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Aquilae's FE6 Efficiency Log

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I've played through FE6 many times as of now, and I'm doing an efficiency run with everyone recruited.

This is on Xeld's Fixed Mode patch if you haven't noticed, I'll be promoting at level 19 since Level 19 > Level 20 doesn't yield any stats.

Chapter Turncounts:

Chapter 1 : 10 turns

Chapter 2 : 7 turns

Chapter 3 : 13 turns

Chapter 4 : 9 turns

Chapter 5 : 11 turns

Chapter 6 : 13 turns

Chapter 7 : 11 turns

Chapter 8 : 19 turns

Chapter 8x : 10 turns

Chapter 9 : 10 turns

Chapter 10A: 8 turns

Chapter 11A: 11 turns

Chapter 12 : 11 turns

Chapter 12x: 9 turns

Chapter 13 : 12 turns

Chapter 14 : 9 turns

Chapter 14x: 8 turns

Chapter 15 : 8 turns

Chapter 16 : 12 turns

Chapter 16x: 12 turns

Chapter 17 : 8 turns

Chapter 18 : 9 turns

Chapter 19 : 9 turns

Chapter 20 : 7 turns

Chapter 20x: 4 turns

Chapter 21 : 10 turns

Chapter 21x: 2 turns

Chapter 22 : 7 turns

Chapter 23 : 3 turns

Chapter 24 : 13 turns

Final Chap.: 1 turn

Total Turncount: 286 Turns

[spoiler=Chapter 1]

Chapter 1

Turn 1:

Marcus weakens a Fighter on the upper right, Lance gets into its range, Roy and Alan move up. Bors moves up.

Lance kills one Bandit, Marcus weakens two.

Turn 2:

Roy and Alan kill off the Bandits, Marcus weakens another for Lance to kill. Wolt and Bors move up.

The Archer hits Lance.

Turn 3:

Marcus weakens the Archer and Roy finishes it. Lance and Alan stay out of the Bandits' range and Lance uses a Vulnerary.

Roy is hit by a Brigand and Marcus weakens two Bandits.

Turn 4:

Wolt, Bors and Lance kill the Brigand, Alan and Roy finish off the Fighter, and Marcus moves up to lure the other Fighter.

Turn 5:

Roy finishes the fighter, Marcus moves up to deal with two others.

Turn 6:

Wolt visits the Village, while Lance finishes off the fighter, Lance standing behind him. Roy moves up and uses a Vulnerary. Marcus weakens the Archer.

Roy finishes off the Archer.

Turn 9:

Marcus weakens the boss, Alan, Lance and Roy kill off the Archer.

Marcus kills the boss.

Turn 10:

Roy Seizes.

[spoiler=Chapter 2]

Chapter 2:

Turn 1:

Wolt and Alan kill a Soldier, while Marcus and Lance do the same. Bors moves down, and Ellen heals Alan. Merlinus moves up.

Marcus weakens a Soldier, and Bors dodges a Hand Axe.

Turn 2:

Marcus kills a Fighter with his Silver Lance, and Roy and Alan weaken two more. Ellen heals him, Bors gives him his Iron Sword. Merlinus gets the Armorslayer. Lot weakens a Soldier and Dieck finishes it, Ward gives Dieck his Iron Blade. Thany moves up to get the Armorslayer.

Dieck counterkills two Fighters, Roy weakens one.

Turn 3:

Roy critkills a Fighter with his Rapier. Marcus picks him up and moves forward. Wolt and Bors weaken the remaining Fighter while Lance finishes him off, Alan moves forward. Ellen heals Lance.

Ward and Lot kill a Soldier each while Dieck weakens a Fighter.

Ward finishes off the Fighter while Dieck kills another.

Turn 4:

Ward and Lot kill two Soldiers, Dieck moves up to lure in the Merc, Fighter and Archer. Marcus, Ellen, Alan and Lance continue forward. Thany recieves the Armorslayer and flies toward Dieck.

Dieck weakens the Fighter and the Merc.

Turn 5:

Lot and Alan kill the Archer, while Marcus and Dieck kill the Fighter and the Merc. Lance picks up Ellen. Thany passes Dieck the Armorslayer.

Turn 6:

Ward and Dieck kill the Archer, and Lance moves up. Lot drops Ellen, Marcus trades Lot's Steel Axe over, drops Roy and moves to weaken Rude, Thany rescues Ward out of Rude's range.

Marcus weakens Rude.

Turn 7:

Marcus retreats, Ellen heals Dieck, who kills Rude. Roy Seizes.

[spoiler=Chapter 3]

Chapter 3:

Turn 1:

Thany grabs the Steel Axe from Marcus, and gives him her Javelin. Marcus moves up to lure the Archer in the castle with his Javelin. Merlinus gets the Steel Axe and Lot trades it over. The rest of my troops stay out of the Archers' range.

Ward weakens a Soldier while Marcus weakens an Archer.

Turn 2:

Lot weakens a Soldier with his Hand Axe, and Thany kills it. Bors weakens a Soldier for Bors to kill, while Wolt weakens another for Dieck to kill. Lance weakens a Soldier for Alan to kill, while Marcus moves up and weakens a Soldier with his Javelin.

Marcus kills a Soldier, weakens another and weakens an Archer. Alan weakens a Soldier.

Turn 3:

Marcus kills a Soldier with his Javelin. Wolt weakens a Soldier so Lot can kill it. Thany moves left to grab the village. Dieck finishes off the Soldier, Ellen heals Alan, and Alan and Lance kill the weakened Archer. Roy heads up, Chad stays out of range of the Soldier.

Roy weakens a Soldier while Alan gets hit by one. Marcus further weakens the Archer.

Turn 4:

Marcus recruits Lugh who finishes the Archer. Dieck finishes off the Soldier while Lot gives Ward his Hand Axe, and Ward weakens the Soldier. Ellen heals Roy, and Roy kills the Soldier. Lance and Alan rescue / drop Dieck, Alan moving up to lure the Knight. Thany recieves Mend.

Alan weakens a Soldier but barely scratches the Armor.

Turn 5:

Dieck kills the Armor. Wolt finishes off the Solder, while Lance weakens another Soldier and Alan kills it. Ellen moves up and heals Ward, while Marcus rescues Lugh and moves down.

Turn 6:

Ellen heals Alan. Dieck kills a Sword Cav with his Iron Blade, while Alan and Ward weaken a Javelin Cav and Roy finishes. Lance moves next to Alan to block the passageway, equipping Alan's Iron Lance.

Lance weakens a Cav.

Turn 7:

Lance gets his Javelin back and moves back a square, so Dieck can finish off the Sword Cav. Ward stands beside Dieck and equips his Hand Axe. Marcus passes Lugh to Thany who moves up.

Dieck ORKOs a Cav, and dodges Javelin shots.

Turn 8:

Lot weakens a Javelin Cav with his Steel Axe and Alan gets the kill. Ward weakens another with his Iron Axe allowing Dieck to kill it. Ellen heals Alan, and Lance moves up and equips his Iron Sword. Thany moves up and Bors drops Lugh.

Ward weakens a Soldier.

Turn 9:

Lugh finishes off the Soldier. Ward is healed by Ellen, and he heads down and equips his Hammer, using a Vulnerary. Dieck kills the Axefighter, and Lance and Alan Rescue / Drop him. Roy moves up, Marcus and Thany Rescue / Drop Lugh.

Ward weakens an Armor while Dieck kills a Fighter.

Turn 10:

Ellen heals Dieck, and he finishes off the Boss. Lugh finishes off the Armor. Lot moves down, and Ward passes him his Hammer. Lugh is Rescue / Dropped by Marcus and Thany.

Turn 11:

Lot weakens the Armor, and Lugh kills it.

Turn 12:

Chad gets the Halberd, and Lot gets it. Marcus gets Ward's Iron Axe while Ward trades over his Hand Axe to Lot.

Turn 13:

Chad gets 3000G and Roy Seizes.

[spoiler=Chapter 4]

Chapter 4:

Turn 1:

Marcus moves down and equips the Javelin to lure the 2 Cavs and the Nomad, while Dieck moves over to lure the Iron Sword Cav. Merlinus goes to get the village while everyone else stay out of the way.

Marcus and Dieck counter the Cavs.

Turn 2:

Dieck and Lance take out the Sword Cav, while Lot kills a Lance Cav with his Halberd. Lugh weakens the Cav, Marcus takes out the Nomad with his Iron Axe, and Ward grabs the Iron Axe and further weakens the Cav. Alan takes it out. Ellen heals Ward, Merlinus gets the Door Key while everyone else stays back.

Turn 3:

Marcus weakens a Nomad with his Silver Lance and Lugh finishes it. Lot takes out a Lance Cav with his Halberd. Lance moves down and Alan supports him, making Lot equip his Iron Axe beforehand. Thany Rescues Lugh and moves back, while Roy moves into range of one of the Lance Cavs. Bors takes and drops Lugh. Dieck moves down and Ellen heals him. Chad moves down while the rest of my units stay out of the way.

Roy weakens a Lance Cav while Lot misses his counter.

Turn 4:

Lugh weakens the Lance Cav, letting Alan finish it. Dieck weakens the Sword Cav. Ward trades Lot a Vulnerary, and Lot moves into range of the lower Lance Cav and equips his Halberd, using a Vulnerary to restore himself to full health. Roy finishes off the Sword Cav, Bors and Thany Rescue / Drop Lugh to allow Ellen to heal Roy. Marcus moves into range of the Iron Sword Cav and equips a Javelin to counter the Sword Cav and the Archer on enemy phase, while the rest of my team stay out of range.

Lot counterkills the Lance Cav, Marcus counters the Sword Cav while killing the Archer with a Javelin crit.

Turn 5:

Lot moves down to lure another Lance Cav. Lugh chips at the Sword Cav and Roy finishes it. Marcus Rescues him and Alan drops him, to keep him out of range of the Lance Cav. Clarine heals Marcus. Thany flies up to get the Steel Blade.

Lot dodges the hit and counterkills the Lance Cav.

Turn 6:

Lugh and Lot retreat out of range of the Sword Cav. Chad chips at a Pirate. Rutger will be coming on the next turn, so I have to ensure that my units are out of range. Thany gets the Steel Blade.

Roy misses his counter on the Sword Cav =/

Turn 7:

Clarine recruits Rutger, and he kills a Fighter with his Killing Edge. Lugh chips at the Sword Cav, Marcus weakens it further, allowing Alan to grab the kill. Lot weakens a fighter so Lance can kill it, and Dieck kills the Archer. Thany trades the Steel Blade to Dieck. Ellen heals up Roy and he moves forward. Thany moves down to buy stuff.

Chad counterchips a Pirate.

Turn 8:

Thany buys 4 Iron Swords, 4 Iron Lances, 3 Javelins and an Iron Axe. Marcus weakens the Archer with his Javelin and Roy finishes him off. The rest of my units proceed forward, Chad retreating into the forest.

Turn 9:

Chad chips at the Pirate while Thany gets the Angelic Robe. Marcus weakens Erik and Rutger finishes him with a crit. Roy Seizes.

[spoiler=Chapter 5]

Chapter 5:

Turn 1:

Marcus grabs an Iron Axe from Storage. Alan picks him up, and Ward pops him on the fort. Lance moves next to Alan, and Ward moves up as well. Merlinus moves down, Rutger takes an Iron Sword, Thany and Bors Rescue / Drop him near the mountains. Dieck moves down as well. Ellen moves up while everyone else moves toward Dieck and Rutger.

Marcus counters a Fighter.

Turn 2:

Marcus weakens a Hand Axe bandit with his Iron Axe. Ward and Lot kill the weakened Bandit, Alan killing another weakened bandit while Lance doubles one with a Steel Axe. Ellen stays back.

Rutger, Dieck, Roy and Lugh wait for the Brigand to cross over the mountains.

Lance leaves the Steel Axe bandit at 1 HP and weakens a Merc, dodging a Hand Axe.

Turn 3:

Marcus hits the Merc with a Silver Lance and Lance finishes him off with a Javelin. Alan kills the weakened Bandit. Ellen heals Lance while Lot and Ward Rescue / Drop Ellen out of range.

Lance dodges a Hand Axe and counters a Halberd Bandit. Alan gets hit by the Steel Bow Nomad (12 Speed #_#)

Turn 4:

Marcus and Alan kill the Nomad. Ellen heals Alan, while Lance moves up and picks her up, Ward dropping her. Lot hits the Steel Axe Bandit. Rutger and Clarine retreat a space to lure the Brigand.

Lot dodges an Axe hit and counters the Fighter, while Lance dodges two Hand Axes and counters one Steel Axe bandit. Ward gets doubled by the Nomad.

Turn 5:

Ellen heals Ward. Lance kills a Steel Axe Fighter, while Ward and Lot Rescue / Drop him. Marcus and Alan kill the Nomad. Dieck weakens a Hand Axe Brigand, everyone else waits. Lance kills off a weakened Brigand on enemy phase, while Ward dodges a Hand Axe but gets hit by another.

Turn 6:

Rutger kills off the Brigand. Dieck weakens another. Roy gets healed by Clarine. Marcus, Lot and Alan kill off a Fighter while Lance weakens another. Ward retreats and Ellen heals him. Lot weakens the remaining Fighter.

Turn 7:

Lot kills the Fighter. Marcus Rescues Lance and moves downward, Alan follows suit, taking and dropping Lance. Rutger finishes off the Brigand.

Turn 8:

Roy opens the gate. Rutger critkills the Steel Sword Merc, while Dieck kills the Steel Bow Nomad. Wolt Rescues Roy, Marcus moves down and Thany picks him up, Clarine making him equip the Silver Lance and dropping him to block the passage. Lance and Alan move down. Lot and Ward move toward the Gant Lance village.

Dieck weakens two Mercs, but takes a Hand Axe and is left at 1 HP.

Turn 9:

Dieck finishes off one Steel Sword Merc, while Rutger kills the Iron Bow Nomad with a crit. Marcus weakens the Steel Blade Merc with his Silver Lance, while Roy passes Clarine a Mend and hits the Nomad with his Rapier. Clarine Mends Dieck, Thany and Bors Rescue / Drop her. Lugh and Lance kill the remaining Nomad.

Roy finishes off the Steel Blade bandit, while Marcus weakens a Merc, and Dieck and Rutger dodge several ranged shots.

Turn 10:

Lance moves down, uses a Vulnerary, and Alan moves next to him to finish off the Merc with his support. Rutger stands below Dory and weakens a Bandit so Lugh can kill it. Clarine Mends Dieck, and he kills the Mage with Wolt's help. Marcus blocks the narrow passageway. Thany and Bors Rescue / Drop Clarine.

Rutger crits Dory but misses his second strike, and Marcus is left at 1 HP after taking a hit from the Merc and a Brigand.

Turn 11:

Rutger finishes off Dory with a crit. Marcus moves down, Alan moves up and kills the weakened Merc for EXP. Clarine heals up Rutger, Dieck hits a Hand Axe Brigand and Roy Seizes.

[spoiler=Chapter 6]

Chapter 6:

Deployed: Roy, Marcus, Lance, Alan, Lot, Dieck, Chad, Lugh, Clarine, Rutger

Turn 1:

Rutger moves up to lure the left Merc while Clarine stands behind him. Dieck does the same, Lugh, Lot, Dorothy and Chad following him. Saul, Alan, Lance and Roy move up, keeping out of range of the Mage. Marcus moves up and equips a Javelin to lure in and counter the two Mages.

Rutger and Dieck weaken the Mercs while Marcus kills the two Mages.

Turn 2:

Dieck kills a Soldier, while Dorothy and Lugh finish the Merc. Chad and Lot move up. Lance and Alan kill a Soldier, and Marcus weakens an Armor with his Silver Lance. Saul follows Dieck's team, while Rutger kills off the Merc, Clarine healing him.

Lance finishes off a weakened Armor, Marcus kills a Soldier and Roy gets hit by a Javelin. Clarine and Chad dodge a Javelin each, Rutger weakening a Soldier.

Turn 3:

Rutger weakens a Javelin Soldier and Clarine heals him. Marcus and Lance kill off an Armor, while Alan and Roy kill off another Soldier. Lot kills off another Soldier and Chad unlocks the first chest room.

Rutger counterkills a Soldier, Clarine and Roy dodge a Javelin each.

Turn 4:

Alan and Lance kill a Soldier, Roy and Marcus move up, Roy using a Vulnerary. Chad gets the first chest for 2000G. Rutger finishes off the Javelin Soldier and Clarine heals him. Dieck and crew proceed up.

Turn 5:

Chad gets the second chest for a Silver Lance. Dorothy moves to lure a Mage, while Alan and Lance Rescue / Drop Roy to the bottom of the map. Dorothy counters a Mage.

Turn 6:

Roy talks to Cath, Lance and Alan move up. Lot kills off the Mage, Dorothy moves up to lure in the other Mage, and uses a Vulnerary. Clarine and Rutger move up.

Dorothy counters the other Mage.

Turn 7:

Chad moves up and unlocks the next Chest Room, and Dieck and Lance take care of the stationary Mage. Lot kills off the last Mage. Roy moves up.

Turn 8:

Clarine heals Alan. Chad gets the Goddess Icon. Alan, Lance and Marcus take position to rescue chain Chad to the other side of the map. Saul heals Dieck, Lot uses a Vulnerary.

Lot counterattacks a Soldier.

Turn 9:

Chad gets the Killer Axe, Marcus, Alan and Lance chain him to the other side of the map. Dieck and Lot kill an Archer each and Rutger finishes off the Soldier. Clarine heals Dieck.

Turn 10:

Chad unlocks Sue's room. Alan and Lance Rescue / Drop him to the bottom-left room. Marcus kills a Mage, and Dieck blocks the bottom passage. Rutger kills the boss, and Clarine heals him, while Lot kills the remaining Soldier. Saul heals Lot.

Marcus weakens a Knight and Dieck weakens a Soldier.

Turn 11:

Roy recruits Sue. Sue Rescues him, and Alan takes him. Lance Rescues Sue to move beside Alan. Dieck finishes off a Soldier while Lot stands on the throne and hits an Armor. Dieck weakens a Soldier and Lugh weakens an Archer, while Lot kills an Armor.

Turn 12:

Alan moves near the throne and drops Roy while Lance does the same with Sue. Marcus, Dieck and Rutger finish off the troops. Chad gets 3000G.

Lot finishes off the Armor.

Turn 13:

Chad gets 2000G, Clarine and Saul get some extra EXP and Roy Seizes.

Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Swd Lan Axe Bow Anm Lgt Drk Stf
Roy      05.65  21  06  07  08  09  06  01   D   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Marcus   03.24* 33  09  14  11  10  09  08   D   A   E   -   -   -   -   -
Alan     07.02  26  10  06  09  05  07  00   E   D   -   -   -   -   -   -
Lance    07.61  25  07  09  11  04  07  01   E   D   -   -   -   -   -   -
Lot      08.44  33  09  08  08  04  06  02   -   -   C   -   -   -   -   -
Dieck    11.24  31  12  15  12  07  08  02   B   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Chad     01.72  16  03  03  10  04  02  00   E   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Lugh     04.61  17  05  06  07  06  03  06   -   -   -   -   D   -   -   -
Clarine  03.16  16  02  06  10  09  02  06   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   D
Rutger   09.58  29  10  17  18  05  07  02   C   -   -   -   -   -   -   -

Alan x Lance C

[spoiler=Chapter 7]

Chapter 7:

Deployed: Roy, Marcus, Alan, Lance, Dieck, Lot, Sue, Clarine, Rutger, Chad, Lugh

Turn 1:

Roy moves up, Lance, Alan and Marcus Rescue / Drop him further up. Rutger kills an Armor with his Armorslayer, while the rest of my units stay out of the Merc's range, Chad going to visit the bottom-left village.

Alan, Marcus and Rutger weaken a few enemies.

Turn 2:

Marcus kills a Knight with his Steel Axe. Roy recruits Zealot, Zealot equips a Javelin and recruits Treck, and moves into the forest. Treck rescues Roy and moves back, Lance drops him and Alan weakens the Merc.

Rutger kills a Merc, Lot kills a Cav with his Halberd and Dieck moves up next to him, makes him equip the Killer Axe and hits the other Cav with his Steel Blade. Everyone else stays out of range of the WK. Clarine heals up Rutger. Saul heals Roy, and Chad gets a Torch Staff.

Dieck misses his counter on the WK, and he dodges the rest of the ranged shots while Lot takes a few. Alan and Lance counter the Javelin Soldiers, and Marcus misses his counter on the Merc but hits the Knight. The WK attacks Marcus but misses.

Turn 3:

Roy recruits Noah. Sue hits the WK with her Steel Bow, and Lot moves back and hits the Knight with his Hand Axe. Rutger finishes him off with the Armorslayer, and Lugh weakens the WK so Dieck can kill it. Noah and Treck Rescue / Drop Sue. Alan kills an Armor, Lance kills a Soldier. Marcus kills the Merc, and Saul heals him. Zealot moves next to him, grabs the Silver Lance and doubles the WK.

Alan misses his counter on the Mage while Lugh counters an Archer and a Cav.

Turn 4:

Zealot kills the WK. Marcus kills the Mage and Saul heals him. Lance weakens an Archer and Alan kills it. Noah weakens a Soldier and Treck kills it. Lot kills a Cav with his Halberd, Dieck kills the Archer and Rutger procs a crit on another cav, killing it. Clarine heals him. Chad gets the Longbow.

Zealot doubles the second WK on the counter, but he gets healed by Physic (...)

Turn 5:

Zealot and Marcus kill the last WK. Dieck and Lot kill the remaining Cavs, everyone else moves up. Lance and Alan chip at a Knight. Noah moves up to visit the villages, Treck visits one for a Red Gem.

Turn 6:

Roy crits the Knight, killing it, Noah and Alan finish the Archer. Marcus, Rutger and Dieck kill off the Physic Priests, while Zealot kills the Elfire Mage. Saul heals Lance and he moves to support Alan. Sue unlocks the main gate, Clarine heals Rutger.

Turn 7:

Roy supports Alan. Clarine heals Zealot, and Rutger, Dieck, Lot and Lugh move towards Devias while Sue picks up Chad and moves toward the treasure room. Alan weakens the Knight, Marcus moves to lure in the Archer.

Turn 8:

Alan kills the Knight. Lance gets the Elixir and Marcus the Killing Edge. Roy moves left and Treck picks him up. Sue drops Chad to get the treasure. Rutger and Dieck kill one of the reinforcement Mages each, while Lot moves up and Zealot kills an Archer. Clarine supports Rutger.

Dieck weakens two Soldiers.

Turn 9:

Alan and Noah visit the last villages for a Hero Crest and a Physic. Marcus and Lance move up. My troops clean up the reinforcements. Chad unlocks the door leading up. Lot dodges a Spear shot.

Turn 10:

Rutger critkills Devias. Treck unloads Roy. Saul buys a Fire Tome, three Heal Staves and a Chest Key. Lance buys a Steel Lance, an Iron Lance and two Javelins. Sue buys two Steel Swords and a Hand Axe. Chad gets the Rapier.

Turn 11:

Chad gets the Barrier and Roy Seizes.

Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Swd Lan Axe Bow Anm Lgt Drk Stf
Roy      06.03  22  07  07  09  10  06  01   D   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Marcus   03.63* 33  09  14  11  10  09  08   D   S   E   -   -   -   -   -
Alan     08.56  27  10  07  09  06  07  00   E   C   -   -   -   -   -   -
Lance    08.36  26  08  09  11  04  07  01   E   D   -   -   -   -   -   -
Lot      09.72  34  09  08  09  04  06  02   -   -   C   -   -   -   -   -
Dieck    12.59  32  12  15  12  08  08  02   A   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Chad     01.73  16  03  03  10  04  02  00   E   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Lugh     05.39  18  05  07  08  06  03  06   -   -   -   -   D   -   -   -
Clarine  04.19  16  03  06  10  10  02  06   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   D
Rutger   11.84  30  11  18  19  06  08  03   B   -   -   -   -   -   -   -

Roy X Alan C

Alan X Lance C

Rutger x Clarine C

[spoiler=Chapter 8]

Chapter 8:

Deployed: Roy, Rutger, Clarine, Alan, Lance, Marcus, Zealot, Treck, Noah, Chad, Saul

Turn 1:

Roy moves up and uses the Angelic Robe. Marcus and Alan kill a Soldier. Zealot hugs the left wall and equips a Javelin to lure the Archer. The rest of my units move up. Alan and Clarine dodge a Javelin and a Bow shot respectively, while Zealot weakens the Archer.

Turn 2:

Rutger and Dieck kill the Soldier. Zealot moves up and weakens the Archer for Astol to kill. Alan and Lance move upwards, keeping out of range of the Mage while Marcus moves in to lure it. Treck and Clarine Rescue / Drop Rutger. Marcus and Alan weaken a Mage and a Soldier respectively.

Turn 3:

Astol kills the Mage, Lance kills the Soldier and Marcus weakens the Knight. Alan finishes it off, and Rutger kills the remaining Soldier. Noah picks up Dieck, Clarine heals Rutger.

Turn 4:

Zealot and Marcus weaken the Knight and Alan kills it. Lance kills another Soldier. The rest of my team proceed forward.

Turn 5:

Rutger and Roy kill a Soldier. Treck weakens an Archer so that Alan can kill it, and Lance kills another Soldier. Clarine heals Lance, and Marcus and Zealot Rescue / Drop Rutger.

Turn 6:

Lance and Alan kill an Archer, Marcus and Zealot weaken the Soldier and the Archer. Barth breaks down the wall, and Treck and Clarine Rescue / Drop Roy.

Turn 7:

Rutger and Lance finish off the remaining enemies. Treck and Alan Rescue / Drop Rutger while Marcus and Zealot Rescue / Drop Roy.

Turn 8:

Marcus weakens a Mage, and Zealot kills another, while the rest of my troops move forward. Marcus and Rutger weaken a Soldier while Zealot weakens two Knights.

Turn 9:

Oujay kills an Armor, Barth takes and drops Dieck. Roy kills a weakened Soldier. Alan and Lance kill two more, Zealot and Marcus kill a Knight. Chad opens the door and Noah rushes in to kill the Mage. Clarine heals Oujay. Oujay gets hit by the Mage in the treasure room.

Turn 10:

Chad and Astol take some of the treasure, while Roy follows them. Zealot moves down and Clarine heals him, Marcus rushes forward to lure the right Mage. Lance moves into range of the left Mage. Marcus and Lance weaken a Mage each.

Turn 11:

Chad grabs the third chest and Astol opens the door. Roy moves right and Noah picks him up. Marcus drops him. Lance kills the Aircalibur Mage while Zealot handles the Elfire Mage. Alan moves next to him and Clarine heals him.

Zealot kills the Mage in the Chest Room.

Turn 12:

Roy talks to Cath. Chad gets the last chest and Astol moves out. Noah grabs Chad. Alan and Lance kill the Thief, blocking the passage and forcing Cath to open Lillina's door. Marcus moves down to lure the Armor. He severely weakens it with his Steel Axe.

Turn 13:

Marcus chips at the Armor with his Javelin. Astol steals a set of Chest Keys. Roy kills the Armor with his Rapier. Zealot Rescues Rutger and cantos down, and Clarine heals Roy. Alan and Lance move down and get their B support.

Turn 14:

Zealot passes Rutger to Alan. Clarine Rescues Roy, while Astol moves down.

Turn 15:

Noah passes Chad to Marcus. Zealot picks up Astol, Alan drops Rutger.

Turn 16:

Clarine heals Alan, and Rutger weakens Leygance. Alan and Lance kill the Armor. Rutger counterkills Leygance, while Treck gets hit by a reinforcement Merc.

Turn 17:

The remaining troops on the left kill the Merc, while Lance and Alan kill the Soldiers, and Clarine drops Roy. Marcus and Zealot drop Chad and Astol.

Turns 18-19:

Chad and Astol loot the chests, and Roy seizes.

Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Swd Lan Axe Bow Anm Lgt Drk Stf
Roy      07.44  30  07  08  09  11  06  02   D   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Marcus   04.23* 34  09  14  11  10  09  08   D   S   E   -   -   -   -   -
Alan     11.23  30  11  08  10  07  08  01   E   C   -   -   -   -   -   -
Lance    11.04  28  09  10  13  05  08  01   E   D   -   -   -   -   -   -
Lot      09.72  34  09  08  09  04  06  02   -   -   C   -   -   -   -   -
Dieck    12.69  32  12  15  12  08  08  02   A   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Chad     01.73  16  03  03  10  04  02  00   E   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Clarine  05.60  16  03  06  11  11  02  06   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   D
Rutger   13.81  32  11  19  20  06  08  03   B   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Zealot   02.05* 36  10  12  13  05  11  07   C   A   D   -   -   -   -   -

Roy X Alan C

Alan X Lance B

Rutger x Clarine C

[spoiler=Chapter 8x]

Chapter 8x:

Deployed: Roy, Rutger, Clarine, Saul, Zealot, Marcus, Alan, Lance, Dieck, Thany

Turn 1:

Rutger moves up, Thany picks him up and moves upward. Dieck moves up, Lance and Zealot Rescue / Drop him. Roy does the same, Alan and Marcus Rescue / Drop him as well, the rest of my units move forward.

Dieck weakens a Bandit, Roy dodges a Hand Axe but gets hit by an Archer.

Turn 2:

Saul heals Roy and Roy kills a weakened bandit. Dieck weakens another bandit, Lance grabs the kill, and Alan kills the Archer. Marcus kills the Mage, and Zealot moves up as well. Thany drops Rutger on the other side of the cliff.

Rutger crits a bandit, killing it. Zealot weakens two Mercs.

Turn 3:

Zealot weakens another Merc, Alan kills it and Lance kills the other Merc. Marcus makes Lance equip the Iron Sword and weakens a Bandit. Rutger moves left, Dieck moves down to deal with the charging Mercs, Clarine moves up and Thany rescues Roy.

Rutger and Dieck kill a unit each.

Turn 4:

Rutger kills an Archer with his Killing Edge, Thany drops Roy near Rutger. Alan, Marcus and Lance kill the bandits, Saul heals Zealot and he charges upward. Clarine heals Marcus. Zealot counterkills two fighters, Dieck counterkills a Merc and a Fighter.

Turn 5:

Rutger kills a Killing Edge Merc with his Killing Edge, Roy weakens an Archer. Clarine heals Zealot, he kills a Mage with a crit. The rest of my troops move upwards. Dieck kills a Myrmidon, Thany moves down to pick up Dieck.

Rutger weakens a Myrmidon.

Turn 6:

Dieck kills a Fighter, Rutger and Roy kill a Myrmidon and an Archer respectively. Alan and Lance kill a Fighter and Marcus weakens a Merc.

Turn 7:

Rutger heads up, Zealot picks up Roy. Dieck kills the last Bandit and Thany picks him up. Alan and Lance kill the Merc.

Turn 8:

Rutger moves up, and Zealot drops Roy and stands in the range of a Mage. Roy weakens a Bandit while Rutger countercrits one, and Zealot weakens the Mage.

Turn 9:

Roy kills the Mage, Rutger stands below Henning. Clarine heals Zealot and he kills the Bandit. Thany drops Dieck and Saul heals him.

Rutger double-crits Henning (O.O)

Turn 10:

Clarine heals Rutger and he finishes Henning. Saul heals Alan, Roy seizes.

Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Swd Lan Axe Bow Anm Lgt Drk Stf
Roy      08.64  31  08  08  10  11  06  02   C   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Marcus   04.40* 34  09  14  11  10  09  08   D   S   E   -   -   -   -   -
Alan     12.00  31  12  08  11  07  08  01   E   C   -   -   -   -   -   -
Lance    11.62  28  09  10  13  05  08  01   E   D   -   -   -   -   -   -
Dieck    13.74  33  13  16  12  08  08  02   A   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Clarine  06.09  17  03  07  11  11  02  07   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   D
Rutger   15.70  33  12  20  20  07  08  03   A   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Zealot   02.56* 36  10  12  13  05  11  07   C   A   D   -   -   -   -   -
Saul     07.19  22  05  07  11  03  03  06   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   C

Roy X Alan C

Alan X Lance B

Rutger x Clarine C

[spoiler=Chapter 9]

Chapter 9:

Deployed: Roy, Alan, Lance, Marcus, Zealot, Dieck, Clarine, Rutger, Astol, Chad, Saul, Noah, Sue

Turn 1:

Rutger moves down, Marcus and Zealot Rescue / Drop him. Lance and Alan do the same with Dieck. Astol takes the lead, followed by Roy, Sue and Noah. Clarine, Saul and Chad are stuck behind.

Marcus weakens a Steel Axe Pirate. Chad dodges a Hand Axe.

Turn 2:

Rutger kills the Hand Axe Pirate. Astol kills the weakened Pirate. Dieck moves up, Alan and Lance Rescue / Drop him. Sue and Noah Rescue / Drop Roy, while Marcus and Zealot take the lead.

Zealot weakens a Merc.

Turn 3:

Dieck kills an Archer and Rutger kills the Merc. Zealot weakens the Fighter and Alan kills it. Lance and Marcus Rescue / Drop Dieck. Clarine uses a Torch Staff.

Dieck weakens a Fighter.

Turn 4:

Lance kills the Fighter. Dieck kills another Fighter, Marcus and Alan kill the Merc. Clarine heals Rutger.

Turn 5:

Dieck blocks the bridge and waits for Fir. My troops clear up the fighters approaching from the south. Dieck weakens the fighter and Fir gets into sight.

Turn 6:

Dieck kills the fighter and Noah recruits Fir. Saul heals Marcus, and Marcus, Alan and Lance make their way downwards. Fir retreats and gives her Wo Dao to Rutger, while Zealot moves up to deal with the enemies at the upper-right villages.

Alan countercrits a Pirate while Zealot weakens a Fighter.

Turn 7:

Sue recruits Shin. Zealot kills the Fighter. Noah and Shin Rescue / Drop Dieck near the Villages. Rutger heads up. Saul heals Lance. Marcus and Alan kill a Mage.

Turn 8:

Rutger kills an Elfire Mage. Clarine heals him, Sue and Shin Rescue / Drop him. Dieck, Noah and Zealot kill off an Archer. Marcus and Alan kill a Pirate, while Lance weakens another and Saul heals Alan.

Lance counterkills two Pirates while Zealot takes a hit from the Archers.

Turn 9:

Rutger kills a Merc with his Wo Dao, while Astol and Shin Rescue / Drop him into Scott's Hand Axe range. Clarine heals Rutger. Dieck and Zealot kill a Fighter. Lance crits an Archer, Alan and Marcus move down to save the village. Saul heals Lance.

Rutger dodges the Hand Axe.

Turn 10:

Rutger double-crits Scott with the Killing Edge, killing him (^_^). Marcus gets the Silver Sword. Dieck kills an Archer and Zealot gets the Killer Bow. Astol gets some EXP chipping at a Merc, Saul and Clarine get some extra heal EXP and Roy Seizes.

Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Swd Lan Axe Bow Anm Lgt Drk Stf
Roy      08.65  31  08  08  10  11  06  02   C   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Marcus   04.67* 34  09  14  11  10  09  08   D   S   E   -   -   -   -   -
Alan     13.31  32  12  09  11  08  09  01   E   C   -   -   -   -   -   -
Lance    13.11  30  10  11  14  06  08  01   E   D   -   -   -   -   -   -
Dieck    15.06  35  13  16  13  09  08  03   A   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Clarine  07.13  17  04  07  12  12  02  07   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   D
Rutger   17.11  35  13  20  20  08  09  04   A   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Zealot   03.05* 37  10  12  13  05  11  07   C   A   D   -   -   -   -   -
Saul     07.74  22  05  07  11  03  03  06   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   C

Roy X Alan C

Alan X Lance B

Rutger x Clarine C

[spoiler=Chapter 10A]

Chapter 10A:

Deployed: Roy, Lillina, Alan, Lance, Astol, Fir, Rutger, Clarine, Dieck, Marcus, Zealot, Saul

Turn 1:

Alan and Lance move down the left side, Alan taking the lead. Rutger kills a Fighter, Marcus and Zealot kill another. The rest of my units move down. Rutger countercrits a Merc and weakens another, while Marcus and Zealot weaken a Fighter and a Merc respectively. Alan weakens a Fighter. Saul gets hit by the Ballista (=/)

Turn 2:

Rutger kills the Merc. Fir kills a weakened Fighter, and Dieck kills the Archer. Zealot weakens the Merc and Roy kills it. Alan crits a Fighter at range with his Javelin and Astol kills the weakened Fighter. Lance chips at the Killing Edge Merc and Marcus equips his Steel Sword, giving Zealot a Steel Sword as well. Clarine heals Rutger. Saul uses a Vulnerary.

Astol weakens the Merc and dodges a Ballista and a Hand Axe fighter, while Zealot weakens a Fighter.

Turn 3:

Rutger takes care of the Hand Axe fighter, Dieck kills the Merc. Roy kills the weakened fighter. Clarine heals Rutger, Saul heals Astol. Astol, Fir, Marcus and Zealot move down.

Astol weakens a Fighter while Lance weakens the Berserker. Astol gets hit by the Ballista.

Turn 4:

Roy kills off a Fighter. Marcus and Zealot take care of the Ballista. Rutger kills a Merc with his Wo Dao, while Fir weakens a Fighter for Dieck to kill. Saul and Clarine heal Astol. Astol and Alan kill the Berserker, and Lance weakens an Archer. Fir counters a Merc.

Turn 5:

Zealot and Marcus snipe at Mercs using their Javelins. Astol kills the weakened Archer, Alan and Lance kill one of the Mercs. Clarine heals Fir, and Dieck kills the Shaman. Saul heals Marcus, Roy moves up to recruit Geese.

Turn 6:

Roy recruits Geese. Marcus rescues Roy, Geese picks up and drops him, allowing Zealot to pick up Roy and move down. Saul heals Fir, Clarine picks up Lillina and moves down, Lance picking up and dropping her further away. Fir goes to get the Swordreaver from the village.

Turn 7:

Astol moves down to lure in Gonzales, while Lilina follows behind. Alan moves down and drops Roy, Zealot, Marcus and Geese move down. Fir gets the Swordreaver. Clarine heals up Rutger and Saul heals up Zealot.

Astol dodges Gonzales' shot (17% hit lol) and hurts him for 16 of his 43 HP.

Turn 8:

Lillina recruits Gonzales, and Gonzales and Astol plug the forts. Zealot and Clarine Rescue / Drop Rutger while Alan and Lance Rescue / Drop Roy. Roy gets hit by Nosferatu from the Shaman. Clarine heals Roy, and Rutger kills Nord with a Wo Dao crit. Saul heals Gonzales and Roy Seizes.

Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Swd Lan Axe Bow Anm Lgt Drk Stf
Roy      09.83  32  08  09  10  12  07  02   C   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Marcus   04.90* 34  09  14  11  10  09  08   D   S   D   -   -   -   -   -
Alan     14.39  32  13  09  12  08  09  01   E   C   -   -   -   -   -   -
Lance    13.97  30  10  11  14  06  08  01   D   C   -   -   -   -   -   -
Dieck    15.69  35  13  16  13  09  08  03   A   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Clarine  07.79  17  04  07  12  12  02  07   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   C
Rutger   18.78  36  13  20  20  08  09  04   A   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Zealot   03.41* 37  10  12  13  05  11  07   C   A   D   -   -   -   -   -
Saul     08.41  22  06  07  11  03  03  06   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   C
Astol    13.13  28  08  10  17  11  08  04   C   -   -   -   -   -   -   -

Roy X Alan C

Alan X Lance B

Rutger x Clarine C

[spoiler=Chapter 11A]

Chapter 11A:

Deployed: Roy, Gonzales, Marcus, Zealot, Alan, Lance, Thany, Clarine, Astol, Saul

Turn 1:

Marcus picks up Dieck, and Thany deposits him across the wall and cantos back. Lalum refreshes her, and Zealot picks up Rutger for her to drop across the wall. Lance and Alan Rescue / Drop Lalum, the rest of my units move down. Lance counters a Fighter.

Turn 2:

Rutger kills an Archer with his Wo Dao. Gonzales kills a Fighter, Lalum dances for him and he kills another Fighter with his Killer Axe. Everyone except Thany heads downward.

Lance counters a Shaman. Rutger dodges an Archer.

Turn 3:

Dieck kills an Archer and Rutger critkills a Fighter. Gonzales kills the Shaman, Lalum dances for him and he moves forward. Astol and Lance kill the Archer while Roy and Alan kill the Fighter. Clarine heals Lance.

Rutger kills a Fighter, Dieck wounds two.

Turn 4:

Rutger kills an Archer with his Wo Dao, Dieck kills a weakened Fighter with his Light Brand. Zealot gets the Restore, Marcus gets the Dragonshield. Gonzales starts chipping at the south wall. Lalum refreshes Zealot, Zealot and Astol Rescue / Drop her.

Dieck weakens most of the units while counterkilling a Fighter.

Turn 5:

Dieck kills a Shaman, Rutger promotes. Gonzales, Zealot, Marcus and Alan knock down the wall, Lance heads north. Lalum refreshes Alan and he heads north with Lance. Clarine heads forward.

Turn 6:

Dieck kills a fighter, Rutger breaks out and kills another. Lance chips at a Fighter near Dieck. Clarine recruits Klein, and Klein grabs the Sleep Staff. Gonzales and Zealot move down to rescue the two villages. Astol visits the 5000G village, and Marcus picks up Roy and cantos forward. He drops Roy next to Alan.

Zealot counters a Bandit.

Turn 7:

Gonzales kills the bandit. Zealot visits the left village for an Orion's Bolt. Rutger vists the northwestern village for an Angelic Robe, Roy, Lance and Dieck kill the remaining enemies. Marcus gets the Speedwings, Astol blocks the passage so the reinforcements spawning with Echidna will not kill Lalum. Thany gets hit by one of Tate's units.

Turn 8:

Thany talks to Tate. The rest of my units move forward, Astol guarding Lalum from the fighters that will spawn on the next turn. Marcus hits a Brigand with his Steel Sword.

Astol counters one Fighter, and Echidna hits another.

Turn 9:

Astol weakens a Fighter and Lalum talks to Echidna. She weakens another, Alan and Lance kill two of them. Klein kills a Brigand, Marcus and Roy kill a Shaman. Saul buys two Heals, four Door Keys and a Chest Key. Rutger drinks a Vulnerary. He is in range of Oro, but cannot survive a Divine. Clarine moves up to aid him. Gonzales gets the last village for an Axereaver. Thany Rescues one of Tate's units as she will commit suicide on the next turn otherwise.

Turn 10:

Klein recruits Tate. Alan and Dieck finish off the last Fighter. Clarine heals up Rutger, while he kills Oro with the Wo Dao (72 Crit lololol) Roy is 1 move away from the throne =(

Tate moves down, Lalum refreshes her and she enters the armory to buy two Hand Axes, two Iron Axes and two Killer Axes.

Turn 11:

Clarine and Saul get some extra EXP from healing, and Roy Seizes.

Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Swd Lan Axe Bow Anm Lgt Drk Stf
Roy      10.92  32  08  09  10  12  07  02   C   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Marcus   05.04* 34  10  14  12  10  09  08   D   S   D   -   -   -   -   -
Alan     15.39  33  13  09  12  08  09  01   E   C   -   -   -   -   -   -
Lance    15.35  31  10  12  15  07  08  02   D   C   -   -   -   -   -   -
Dieck    18.22  38  15  18  14  10  09  03   A   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Clarine  08.14  18  04  08  12  13  02  08   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   C
Rutger   01.88* 42  15  22  21  08  12  06   S   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Zealot   03.49* 37  10  12  13  05  11  07   C   A   D   -   -   -   -   -
Saul     08.85  22  06  07  11  03  03  06   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   C
Astol    13.64  28  08  10  17  11  08  04   C   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Gonzales 07.39  45  18  08  12  07  06  01   -   -   C   -   -   -   -   -
Lalum    02.00  15  01  02  12  10  02  04   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -

Roy X Alan C

Alan X Lance B

Rutger x Clarine C

[spoiler=Chapter 12]

Chapter 12:

Deployed: Roy, Lalum, Alan, Lance, Dieck, Clarine, Rutger, Astol, Chad, Lugh, Klein, Saul, Zealot

Turn 1:

Rutger, Zealot, Lalum, Saul and Astol start on the left side, the rest on the right side. Rutger moves up, Lalum refreshes him and he kills the Killer Axe fighter. Zealot, Astol and Saul head up. Dieck and Klein kill a Fighter each. Everyone else moves up.

Rutger kills the Armor with a double crit, while Klein dodges a Sleep.

Turn 2:

Zealot and Rutger kill the fighter, Lalum dances for Zealot and he rushes up. Astol unlocks the door and Saul heals Rutger. Dieck and Klein weaken the Armor, and Chad opens the door to the chest room. Everyone else moves up.

Dieck counterkills the Armor and Saul dodges a Sleep.

Turn 3:

Chad opens the chest for an Aircalibur. Klein kills a Shaman from across the wall, Alan, Lance and Dieck move up equipping their two-range weapons. Roy and Lugh move up. Astol grabs a Lancereaver, Lalum follows him. Rutger and Saul move up, Zealot snipes an Archer from across the wall.

Alan countercrits an Archer while Clarine and Saul get hurt by the shots. Dieck and Lance weaken an Archer each, Klein gets put to Sleep.

Turn 4:

Clarine Restores Klein. Dieck and Alan kill an Archer each, Lance Rescues Alan and moves forward. Klein kills the last Archer. Chad pilfers another chest, Astol gets the Brave Bow with the help of Lalum. Zealot further weakens an Archer.

Zealot kills the Archer.

Turn 5:

Astol gets the Elysian Whip and the Blue Gem with Lalum's help. Lance moves forward and drops Alan, Dieck moves forward and Clarine heals him. Chad starts chipping away at the Eclipse Mage. Rutger starts breaking the wall.

Alan weakens a Fighter, Zealot dodges a Sleep.

Turn 6:

Alan and Lance kill a Fighter each. Zealot kills a Priest. Clarine heals Dieck again.

Zealot dodges a Hand Axe and Lance weakens a Fighter.

Turn 7:

Rutger kills the Warrior. Alan kills the Fighter and Lance rushes out. Everyone else progresses forward, Klein killing the Archer. Saul heals Zealot and he chips at the wall.

Turn 8:

Alan, Lance and Zealot Rescue Chain Roy over to the other side to recruit Cath. Rutger kills the last Fighter.

Turn 9:

Roy recruits Cath. Lance Rescues him, Lalum Dances for him and Lance and Alan break down the wall with their Javelins. Zealot blocks one of the staircases.

Turn 10:

Lance drops Roy. Alan picks up Dieck, Zealot gets the Wyrmslayer from Roy and drops Dieck. Rutger moves in, the rest of my units move in as well. Lugh recruits Ray.

Turn 11:

Zealot gives Dieck the Wyrmslayer. Rutger trades over the Light Brand and weakens Aine so Dieck can kill him. Lance supports Roy, and Clarine and Saul get some extra heal EXP before Roy seizes.

Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Swd Lan Axe Bow Anm Lgt Drk Stf
Roy      10.94  32  08  09  10  12  07  02   C   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Alan     16.44  34  14  10  13  09  09  01   E   B   -   -   -   -   -   -
Lance    15.65  31  10  12  15  07  08  02   D   C   -   -   -   -   -   -
Dieck    19.76  38  15  18  14  10  09  03   A   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Clarine  09.23  18  04  08  13  13  02  08   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   C
Rutger   02.72* 43  15  23  21  08  12  06   S   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Zealot   03.86* 37  10  12  13  05  11  07   C   A   D   -   -   -   -   -
Saul     09.21  23  06  08  12  03  03  07   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   C
Astol    13.80  28  08  10  17  11  08  04   C   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Lalum    02.70  15  01  02  12  10  02  04   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -

Roy X Alan C

Roy X Lance C

Alan X Lance B

Rutger x Clarine C

[spoiler=Chapter 12x]

Chapter 12x:

Deployed: Roy, Dieck, Alan, Lance, Clarine, Astol, Lalum, Zealot

Turn 1:

Astol steals a Lockpick from a Thief. Dieck promotes. Zealot and Lance kill an Archer while Alan weakens a Brigand. Dieck promotes, Lalum dances for him and he finishes off the Brigand.

Turn 2:

Dieck kills another Brigand. Astol chips a Thief. Clarine heals him, and Lalum refreshes Dieck. Dieck moves up. Alan and Lance Rescue / Drop Lalum.

Astol gets hit by a Myrm and counters, Lalum dodges a Hand Axe.

Turn 3:

Dieck kills an Archer, Alan and Lance kill the Myrm. Zealot and Roy kill a Brigand with Lalum's help. Astol chips at the Thief again, Clarine heals him.

Turn 4:

Zealot and Roy kill a Brigand while Dieck handles the other one. Lalum refreshes Roy, Alan and Lance Rescue / Drop her. Clarine heals Dieck. Astol gets hit by another Myrm and counters.

Turn 5:

Alan and Lance kill the Myrm, Astol moves up and Clarine heals him. The rest of my units move up, Lalum refreshes Dieck who moves further. Astol dodges a Nosferatur (thankfully).

Turn 6:

Dieck kills the Druid. Alan kills the Archer with Lance's support. Zealot picks up Roy, Lalum refreshes him and he drops Roy nearer to the throne. Clarine heals Lalum.

Dieck misses his counter on the Myrm.

Turn 7:

Dieck kills the Brigand, Lance and Alan kill the Myrm. Lalum refreshes Dieck and he moves closer to the throne. Roy weakens the Devil Axe Brigand, Astol moves toward the White Gem chest.

Turn 8:

Roy kills the Brigand, and Dieck hits Grero with the Durandal. Clarine earns more Staff EXP with Lalum's help, and Lance and Alan kill a Brigand.

Dieck further weakens Grero.

Turn 9:

Dieck kills Grero, while Lance kills a Brigand with a crit. Clarine takes the opportunity to get more EXP before Roy Seizes.

Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Swd Lan Axe Bow Anm Lgt Drk Stf
Roy      12.44  34  09  10  11  14  07  03   C   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Alan     17.14  35  14  10  13  09  10  01   D   B   -   -   -   -   -   -
Lance    17.21  33  11  13  16  07  09  02   D   C   -   -   -   -   -   -
Dieck    02.63* 44  17  19  16  10  13  05   S   -   E   -   -   -   -   -
Clarine  10.45  18  04  08  13  14  02  08   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   C
Rutger   02.72* 43  15  23  21  08  12  06   S   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Zealot   04.07* 37  10  12  13  05  12  07   C   A   D   -   -   -   -   -
Saul     09.21  23  06  08  12  03  03  07   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   C
Astol    14.40  29  08  10  17  12  08  04   C   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Lalum    03.61  16  01  02  13  11  02  04   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -

Roy X Alan C

Roy X Lance C

Alan X Lance B

Rutger x Clarine C

[spoiler=Chapter 13]

Chapter 13:

Deployed: Roy, Alan, Lance, Rutger, Clarine, Dieck, Zealot, Astol, Gonzales, Lalum, Saul, Klein, Thany, Tate

Thany and Tate are just my item mules. =)

Turn 1:

Gonzales moves up, Alan and Lance Rescue / Drop him. Thany and Clarine Rescue and Drop Rutger, Tate and Zealot do the same with Dieck. Lalum refreshes Dieck, and the rest of my units move up.

Dieck dodges a Javelin.

Turn 2:

Alan and Lance kill the Paladin with the help of the Horseslayer, while Gonzales moves left to go on the Peak. Rutger kills the Axereaver Cav, Dieck and Zealot kill another Cav. Klein moves up, Lalum refreshes him and he chips at one of the Cavs with his Longbow.

Rutger counterkills a Cav.

Turn 3:

Miledy joins. She weakens a Cav for Roy to kill. Klein and Rutger kill the Troubadour, while Zealot grabs the Body Ring. Clarine heals Miledy, Lalum refreshes Roy. Thany and Tate Rescue / Drop Saul.

Turn 4:

My units move along to attack the Wyvern Riders. Clarine heals Alan, Lalum refreshes Saul and Thany and Tate Rescue / Drop Rutger.

Turn 5:

Klein kills one Wyvern Rider, Rutger, Zealot and Miledy kill another. Thany and Tate Rescue / Drop Lalum. Miledy gets hit by a Ballista, but she pulls through due to her massive Def.

Turn 6:

Alan and Lance weaken a Cav. Rutger and Dieck block the remainder of the bridge. Clarine heals Miledy twice. Gonzales weakens a Mage, Dieck and Lance weaken a Cav each.

Turn 7:

Gonzales kills the Mage. Lance, Dieck and Klein kill a unit each, Clarine heals up Lance.

Lance and Dieck weaken a unit each, Gonzales weakens the Paladin.

Turn 8:

Gonzales blicks the Paladin with a Halberd. Zealot pulls back to deal with the Cavs, while Thany and Tate get out of the way. Dieck, Klein and Lance kill two Cavs and Klein weakens a WK with his Longbow. Gonzales kills a Cav and weakens a Paladin, while Zealot weakens a Cav. Lance weakens a WK and the Paladin.

Turn 9:

Percival finally leaves. Zealot moves forward and Saul heals him. Miledy kills the Paladin. Lalum refreshes him and he picks her up and charges forward. Clarine heals Zealot further, while Astol takes and drops Lalum. Dieck moves back to deal with the Cavs, while Conzales kills the Paladin with his Killer Axe.

Gonzales countercrits a Cav and Dieck counterkills a Cav.

Turn 10:

Dieck kills a Cav. Saul heals Klein. Gonzales weakens a Mage with his Hand Axe. Zealot picks up Rutger, Lalum refreshes him and he moves along. Thany and Tate Rescue / Drop Lalum. Lance picks up Roy, Alan takes him from Lance and gets the A Support. Miledy weakens a Troubadour. Dieck counterkills a Cav, Gonzales weakens two.

Turn 11:

Gonzales kills a Cav. Alan moves forward, Miledy takes Roy from him, Lalum refreshes her and she puts Roy down near Flaer. Zealot does the same with Rutger. Clarine and Lance Rescue / Drop Lalum. Saul heals Dieck.

Turn 12:

Gonzales kills another Cav. Clarine trades the two White Gems, a Red Gem and a Blue Gem from Tate and Alan sells them. He buys 6 Steel Swords, 2 Iron Swords, 5 Javelins, 3 Killer Lances and an Iron Lance. Thany sells the Secret Book, the Goddess Icon, two Orion's Bolts and an Elysian Whip, and buys 3 Restore Staves, 2 Mends and 5 Heals. Tate wins an Arena bout for a bit of EXP to go Ilia. Rutger kills Flaer with a Wyrmslayer crit. Roy Seizes.

Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Swd Lan Axe Bow Anm Lgt Drk Stf
Roy      12.94  34  09  10  11  14  07  03   C   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Marcus   05.04* 34  10  14  12  10  09  08   D   S   D   -   -   -   -   -
Alan     17.82  35  14  10  13  09  10  01   D   B   -   -   -   -   -   -
Lance    18.43  34  12  14  16  08  09  02   D   B   -   -   -   -   -   -
Dieck    03.39* 45  18  20  16  11  13  05   S   -   E   -   -   -   -   -
Clarine  11.35  19  05  09  14  15  03  09   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   C
Rutger   03.67* 44  15  23  22  08  12  06   S   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Zealot   04.35* 37  10  12  13  05  12  07   C   S   D   -   -   -   -   -
Saul     09.66  23  06  08  12  03  03  07   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   C
Astol    14.40  29  08  10  17  12  08  04   C   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Gonzales 12.34  49  20  08  14  09  07  01   -   -   C   -   -   -   -   -
Lalum    04.72  16  01  02  13  12  02  05   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -

Roy X Alan C

Roy X Lance C

Alan X Lance A

Rutger x Clarine C

[spoiler=Chapter 14]

Chapter 14:

Deployed: Roy, Rutger, Dieck, Klein, Tate, Thany, Miledy, Saul, Astol, Cath

Thany and Tate are just for ferrying stuff around as usual.

Turn 1:

Dieck moves up to deal with the Wyverns and Mamkute, while Astol gets the Tailsman. Rutger and Klein move up, Roy trades a Restore to Rutger and Cecillia takes it. Cath moves up, revealing the Mage, and Klein gets refreshed by Lalum and moves into its range. Tate and Miledy Rescue / Drop Rutger.

Dieck weakens the Wyvern Lord while Klein weakens the mage.

Turn 2:

Dieck weakens the Wyvern Lord and Astol kills it with his Lancereaver. Cath grabs the boots, and Saul heals Klein. Rutger finishes off the Mage, Tate and Miledy Rescue / Drop him onto the plateau. Klein weakens a southern mage with Lalum's help.

Rutger counterkills 3 Mercs, Miledy gets hit by Aircalibur and Lalum by Thunder. Dieck weakens a WK. Sophia dodges a Sleep.

Turn 3:

Dieck moves into the Mamkute's range and equips Durandal. Astol finishes off the Wyvern Knight. Rutger kills the Aircalibur Mage. Saul heals Lalum, Lalum dances for him. Tate Rescues Cath, Saul heals Miledy and she takes and drops Cath. Thany and Cecillia Rescue / Drop Roy.

Dieck counterkills a WK and the Mamkute. Rutger counterkills a Merc but fails to kill the Hero who gets healed on the next turn. Sophia gets put to Sleep.

Turn 4:

Cecillia Restores Sophia. Rutger double-crits the Hero killing him. Miledy rushes in and kills the Sleep Bishop. Dieck weakens a WK, while Astol moves up. Saul uses Torch, Thany rescues him and Lalum refreshes her and she drops Saul on the Plateau to heal Rutger. Klein and Tate drop Lalum onto the Plateau.

Miledy counterkills two Mercs and weakens two others and the Hero, Dieck counterkills a WK and Saul dodges a Silence.

Turn 5:

Miledy further weakens the Hero. Saul heals her, and Rutger kills the Hero with Lalum's help. Cath and Tate kill the Silence Bishop, Cath finds a Silence. Klein and Thany ferry Cecillia over. Astol gets the Silver Card.

Rutger counterkills two Mercs, a WK and weakens a Wyvern Lord.

Turn 6:

Rutger gets healed by Saul and kills a Mage. Miledy kills the WL with a Killer Lance crit. Tate and Cath move down. Cath dodges an Elfire, Saul dodges a Javelin and a Steel Lance.

Turn 7:

Miledy and Cecillia kill a Wyvern Knight. Lalum refreshes Miledy and she swoops down and kills the Elfire Mage. Tate grabs Sophia and flies up, Rutger kills the remaining WL and Thany drops Roy. Saul heals Rutger.

Turn 8:

Rutger kills Gel with a double crit, but it wouldn't have mattered as Roy can't move to the throne. Tate drops Sophia, Lalum refreshes her and she gets the Guiding Ring. Saul heals Miledy. Roy buys a Steel Blade.

Turn 9:

Miledy kills a Priest, Saul grabs some extra EXP from healing and Cath grabs Warp. Sophia grabs a Silver Blade, and Roy Seizes.

Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Swd Lan Axe Bow Anm Lgt Drk Stf
Roy      12.94  34  09  10  11  14  07  03   C   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Marcus   05.04* 34  10  14  12  10  09  08   D   S   D   -   -   -   -   -
Alan     17.82  35  14  10  13  09  10  01   D   B   -   -   -   -   -   -
Lance    18.43  34  12  14  16  08  09  02   D   B   -   -   -   -   -   -
Dieck    04.11* 46  18  20  17  11  13  05   S   -   D   -   -   -   -   -
Clarine  11.35  19  05  09  14  15  03  09   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   C
Rutger   06.21* 46  16  25  23  09  13  07   S   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Zealot   04.35* 37  10  12  13  05  12  07   C   S   D   -   -   -   -   -
Saul     10.85  23  06  08  12  03  03  07   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   B
Astol    15.68  30  09  10  18  12  08  04   C   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Gonzales 12.34  49  20  08  14  09  07  01   -   -   C   -   -   -   -   -
Lalum    05.63  17  01  02  14  12  02  05   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Miledy   14.63  41  18  16  15  09  17  04   -   C   -   -   -   -   -   -

Roy X Alan C

Roy X Lance C

Alan X Lance A

Rutger x Clarine C

[spoiler=Chapter 14x]

Chapter 14x:

Deployed: Roy, Rutger, Dieck, Lalum, Clarine, Cecillia, Alan, Lance, Zealot

Bolting x 2 @_@

Turn 1:

Roy moves down, Alan picks him up and Lalum refreshes him. Alan moves down and drops Roy. Lance and Cecillia Rescue / Drop Lalum. Zealot and Clarine Rescue / Drop Rutger.

Turn 2:

Lance moves down and Lalum refreshes him. Lance and Alan kill a Merc and a Pirate. Roy and Zealot weaken a Pirate.

Dieck and Lalum dodge Bolting.

Turn 3:

Dieck kills a Pirate, and Miledy kills an Archer. Rutger kills a Pirate, and Lance kills another. Lalum Dances for Dieck, Cecillia and Zealot Rescue / Drop her.

Turn 4:

Dieck kills a Pirate. Rutger kills a Merc with the help of Lalum, and Lance and Cecillia kill a Pirate. Alan kills a Nosferatu Druid with a Killer Lance crit. Lalum dodges a Bow shot but gets hit by another.

Turn 5:

Clarine Barriers Rutger and he rushes into Ohtz' range, weakening a Pirate. The rest of my units stay out of Ohtz' range. Dieck kills an Archer, Zealot and Roy kill another. Lalum refreshes Dieck and Cecillia heals her.

Rutger counterkills two pirates but gets hit by Ohtz.

Turn 6:

My troops clean up the enemies and Miledy kills the first Bolting Sage. Cecillia Barriers Clarine and Roy with Lalum's help, and Clarine heals Rutger.

Ohtz misses his shot on Zealot. Cecillia gets hit by a Wyvern Knight and counters, while Lalum dodges one.

Turn 7:

Alan kills the Eclipse Druid while Lance weakens a Pirate. Dieck kills a WK. Rutger kills Ohtz with Lalum's help. Zealot and Clarine Rescue / Drop Roy while Miledy and Dieck stay behind to deal with the Wyverns.

Cecillia kills a WK with Aircalibur.

Turn 8:

Dieck weakens the Berserker and Miledy kills him. Rutger gets B Clarine, Clarine gets some extra heal EXP and Roy Seizes.

Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Swd Lan Axe Bow Anm Lgt Drk Stf
Roy      13.54  35  10  11  12  14  08  03   C   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Marcus   05.04* 34  10  14  12  10  09  08   D   S   D   -   -   -   -   -
Alan     19.38  37  15  11  14  10  10  01   D   B   -   -   -   -   -   -
Lance    19.35  35  12  14  17  08  09  02   D   B   -   -   -   -   -   -
Dieck    04.64* 46  18  20  17  11  13  05   S   -   D   -   -   -   -   -
Clarine  12.17  19  05  09  14  15  03  09   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   C
Rutger   07.61* 47  17  26  24  10  13  07   S   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Zealot   04.59* 37  10  12  13  05  12  07   C   S   D   -   -   -   -   -
Saul     10.85  23  06  08  12  03  03  07   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   B
Astol    15.68  30  09  10  18  12  08  04   C   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Gonzales 12.34  49  20  08  14  09  07  01   -   -   C   -   -   -   -   -
Lalum    06.51  18  01  02  15  13  03  05   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Miledy   16.45  42  19  17  16  09  18  04   -   C   -   -   -   -   -   -

Roy X Alan C

Roy X Lance C

Alan X Lance A

Rutger x Clarine B

[spoiler=Chapter 15]

Chapter 15:

Deployed: Roy, Gonzales, Alan, Lance, Miledy, Clarine, Cecillia, Zealot, Lalum, Rutger, Dieck, Lillina

Turn 1:

Miledy goes into range of the Silver Lance Wyvern. Lalum heads up to recruit Percival, Zealot waits below her to Rescue Chain her once she recruits Percival. Gonzales moves forward and equips the Swordreaver, Lance promotes and Alan chips at a Merc with his Javelin. Cecillia visits the bottom village for Divine.

Gonzales kills off the weakened Merc, Miledy weakens the WK.

Turn 2:

Igrene and Miledy kill off the Wyvern Knight. Lalum recruits Percival, Percival Rescues her, and Zealot takes her and cantos downward. Lance weakens a Merc, Gonzales kills it. Cecillia heals Gonzales, Rutger takes and drops Lalum.

Dieck weakens a Cav, Roy gets hit by an Archer.

Turn 3:

Lance moves into range of the Sniper and chips at a Cavalier. Alan kills it. Rutger kills the Valkyrie, Miledy kills the Archer and Gonzales kills the Cav. Lalum Dances for Miledy, and she kills the Horseslayer Cav with Dieck. Clarine heals Roy.

Lance weakens the Sniper.

Turn 4:

Rutger kills a Cav, Miledy kills the Sniper. Alan and Lance kill an Archer and a Merc respectively. Lalum refreshes Gonzales, he kills a Merc with Igrene. Cecillia and Roy Rescue / Drop Lillina.

Dieck weakens a Merc while Zealot misses his counter.

Turn 5:

Percival and Miledy kill the Merc. Dieck gets the Hammerne village. Gonzales kills the remaining Merc. Clarine heals Zealot twice, Cecillia and Roy Rescue / Drop Lillina.

Turn 6:

Lillina recruits Garret. Miledy picks up and drops Rutger below Raeth with Lalum's help. Clarine heals Miledy. Rutger kills Raeth.

Turn 7:

Miledy drops Roy onto a Mountain with Lalum's help. Rutger moves to the throne.

Gonzales weakens several cavs.

Turn 8:

Rutger kills the Merc in front of the throne, Miledy picks him up. Clarine gets some extra EXP before Roy Seizes.

Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Swd Lan Axe Bow Anm Lgt Drk Stf
Roy      13.70  35  10  11  12  14  08  03   C   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Marcus   05.04* 34  10  14  12  10  09  08   D   S   D   -   -   -   -   -
Alan     19.99  37  15  11  14  10  10  01   D   B   -   -   -   -   -   -
Lance    01.79* 38  14  16  19  08  11  05   C   A   E   -   -   -   -   -
Dieck    05.02* 47  18  20  17  11  13  05   S   -   D   -   -   -   -   -
Clarine  13.05  20  05  10  15  16  03  10   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   B
Rutger   08.71* 48  17  26  24  10  13  07   S   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Zealot   04.68* 37  10  12  13  05  12  07   C   S   D   -   -   -   -   -
Saul     10.85  23  06  08  12  03  03  07   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   B
Astol    15.68  30  09  10  18  12  08  04   C   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Gonzales 15.67  52  20  09  16  10  08  01   -   -   B   -   -   -   -   -
Lalum    07.11  18  01  02  15  14  03  06   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Miledy   18.40  44  20  18  17  10  18  04   -   C   -   -   -   -   -   -

Roy X Alan C

Roy X Lance C

Alan X Lance A

Rutger x Clarine B

[spoiler=Chapter 16]

Chapter 16:

Deployed: Roy, Cecillia, Percival, Astol, Miledy, Lalum, Rutger, Clarine, Dieck, Gonzales, Alan, Lance, Saul, Igrene

Cecillia gets a Chest Key and Miledy gets a Door Key.

Gonzales, Astol, Percival, Dieck, Saul and Igrene start out on the right side, the rest are on the left side.

Turn 1:

Cecillia picks up Roy and moves right, and Lalum refreshes her. She passes Roy to Percival. Percival drops Roy in a forest. Gonzales takes the lead, followed by Dieck and Igrene. Alan promotes. Clarine heals him.

Astol dodges a Bolting, and Rutger counters a Merc.

Turn 2:

Alan kills the Merc. Rutger kills a Fighter, and Lance moves up and equips a Javelin. Lalum refreshes Clarine, Cecillia and Clarine Rescue / Drop Lalum. Gonzales kills the Fighter, Igrene chips at the Mage and Percival and Dieck move forward.

Dieck counters a Merc, Rutger dodges an Aircalibur while Astol gets hit by Bolting. Saul dodges Silence.

Turn 3:

Percival kills the Bishop. Dieck kills a Fighter and Igrene kills the Bolting Mage. Roy moves up, Astol moves up and Saul heals him. Rutger kills the Mage. Alan and Lance head up to deal with the Mage. Cecillia Barriers Lalum.

Roy counters a Fighter, Lance counterkills the Mage. Lalum gets hit by Purge.

Turn 4:

Alan moves up and Lalum refreshes him. He kills the Physic Bishop. Clarine heals Lalum, Cecillia and Miledy Rescue / Drop Rutger. Igrene kills the Fighter, and Roy moves up. Dieck and Percival Rescue / Drop him, and Percival moves to lure in Hugh.

Lalum dodges Purge.

Turn 5:

Roy recruits Hugh for 5000G. Percival heads up, but stays out of the Armor's range. Dieck and Astol head for the chest room. Clarine heals Lance, and Lalum refreshes her. Clarine and Cecillia Rescue / Drop Lalum. Miledy passes Lance her Door Key, and Lance and Alan Rescue / Drop Rutger.

Percival counterkills a Mage.

Turn 6:

Miledy kills an Armor with her Killer Lance, and opens the door and cantos out. Alan kills a Merc with his Javelin, and Clarine heals him. Rutger moves out as well. Lalum refreshes Cecillia. Astol opens the door, Hugh chips at the Mamkute and Dieck kills it with the Durandal. Saul heals Percival and Percival kills the Armor with a crit.

Percival, Cecillia and Lance weaken a unit each.

Turn 7:

My troops finish off the rest of the units by the doorway, and Lalum refreshes Alan, who attacks the Snipers in the chest room. Clarine heals him and Cecillia heals Clarine. Saul puts Douglas to Sleep, Igrene and Hugh kill the Armorslayer Merc. Percival kills the Purge Bishop, Gonzales and Dieck Rescue / Drop Saul out of harm's way. Astol gets the first chest.

Alan kills a Sniper and weakens another, while Gonzales weakens a Mage.

Turn 8:

Cecillia gets a Door Key from Rutger and heals him. Lalum dances for her and she unlocks the door. Alan kills the Armor and Miledy kills the Bishop. Lance kills the last Sniper. Clarine heals Lance. Gonzales kills the Mage, Percival doubles back to grab Astol. Igrene blocks the stairs.

Turn 9:

Rutger critkills the Mamkute. Miledy promotes, Lalum dances for her and she goes to get Zeiss. Lance follows while Alan moves right and attacks the Armor. Miledy and Lance start breaking the walls, Alan gets healed by Clarine.

Turn 10:

Miledy and Lance chip away at the walls. Astol gets the last chest and Percival rescues him. Alan gets into position, Clarine moves in to lure Douglas. Clarine dodges Douglas' attack.

Turn 11:

Percival, Alan and Clarine Rescue Chain Astol over to the other side, while Lalum dances for him and he steals the Delphi Shield. Rutger kills Narshen with a Wyrmslayer. Lance knocks down the wall and Miledy recruits Zeiss.

Alan gets hit by Douglas and hits back for 8 damage.

Turn 12:

My troops clean up, and Roy Seizes.

Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Swd Lan Axe Bow Anm Lgt Drk Stf
Roy      13.81  35  10  11  12  14  08  03   C   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Alan     02.69* 41  17  13  16  10  12  04   C   A   E   -   -   -   -   -
Lance    02.59* 39  14  16  19  08  11  05   C   A   E   -   -   -   -   -
Dieck    05.02* 47  18  20  17  11  13  05   S   -   D   -   -   -   -   -
Clarine  14.08  20  06  10  15  17  03  10   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   B
Rutger   10.07* 49  17  27  25  10  13  07   S   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Saul     11.67  24  07  08  12  03  03  08   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   B
Astol    15.81  30  09  10  18  12  08  04   C   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Gonzales 17.23  54  20  09  17  10  09  01   -   -   B   -   -   -   -   -
Lalum    08.23  19  01  02  16  15  03  06   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Miledy   01.16* 44  20  18  17  10  18  04   E   A   -   -   -   -   -   -
Percival 05.57* 50  20  16  20  15  15  13   A   A   C   -   -   -   -   -

Roy X Alan C

Roy X Lance C

Alan X Lance A

Rutger x Clarine B

Edited by Aquilae
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[spoiler=Chapter 16x]

Chapter 16x:

Deployed: Roy, Percival, Cecillia, Clarine, Alan, Lance, Dieck, Rutger, Gonzales

Turn 1:

Everyone except Douglas heads up the left stairs. Alan and Percival Rescue / Drop Rutger.

Alan dodges a Bolting.

Turn 2:

Miledy and Gonzales kill a Merc. Lance kills a Mage and Percival kills a Knight.

Gonzales weakens a Mage, Percival gets Berserked while Cecillia gets Silenced.

Turn 3:

Gonzales moves away, and Dieck kills the Mage. Clarine Restores Cecillia and she Restores Percival.

Cecillia dodges a Berserk and a Silence (O.O), but gets hit by one Bolting.

Turn 4:

Cecillia heals Gonzales, Clarine heals Cecillia. Miledy and Percival kill a unit each, and Gonzales finishes a Cav.

Miledy weakens a Paladin, and Roy gets Berserked. He dodges a Bolting and Clarine dodges another. Cecillia gets Silenced. The Heavenly Arrow hits 4 of my units @_@

Turn 5:

Gonzales finishes off the Paladin. Clarine Restores Cecillia and she Restores Roy. Lance weakens a Cav, and the rest of my units head upwards.

Lance weakens the Cav on the counter.

Turn 6:

Percival kills the Cav, Alan kills the Aircalibur Mage. Clarine heals Gonzales, Cecillia and Gonzales Rescue / Drop Roy.

Lance gets hit by Purge.

Turn 7:

Miledy kills the Purge Bishop, Cecillia Rescues Roy and Clarine Barriers Gonzales. Dieck drops Roy.

Lance dodges a Bolting.

Turn 8:

Miledy kills the Sniper, Alan heads up and Lance stays out of range of the enemy units. Cecillia and Clarine Rescue / Drop Roy.

Cecillia dodges a Silence, Lance dodges a Bolting.

Turn 9:

Percival kills the Aircalibur Sage. Lance finishes off a Mage while Alan kills the Knight. Cecilia and Miledy Rescue / Drop Roy.

Lance dodges another Bolting and Cecilia dodges another Silence.

Turn 10:

Alan kills the Bolting Mage. Cecilia, Percival and Lance Rescue / Drop Rutger, and Miledy picks up Roy and moves up. Dieck attacks the Bishop.

Alan gets hit by Purge, and counters an Armor.

Turn 11:

Dieck kills the Bishop. Lance kills the Armor with a Javelin crit, Clarine heals him. Rutger hits Windam with a double Wo Dao crit (55 Accuracy @_@) Miledy drops Roy onto the throne.

Clarine dodges a Purge.

Turn 12:

Roy Seizes.

Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Swd Lan Axe Bow Anm Lgt Drk Stf
Roy      13.82  35  10  11  12  14  08  03   C   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Alan     03.08* 42  18  14  17  11  12  04   C   A   E   -   -   -   -   -
Lance    03.09* 40  15  17  20  09  11  05   C   A   E   -   -   -   -   -
Dieck    05.97* 47  18  20  17  11  13  05   S   -   D   -   -   -   -   -
Clarine  15.13  20  06  10  16  17  03  10   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   B
Rutger   10.64* 49  17  27  25  10  13  07   S   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Saul     11.67  24  07  08  12  03  03  08   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   B
Astol    15.81  30  09  10  18  12  08  04   C   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Gonzales 18.36  55  20  09  17  11  09  01   -   -   B   -   -   -   -   -
Lalum    08.23  19  01  02  16  15  03  06   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Miledy   02.50* 51  22  21  19  10  20  06   E   A   -   -   -   -   -   -
Percival 06.05* 51  20  16  21  16  16  13   A   A   C   -   -   -   -   -

Roy X Alan C

Roy X Lance C

Alan X Lance A

Rutger x Clarine B

[spoiler=Chapter 17]

Chapter 17 Ilia:

Deployed: Roy, Lalum, Dieck, Rutger, Miledy, Alan, Lance, Gonzales, Saul, Percival, Clarine, Thany, Tate, Cecilia

Turn 1:

Miledy moves toward the Ballistae and Gonzales moves toward the southern Cavs. My troops clear out the horde of Cavs towards the north.

Dieck uses a Speedwing, Roy uses the Boots and Clarine the Angelic Robe.

Turn 2:

Gonzales kills a Cav, Miledy kills one of the Ballisticians. Dieck kills a Mage, Alan visits the Village and Lance moves beside the Arena. Roy enters the Arena with Lalum's help.

Gonzales kills another Cav.

Turn 3:

Rutger wins another Arena bout. Gonzales kills a Mage. Lalum refreshes him allowing him to win another bout. Thany and Tate sell a Body Ring, a Tailsman, an Elysian Whip and a Knight's Crest, and 5 Vulneraries. Percival buys 7 Hand Axes, 5 Iron Axes, 3 Killer Axes, 3 Killing Edges and 3 Killer Lances. Miledy takes out another Ballistician.

Gonzales weakens an Archer.

Turn 4:

Gonzales promotes into a Berserker. Miledy moves up. The bridge appears.

Turn 5:

Gonzales kills a Fimbluvetr Mage. Roy wins more Arena bouts and Alan Rescues him, Tate takes him and flies across. Miledy flies across as well, Percival and Cecilia trailing behind. Lance wins an Arena bout.

Gonzales counterkills a Cav and a Paladin, Miledy counterkills two Cavs. Percival weakens the Paladin, and Miledy gets put to Sleep.

Turn 6:

Rutger and Dieck kill the Paladin, and Cecilia Restores Miledy. Percival kills a Cav while Tate passes Roy to Thany. Thany passes Roy to Miledy and she sets him down near Arcard.

Gonzales counterkills a Cav, Cecilia dodges Sleep and Roy takes a Javelin to the face.

Turn 7:

Miledy kills the Bishop, and Percival kills the Cav allowing Cecilia to heal Roy. Roy moves onto a fort, and Gonzales kills another Cav.

Roy tinks the Armors, Miledy counterkills a Cav reinforcement, Gonzales and Cecilia weaken a reinforcement.

Turn 8:

Miledy weakens Arcard. Percival kills a Cav, and Cecilia retreats. Roy moves onto the other fort.

Miledy weakens Arcard again, and the reinforcements show up to harass me again ~_~ Miledy crits Arcard to death. Percival, Cecilia, Rutger and Dieck clear a path for Roy to Seize.

Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Swd Lan Axe Bow Anm Lgt Drk Stf
Roy      16.42  37  11  12  13  16  08  04   B   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Alan     04.05* 43  18  14  17  11  12  04   C   S   E   -   -   -   -   -
Lance    04.15* 41  15  17  20  09  11  05   C   S   E   -   -   -   -   -
Dieck    06.38* 48  19  21  19  12  14  05   S   -   D   -   -   -   -   -
Clarine  16.60  28  06  11  16  18  03  11   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   B
Rutger   10.75* 49  17  27  25  10  13  07   S   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Saul     11.67  24  07  08  12  03  03  08   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   B
Astol    15.81  30  09  10  18  12  08  04   C   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Gonzales 02.82* 60  23  14  20  11  12  01   -   -   S   -   -   -   -   -
Lalum    09.23  20  01  02  17  16  03  06   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Miledy   04.72* 52  23  22  20  10  20  06   E   A   -   -   -   -   -   -
Percival 06.54* 51  20  16  21  16  16  13   A   A   C   -   -   -   -   -

Roy X Alan C

Roy X Lance C

Alan X Lance A

Rutger x Clarine B

[spoiler=Chapter 18]

Chapter 18:

Deployed: Roy, Miledy, Percival, Alan, Lance, Gonzales, Clarine, Cecilia, Dieck, Rutger, Lalum

Turn 1:

Gonzales crosses the river to the right. Miledy weakens the Merc with an Iron Sword, Alan and Lance finish it off. Percival, Rutger and Dieck move up, Clarine picks up Dieck and Cecilia drops him with Lalum's help.

Miledy weakens a Merc and Percival dodges a Ballista.

Turn 2:

Rutger kills the Merc. Dieck kills a Merc, Alan and Lance kill another. Clarine heals Miledy and she wipes out the Ballista. Percival moves up, and Lalum refreshes Cecilia.

Gonzales counterkills a Wyvern Knight.

Turn 3:

Gonzales kills another Wyvern Knight. Miledy kills a Falcoknight, and Lalum refreshes Rutger.

Miledy counterkills a Peg Knight, Lance does the same and Cecilia counters two. Cecilia gets Silenced, while Clarine dodges a Berserk.

Turn 4:

Rutger kills an Axereaver Peg Knight, while Clarine Restores Cecilia. Miledy kills the Berserk Staff Priest. Lalum refreshes Clarine and she heals Cecilia. Cecilia heals Rutger, Gonzales crosses the river over to the bottom-right village.

Miledy severely weakens a Merc, while Cecilia dodges a Silence.

Turn 5:

Gonzales kills the Wyvern Knight. Miledy kills a Merc, Lalum refreshes Dieck and everyone waits along the river. Miledy counterkills a Merc and a Peg Knight.

Turn 6:

Miledy kills a Shaman, Roy crosses the river. Dieck starts crossing the river. Gonzales visits the southern village for a Secret Book.

Miledy counterkills two Peg Knights and a Falcoknight, Gonzales counterkills a Wyvern Knight.

Turn 7:

Miledy visits the village and equips her Iron Sword. Percival kills a Merc, Rutger kills a Priest. Lance moves up and Clarine heals him. Lalum refreshes Alan so he can move further. Roy takes cover in a forest.

Miledy dodges Martel's Purge.

Turn 8:

Miledy kills Martel with a crit. Cecilia rushes to the left to get the Goddess Icon with the help of Lalum. Alan and Lance Rescue / Drop Roy, and Clarine Barriers Rutger. Dieck kills a Peg Knight.

Turn 9:

Cecilia gets the Goddess Icon, the rest of my team get some more EXP before Roy Seizes.

Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Swd Lan Axe Bow Anm Lgt Drk Stf
Roy      16.49  37  11  12  13  16  08  04   B   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Alan     04.30* 43  18  14  17  11  12  04   C   S   E   -   -   -   -   -
Lance    04.56* 41  15  17  20  09  11  05   C   S   E   -   -   -   -   -
Dieck    06.75* 48  19  21  19  12  14  05   S   -   D   -   -   -   -   -
Clarine  17.51  28  07  11  17  19  03  11   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   B
Rutger   10.96* 49  17  27  25  10  13  07   S   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Saul     11.67  24  07  08  12  03  03  08   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   B
Astol    15.81  30  09  10  18  12  08  04   C   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Gonzales 03.48* 60  23  14  21  12  12  01   -   -   S   -   -   -   -   -
Lalum    10.03  20  01  02  17  16  03  06   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Miledy   07.05* 55  25  24  22  11  21  06   E   A   -   -   -   -   -   -
Percival 06.77* 51  20  16  21  16  16  13   A   A   C   -   -   -   -   -
*shakes fist at Wyvern Lord caps*

Roy X Alan C

Roy X Lance C

Alan X Lance A

Rutger x Clarine B

[spoiler=Chapter 19]

Chapter 19:

Deployed: Roy, Gonzales, Clarine, Rutger, Dieck, Miledy, Lalum, Alan, Percival, Lance, Cecilia, Tate

Turn 1:

Tate sells two Guiding Rings, a Goddess Icon and a Secret Book, and buys two Fluxes, a Restore, a Chest Key and two Physics. Cecilia trades Niime Restore and Nosferatu, and Lance and Percival Rescue / Drop Niime. Lalum refreshes Dieck, and Clarine uses Torch.

Gonzales counterkills two PKs on enemy phase, while Niime gets put to sleep.

Turn 2:

Alan, Lance and Gonzales finish off the rest of the PKs. Clarine restores Niime, Lalum dances for her and she heals Dieck. Niime gets put to Sleep again.

Turn 3:

Clarine Restores Niime and Miledy visits the southern village for Aircalibur. Niime and Lance kill a Paladin. Alan kills a Cav, Dieck kills the Sleep Druid. Percival weakens another Cav. Lalum refreshes Clarine and she heals up Lance.

Gonzales counterkills a Falco Knight, Roy weakens two Peg Knights. Cecilia gets Silenced.

Turn 4:

Rutger kills the Cav, Alan and Lance kill an Archer. Percival and Miledy rush forward. The rest of my team deal with the Peg Knights, Clarine Restores Cecilia and she heals Roy with Lalum's help. Percival counterkills a Cav while Cecilia gets Silenced again.

Turn 5:

Miledy rushes into the wide plain near the castle. Niime kills off a PK, Clarine gets more EXP by restoring Cecilia and using Torch. Alan and Lance finish off a Cav, Percival moves forward revealing the Silence Druid.

Percival annihilates the horde of PKs that target him while Miledy kills two Cavaliers.

Turn 6:

Percival kills the Silence Druid, and Lance and Alan rush forward. Niime restores Cecilia with Lalum's help, and Clarine promotes. Miledy visits the village for an Energy Ring.

Turn 7:

Clarine uses Torch. Roy gets Rescue / Dropped by Alan and Lance, while Miledy sits on a Fort. Niime heals Percival with Physic. Clarine dodges the Paladin but Roy is put in critical by the Cavs.

Turn 8:

Alan and Lance kill a Cav each. Niime and Gonzales kill the Paladin. Miledy and Percival kill a unit each, while Roy is healed by Clarine and moves up.

Turn 9:

Lance reveals Sigrun, and Miledy kills her with a Killer Lance. Roy Seizes.

Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Swd Lan Axe Bow Anm Lgt Drk Stf
Roy      16.78  37  11  12  13  16  08  04   B   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Alan     04.89* 43  18  14  17  11  12  04   C   S   E   -   -   -   -   -
Lance    05.63* 41  15  18  21  09  11  05   C   S   E   -   -   -   -   -
Dieck    07.20* 49  19  21  20  12  14  06   S   -   C   -   -   -   -   -
Clarine  01.20* 33  10  14  20  20  05  15   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   B
Rutger   11.08* 50  18  28  26  11  14  08   S   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Astol    15.81  30  09  10  18  12  08  04   C   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Gonzales 04.91* 60  24  14  21  12  12  01   -   -   S   -   -   -   -   -
Lalum    10.64  20  01  02  17  16  03  06   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Miledy   08.34* 55  25  24  22  11  21  06   E   A   -   -   -   -   -   -
Percival 07.86* 52  21  16  21  16  16  13   A   A   B   -   -   -   -   -

Roy X Alan C

Roy X Lance C

Alan X Lance A

Rutger x Clarine B

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You know the more I read these, the bigger the pit in my stomach becomes at how terrible I am with this game. Still, good job nevertheless.

If you want to feel bad, have you ever played fe4? Look at his log for that one. I've played fe4 twice and it was a struggle to merely almost beat their under 400 turn thing. I think he easily went under 200. Less than half my counts. And that was when I was trying to stay low. My first playthrough was around double my second.

Oh well. At least I actually won chapter 1 and chapter 6 in this game. I can tell myself that. And I got two extra items in two fewer turns. I don't understand why nobody buys door keys in chapter 5. If you can get the Gant Lance, you can probably get to the shop on the same turn. At worst 1 extra turn. I shaved 2 turns while getting 2 extra things. I think you could perhaps pull off a 9 turn with little difficulty if you are willing to give up on the Unlock staff. Certainly 10 isn't hard. Maybe you can get more exp for non-Marcus units in those extra turns, I don't know.

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You know the more I read these, the bigger the pit in my stomach becomes at how terrible I am with this game. Still, good job nevertheless.

I feel the same way... I don't even want to think about how badly dondon's 0% growths is beating me.

So far though, I'm exactly tied with you on turncount (153 vs 153). So you could still beat me. 11B is being a total bitch since I want to give Tate some levels.

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@Narga You're exaggerating lol, mine was 268 or 269.

[spoiler=Chapter 20]

Chapter 20:

Deployed: Roy, Alan, Lance, Percival, Clarine, Cecilia, Niime, Zealot, Astol, Miledy, Rutger, Dieck, Gonzales

Turn 1:

Dieck kills a Fighter, Rutger and Clarine wait behind him, Clarine gives him a Hand Axe. Percival goes down the right side and kills a Fighter, Miledy gives him his Iron Lance and kills a Lancereaver Merc. Niime sleeps the western Sleep Druid. The rest of my units crowd around the western doorway, Gonzales moving to intercept the two Mercs on the upper-left with a Swordreaver.

Dieck, Rutger, Miledy and Percival weaken many units while Gonzales kills the two Mercs. Astol gets put to Sleep.

Turn 2:

Niime kills the Hero, Percival kills the Sleep Druid and Miledy kills the Killing Edge Merc. Dieck takes out the Armor, Rutger takes out the Hero while Gonzales kills the Nosferatu Druid. Alan, Lance and Roy take out three units, while Cecilia Restores Astol. Clarine heals up Rutger.

Niime counterkills a Knight and weakens a Merc, who gets healed by Physic.

Turn 3:

Niime kills a Fighter with Flux, Percival swaps it for Nosferatu and unlocks the door. Miledy kills the Bishop. Gonzales takes out another Bishop, Alan and Lance Rescue / Drop Astol below Juno's door and Rutger kills the Merc. Roy and Dieck kill the Sleeping Druid, while Clarine heals up Rutger. Cecilia heals Gonzales.

Lance gets Berserked, Zealot gets hit by a Purge.

Turn 4:

Gonzales chips at the wall with his Brave Axe. Astol opens the door and Zealot recruits Juno. Lance critkills the Merc, and Clarine and Alan break down the wall. Dieck rushes in and kills the Purge Bishop. Niime weakens the Sniper, Percival swaps her Flux for a Nosferatu, and Miledy finishes it off.

Cecilia gets Berserked.

Turn 5:

Juno rescues one of the civilians so Clarine can Restore Cecilia. Cecilia trades the Chest Key to Gonzales. Zealot trades his Door Key to Lance and he opens the door. Alan kills the Knight. Niime kills a weakened Knight, Percival rushes in and kills a Sniper.

Astol gets hit by a Ballista and gets Berserked.

Turn 6:

Astol gets restored by Clarine and healed by Cecilia. He gets the Wo Dao, while Gonzales gets the Nosferatu. Percival and Alan kill the Druid. Niime heals Zealot with Physic. Miledy and Lance Rescue / Drop her closer to Roartz.

Turn 7:

Gonzales grabs Sleep, Astol grabs the Speedwings. Alan, Percival and Miledy take care of Roartz with a few lucky crits, and Roy Seizes.

Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Swd Lan Axe Bow Anm Lgt Drk Stf
Roy      17.36  38  11  13  13  17  09  05   B   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Alan     06.65* 45  19  15  18  12  13  04   C   S   E   -   -   -   -   -
Lance    05.83* 41  15  18  21  09  11  05   C   S   E   -   -   -   -   -
Dieck    07.94* 49  19  21  20  12  14  06   S   -   C   -   -   -   -   -
Clarine  01.53* 33  10  14  20  20  05  15   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   B
Rutger   11.39* 50  18  28  26  11  14  08   S   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Astol    15.81  30  09  10  18  12  08  04   C   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Gonzales 05.59* 60  24  14  22  12  13  01   -   -   S   -   -   -   -   -
Lalum    10.64  20  01  02  17  16  03  06   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Miledy   09.18* 56  25  25  23  12  21  06   E   A   -   -   -   -   -   -
Percival 08.77* 52  21  16  21  16  16  13   A   A   B   -   -   -   -   -

[spoiler=Chapter 20x]

Chapter 20x:

Deployed: Roy, Niime, Gonzales, Rutger, Percival, Clarine, Lalum

Turn 1:

Gonzales and Percival break down the wall, Rutger moves into the gap where it used to be and uses an Energy Ring. Niime Warps him to the large throne room. Lalum dances for her and she Berserks a Druid, equipping Flux.

The rest of my units move up. The Berserked Druid weakens the SM, while Rutger dodges the rest of the shots. Niime kills a Fighter and weakens a Warrior, but gets Berserked.

Turn 2:

Clarine Restores Niime, and Gonzales kills the Warrior. Rutger moves up. Percival and Niime break down the wall and Gonzales kills the Brave Axe Warrior.

Gonzales counterkills a Shaman and an Archer while Rutger counterkills the SM.

Turn 3:

Roy moves up and Niime Warps Roy near the throne. Percival kills an Archer, and Gonzales kills a Shaman and a SM with Lalum's help. Rutger moves up. Roy survives the barrage of Fluxes, while Niime counterkills an Archer, but gets Berserked.

Turn 4:

Rutger kills Teck and Roy seizes.

Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Swd Lan Axe Bow Anm Lgt Drk Stf
Roy      17.39  38  11  13  13  17  09  05   B   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Alan     06.65* 45  19  15  18  12  13  04   C   S   E   -   -   -   -   -
Lance    05.83* 41  15  18  21  09  11  05   C   S   E   -   -   -   -   -
Dieck    07.94* 49  19  21  20  12  14  06   S   -   C   -   -   -   -   -
Clarine  02.06* 33  10  14  20  21  05  15   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   B
Rutger   12.38* 51  20  29  26  11  14  08   S   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Astol    15.81  30  09  10  18  12  08  04   C   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Gonzales 07.28* 60  26  15  23  13  13  01   -   -   S   -   -   -   -   -
Lalum    11.04  21  02  02  18  17  04  07   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Miledy   09.18* 56  25  25  23  12  21  06   E   A   -   -   -   -   -   -
Percival 08.90* 52  21  16  21  16  16  13   A   A   B   -   -   -   -   -

[spoiler=Chapter 21]

Chapter 21:

Deployed: Roy, Rutger, Clarine, Dieck, Percival, Miledy, Alan, Lance, Lalum, Niime, Gonzales, Juno

Turn 1:

Juno sells the Dragonshield and gets an Armorslayer. Niime uses Speedwings, Percival passes her Physic. Lalum dances for Yodel, Clarine and Alan Rescue / Drop her. Gonzales moves down.

Miledy and Lance weaken a WK each. Gonzales counterkills a Sage.

Turn 2:

My troops finish off the enemy units. Miledy counterkills a WL.

Turn 3:

My units finish off the horde of enemies, Gonzales gets on a Peak. Percival weakens a WL.

Turn 4:

More Wyvern killing.

Turn 5:

Juno and Clarine Rescue / Drop Lalum. My units are already on the eastern side, while Gonzales is dodging everything on a peak. Gonzales kills a Bishop.

Turn 6:

More Wyvern killing?

Turn 7:

Peak!Gonzales for top tier. My units finally reach the left side and dispose of some scrub knights and Archers.

Turn 8:

Niime kills a Paladin and reaches S Dark (yay!) Alan counterkills a Bishop.

Turn 9:

Niime Warps Rutger over and he weakens Murdock with Durandal.

Rutger weakens Murdock further.

Turn 10:

Juno buys 15 pairs of boots. Miledy uses one. Niime Warps Roy over to the throne, and Clarine repairs Warp with Hammerne. Roy Seizes.

Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Swd Lan Axe Bow Anm Lgt Drk Stf
Roy      17.51  38  11  13  13  17  09  05   B   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Alan     07.79* 45  20  15  19  12  13  04   C   S   E   -   -   -   -   -
Lance    07.24* 43  16  19  22  10  12  06   C   S   E   -   -   -   -   -
Dieck    08.72* 50  20  22  20  12  14  06   S   -   C   -   -   -   -   -
Clarine  04.20* 33  11  15  21  22  05  16   -   -   -   -   E   -   -   B
Rutger   14.18* 53  20  29  26  11  14  08   S   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Astol    15.81  30  09  10  18  12  08  04   C   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Gonzales 12.08* 60  29  15  25  15  14  01   -   -   S   -   -   -   -   -
Lalum    12.04  22  02  02  19  18  04  07   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Miledy   10.82* 57  25  25  23  12  21  06   E   A   -   -   -   -   -   -
Percival 09.45* 53  21  17  22  16  16  13   A   A   A   -   -   -   -   -

[spoiler=Chapter 21x]

Chapter 21x:

dondon's Warpskip strategy with some changes.

Deployed: Roy, Miledy, Rutger, Lalum, Niime, Thany, Tate, Juno, Zeiss

Turn 1:

Miledy uses the Boots and moves up, Lalum Dances for her and Roy and Rutger Rescues her. Niime Warps Miledy up and Miledy moves up. Clarine Barriers Niime, Thany and Zeiss Rescue / Drop her. Roy uses a Boots, Tate and Juno Rescue / Drop him onto the left platform.

Niime dodges a Silence, Miledy kills the Hero.

Turn 2:

Miledy kills Pereth. Niime Warps Roy up. Rutger and Clarine each use a pair of Boots. Roy Seizes.

Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Swd Lan Axe Bow Anm Lgt Drk Stf
Roy      01.00* 42  13  16  15  17  11  10   S   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Alan     07.79* 45  20  15  19  12  13  04   C   S   E   -   -   -   -   -
Lance    07.24* 43  16  19  22  10  12  06   C   S   E   -   -   -   -   -
Dieck    08.72* 50  20  22  20  12  14  06   S   -   C   -   -   -   -   -
Clarine  04.28* 33  11  15  21  22  05  16   -   -   -   -   E   -   -   B
Rutger   14.18* 53  20  29  26  11  14  08   S   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Astol    15.81  30  09  10  18  12  08  04   C   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Gonzales 12.08* 60  29  15  25  15  14  01   -   -   S   -   -   -   -   -
Lalum    12.14  22  02  02  19  18  04  07   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Miledy   12.02* 58  25  26  23  12  22  06   E   S   -   -   -   -   -   -
Percival 09.45* 53  21  17  22  16  16  13   A   A   A   -   -   -   -   -

[spoiler=Chapter 22]

Chapter 22:

Deployed: Roy, Niime, Yodel, Alan, Lance, Clarine, Rutger, Dieck, Gonzales, Miledy, Percival, Lalum

Niime, Yodel, Dieck and Miledy start off on the left side, the rest of my units start off on the right.

Turn 1:

Rutger and Roy and Gonzales use their Boots. Clarine rushes up and Rescues Percival, and he equips a Hand Axe and uses a pair of Boots. Lalum dances for Gonzales, and he moves up near the right wall and equips a Hand Axe. Miledy, Niime and Yodel head up. Niime Silences the Berserk Druid.

Percival weakens a General, a Berserker and kills a Druid. Gonzales kills a Merc, and weakens a Sniper and a Hero.

Turn 2:

Percival rushes up by the Hero and attacks him. Niime Warps Miledy over to the Hero by the throne room, and she kills him. Gonzales kills the Merc with a crit. Rutger kills a Merc. Gonzales moves further up, Clarine and Lalum use their Boots.

Gonzales kills the Hero and kills the Sniper. Percival kills the Hero.

Turn 3:

Percival and Miledy step on the switches. Lalum Dances for Clarine, she heals Gonzales twice. Gonzales moves up into the Druid's range and equips his Hand Axe.

Gonzales kills a Druid and weakens another.

Turn 4:

Percival rushes out of his hole and kills a Druid. Gonzo rushes down into the Berserker's range, and Clarine repairs Durandal. Alan and Lance kill the Hero.

Gonzales kills the Berserker, while Dieck kills the Devil Axe Berserker who impales himself upon his own Axe.

Turn 5:

Clarine heals Percival, Gonzales and Rutger kill a unit each. Lalum dances for Lance and he Rescues her and Lance drops her.

Yodel dodges a Berserk.

Turn 6:

Roy opens the door, Rutger kills the eastern Hero with a crit. Clarine heals Gonzales, Lalum Dances for Percival.

Rutger kills the Mamkute with Durandal, and wounds another Hero.

Turn 7:

Niime heals Rutger. Alan and Lance kill the Druid and the Hero, and Clarine moves near Zephiel and heals Rutger. Rutger kills Zephiel with a Durandal crit, Lalum Dances for Roy and Roy Seizes.

Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Swd Lan Axe Bow Anm Lgt Drk Stf
Roy      01.00* 42  13  16  15  17  11  10   S   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Alan     09.24* 47  21  16  20  13  14  04   C   S   E   -   -   -   -   -
Lance    08.11* 44  17  19  22  10  12  06   C   S   E   -   -   -   -   -
Dieck    09.46* 51  20  22  20  13  14  06   S   -   C   -   -   -   -   -
Clarine  05.24* 34  11  15  22  23  05  16   -   -   -   -   E   -   -   B
Rutger   14.86* 53  20  29  26  11  14  08   S   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Astol    15.81  30  09  10  18  12  08  04   C   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Gonzales 14.09* 60  30  16  26  15  15  01   -   -   S   -   -   -   -   -
Lalum    12.76  22  02  02  19  18  04  07   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Miledy   12.58* 58  25  26  23  12  22  06   E   S   -   -   -   -   -   -
Percival 11.48* 55  22  17  22  17  17  14   A   A   A   -   -   -   -   -

Edited by Aquilae
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@Narga You're exaggerating lol, mine was 268 or 269.

Fine, around two thirds of my turncount. It's still incredible. I estimated based on some of the 20s and high teens I saw with a quick scan of your log. I just didn't bother going through each post to find turncounts (I couldn't find it in the first post).

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Yodel 4 top tier

[spoiler=Chapter 23]

Chapter 23:

Deployed: Roy, Niime, Yodel, Alan, Lance, Clarine, Rutger, Dieck, Gonzales, Miledy, Percival, Lalum, Fir

Turn 1:

Miledy rushes up and kills the Mamkute. Percival kills the Druid, and Gonzales swaps Miledy's Malte for a Brave Lance. Alan and Lance buy a three Killer Lances between them. Niime Berserks a WL, Clarine and Rutger Rescue / Drop Niime. Lalum dances for Alan. Yodel Sleeps a Ballista. Dieck heads left to distract the Wyverns.

Alan kills a WK and weakens a few others. The Berserked WK kills a Ballista.

Turn 2:

Miledy kills a Mamkute with Malte. Rutger kills a WK. Lalum refreshes Rutger, and Niime berserks a WL. Alan and Percival Rescue / Drop Lalum, Roy and Clarine Rescue / Drop Niime. Yodel uses Holy Maiden. Gonzales kills a Druid.

Lalum dodges a whole load of stuff (~25-30 hit for each). Niime kills two WKs. Gonzales and Rutger get put to Sleep, Miledy gets Berserked.

Turn 3:

Yodel uses Holy Maiden.

Niime Warps Rutger to Brenya, Rutger gets a Durandal crit and kills her. Clarine Rescues Roy, Lalum refreshes Niime and Niime Warps Roy to Seize. Fir recruits Karel. Roy Seizes.

Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Swd Lan Axe Bow Anm Lgt Drk Stf
Roy      01.00* 42  13  16  15  17  11  10   S   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Alan     09.54* 47  21  16  20  13  14  04   C   S   E   -   -   -   -   -
Lance    08.11* 44  17  19  22  10  12  06   C   S   E   -   -   -   -   -
Dieck    10.41* 51  20  22  20  13  14  06   S   -   C   -   -   -   -   -
Clarine  05.44* 34  11  15  22  23  05  16   -   -   -   -   E   -   -   B
Rutger   15.87* 53  21  29  28  12  14  08   S   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Astol    15.81  30  09  10  18  12  08  04   C   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Gonzales 14.56* 60  30  16  26  15  15  01   -   -   S   -   -   -   -   -
Lalum    13.12  23  02  02  20  19  04  07   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Miledy   13.51* 59  25  26  23  13  22  06   E   S   -   -   -   -   -   -
Percival 12.11* 55  22  17  23  17  17  14   A   A   A   -   -   -   -   -

[spoiler=Chapter 24]

Chapter 24:

I just realised that I had two more boots. ffffffff

Deployed: Roy, Fa, Niime, Percival, Miledy, Clarine, Cecilia, Rutger, Gonzales, Lalum

Turn 1:

Niime uses a Boots. Gonzales moves up to lure in the two Mamkutes with Lalum's help. Cecilia picks up Fa.

Gonzales kills two Mamkutes.

Turn 2:

Miledy kills a Mamkute, Roy Seizes. Gonzales moves left. Clarine heals Gonzales, Cecilia moves left with Lalum's help. Niime uses the last pair of Boots.

Turn 3:

Gonzales kills the Mamkute on the throne. Percival and Clarine Rescue / Drop Rutger further. Niime heals Gonzales.

Rutger kills two Mamkutes.

Turn 4:

Roy Seizes with Lalum's help. Gonzales kills a Mamkute, Niime heals him. Miledy and Clarine Rescue / Drop Lalum.

Turn 5:

Rutger takes out the right Mamkute, Gonzales takes out the left. Miledy takes out the Mamkute on the throne with Lalum's help. Niime heals Miledy.

Turn 6:

Roy Seizes, Niime kills a Mamkute and Gonzales blocks the way with Lalum's help. Miledy and Percival Rescue / Drop Roy. Gonzales kills a Mamkute.

Turn 7:

Niime and Rutger kill a Mamkute each. Roy Seizes, Clarine and Gonzales Rescue / Drop him. Lalum refreshes Miledy. Miledy counterkills a Mamkute.

Turn 8:

Miledy moves up to lure the Mamkutes. Niime heals her. Miledy kills two Mamkutes.

Turn 9:

Gonzales kills the Mamkute on the throne, Roy Seizes. Niime heals Miledy, Percival and Clarine Rescue / Drop Roy. Miledy moves up to lure in the Mamkute.

Miledy kills the Mamkute.

Turn 10:

Rutger kills a Mamkute. Niime heals Miledy with Physic and Cecilia repairs Malte. Miledy kills the Mamkute on the throne. Clarine heals Miledy.

Percival weakens a Mamkute.

Turn 11:

Roy Seizes, Rutger kills off the Mamkute and Percival and Miledy Rescue / Drop him. Niime heals Percival and Clarine and Gonzales Rescue / Drop Lalum.

Turn 12:

Niime kills a Mamkute, Miledy moves up to lure in the Mamkutes. Cecilia heals Gonzales. Clarine Rescues Lalum. Miledy kills off two Mamkutes.

Turn 13:

Lalum refreshes Rutger, and he kills Jahn with Miledy. Roy Seizes.

[spoiler=Final Chapter]


Turn 1:

Miledy and Gonzales weaken Idoun with Lalum's help, and Roy finishes her off.

Edited by Aquilae
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You don't suck, you just don't play 14 chapters every day.

Haha, yeah.

You gotta admit AquiIae is pretty awesome for not only finishing in low turn counts, but beating the game in such a fast track record. Congrats by the way. I think you beat 3 games over the course it took for me to beat one. XD

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