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^beauty!?!? Oliver?!?!?! *tries to put those two together...shoots self in the head*

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Oliver is so cool, he deserves to be the lord of a Fire Emblem game.

Fire Emblem: Path of Beauty

and a sequel

Fire Emblem: Radiant Beauty

^beauty!?!? Oliver?!?!?! *tries to put those two together...shoots self in the head*

that's why! in the first, he is on an adventure to become beautiful, that's why its called Path of Beauty.

In Radiant Beauty, its his return as a beautiful person.

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this is what Kiryn said about him. but i think he's pretty cool!

do you like Oliver? or do you want him to go back to his enemies?


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Oliver, the Champion of Beauty!

he is beauty incarnate, he said so himself! lol!

Yeah he SAID that, but many people have said that i'm completely normal. Look how wrong they are

Seriously, though. That fat dastard prouncing around saying he's beautiful when he's bigger than an NFL player is enough right there to make me want to burn him to hell

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Elincia is so hot, she deserves to be the lord of a Fire Emblem game.

Fire Emblem: Path of Beauty

and a sequel

Fire Emblem: Radiant Beauty


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Yeah he SAID that, but many people have said that i'm completely normal. Look how wrong they are

Seriously, though. That fat dastard prouncing around saying he's beautiful when he's bigger than an NFL player is enough right there to make me want to burn him to hell

lol! methinks someone is jealous! lol! jk!

don't you just wish you had Oliver's glorious physique? lol lol lol!

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I know Nightmare does.


Well anyway, Oliver is awesome if only for his theme (the harpsichord one, Power-Hungry Fool/Oliver's Fall). And he kinda reminds me of myself...I do respect beauty like him and all that. But I'm not absolutely obsessed with it like him. I would never enslave herons!

Also he would never rape Leanne; didn't you see how in PoR he told his servants and soldiers to take special care of Reyson? He wouldn't want to harm them in any way!

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I think Oliver has delusions about what "harming" is.

He sure did enough psychological scarring...

that is so the truth

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Oliver is special, because he's evil, but not really, admirable, but not really, excellent, but not really

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