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A Princess' Art Gallery

Princess Kilvas

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Uh..Good. But I'm gonna try to get as much art done before December. So expect a flood of art by the end of the month. =D

Awesome, you always do a good job and I can't wait to see more.

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2 Moar mugs. and Harvey, I've decided not to post art people pay for. It wouldn't be fair.



Rock Lee


I like how this one turned out. XD

More soon. Hopefully....but this will probably be it for awhile.


I can almost feel Rock Lee's determination. XD.

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2 Moar mugs. and Harvey, I've decided not to post art people pay for. It wouldn't be fair.



Rock Lee


I like how this one turned out. XD

More soon. Hopefully....but this will probably be it for awhile.

Some regular critiques:

Neji's hair lacks proper shading, making it look less textured and more like a flat piece of plastic. His body is at the wrong angle compared to his head, and the clothing is pillow shaded. His shoulders slope unnaturally.

Rock Lee has the same pillow shading issues. His hand is too small (specifically, his wrist), and his shirt is pillow shaded.

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You know, it seems that people have been requesting art too much. I think I'd like to see more of Princess's doodles. Like the ones on the first page. She can even use some of our characters if she liked.

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You know, it seems that people have been requesting art too much. I think I'd like to see more of Princess's doodles. Like the ones on the first page. She can even use some of our characters if she liked.

Princess is too popular

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You're full of shit, selling that for 10 bucks. I've seen true pieces of masterful handcraft been sold for less than two bucks in Oaxaca, Mexico. True artwork that your unskilled hands could never even HOPE to do.

This thread has an amount of shit that I have never seen before. I don't even know where to start! but I guess we'll go all the way back to post #1 and the words "random art"; now let us focus on the word "art". Do you understand what the word art means girl? No you don't but because I'm such an awesome person I'll illustrate you into the true meaning of art and the shitfuck that has been going on in the last century. I'll carefully explain why the thought of those, uhh... things being called art is sickening.

There are four ways to judge a painting. Three of them are based on the aesthetic theory(formalism, emotionalism, and imitationalism) the artwork tries to use. For formalism we judge basing ourselves in the artist's use of the principles and elements of art (more on this later). For emotionalism we judge based on the feelings transferred into the viewer by the artwork. Finally, for imitationalism we base ourselfs in how realistic does the artwork look.

The Final way of deciding werether or not an artwork is successful or even if the said "thing" its an artwork is the Institutional Theory. Since I KNOW you have no idea what the Institutional Theory is I'll be nice and explain it for you. The Institutional Theory was created because, as of the 20th century, the aethetic theories have not being enough to judge modern and postmodern art. The theory consists on two simple requirements for a "something" to be considered art. First, it needs to be altered by man is some way and second, it needs to be shown in an "exhibition context". I want you to realize what this truly means. This means that if I kill you by smashing a hammer against your head and then dropped off your corpse into the fountain of a public park; you'd become a fucking piece of art. Still it does not stop there; the institutional theory can make ANY object "potential art". Take that a little bit further and guess what? Eveything can be art! What does that mean? nothing can be.

With that said I DO need to make some clarifications. Because of the nature of of the Institutional Theory it is only used with conceptual artwork. This type of artwork requires something you lack; something called creativity. No matter how much I disrespect Andy Warhol, the YBA (Young Brittish Artists, almost forgot you didn't know), and other modern and postmodern artist I still have to give them credit for being incredibly creative. You on the other hand have no creativity of your own and no concept.

Since we're already done with the subject on why Institutional Theory can't save you; we'll move on into grounds of my beloved aesthetic theories. I'll judge based on your most recent work(pg 23) which I'll call shit from now on. OK! First off, let us judge the shit by Formalism. Art Principles are completely ignored and/or unused; two elements can be seen color hue and line neither are used in any sort of principle. Guess what you just failed formalism. Time for emotionalism; aside from my rage this shit does not express any real emotions into the viewer (well not any INTENDED emotions; I'm sure most would rage but I'm also sure you never intended to cause anger and fury with the shit). Sorry you just failed emotionalism.

Now let us look at it from the final perspective; imitationalism. Doesn't look realistic at all; aka your work just failed qualitfication to be art. I'd also like to bring in the original meaning of the word "art". It is any handcraft that is done with an extreme level of mastery. Yep this is exactly the opposite of what your shit is.

What does this mean? This means your shit will never be art and calling it art is blasphemy. This means you should face the fact that you fucking suck and shouldn't even joke with the idea of selling your pieces of shit. This means you should be ashamed of posting this shit and acting proudly about it. This means you are a disgrace to the world of art.

I'm fucking sick of ilk like you thinking they can call their pieces of shit art.

I'm fucking sick of people butchering the works of others.

I'm fucking sick of idiots who support this pieces of shit (Serenes FUCK YOU).

I'm fucking sick of just staring at you fucktards without telling you the truth about your shit.

Edited by Mad Fredin
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You're full of shit, selling that for 10 bucks. I've seen true pieces of masterful handcraft been sold for less than two bucks in Oaxaca, Mexico. True artwork that your unskilled hands could never even HOPE to do.

This thread has an amount of shit that I have never seen before. I don't even know where to start! but I guess we'll go all the way back to post #1 and the words "random art"; now let us focus on the word "art". Do you understand what the word art means girl? No you don't but because I'm such an awesome person I'll illustrate you into the true meaning of art and the shitfuck that has been going on in the last century. I'll carefully explain why the thought of those, uhh... things being called art is sickening.

There are four ways to judge a painting. Three of them are based on the aesthetic theory(formalism, emotionalism, and imitationalism) the artwork tries to use. For formalism we judge basing ourselves in the artist's use of the principles and elements of art (more on this later). For emotionalism we judge based on the feelings transferred into the viewer by the artwork. Finally, for imitationalism we base ourselfs in how realistic does the artwork look.

The Final way of deciding werether or not an artwork is successful or even if the said "thing" its an artwork is the Institutional Theory. Since I KNOW you have no idea what the Institutional Theory is I'll be nice and explain it for you. The Institutional Theory was created because, as of the 20th century, the aethetic theories have not being enough to judge modern and postmodern art. The theory consists on two simple requirements for a "something" to be considered art. First, it needs to be altered by man is some way and second, it needs to be shown in an "exhibition context". I want you to realize what this truly means. This means that if I kill you by smashing a hammer against your head and then dropped off your corpse into the fountain of a public park; you'd become a fucking piece of art. Still it does not stop there; the institutional theory can make ANY object "potential art". Take that a little bit further and guess what? Eveything can be art! What does that mean? nothing can be.

With that said I DO need to make some clarifications. Because of the nature of of the Institutional Theory it is only used with conceptual artwork. This type of artwork requires something you lack; something called creativity. No matter how much I disrespect Andy Warhol, the YBA (Young Brittish Artists, almost forgot you didn't know), and other modern and postmodern artist I still have to give them credit for being incredibly creative. You on the other hand have no creativity of your own and no concept.

Since we're already done with the subject on why Institutional Theory can't save you; we'll move on into grounds of my beloved aesthetic theories. I'll judge based on your most recent work(pg 23) which I'll call shit from now on. OK! First off, let us judge the shit by Formalism. Art Principles are completely ignored and/or unused; two elements can be seen color hue and line neither are used in any sort of principle. Guess what you just failed formalism. Time for emotionalism; aside from my rage this shit does not express any real emotions into the viewer (well not any INTENDED emotions; I'm sure most would rage but I'm also sure you never intended to cause anger and fury with the shit). Sorry you just failed emotionalism.

Now let us look at it from the final perspective; imitationalism. Doesn't look realistic at all; aka your work just failed qualitfication to be art. I'd also like to bring in the original meaning of the word "art". It is any handcraft that is done with an extreme level of mastery. Yep this is exactly the opposite of what your shit is.

What does this mean? This means your shit will never be art and calling it art is blasphemy. This means you should face the fact that you fucking suck and shouldn't even joke with the idea of selling your pieces of shit. This means you should be ashamed of posting this shit and acting proudly about it. This means you are a disgrace to the world of art.

I'm fucking sick of ilk like you thinking they can call their pieces of shit art.

I'm fucking sick of people butchering the works of others.

I'm fucking sick of idiots who support this pieces of shit (Serenes FUCK YOU).

I'm fucking sick of just staring at you fucktards without telling you the truth about your shit.

Dude. Take a fucking chill pill asshole. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Who the fuck are you anyway?

Edited by James
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You're full of shit, selling that for 10 bucks. I've seen true pieces of masterful handcraft been sold for less than two bucks in Oaxaca, Mexico. True artwork that your unskilled hands could never even HOPE to do.

This thread has an amount of shit that I have never seen before. I don't even know where to start! but I guess we'll go all the way back to post #1 and the words "random art"; now let us focus on the word "art". Do you understand what the word art means girl? No you don't but because I'm such an awesome person I'll illustrate you into the true meaning of art and the shitfuck that has been going on in the last century. I'll carefully explain why the thought of those, uhh... things being called art is sickening.

There are four ways to judge a painting. Three of them are based on the aesthetic theory(formalism, emotionalism, and imitationalism) the artwork tries to use. For formalism we judge basing ourselves in the artist's use of the principles and elements of art (more on this later). For emotionalism we judge based on the feelings transferred into the viewer by the artwork. Finally, for imitationalism we base ourselfs in how realistic does the artwork look.

The Final way of deciding werether or not an artwork is successful or even if the said "thing" its an artwork is the Institutional Theory. Since I KNOW you have no idea what the Institutional Theory is I'll be nice and explain it for you. The Institutional Theory was created because, as of the 20th century, the aethetic theories have not being enough to judge modern and postmodern art. The theory consists on two simple requirements for a "something" to be considered art. First, it needs to be altered by man is some way and second, it needs to be shown in an "exhibition context". I want you to realize what this truly means. This means that if I kill you by smashing a hammer against your head and then dropped off your corpse into the fountain of a public park; you'd become a fucking piece of art. Still it does not stop there; the institutional theory can make ANY object "potential art". Take that a little bit further and guess what? Eveything can be art! What does that mean? nothing can be.

With that said I DO need to make some clarifications. Because of the nature of of the Institutional Theory it is only used with conceptual artwork. This type of artwork requires something you lack; something called creativity. No matter how much I disrespect Andy Warhol, the YBA (Young Brittish Artists, almost forgot you didn't know), and other modern and postmodern artist I still have to give them credit for being incredibly creative. You on the other hand have no creativity of your own and no concept.

Since we're already done with the subject on why Institutional Theory can't save you; we'll move on into grounds of my beloved aesthetic theories. I'll judge based on your most recent work(pg 23) which I'll call shit from now on. OK! First off, let us judge the shit by Formalism. Art Principles are completely ignored and/or unused; two elements can be seen color hue and line neither are used in any sort of principle. Guess what you just failed formalism. Time for emotionalism; aside from my rage this shit does not express any real emotions into the viewer (well not any INTENDED emotions; I'm sure most would rage but I'm also sure you never intended to cause anger and fury with the shit). Sorry you just failed emotionalism.

Now let us look at it from the final perspective; imitationalism. Doesn't look realistic at all; aka your work just failed qualitfication to be art. I'd also like to bring in the original meaning of the word "art". It is any handcraft that is done with an extreme level of mastery. Yep this is exactly the opposite of what your shit is.

What does this mean? This means your shit will never be art and calling it art is blasphemy. This means you should face the fact that you fucking suck and shouldn't even joke with the idea of selling your pieces of shit. This means you should be ashamed of posting this shit and acting proudly about it. This means you are a disgrace to the world of art.

I'm fucking sick of ilk like you thinking they can call their pieces of shit art.

I'm fucking sick of people butchering the works of others.

I'm fucking sick of idiots who support this pieces of shit (Serenes FUCK YOU).

I'm fucking sick of just staring at you fucktards without telling you the truth about your shit.

What art are you talking about?

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I wouldn't provoke him if I were you. Calm down now.

I won't take back what I said, but I'll stay out of it. You're the professional, I'll let you deal with him.

Though if it were me, he'd be banned by now.

Which is probably why it's not me.

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You're full of shit, selling that for 10 bucks. I've seen true pieces of masterful handcraft been sold for less than two bucks in Oaxaca, Mexico. True artwork that your unskilled hands could never even HOPE to do.

This thread has an amount of shit that I have never seen before. I don't even know where to start! but I guess we'll go all the way back to post #1 and the words "random art"; now let us focus on the word "art". Do you understand what the word art means girl? No you don't but because I'm such an awesome person I'll illustrate you into the true meaning of art and the shitfuck that has been going on in the last century. I'll carefully explain why the thought of those, uhh... things being called art is sickening.

There are four ways to judge a painting. Three of them are based on the aesthetic theory(formalism, emotionalism, and imitationalism) the artwork tries to use. For formalism we judge basing ourselves in the artist's use of the principles and elements of art (more on this later). For emotionalism we judge based on the feelings transferred into the viewer by the artwork. Finally, for imitationalism we base ourselfs in how realistic does the artwork look.

The Final way of deciding werether or not an artwork is successful or even if the said "thing" its an artwork is the Institutional Theory. Since I KNOW you have no idea what the Institutional Theory is I'll be nice and explain it for you. The Institutional Theory was created because, as of the 20th century, the aethetic theories have not being enough to judge modern and postmodern art. The theory consists on two simple requirements for a "something" to be considered art. First, it needs to be altered by man is some way and second, it needs to be shown in an "exhibition context". I want you to realize what this truly means. This means that if I kill you by smashing a hammer against your head and then dropped off your corpse into the fountain of a public park; you'd become a fucking piece of art. Still it does not stop there; the institutional theory can make ANY object "potential art". Take that a little bit further and guess what? Eveything can be art! What does that mean? nothing can be.

With that said I DO need to make some clarifications. Because of the nature of of the Institutional Theory it is only used with conceptual artwork. This type of artwork requires something you lack; something called creativity. No matter how much I disrespect Andy Warhol, the YBA (Young Brittish Artists, almost forgot you didn't know), and other modern and postmodern artist I still have to give them credit for being incredibly creative. You on the other hand have no creativity of your own and no concept.

Since we're already done with the subject on why Institutional Theory can't save you; we'll move on into grounds of my beloved aesthetic theories. I'll judge based on your most recent work(pg 23) which I'll call shit from now on. OK! First off, let us judge the shit by Formalism. Art Principles are completely ignored and/or unused; two elements can be seen color hue and line neither are used in any sort of principle. Guess what you just failed formalism. Time for emotionalism; aside from my rage this shit does not express any real emotions into the viewer (well not any INTENDED emotions; I'm sure most would rage but I'm also sure you never intended to cause anger and fury with the shit). Sorry you just failed emotionalism.

Now let us look at it from the final perspective; imitationalism. Doesn't look realistic at all; aka your work just failed qualitfication to be art. I'd also like to bring in the original meaning of the word "art". It is any handcraft that is done with an extreme level of mastery. Yep this is exactly the opposite of what your shit is.

What does this mean? This means your shit will never be art and calling it art is blasphemy. This means you should face the fact that you fucking suck and shouldn't even joke with the idea of selling your pieces of shit. This means you should be ashamed of posting this shit and acting proudly about it. This means you are a disgrace to the world of art.

I'm fucking sick of ilk like you thinking they can call their pieces of shit art.

I'm fucking sick of people butchering the works of others.

I'm fucking sick of idiots who support this pieces of shit (Serenes FUCK YOU).

I'm fucking sick of just staring at you fucktards without telling you the truth about your shit.

heres an idea, LEAVE SERENES IF YOU HATE IT THAT MUCH DUMBASS. But you DO NOT go calling ppls drawings pieces of shit like that man. Do it again and i'll be all over you and i wont give a shit if i get suspended banned whatever!

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but that is going WAY too far!

No sir, calling the images in this thread art is going too far. I just used appropiate measures to explain the truth. Thought I'd admit the last bit was more of a way for me to share my feelings. Feeling of deep anger.

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You're full of shit, selling that for 10 bucks. I've seen true pieces of masterful handcraft been sold for less than two bucks in Oaxaca, Mexico. True artwork that your unskilled hands could never even HOPE to do.

This thread has an amount of shit that I have never seen before. I don't even know where to start! but I guess we'll go all the way back to post #1 and the words "random art"; now let us focus on the word "art". Do you understand what the word art means girl? No you don't but because I'm such an awesome person I'll illustrate you into the true meaning of art and the shitfuck that has been going on in the last century. I'll carefully explain why the thought of those, uhh... things being called art is sickening.

There are four ways to judge a painting. Three of them are based on the aesthetic theory(formalism, emotionalism, and imitationalism) the artwork tries to use. For formalism we judge basing ourselves in the artist's use of the principles and elements of art (more on this later). For emotionalism we judge based on the feelings transferred into the viewer by the artwork. Finally, for imitationalism we base ourselfs in how realistic does the artwork look.

The Final way of deciding werether or not an artwork is successful or even if the said "thing" its an artwork is the Institutional Theory. Since I KNOW you have no idea what the Institutional Theory is I'll be nice and explain it for you. The Institutional Theory was created because, as of the 20th century, the aethetic theories have not being enough to judge modern and postmodern art. The theory consists on two simple requirements for a "something" to be considered art. First, it needs to be altered by man is some way and second, it needs to be shown in an "exhibition context". I want you to realize what this truly means. This means that if I kill you by smashing a hammer against your head and then dropped off your corpse into the fountain of a public park; you'd become a fucking piece of art. Still it does not stop there; the institutional theory can make ANY object "potential art". Take that a little bit further and guess what? Eveything can be art! What does that mean? nothing can be.

With that said I DO need to make some clarifications. Because of the nature of of the Institutional Theory it is only used with conceptual artwork. This type of artwork requires something you lack; something called creativity. No matter how much I disrespect Andy Warhol, the YBA (Young Brittish Artists, almost forgot you didn't know), and other modern and postmodern artist I still have to give them credit for being incredibly creative. You on the other hand have no creativity of your own and no concept.

Since we're already done with the subject on why Institutional Theory can't save you; we'll move on into grounds of my beloved aesthetic theories. I'll judge based on your most recent work(pg 23) which I'll call shit from now on. OK! First off, let us judge the shit by Formalism. Art Principles are completely ignored and/or unused; two elements can be seen color hue and line neither are used in any sort of principle. Guess what you just failed formalism. Time for emotionalism; aside from my rage this shit does not express any real emotions into the viewer (well not any INTENDED emotions; I'm sure most would rage but I'm also sure you never intended to cause anger and fury with the shit). Sorry you just failed emotionalism.

Now let us look at it from the final perspective; imitationalism. Doesn't look realistic at all; aka your work just failed qualitfication to be art. I'd also like to bring in the original meaning of the word "art". It is any handcraft that is done with an extreme level of mastery. Yep this is exactly the opposite of what your shit is.

What does this mean? This means your shit will never be art and calling it art is blasphemy. This means you should face the fact that you fucking suck and shouldn't even joke with the idea of selling your pieces of shit. This means you should be ashamed of posting this shit and acting proudly about it. This means you are a disgrace to the world of art.

I'm fucking sick of ilk like you thinking they can call their pieces of shit art.

I'm fucking sick of people butchering the works of others.

I'm fucking sick of idiots who support this pieces of shit (Serenes FUCK YOU).

I'm fucking sick of just staring at you fucktards without telling you the truth about your shit.

I have no life, can't wavedash and is a noob whom no one likes

Who spends that much time to complain. I mean a simple 3 sentence paragraph is enough if you hate the world go to Iraq so you can cry and come home but don't bash someone


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No sir, calling the images in this thread art is going too far. I just used appropiate measures to explain the truth. Thought I'd admit the last bit was more of a way for me to share my feelings. Feeling of deep anger.

anger.....at drawings? thats pathetic.

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No sir, calling the images in this thread art is going too far. I just used appropiate measures to explain the truth. Thought I'd admit the last bit was more of a way for me to share my feelings. Feeling of deep anger.

Eh. Artists are always deeply emotional. Anyway, what exacly is wrong with the art?

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No sir, calling the images in this thread art is going too far. I just used appropiate measures to explain the truth. Thought I'd admit the last bit was more of a way for me to share my feelings. Feeling of deep anger.

Dude, why the hell did you even join if you hate this place so much already? It's like you joined here, just to insult her art. What the hell man? Ever hear of human decency? She's not trying to offend anyone by drawing her stuff, she's trying to be creative. Just because YOU don't like it, doesn't mean others don't. Or do. Or whatever. IF you don't like it, don't be a part of it, but you solve nothing by making a post like that.

So do yourself, myself, and everyone else a favor and FUCK OFF.

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Enough, Fredin. Emulating Blacken won't get you anywhere. You can have your opinion, but that doesn't mean you have to be a dick to get your point across. (And don't even bother trying to call the entire post "blunt," because that's utter bullshit.)

Furthermore, I'd kindly appreciate it if you would show the moderators and staff of the site some respect. What they say goes, and I will not have you impugning the staff's authority.

EDIT - Everybody else that's commented - I would kindly appreciate it if you would stop ganging up on people and let the staff do their job. That goes for everyone. I don't want to have to repeat myself.

EDIT2 - By the way, why exactly did you bother to join JUST to post in this thread anyway, Fredin?

Edited by Lord Glenn
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anger.....at drawings? thats pathetic.

The funny thing is that I do realize. Still they're just THAT bad or perhaps its the fact that people act like they were good. Hell I don't know; it's the first time I've seen this much artistic failure together.

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The funny thing is that I do realize. Still they're just THAT bad or perhaps its the fact that people act like they were good. Hell I don't know; it's the first time I've seen this much artistic failure together.

If all you have is more insults, I suggest you just go or things may get ugly. You obviously hate this place, so there's no reason for you to be here if you aren't going to be more civil.

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