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Lord Glenn's Mausoleum

Lord Glenn

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@Valmanway - Wasn't intended, as I mentioned a page or two back, but I can see where you'd make that link. (No pun intended.)


Lo and behold, on this false day of Rapture, I come bearing, as they say, an image dump.

For starters, someone had asked me for the base template for my current statsheet. So, in the spirit of "Why not?", I'll post it here also:


Note: The regular FE8 positioning templates will only PARTIALLY work with this. You will have to use my signature to make sure everything is lined up properly.

Next, I have two quick map updates, mainly focused on some cleanup issues (and gameplay issues in the case of one of the two). I'm only going to put the links to the maps in this post, but the maps will be updated in the first post.

Map 1

Map 2

Now for an icon dump:

Icon Contest:


FE9 Icon Update:


Elibian Nights:


Yuri's Sidestory:


FE4 Holy Weapons (New Versions):


New Teaser Image:


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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, at least it took me less than a month to update for once.

First off, some more weapon icons:


The first three are fair game for use (modification, no, unless you clear it with me first), but the last one is exclusive to someone and can't be used.

Also, a new map, which I just finished about 30 minutes ago. (A cookie to the first person who can guess the inspiration for the map.)


(Tile changed version can be viewed here.)

Feaw was kind enough to help me through some of the rough patches on the map, but I realize that there are probably several flaws that could be fixed or aesthetic changes that could be made, so I would definitely like some feedback on this. Also, the water in this locale is supposed to be relatively calm or still, so I didn't add any of the turbulent water tiles in. (Though, I was thinking about adding some in the corner areas of the castle. Thoughts on this?)

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Interesting map.

The green titles not surrounded by walls (the ones that wtf disappear sometimes) on the middle of the right side of the map should be lowered one where they run into the treasure room and where they run into the bottom section of the castle. (Right now it looks like they run into the wall/column above the door/staircase). Also, even if you don't add turbulent water, I'm pretty sure there are more than one kind of calm water tile to break up the tile spam.

Edited by deranger
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Interesting map.

The green titles not surrounded by walls (the ones that wtf disappear sometimes) on the middle of the right side of the map should be lowered one where they run into the treasure room and where they run into the bottom section of the castle. (Right now it looks like they run into the wall/column above the door/staircase). Also, even if you don't add turbulent water, I'm pretty sure there are more than one kind of calm water tile to break up the tile spam.

The way it's placed is actually correct atm, as when you open a vertical door, the top part of the two tiles open, not the bottom. It's a flaw with FE's tilesets.

Anyway, Josh, like I said before, that map is pretty awesome, though it could probably do with some more pillars here and there to make it more interesting.

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The way it's placed is actually correct atm, as when you open a vertical door, the top part of the two tiles open, not the bottom. It's a flaw with FE's tilesets.

Oh, did not know that.

So ignore the door one, just the staircase one I guess unless you can walk on pillar bases, in which case I give up.

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I checked the tileset: There is only one non-turbulent water tile that doesn't have shadowing on it. So, to break up the tile spam, I'm going to need to add in turbulence. (Which means, I need suggestions on where it should reasonably go.)

Also, fixed the green tile walkway and added in pillar. (How could I just up and forget to put them on? XD)


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I would add one more green tile layer under the bottom one because the staircase makes it look like there should be one, but that's just me. (I think it'd look better aesthetically, but obviously logistically it wouldn't make a smooth transition onto the castle part)

And Oh at lack of water tiles.

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I think I'll stick with mine. I don't like the idea of towers that small being higher than the walls of the rest of the fort. If they were higher, maybe I'd make them taller. But, since they aren't I'll go with how I have mine set up.

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First one can't be helped, there's no tile for that.

The one next to the pillar can though, Glenn you may want to fix that, but for consistency, it may look better not having it, i.e. as is.


All the carpet shading tiles.

Edited by Hero of Time
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Definitely looks better with the shading. Fixed the one on the left as well as the one on the top right tower. Now if only there were shaded brace tiles and stuff for some of the areas that still look off because they don't exist...

Any input on the water stuff?

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Any input on the water stuff?

Randomly, water doesn't follow the laws of physics

but seriously, there could be so many things that affect where turbulent spots would be (i.e. uneven surfaces underwater) that random would looks good to me.

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I really like that map. I'm a big fan of indoor water maps. The biggest concern I have with the water is that it looks "patchy". The water just seems to get deeper in small little areas instead of fewer, but larger, spots. The biggest tip I can give for that is use the dark water tiles and then use the other smaller ones as border tiles (I hope I'm making sense). Also, in the very upper right the water is a little spammed above the wall.

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The tile I circled is darker than the standard water tile. Depending on which tileset you're using this can be easier or more difficult to spot. Luckily, the one used in Night of Farewells is a little easier to notice.

Anyway, you would use this tile and then use the border water tiles around it (The tiles with just a little bit of darker water in the corner). To see what I'm talking about in action look at the upper right corner of Night of Farewells. The water beneath the chest island is darker and then moves to lighter water.

Edited by Primefusion
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The tile I circled is darker than the standard water tile. Depending on which tileset you're using this can be easier or more difficult to spot. Luckily, the one used in Night of Farewells is a little easier to notice.

Anyway, you would use this tile and then use the border water tiles around it (The tiles with just a little bit of darker water in the corner). To see what I'm talking about in action look at the upper right corner of Night of Farewells. The water beneath the chest island is darker and then moves to lighter water.

I'll play around with the water a little more later on. Night of Farewells seems to be counter-intuitive now that I look at it again; normally, one uses the shallow water near land(/platforms) and the darker water "out to sea," but Night of Farewells seems to reverse this. At this point, I'm both water'd out and I want to see how the water looks animated, in-game before I continue fixing things up.

Holy crap, Dragon Quest. I give you five cookies for making this.

Someone finally got it. God, I was starting to wonder how it was possible that everyone's childhood had been robbed of two classic JRPGs... (And, the map's not completely identical. It's akin to what this round of the mapping contest is about, kind of. :x)

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I'll play around with the water a little more later on. Night of Farewells seems to be counter-intuitive now that I look at it again; normally, one uses the shallow water near land(/platforms) and the darker water "out to sea," but Night of Farewells seems to reverse this. At this point, I'm both water'd out and I want to see how the water looks animated, in-game before I continue fixing things up.

Maybe it IS deeper near the platforms. I mean, it may have to do with the fact the platforms sink.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Couple of icons (all previously seen, but not posted in here):




Aaaaaannnnnndddddd, a map, with its tile changes:



The opening area was partially inspired by the Rogue Encampment from Diablo II.

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