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So, my boyfriend is upset for some unknown reason; and does anyone remember that friend that came to my house drunk? Well, apparently her grandmother went batshit insane on her last night (she broke her own computer and then, out of the blue, cut their internet off) and she had semi-suicidal thoughts. My sixth sense told me that I better call her and get her out of her house, which I did, and I haven't heard from her since she went to work. x_x I offered to pay for the rest of her cell phone every month because her grandma won't pay for it anymore.

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The first sentence doesn't have anything to do with the rest of the paragraph? >__>

I'm worried about my boyfriend and my friend. Faaaa.

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I'm worried about my boyfriend and my friend. Faaaa.

Make him tell you what's wrong or does he not know himself?

As for your friend....When did she leave for work? You probably shouldn't worry about her committing suicide if you haven't heard from her since she went to work TODAY.

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Okay, more info on my boyfriend: there seems to be no definite reason as to why he's upset, he's just... upset. He claims that he's 'broken' and is out of it. He won't reply to any of my texts; his brother replies to them, simply stating that 'he's out of it.' He doesn't give me a reason why. He just says he is what he is. I'm afraid he's becoming manic-depressive and I don't know why.

More info on my friend: She wants to come to my house again, but my mom doesn't want her to. x_x So, I assume she's staying at her neighbor's house, since that's what she told me she'd do. Apparently her grandma's being a bitch again, but I'm a little less worried for her now; it's kind of a relief.

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Okay, more info on my boyfriend: there seems to be no definite reason as to why he's upset, he's just... upset. He claims that he's 'broken' and is out of it. He won't reply to any of my texts; his brother replies to them, simply stating that 'he's out of it.' He doesn't give me a reason why. He just says he is what he is. I'm afraid he's becoming manic-depressive and I don't know why.

Do you think there's any possible events that could lead to why your boyfriend's acting manic-depressive?

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So your friend's grandma is the only adult in that house?

Do you think there's any possible events that could lead to why your boyfriend's acting manic-depressive?

Better rephrase that question to "What events etc etc...?"

Edited by Fireman
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