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Lord Glenn's Mausoleum

Lord Glenn

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Sorry this isn't related to the new template, but I can't really critique that...

However, I wanted to say your current sig is really cool, did you make that swamp background yourself? And is the sunlight part of luce?

-Dancer Away!

Edited by Dancer A
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@Dancer - Technically it is related to the new template, since the scene in the signature is using it. The forest* background is from Golden Sun. The sunlight comes with the background.

@April - I guess you can't even see the (minimal) shading in the final product (with the names over it), but every time I'd add a large amount of shading to show the deeper areas, it would just look poorly shaded. Anyway, progress is in the signature.

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The new battle template looks very nice. I think I mentioned I was worried about how the circles for the hit/dam/crit numbers would turn out, but I think it looks great after you've added the detail onto them.

I also like the frames for the HP bars, but won't it get busy once the HP bars go over 40?

For the tower flags, how about making them like a box-shaped blanket around the towers? Sort of like when you have castles that hang a flag from a horizontal bar.

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I don't understand.

If people can make such good custom spell frames

why aren't there any custom spells in any hacks

- First one not so much; I don't see it happening

- But this


just get rid of the mist and you can make it a reality.

And I can jizz my pants when someone inevitably posts a YouTube video of it in game

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The new battle template looks very nice. I think I mentioned I was worried about how the circles for the hit/dam/crit numbers would turn out, but I think it looks great after you've added the detail onto them.

I also like the frames for the HP bars, but won't it get busy once the HP bars go over 40?

For the tower flags, how about making them like a box-shaped blanket around the towers? Sort of like when you have castles that hang a flag from a horizontal bar.

Yeah, they probably will look busy. I'll probably end up redesigning the template for the hack anyway, so if I end up making another scene or releasing the template, I'll probably include half-size HP bars or something to prevent the business.

And, let me see if I get the suggestion: Basically if the tower was standing upright, there'd be a horizontal bar at some point below where the tower transitions to the battlements part (i.e. where the tower gets wider) and the flag would be draping towards the bottom of the tower? (And, using the flag as the primary name area, presumably?)


The likely reason? Single frame stills are much easier to design/sprite than entire animations, and for the purposes of most of these battle scenes, they're meant to just be shown off as images. Hence why Yeti is basically the only person that makes legit spell animations any more.

(And, for the record, the mist isn't mist. It was taken directly from parts of the Gespenst animation from FE7. (Though, Gespenst had a background accompanying it, whereas that spell doesn't.))

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I can still see that the shading is there on the flags. Very nice.

What I typed probably could have come across better. XD (As in, it wasn't necessarily directed solely at you. My fault.)

What I had meant to say was that with the text there, the shading became partially covered, so it didn't necessarily need to be there anyway. I appreciate the comment though.

EDIT - Since someone asked to see the bare template elsewhere:


Edited by Lord Glenn
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  • 1 month later...

New item in stores, despite the fact that the item in question is far from new!


What's this? A map!? (Not like I really make these very often...)

Yeah, I made this a couple of years ago and never really posted it up or anything. So, since I don't really have a lot to post at the moment while I work on a new template for FE4R, you guys get this.

EDIT - Based on some comments on other boards, I've updated the map a hefty amount.


Comments and suggestions are welcome, because I'm still actively updating this. And, yes, I'm aware that the throne room area is one level higher than the rest of the castle. It's kind of supposed to be like that, plus, fixing it would require making an entire new map, and this one is large enough as it is.

Edited by Lord Glenn
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  • 5 weeks later...

No posts in almost a month? I am disappoint. :(

Maybe an icon sheet will spark some conversation?


WIP Icon Sheet for FE4R. Obviously, the icons with the lighter background are the ones that I've done and some have been posted here already (FE4 Holy Weapons, etc.) or have been adapted from older icons that were posted here.

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Sorry, I don't know what to say about maps ><

I like your weapon icons lots.

Any specific icons stand out as being exemplary (or, conversely, ones that are much more fail than the rest and need fixed)?

The tomes are really cool!

They're merely my rendition of FE9's tomes (minus the Dark tomes, which come from FE10) in a FE6/7/8 format. I appreciate the compliment though. (Even though I really should go back and tweak the entire FE9 Icon set... >_>)

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  • 4 weeks later...

New update to that template for FE4R.


The shields were referenced from Link's shield in Link's Awakening DX for the main design, which was then "ad lib'd" and shaded on my own. The HP area is supposed to be kind of "gem"-like (don't remember what the ref was for it any more, since those were done a while ago), but I don't know if that is convey'd correctly. I'll probably have to tweak this again anyway, since knowing my luck, it won't insert correctly, so any suggestions/comments will definitely be considered or applied at some point.

EDIT - I sprited a test "sample" of what the image should look like in-game:


Edited by Lord Glenn
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No love for the template? :/

Fine, how about more icons?


(What's been updated: New icons for the Blades, Slim Lance, Steel Lance, Silver Lance, Brave Lance, Javelin, Spear, and tweaks to the Brave Sword and Iron Lance)

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I didnt see your edit. The template alone wont generate much chatter, but seeing it used is neat. It would look better imo if you reversed the shading on one half though, because it seems... shiny. Like bad shiny.

Also, did you make that spell anim? The screeny looks cool.

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I didnt see your edit. The template alone wont generate much chatter, but seeing it used is neat. It would look better imo if you reversed the shading on one half though, because it seems... shiny. Like bad shiny.

Also, did you make that spell anim? The screeny looks cool.

I assume by "reverse the shading on one half," you're meaning for the shields? (And, if so, they *are* made of metal with a light source hitting them... Though, I'll see what I can do.)

Yes and no for the question. The actual effects were taken from Ivaldi (the "halo" type of thing up top) and from a spell sheet that someone made for/ripped from an RPG Maker. I lined the stuff up the way I wanted, tweaked the blend modes and opacities, and applied some color balance to get it somewhat like I wanted.

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  • 4 weeks later...

You guys don't comment on my stuff, so don't blame me if I don't update this thread very often.

Newest WIP version of the FE4R battle template (Ver. 3):


Went for a Celtic knot for the designs on the circles, but I just feel like there's too much of the darkest shade in the circles. Yet, I can't really think of anything to do to change it... (And, I'm not certain that I really like this particular knot, so if anyone has any other suggestions, I'm definitely open to them...)

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(Tileset: 10007312)

You guys get treated to a map that I have no idea how to do water for. The main, tilespammed water animates correctly in-game, so don't BAW over how they're all the same tile. What I do need help with is how to handle adding the more "wavy" tiles to the main water to add depth.

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You guys don't comment on my stuff, so don't blame me if I don't update this thread very often.

Newest WIP version of the FE4R battle template (Ver. 3):


Went for a Celtic knot for the designs on the circles, but I just feel like there's too much of the darkest shade in the circles. Yet, I can't really think of anything to do to change it... (And, I'm not certain that I really like this particular knot, so if anyone has any other suggestions, I'm definitely open to them...)

I really like the new circle boxes. The shield design was good, but I preferred the box as a circle for some reason. Could just be me, but the name bars seem a little bit busy. I think it's the density of the red/blue pattern, as well as the wavy pattern at the bottom. Although, maybe it looks better in-game, when you have the names on top and crazy stuff going on in the background.

I'm terrible at maps, so I won't be much help there ^^;;;

Edited by VincentASM
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Looks interesting, though fighting could be a bit difficult for non-flying units or non-pirates/berserkers. o.o

As for the map itself, it'd be pretty lulzy to load foot units on water, and have fliers everywhere.

Make the island a tad bigger?

I should have noted that this is a bit of a gimmick map and it's also situated early on. (So, very few characters and a specific set, which I'm not willing to reveal.)

I really like the new circle boxes. The shield design was good, but I preferred the box as a circle for some reason. Could just be me, but the name bars seem a little bit busy. I think it's the density of the red/blue pattern, as well as the wavy pattern at the bottom. Although, maybe it looks better in-game, when you have the names on top and crazy stuff going on in the background.

I actually forgot to post the updated WIP version of the template here:


Also, I have the designs in the name box as layers, so I can enable/disable them in the event they're too busy or produce too many tiles.

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