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A Princess' Art Gallery

Princess Kilvas

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The funny thing is that I do realize. Still they're just THAT bad or perhaps its the fact that people act like they were good. Hell I don't know; it's the first time I've seen this much artistic failure together.

Try looking in a mirror. Keep your opinion to yourself if you hate it this much. Sure it's not perfect, but it's certainly better than you're making it out to be.

*Apologizes to Lord Glenn.*

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The funny thing is that I do realize. Still they're just THAT bad or perhaps its the fact that people act like they were good. Hell I don't know; it's the first time I've seen this much artistic failure together.

Go elsewhere to pick apart people's works. There is plenty of crap being uploaded to DevianArt every day. What are you trying to accomplish by registering here and criticising and abusing a member of this forum, where creativity is only a portion of the forum?

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Go elsewhere to pick apart people's works. There is plenty of crap being uploaded to DevianArt every day. What are you trying to accomplish by registering here and criticising and abusing a member of this forum, where creativity is only a portion of the forum?

Do you people not listen? I specifically said to let the staff do their job. Enough with the "telling other people what to do" posts.

Five Dollars says this guy is someone's alt.

You'd likely lose that bet then, since I know the username.

Edited by Lord Glenn
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EDIT - Everybody else that's commented - I would kindly appreciate it if you would stop ganging up on people and let the staff do their job. That goes for everyone. I don't want to have to repeat myself.

Please, do it, sir!

Edited by Sol
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The best solution is simply to ignore him.

Knife is right, everyone. If he goes too far out of line (if he can anymore than he already has) he will be dealt with. Just leave it alone.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Do you people not listen? I specifically said to let the staff do their job. Enough with the "telling other people what to do" posts.

Hmm, I never noticed your post saying this. Apologies.

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Knife is right, everyone. If he goes too far out of line (if he can anymore than he already has) he will be dealt with. Just leave it alone.

He's clearly gone far enough for my tastes. If it was my choice at all, this guy would be permabanned by now.

That being said it isn't. And this time I'll actually TRY to stay out of it.

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Enough, Fredin. Emulating Blacken won't get you anywhere. You can have your opinion, but that doesn't mean you have to be a dick to get your point across. (And don't even bother trying to call the entire post "blunt," because that's utter bullshit.)

Furthermore, I'd kindly appreciate it if you would show the moderators and staff of the site some respect. What they say goes, and I will not have you impugning the staff's authority.

EDIT - Everybody else that's commented - I would kindly appreciate it if you would stop ganging up on people and let the staff do their job. That goes for everyone. I don't want to have to repeat myself.

EDIT2 - By the way, why exactly did you bother to join JUST to post in this thread anyway, Fredin?

Well LG, Ed would have never done this on an art thread.

I joined because as genuine artfag I felt something had to be done. She'll never improve unless someone tells her the awful truth. I saw the drawings on the first page then saw the ones on page 23. No improvement. Maybe if I show her how genuinely insulting I find her stuff she MIGHT consider trying to improve. Nothing good comes from praising half-assed attempts. I'd understand the first couple of drawings but if there is no improvement after a long hiatus there IS something wrong going on.

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He brings up a good point, one which has been bothering me for a while: payment for the works. I really don't think it's appropriate to be asking members to cough up money for requests for art, not here on SF at least.

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Well LG, Ed would have never done this on an art thread.

I joined because as genuine artfag I felt something had to be done. She'll never improve unless someone tells her the awful truth. I saw the drawings on the first page then saw the ones on page 23. No improvement. Maybe if I show her how genuinely insulting I find her stuff she MIGHT consider trying to improve. Nothing good comes from praising half-assed attempts. I'd understand the first couple of drawings but if there is no improvement after a long hiatus there IS something wrong going on.

you wrote an sat essay to flame someone you will never meet


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Well LG, Ed would have never done this on an art thread.

I joined because as genuine artfag I felt something had to be done. She'll never improve unless someone tells her the awful truth. I saw the drawings on the first page then saw the ones on page 23. No improvement. Maybe if I show her how genuinely insulting I find her stuff she MIGHT consider trying to improve. Nothing good comes from praising half-assed attempts. I'd understand the first couple of drawings but if there is no improvement after a long hiatus there IS something wrong going on.

I have a question for you....can you draw?

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Well LG, Ed would have never done this on an art thread.

I joined because as genuine artfag I felt something had to be done. She'll never improve unless someone tells her the awful truth. I saw the drawings on the first page then saw the ones on page 23. No improvement. Maybe if I show her how genuinely insulting I find her stuff she MIGHT consider trying to improve. Nothing good comes from praising half-assed attempts. I'd understand the first couple of drawings but if there is no improvement after a long hiatus there IS something wrong going on.

No one ever just sits there drawing crap. Of course she's trying to improve. It's just her style of drawing. Some people have different tastes in music. It's like that. That doesn't mean you have to go an tear into her like some ravenous wolf.

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Well LG, Ed would have never done this on an art thread.

I joined because as genuine artfag I felt something had to be done. She'll never improve unless someone tells her the awful truth. I saw the drawings on the first page then saw the ones on page 23. No improvement. Maybe if I show her how genuinely insulting I find her stuff she MIGHT consider trying to improve. Nothing good comes from praising half-assed attempts. I'd understand the first couple of drawings but if there is no improvement after a long hiatus there IS something wrong going on.

Your intentions are good, but tough love won't work here. You could try PMing her about things she needs to improve on, if she'd want to listen to you after that post anyway. Personally, I find no problem in her art, but there is always room for improvement, right?

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He brings up a good point, one which has been bothering me for a while: payment for the works. I really don't think it's appropriate to be asking members to cough up money for requests for art, not here on SF at least.

Well I'm getting a Deviant art soon...

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@Fredin - That still doesn't negate the fact that your tone in the post was unacceptable. While I might not always offer "praise" up the ass when I critique sprites or other art-like works, I at least offer my opinions on the flaws in a technical light and don't rip into the artist because I don't find the art works appeasing. I concur that offering praise in the form of "Wow, that's awesome" is useless, because it doesn't make the artist any better. But, the point of the matter is that you don't have to go about it in the way that you did.

EDIT - How do people post so fast...? >_>

Edited by Lord Glenn
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Well LG, Ed would have never done this on an art thread.

I joined because as genuine artfag I felt something had to be done. She'll never improve unless someone tells her the awful truth. I saw the drawings on the first page then saw the ones on page 23. No improvement. Maybe if I show her how genuinely insulting I find her stuff she MIGHT consider trying to improve. Nothing good comes from praising half-assed attempts. I'd understand the first couple of drawings but if there is no improvement after a long hiatus there IS something wrong going on.

There are better, nicer ways to do just that. What you did will likely change nothing, like what happened with Blacken. Plainly being a jackass will just make members want to ignore you more and you'll never really get your point across. So next time, why not try being a little bit nicer?

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I have a question for you....can you draw?

Yes but so can a two year old.

The proper question here is: can you draw well? My answer for that would depend on what do you want me to draw. Anime characters? Yeah, I can do them decently thought I've had problems drawing in the style of the movie "Ghost in the Shell".

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@Fredin - That still doesn't negate the fact that your tone in the post was unacceptable. While I might not always offer "praise" up the ass when I critique sprites or other art-like works, I at least offer my opinions on the flaws in a technical light and don't rip into the artist because I don't find the art works appeasing. I concur that offering praise in the form of "Wow, that's awesome" is useless, because it doesn't make the artist any better. But, the point of the matter is that you don't have to go about it in the way that you did.

EDIT - How do people post so fast...? >_>


so this isnt a spam post

I think its fine voicing your opinion but the way you did it OBVIOUSLY showed it to be out right intentional flame. I will not believe otherwise


Edited by Tsuna
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Yes but so can a two year old.

The proper question here is: can you draw well? My answer for that would depend on what do you want me to draw. Anime characters? Yeah, I can do them decently thought I've had problems drawing in the style of the movie "Ghost in the Shell".

Can I ask you why you are criticizing someone's artwork?

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Yes but so can a two year old.

The proper question here is: can you draw well? My answer for that would depend on what do you want me to draw. Anime characters? Yeah, I can do them decently thought I've had problems drawing in the style of the movie "Ghost in the Shell".

Ok...Look. I know you don't like my art.

But do you acctually have any tips or pointers, instead of just criticising?

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