edge of the range of the northern Cavaliers. Next turn, the former three killed all these Cavaliers, while Ogma put himself in range of the northern Pegasus Knight in order to lure Wendell and the Archer. Wendell would have been impossible to recruit otherwise.

Abel cleaned up a thief on player phase while Marth visited the Firestone village, and then the other thief suicided on Abel (survives with 8hp, and procs str+spd among others...nice). Wolf died in the process somewhere. So at the start of turn 4, all that was left were a bunch of enemies near Hardin's group, two armors, the priest and the boss. You can see what happened to the enemies near Hardin

. I put Abel out of range of the Armor Knights, since they were together, while bringing everyone from the right closer. Turn 5, Wendell OHKOs an Armor with Thunder, and Abel/Barst team up on the other one with range. On the second to final turn, the boss is surrounded by angry PCs throwing all kinds of range in his direction to get their weapon ranks up, while Cain buys me a nice array of Javelins and Hand Axes. Finally, Shiida kills the boss with a Wing Spear crit, while I duly note that her Marth support is already giving her +10 hit.

Turns: 7

Gold: 11790G

Marth 1.90 18 5 7 7 D swords
Caeda: 4.34 17 5 15 7 D lances (almost C)
Cain 2.50 21 7 7 7 D swords, E lances
Abel 7.13 24 10 10 8 E swords, D lances (almost C)
Jagen 2.47 20 8 8 11 B lances, E axes
Barst 5.79 25 11 10 7 D axes
Bord 5.24 23 8 7 5 C axes
Merric 2.20 20 3 6 4 D tomes
Sedgar 1.13 base
Roshea 3.10 base
Hardin 6.27 base
Wendell 1.13 base
Julian 3.00 base
Lena 3.00 base

Edited by Mekkah
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  • 3 weeks later...



Reclass: Sedgar to Warrior

Forge: +5 mt, +10 hit Iron Axe called Dynamite. Put it on Sedgar, but it will work for Barst and Bord as well.

I had room for everyone, including the worthless Roshea. At first, I put low move people near the front, since I thought I was going to be too limited in my movement for a full rush. But in my second attempt I found out I could get Cain, Jagen and Abel to bypass the ranges of the two archers and kill the mage, armor and archer on the other side of it. Once there, however, they had to halt, as they couldn't get rid of the armor and the two archers on the far left on their own.

So in the end, I just ended up turtling a bit too much for my taste at the start, as I could not figure out a way to kill every single enemy in that bottleneck. The thieves grabbed treasure in the meantime, but Hardin caught them all. Except the Killing Edge one, but in 100% crit a Steel Sword is superior to those, so whatever. Speaking of thieves, Julian recruited Ricardo, who used a save point at some point as to allow

to be recorded (I could get it to happen without recording and without the save). After these events, Marth stepped near the boss to increase Caeda's hit, and Caeda OHKO'd him with a Wing Spear. Sedgar killed the Priest for fun. Julian bought things.

Turns: 11

Gold: 6930 (16930 after selling the Bullion)

Marth 1.90 18 5 7 7 D swords
Caeda: 6.11 19 5 17 8 C lances
Cain 2.60 21 7 7 7 D swords, E lances
Abel 7.76 24 10 10 8 E swords, C lances
Jagen 2.84 20 8 8 11 B lances, E axes
Barst 6.25 26 12 10 7 D axes
Bord 5.54 23 8 7 5 C axes
Merric 3.03 20 3 6 5 D tomes
Sedgar 1.13 base
Hardin 7.57 24 9 9 8 D swords, B lances
Wendell 1.13 base
Julian 3.00 base
Lena 3.00 base
Rickard 1.00 base


Reclass: Jagen to Paladin, Wendell to Dracoknight

Forge: +4 mt, +10 hit Iron Axe, called Iron Axe. Put it on Wendell for OHKOing Pirates.

Having two fliers made it much easier to clear enemies at key points in order to allow Marth to advance pretty much at top speed. Caeda's doubling (plus the Harpoon) and Wendell's new forge made short work of anything they could reach. Non-mounts were practically useless other than the first couple of enemies, and even there I had superfluous attackers. On the final island, Marth finally had to hold back a few spaces, so I could position Jagen, Caeda, Hardin and Abel so that they could KO all enemies near the boss while not being in the boss range (he has 1-range, so not too hard). Then next turn Marth moved in on the boss, I threw some Javelins and Hardin finished him with Steel Sword.

Athena wasn't really worth a visit. She lacks range, and while she has the option to get wings, I don't have enough slots for that until I get better alternatives. Rickard was killed in the initial rush (saved Marth's life there, in fact. top tier y/n). I contemplated throwing Cain on the boss because he's gained about 10 EXP since Ch2, but chickened out.

Turns: 7

Gold: 14370G

Marth 1.90 18 5 7 7 D swords
Caeda: 7.23 19 5 17 9 C lances
Cain 2.60 21 7 7 7 D swords, E lances
Abel 7.87 24 10 10 8 E swords, C lances
Jagen 2.97 20 8 8 11 B lances, E axes
Barst 6.25 26 12 10 7 D axes
Bord 5.54 23 8 7 5 C axes
Merric 3.03 20 3 6 5 D tomes
Sedgar 1.92 base
Hardin 8.61 25 9 9 9 D swords, B lances
Wendell 1.91 base
Julian 3.00 base
Lena 3.00 base


Reclass: nothing

Forge: none

The main issue with this chapter is the cavalier death trap. The left fort poses little problem: any flier can get there, assuming the middle fort is blocked. The middle fort cannot be blocked without being in range of the Javelin cavalier from the south. The guy from the fort on the right needs another turn to reach me, which means he can be disposed of with a ranged attack right out of range...but he also makes it nearly impossible to advance within his range. To block that fort, I need Wendell (or any Dracoknight) on the right, which means the Mercs and Archers have to be disposed of...

On turn 1, Barst kills one of the Archers with his Hand Axe, while Wendell kills the other with a Steel Lance.

[15:51:16] <~Mekkah> cool

[15:51:23] <~Mekkah> i found a spot where wendell can sit without getting attacked by both mercs

[15:51:37] <~Mekkah> what do you mean you can't fly above a stone fence

[15:51:56] <~Mekkah> w/e found another

This puts him in range of one of the mercs, but not the other, who will die next enemy phase, so I can kill the other one the next turn, clearing the area. However, this plan has a flaw: the aggressive generic flying enemies. My main group goes to the left, luring them away from Wendell as much as possible (though he still needs to hold back). With things like Excalibur, ranged attacks, etc it's pretty easy to dispose of these. After that, I prepared Operation Fortblock. Wendell kills the final mercenary but is still 1 square short of the fort next turn. Other people twiddle their thumbs, take shots at Minerva's group (my generic Mage ended up killing Minerva...), taking care not to cross the magic line at the save spot.

Then it's time to strike. Caeda takes the left fort, Wendell the right one, and Sedgar the middle one, armed with a Hand Axe. The next few enemy phases were basically map save resetting until Sedgar dodged the two Javelin cavaliers, and then I had him do the same on the Javelin armors since I can only OHKO one of them with forgejav Abel (the other had 1 more hp/def). The one turn of fresh air between cavalier waves allowed me to advance and kill the armors. I had the useless Cain take over the left fort from Caeda, so she could take the southern fort. Jagen took the middle one.

For the boss, initially I planned to use Merric, but he was 1 square short after killing one of the armors (Sedgar doesn't ORKO even with his str proc and double crits), but since Marth was in seize range I could afford to fly Caeda into him. She didn't quite OHKO, so I had Abel throw a Javelin before she made a clean kill with her unforged Wing Spear.

Turns: 10

Gold: 14370G

Marth 1.90 18 5 7 7 D swords
Caeda: 8.53 19 5 18 10 C lances
Cain 2.60 21 7 7 7 D swords, E lances
Abel 8.60 24 11 10 8 E swords, C lances
Jagen 2.97 20 8 8 11 B lances, E axes
Barst 6.52 26 12 10 7 D axes
Bord 5.94 23 8 7 5 C axes
Merric 4.40 20 3 6 5 D tomes
Sedgar 2.43 28 8 7 6 D axes, E bows
Hardin 8.61 25 9 9 9 D swords, B lances
Wendell 2.55 20 9 15 12 D lances, E axes
Julian 3.00 base
Lena 3.00 base

That's right, 10 def on Caeda. And Wendell proc'd str.


Reclass: Quatro the generic Mage to Myrmidon to make him easier to sacrifice. Sedgar to Hero for more movement while still being able to use the Iron Axe forge.

Forge: +4 mt, +10 hit Javelin. Put it on Jagen.

I put my foot units in front, as like in Ch6, I simply can't advance my mounts quickly enough to dispose of the initial cavaliers without putting them in the range of Roger and his three friends. So I just camped right outside the cavalier range, then ganged up on them, prioritizing kills towards Abel and Hardin as always. The axe brothers and Merric are getting more and more useless due to the tempo I'm moving in. After the cavaliers, archers and armor, I let Barst have a one on one duke with Roger. He whiffed with his Steel Axe, was brought to 6 hp, then killed on his double attack. Sorry Colonel, I just have no space for this guy. Marth was 1 square short of seizing on turn 6, so I did it on turn 7. I had some reinforcements come out (as the boss was alive when I crossed the point) which I gladly got some extra EXP from. As usual, I had someone throw a Javelin at him before finishing off with Caeda's Wing Spear.

I finally suicided Cain as he hasn't done any fighting since axeland. Obviously I got rid of the generic, Caesar and Radd as well. I let Julian shop for a Silver Lance, two Javelins and a new Wing Spear.

Turns: 7

Gold: 4300G

Marth 2.27 19 6 7 7 D swords
Caeda 9.27 19 5 19 10 C lances
Abel 9.17 25 11 11 8 E swords, C lances
Jagen 3.11 22 7 8 10 D swords, B lances
Barst 6.82 26 12 10 7 D axes
Bord 5.94 23 8 7 5 C axes
Merric 4.70 20 3 6 5 D tomes
Sedgar 3.03 25 7 12 8 D swords, E axes (almost at D)
Hardin 9.18 25 10 10 9 D swords, B lances
Wendell 2.68 20 9 15 12 D lances, E axes
Julian 3.00 base
Lena 3.00 base

I'm very happy with various level-ups I got, such as Hardin's str/spd, and Jagen's def. Marth also finally leveled up from OHKOing a cavalier and got str, for all it's worth.


Reclass: My three generics became pirate, cavalier and pirate. And nothing else matters.

Forge: none. Not enough cash atm.

I put Julian in that spot everyone puts him: as far back as possible while still being able to open the door on turn 1. Merric got a very good spot as he'll be attacking the boss. Otherwise, the normal mounts in front deal.

The throne island is completely clogged with enemies, so I needed to put as many people on the edge of the inhabitants' range as I could. After Barst killed the Devil Axe Pirate with a Hand Axe, Abel, Hardin, Jagen, Caeda, Wendell, Sedgar and even Merric all collaborated, killing two hunters, two pirates and the mage in one turn, taking care not to step into the range of other aggressive enemies.

After that, there was just a priest, the boss, and a pirate walking north towards my starting point, eating my generics. Some more pirates were coming from the south, but they didn't threaten me yet, so I got everyone over there. This is on turn 4, where Julian also finished chest business.

On the final turn, Merric used Excalibur on the boss, leaving him with 2hp, and Sedgar finished off with a plain old Iron Axe.

I let Jeorge's village burn and didn't bother getting the Wyrmslayer. Even if I thought they were beneficial, I needed my two fliers for the main island.

Turns: 5

Gold: 4300G (+15000G from the BullionM)


Reclass: My two generics to archer and hunter.

Forge: none.

I decided I didn't care to bother to go inside. Minerva seems like a great asset (flying prepromote with Hauteclere giving her 27 atk) but I don't think she would save more turns than she costs, especially considering that even if I don't recruit her, I can reclass another guy to Dracoknight. Jagen might only have about 23 atk with Silver Lance, but the 10 mov is the same.

This also means I'm not getting Physic, which doesn't matter because I never need to heal (it's kill or be killed) and when I do I have my full Ch6 Physic.

So I did what you'd expect me to. I let the generics go north a bit to lure the group of fliers the wrong way, while everyone else goes past the castle's southern wall. The four cavaliers were a joke. Hardin and Abel are borderline OHKOing them with unforged Irons and Javelins now, to give you an idea. Merric, Bord, Barst and the two generics were walking behind the group being 100% useless, except Merric killed the thief when he came outside with the Levin Sword.

Then there's only one pegasus knight between me and the throne hill. I had Jagen and Abel team up on the Hero in the north to obtain that very desired Master Seal. Then I had one of them use the map save to manipulate Caeda against the boss. He OHKOs everyone with a forged Javelin, and I can't OHKO him with anything, so Caeda had to dodge his 67% disp (78.55% true) while also hitting him twice with 90% disp (98.1% true), factoring in Marth support, which comes to about a 20% chance.

The two generics were killed, and Hardin bought two extra Javelins for God knows why. I was this close to having Barst and Bord die, and I really wouldn't have reset for them.

Turns: 8

Gold: 18300G

Marth 2.67 19 6 7 7 D swords
Caeda 10/1.0 23 9 20 15 C lances (almost B), E axes
Abel 10.19 26 11 11 8 E swords, C lances
Jagen 3.37 22 7 8 10 D swords, B lances (almost A)
Barst 7.72 27 13 10 7 D axes (almost C)
Bord 6.08 23 9 7 5 C axes
Merric 5.73 21 4 6 5 D tomes
Sedgar 3.79 25 7 12 8 D swords, E axes (almost at D)
Hardin 10.11 25 11 10 9 D swords, B lances
Wendell 3.02 20 9 15 12 D lances, E axes
Julian 3.00 base
Lena 3.00 base


Reclass: Jagen to Dracoknight.

Forge: none.

This is where I'm going to break my Warp Vow.

[21:26:18] <~Mekkah> yeah so

[21:26:43] <~Mekkah> mamkute, horseman, sniper, stonehoist, jake arrowspate, 2 silver lance cavs and a javelin cavs

[21:26:46] <~Mekkah> any volunteers

As you can see, I promoted Caeda and followed a simple plan. Take notes, Arion, this is how you do a three-headed dragon assault.

1. Wendell flies to Anna's village and learns Jake talks to beautiful women only

2. Caeda recruits Jake

3. Marth is warped in to give Jagen some extra hit

4. Abel hits the map save

5. Jagen kills the cavalier

6. Marth seizes

Marth 2.67 19 6 7 7 D swords
Caeda 10/1.0 23 9 20 15 C lances (almost B), E axes
Abel 10.19 26 11 11 8 E swords, C lances
Jagen 3.51 22 7 8 10 D swords, B lances (almost A)
Barst 7.72 27 13 10 7 D axes (almost C)
Bord 6.08 23 9 7 5 C axes
Merric 5.73 21 4 6 5 D tomes
Sedgar 3.79 25 7 12 8 D swords, E axes (almost at D)
Hardin 10.11 25 11 10 9 D swords, B lances
Wendell 3.02 20 9 15 12 D lances, E axes
Julian 3.00 base
Lena 3.50 base


Reclass: none

Forge: +3 mt Wing Spear (the fresh one) called Wing Hax. Might as well stop these "can't quite kill this guy in one hit" situations.

Very limited deployment room here, I had to bench Jake and the axe brothers. I gave Abel my Speedwing because leaving it in the convoy for no reason is silly. I gave him a Door Key as well, as tests turned out he's the one who should open that door to the chest room. Merric was given a Master Key for reasons shown later.

Jagen and Wendell ganged up on one Armor with Javelins, and Caeda used her full movement to fly past the other and kill it with her unforged Wing Spear. Everyone follows. Tomas, Dolph and Maccellan were put into position for immediate sacrifice (they get OHKO'd now, heh), and my stupid useless generic was on the way to hug a wall so the prison guards would range him next.

Experimenting with the AI shows that the General only attacks after you attack him. Stand next to him and he won't budge an inch. This made the feared clog with the Sniper and the door with a chest in front of it much easier to solve, as I could kill the Sniper first with Caeda's +6 mt Javelin while everyone else catches up.

On turn 3 enemy phase, reinforcements appear and the southern horsebacks start moving as well. Wendell and Sedgar get into position for the two mages...if they don't, one of them goes back towards the throne, and we can't have that. Abel goes next to Caeda and trades forged Javelins in order to ORKO the General. Caeda moves aside...at first I was going to move her onto the chest on the right and kill the priest, but it turns out this gets her killed by the horseman outside. Damn arrows going through walls. So she has to idle while Julian opens the door. I wanted to kill the left priest with Jagen and the boss with Hardin, but I can't put either up close or they get killed by one of Heimler's squad, and the RNs were laid out so that ~68% hit would miss on the first try (so I can't kill both at range). So I give Jagen the bosskill, and he procs str and spd. On enemy phase, a cavalier takes back the throne.

On turn 5, Lena Warps Merric to the Boots chest. One of the mages went back towards the throne which is bad, but Sedgar kills the other one. The horseman and the mage are just far enough to allow Jagen, Hardin, Abel and Caeda to get rid of the priest and the entire Heimler squad, with Caeda taking the guy himself with her unforged Wing Spear. Marth moves in close enough to seize next turn, and Julian gets one of the three remaining chests.

On the final turn, Merric obtains the Boots, Abel kills the Mage for a spd proc, Julian gets the Dragonpike (leaving only the Silver Sword chest unopened), and then Marth seizes.

Marth 3.14 20 6 8 7 D swords
Caeda 10/2.45 23 9 21 16 B lances, E axes
Abel 11.10 26 11 11 8 E swords, C lances
Jagen 5.06 20 9 10 12 A lances, E axes
Barst 7.72 27 13 10 7 D axes (almost C)
Bord 6.08 23 9 7 5 C axes
Merric 6.76 22 5 6 5 D tomes
Sedgar 4.20 27 8 13 9 C axes
Hardin 10.82 25 11 10 9 D swords, B lances
Wendell 3.50 20 9 15 12 D lances, E axes
Julian 3.00 base
Lena 4.00 bleh
Boah 1.00 base
Midia 1.00 base
Jake 1.68 base
Horace 3.00 base

Edited by Mekkah
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Reclass: none

Forge: none

I put the Arms Scroll on Sedgar, so now he has C axes. With his two extra move over the axe brothers, I think it's time to say goodbye to them on this map. Marth got the Boots. I'm leaving the Robe alone for now. I let the Master Seals rot for another chapter to give Abel and Hardin a bit more time to grow. I deployed everyone but Julian, Midia, Boah and Lena.

After redoing this chapter and rewriting this paragraph thousand times I think I finally got it down. Sedgar Hammered the armor, and Jake Arrowspat the cavalier, allowing it to be finished off by Boots Marth. My fliers and cavaliers got into position to storm the side path of this map. Next turn, Jake took care of that moving mage in the south, and then I just had Abel and Hardin take care of a cavalier, and my dracos flew upwards, destroying one cav in the process.

On turn 3, Marth crossed the river to end up near the village (which I never visited), while my three headed dragon assault took care of the two rushing mages. Horace and friends do not move if you don't get on their island, so I left them alone. With some careful positioning, I put my fliers so that they'd be out of range of the mamkute and the two bow enemies in the north. Then next turn Jagen Ridersbaned the boss (what do you mean, 51 hit?), Caeda double Iron Lanced the sniper and Wendell used his Iron Axe forge to bash the archer's head in. Marth got into position to seize.

On the final turn, I chain traded my Dragonpike to Jagen for the hell of it and let him kill the mamkute, which got him a spd level-up, and brought him to A lances. Awesome.

Turns: 5

Marth 3.14 20 6 8 7 D swords
Caeda 10/2.45 23 9 21 16 B lances, E axes
Abel 11.10 26 11 11 8 E swords, C lances
Jagen 5.06 20 9 10 12 A lances, E axes
Barst 7.72 27 13 10 7 D axes (almost C)
Bord 6.08 23 9 7 5 C axes
Merric 6.76 22 5 6 5 D tomes
Sedgar 4.20 27 8 13 9 C axes
Hardin 10.82 25 11 10 9 D swords, B lances
Wendell 3.50 20 9 15 12 D lances, E axes
Julian 3.00 base
Lena 4.00 bleh
Boah 1.00 base
Midia 1.00 base
Jake 1.68 base
Horace 3.00 base

Yeah, I failed to sac Bord/Barst. Could've done them in on that first armor. I'll just use them as ballista bait now.


Reclass: none

Forge: none

It seems impossible to complete this chapter in any normal way. Marth is prioritized and OHKO'd by pretty much all ballistae, which not only makes it hard to walk him to the throne, but also impossible to recruit Beck without a lot of lucky misses. The rest of my characters can't really survive either. So I had Lena and Boah Warp Marth and Abel to the throne. Abel is the only unpromoted unit with enough AS to double the boss, and he had to use the Harpoon (the +6 Javelin) to score the ORKO.

It sucks that I won't have Beck or the Thunderbolt. At first I thought I'd have a hard time without Astram's Wyrmslayer, but then I realized I have Dragonpikes to OHKO mamkutes, so I'll be fine.

Turns: 1

Marth 3.14 20 6 8 7 D swords
Caeda 10/2.45 23 9 21 16 B lances, E axes
Abel 11.10 26 11 11 8 E swords, C lances
Jagen 5.06 20 9 10 12 A lances, E axes
Barst 7.72 27 13 10 7 D axes (almost C)
Bord 6.08 23 9 7 5 C axes
Merric 6.76 22 5 6 5 D tomes
Sedgar 4.20 27 8 13 9 C axes
Hardin 10.82 25 11 10 9 D swords, B lances
Wendell 3.50 20 9 15 12 D lances, E axes
Julian 3.00 base
Lena 4.50 bleh
Boah 1.25 base
Midia 1.00 base
Jake 1.68 base
Horace 3.00 base


Reclass: Barst and Bord to Pirate

Forge: +10 hit, +4 mt Arrowspate for Jake

Kind of poor planning on my part meant too few unit slots here to deploy everyone, but it didn't end up mattering much. I chose to leave out Merric and Lena, intending to sacrifice as much as possible on this map.

I had Julian lower the bridge, then put Horace in front of him to OHKO the ballista with a Silver Lance, followed by my other intended sacrifices Barst, Bord and Midia. This worked out perfectly, and the latter two bit the dust.

Jake used his shiny new forged Arrowspate to KO one of the aggressive archers. Sedgar and Abel took care of the Armors, and then Horace and Barst shielded them from the two cavaliers, who couldn't be quite reached this turn. They didn't suffer.

Hardin and Abel took care of these two cavaliers, both getting spd and Hardin even getting str and def. Jake killed the other aggressive archer. Fliers moved forward, with Jagen taking a Door Key out of Marth's convoy.

I had Jake kill one of the thieves for fun and get the vulnerary, and was rewarded by a nice level up that included str. Jagen opened the door, and Marth and Caeda moved through. Wendell threw a Javelin through the wall to kill the priest. Interestingly, the thief I had left alive opened the door to the chest room. I hoped he would grab a chest and come out into Jake's range again so I could get all the treasure. Testing showed he went for the Bullion chest, so I just Warped in Julian out of the sniper's range and grabbed it.

I had to map save in order to get one of the armors in the throne room to miss Caeda. Unfortunately the thief didn't like the Silver Card as much as the Bullion and walked away. Jake punished him for his greed and got another str level-up. Caeda used the Wing Hax for the first time and smited Jiol, gaining str. Abel and Hardin killed Catria and Palla. I bought some completely unnecessary items with Sedgar and Wendell, and seized with Marth.

Turns: 6

With the next chapter's preparations added in:

Marth 3.14 20 6 8 7 D swords
Caeda 3.36 24 10 21 16 B lances, E axes
Abel 1.00 30 14 16 11 B lances, E axes
Jagen 5.06 20 9 10 12 A lances, E axes
Merric 6.76 22 5 6 5 D tomes
Sedgar 4.34 27 8 13 9 C axes
Hardin 1.00 28 15 12 13 A lances, E axes
Wendell 3.50 20 9 15 12 D lances, E axes
Julian 3.00 base
Lena 4.50 bleh
Boah 1.50 base
Jake 4.34 20 7 4 15


Reclass: Hardin and Abel to Dracoknights. Also various generics. Not interesting.

Forge: none

That's right, the air force is at full power now, with promotions and reclassing for Abel and Hardin. Thanks to Catria and Palla, I now have five flier slots, just in time for the desert. I found out I didn't buy any Pure Water (I thought I did), so I have to make do with Boah using Barrier on people. The main goal here is for people to survive the Swarm Bishop's hit once so I can nuke him. The other threats are the Javelin Dracoknights, but thankfully two of them move and I never have to come close to a third, leaving the one on the throne, who is a problem. Luring him with a generic takes too long, so I will use Warp to get rid of him. I obviously undeploy Julian since I don't need his services.

Turn 1. Sedgar kills one of the two mages near my starting point, and Marth:gasp: kills the other with an Iron Sword. Four generics loyally follow his cause. Lena and Boah begin preparing the air force for take-off with Barriers (a leftover from a former strategy where they have to hang in Swarm range for a turn). Jake and Merric follow Marth as my overkill flier slayers.

Next, I put three generics in range of the two mobile enemy draco knights. Every draco but Caeda is Barrier'd now, and Caeda takes a Pure Water. Marth follows the generics, making sure to stay out of enemy range. On enemy phase, two of the generics get ransacked by the draco's, which activated my trap card.

Turn 3, Merric Excaliburs one draco, and Jake Arrowspates the other, both for over 120 damage. I make sure Jake is as far away as possible so he can ride away from Gharnef if needed, who is on the bridge now. My last advanced generic stands into the range of the draco near the throne. Marth follows him, again staying out of danger. My fliers are put right outside the edge of the Bolganone Bishop's attacking range, except Caeda, who stays with my healers. On enemy phase, the draco murders that generic, and my last generic is killed by Gharnef. A mage also came to attack that first generic but missed...I should have positioned him differently, but it turned out fine now.

Turn 4: The turn where it all happens. Caeda is Warped to the throne, and kills the bishop boss. This was necessary because Marth can't survive Swarm even with a robe and Pure Water at full strength. My draco army takes out the bishop, the two mages and the priest. Sedgar kills the mage that missed my generic, and Merric kills the dracoknight. The left side of the map is now completely devoid of enemies (other than a lone priest or two), so Marth simply walks up. Gharnef is still there and scaring though, so Jake moves back to the left. On enemy phase, Gharnef closes in, and so does the last dracoknight that apparently felt like moving out of nowhere since last turn.

Merric then overkills the draco from range while staying right out of Gharnef's. My other units do boredom things like flying to the shops to buy unnecessary things and killing harmless priests. Nothing happens on enemy phase at all except Gharnef strolling, and a mage appearing in the far east. Marth seizes on turn 6.

Turns: 6

Marth 3.57 20 6 8 7 D swords
Caeda 3.73 24 10 21 16 B lances, E axes
Abel 1.30 30 14 16 11 B lances, E axes
Jagen 5.19 20 9 10 12 A lances, E axes
Merric 6.76 22 5 6 5 D tomes
Sedgar 4.75 27 8 13 9 C axes
Hardin 1.15 28 15 12 13 A lances, E axes
Wendell 3.94 20 9 15 12 D lances, E axes
Julian 3.00 base
Lena 4.88 bleh
Boah 1.93 base
Jake 5.22 21 7 4 16

Edited by Mekkah
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Sucks that you couldn't get Thunderbolt. With a small forge, you could easily critkill units from afar with that thing. Well, I guess it wouldn't work on some unpromoted enemies though (Paladins can have 6-7 Res after a while, and some can climb up to 50 HP). It's a good thing Ballisticians are only around in 13, 14, 20, and Final for the most part, so the loss of it isn't that great.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Shamelessy bumping this with a double post to say that the playthrough is over. It hadn't been updated since Ch6 so I figured this was in order.

Again thanks to downdown151 for the ROM edit.

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