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And now for a brief look into the history of SF.

'OMB,' in SF terms, is an acronym standing for "Oh My Bianchi" as a spoof of the ever popular "OMG." It was a term first used by Fireman and later coined by Bianchi herself, who was the self-proclaimed "Goddess of the forest" at the time.

Now seeing as how the B key is right under the G key, it is every bit possible that it is a typo.

Now it seems Soul has neglected to answer this question of the utmost importance, so we may never know.

Edited by Fireman
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Thank you for bringing up something already argued.

You said that they didn't have drugs at the time. Why not? You'd just have to do as much as light that funny-looking plant that you saw alongside the road the other day on fire and smell it. Also, they haz magikz. They can do pretty weird-o stuffz.

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I'm obviously refering to the goddess:


inb4 i'm riding bianchi

And now for a brief look into the history of SF.

'OMB,' in SF terms, is an acronym standing for "Oh My Bianchi" as a spoof of the ever popular "OMG." It was a term first used by Fireman and later coined by Bianchi herself, who was the self-proclaimed "Goddess of the forest" at the time.

Now seeing as how the B key is right under the G key, it is every bit possible that it is a typo.

Now it seems Soul has neglected to answer this question of the utmost importance, so we may never know.

the beauty, the simplicity

Slowly but surely does the religion of Bianchi plant its seed in this forum.

like a cancer shall it spread, until the forest is fully diseased and rots from the core

Oh, can we have a war now? Dibs on being Switzerland again.

constant war is my motif, as long as i exist there shall be wars

I've had a craving for some B-Team action myself, actually...

...Not sure if it would work in this day and age, though.

lol kinky

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Come on guys! Where is the chaos?

I think I can help you with that.

I, (insert my name here), have decided to (blow up SF/enslave the human race/take over the world). However, being the (megalomaniac/supreme overlord/malevolent dictator) that I am, I have decided that I will let you live if you (submit to my rule/bow to my awesomeness/join my army). You have no chance to (live/survive/fight back) if you don't. Good day, all.

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Meh. That's old news. Needs a better conqueror speech. More ridiculous demands/rules to be imposed.

Okay, I was just getting warmed up:

I've decided to blow up the planet Earth with my giant antimatter cannon. You can't defeat me, so don't even try. However, you can press the strange button over in the corner of the room, which will cause you to blow up instantly. You can also provide me with 100 human sacrifices per day for the rest of eternity, make me a Reuben, take out my trash, and clean my room. If you do all this, I will still kill your race and destroy the planet, but you'll feel better knowing that you did a good deed before you died.

That is all.

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Ridiculous demands are my speciality.

I, Nightmare aka Robin Mask, demand everyone to spray this picture:


On everything inside the forest and everything far from the forest. If you don't, I will have Robotnik do what he's doing in the picture to you, personally.

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