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Generics Quiz

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This is the unofficial FE9 generics trivia quiz. Any takers just put your answers under a spoiler tag. All questions are for FE9 hard mode and trial maps.

FE9 Generics Quiz

  1. Who is the only generic to possess two of the same weapon or item?
  2. Who is the only generic who can be coerced into equipping a weapon or item that it did not originally possess?
  3. Who are the only generics with an affinity, and what is that affinity?
  4. For some reason, in trial maps, enemy paladins can only wield one weapon type. Who is the only paladin outside of trial maps who can only wield one weapon type?
  5. Most generics have weapon levels that are determined like this: for any weapon level, it is either that class’ base weapon level or the same as the highest-rank weapon of that type the generic possesses, whichever is higher. Who is the only generic that does not follow this rule?
  6. Name all generics outside of trial maps who come with elixirs.
  7. Name all generics who wield a weapon no other generics wield.
  8. There are two generics with a weapon or item that can be stolen and is otherwise unobtainable. One is the Rexaura bishop. Who is the other?

The answers I have, though I'm pretty sure they're all correct, may be wrong as I have not gone through the game to check every single enemy.

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Who is the only generic to possess two of the same weapon or item?

My guess is it's a pair of vulneraries... or perhaps a raven with two coins... but I have no idea where.

Who is the only generic who can be coerced into equipping a weapon or item that it did not originally possess?

I think it's a thief and a weapon they can get from a chest... again, no idea where. Perhaps a thief on chapter 22, equipping a weapon they can get.

Who are the only generics with an affinity, and what is that affinity?

Ooh... I think it's the Crimean Paladins on chapter 23, but I can't remember what it is. I'll go for Water.

For some reason, in trial maps, enemy paladins can only wield one weapon type. Who is the only paladin outside of trial maps who can only wield one weapon type?

Umm... chapter 24 Green Paladin? I honestly have no idea, but I vaguely remember noticing one...

Most generics have weapon levels that are determined like this: for any weapon level, it is either that class’ base weapon level or the same as the highest-rank weapon of that type the generic possesses, whichever is higher. Who is the only generic that does not follow this rule?

This quiz is hard :(. Killing Edge Swordmaster in Endgame.

Name all generics outside of trial maps who come with elixirs.


Name all generics who wield a weapon no other generics wield.

They don't have names. These questions are crazy. There's the Bishop with Rexaura in endgame, the Double Bow thief... but he doesn't weild that. Er... I dunno.

There are two generics with a weapon or item that can be stolen and is otherwise unobtainable. One is the Rexaura bishop. Who is the other?

You mean an item that isn't available in any other way? So not just about every Elixir and stuff. Must be something like a Slience staff Bishop.

Yeah... I think I got 0. Good luck guys.

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I only know the answer to 3.

Tanith's Reinforcements are Dark affinity.

I only advised my mate while playing it, and he doesn't look at individual enemies like I do :rolleyes:

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Furet got Q. 3 right.

Bomb got a 0, but he might be right about 3 also, once again, I didn't check everything. But it's like me to miss something like this.

There are no green paladins in ch. 24, only a couple of green lance knights.

As for the elixir question, there are only 5. It's not that bad.

Edited by Kinata
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I'm going to try going for Q. 7.

Name all generics who wield a weapon no other generics wield.

There's a Bishop with Purge in Chapter 26, a Warrior with a Tomahawk, Thief with a Stiletto and a Sniper with a Brave Bow in Chapter 27, a Bishop with Rexaura and a Paladin with a Brave Axe in Endgame.

There's also two Thoron holders in the game but only one of them starts off with Thoron equipped. The other one has Bolting equipped. Not sure if that counts, though.

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Your third and fifth answers are correct. The other ones are wrong because there are enemies with those weapons in the trial maps. There is one more generic you need.

Can do Bomb.

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I assumed that all the enemies in this game had affinities. I guess FE8 and FE10 got me into the habit of assuming all generics to have affinities. Although FE10 generics only have Water/Wind/Thunder/Fire affinities, which is weird.

I think it's really cool that Tanith's reinforcements have dark affinity. I guess it just helps persuade me of the awesomeness of Tanith.

Question 2 is a C21 Thief, because a Stiletto is in one of the chests.

Question 8 is Bryce. You need to Sleep Bryce and steal the Wishblade (I think characters unequip weapons when snoozing).

Edited by Anouleth
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And sleeping enemies don't de-equip their weapons... And bosses always dodge sleep staves...

Plus, there's a reason some people play the game 10 times to recruit Bryce for the trial maps. There is no other way to get the wishblade.

You got question 2 right though.

Edited by Kinata
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FE8 doesn't have generics with affinities. Only bosses.

Before that even most unimportant bosses wouldn't have affinities.

Dunno about 10, haven't played it.

Could I have the answers sent to me? I want to see if it brings back memories...

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