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Mini Mafia Round 2 Postgame Discussion

General Spoon

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I was the tracker. Oddly enough I tracked King Russel night one, WoMC night two and Bal night three XD

Then I was asleep through night four, and was promptly shot.

Edited by Trompe le Monde
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oh right maybe I should do this

night 1:

Recommended I Eat Tables (because I thought it was annoying that he never died early game, but I didn't say this) and cheez agreed because he seems like a leader or something, I forget

night 2:

cheez recommended crysta (I forget why) and I just went with it

night 3:

I recommended Bizz (I just kinda felt like it). cheez asked why and recommended king russel and bal. I just went with russel since Bal had just died night 0 in Tables' game and that would be mean

night 4:

I had no idea what to do so I randomly selected Furetchen, cheez decided on either Furetchen or Weapons so

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So why did you convert who you converted

Russell: I merely thought it would be fun and assumed he might be mafia like he always is

Weapons: His suspicion towards me frightened me and I, like Bal, was afraid he might be the vigilante and I didn't want to die

Balcerzak: I think this is self-explanatory by now

Hika: I knew you were mafia by this point

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You should have seen the chaos that erupted in the Cult Cave when Bizz was in danger of getting lynched. To an outside observer like Spoon it must have been downright hilarious. I won't reveal everything without permission of the other cultists, but let's just say when I got back from Friday evening, there was still a lot of work to be done.

Also, in the interests of ongoing discussion, I will say that all of my save claims and the reasons behind them were actually the same as what I claimed they were in the main thread when I outed myself. Of course, I did have to spin a few things to put Bizz in the best possible light, thanks to my new-found situation, but on the whole, that rant was more factual than not.

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At that point, there was no way for me to get Bizz lynched like I wanted to. All the active voters were Cult at that point, and I was gone for FNM, so I couldn't advocate my case....

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Here you go.

The Cult's Cave

General Spoon

Sent 24 April 2010 - 06:45 PM

This is also your role PM for mini mafia Bizz, you're the cult leader. Once you recruit someone, I will add them to this conversation.

Cult Leader

The cult leader recruits players into the cult by visiting them at night. Once recruited, a player becomes a cultist. If there are two cultists alive, the cult leader does not have to visit to recruit. If the Cult Leader dies, the whole cult commits suicide. The cult can only recruit one player a night.

General Spoon

Sent 24 April 2010 - 09:18 PM

Umm...you're going to need to tell me who you want to recruit.


Sent 25 April 2010 - 12:29 PM

Oh shit

Yeah, I'm on now

wait a minute


Sent 25 April 2010 - 12:31 PM

I will invite King Russell to my cult~

General Spoon

Sent 26 April 2010 - 06:17 PM

King Russell has now been invited into this conversation as he was converted into the cult.

King Russell, you are no longer a townie. You are now a cultist.


Sent 26 April 2010 - 06:19 PM

Ta ha ha!

King Russell

Sent 26 April 2010 - 09:59 PM


So, what's going on?


Sent 26 April 2010 - 10:01 PM

Save me from WoMC! Make him look bad or something. He's scaring me. If I don't die, I'm recruiting him next.

General Spoon

Sent 27 April 2010 - 07:14 PM

Please send your orders. Cult Leader is the only one who'll cast a vote.


Sent 27 April 2010 - 07:17 PM

Okaay, so here's the deal. I want to recruit either Balcerzak or WoMC, the former being because I <3 him and the latter being because he scares me. If I recruit WoMC, he will be on my side and I won't have to worry about his suspicion on me anymore. Russell, do you agree? I at least want your opinion first before I vote. I'm thinking of recruiting Weapons tonight and, if he's still alive, Bal the next.

King Russell

Sent 27 April 2010 - 07:23 PM

Okaay, so here's the deal. I want to recruit either Balcerzak or WoMC, the former being because I <3 him and the latter being because he scares me. If I recruit WoMC, he will be on my side and I won't have to worry about his suspicion on me anymore. Russell, do you agree? I at least want your opinion first before I vote. I'm thinking of recruiting Weapons tonight and, if he's still alive, Bal the next.

Considering what WoMC has already said, I find it very unlikely that he'll side with us. Then again, he'll have to if he wants to win. I say WoMC tonight and your pick for tomorrow.


Sent 27 April 2010 - 07:30 PM

Well, that's what I was thinking, so yes.

I will recruit WoMC

Go, my lackey, gooooo

recruit more to my cause


General Spoon

Sent 27 April 2010 - 07:40 PM

Erm, you're going to visit him as well. Its not until you have two living cultists you no longer visit.


Sent 27 April 2010 - 08:11 PM

Oh yeah, right. It doesn't matter to me, I'll go.

General Spoon

Sent 27 April 2010 - 08:11 PM

You're both going >_>


Sent 27 April 2010 - 08:13 PM

How fun~

General Spoon

Sent 28 April 2010 - 01:53 PM

WoMC has now been invited into this conversation as he was converted into the cult.

WoMC, you are no longer a townie. You are now a cultist.


Sent 28 April 2010 - 03:51 PM

Hello, my lovely~


Sent 28 April 2010 - 05:07 PM


What the hell are we doing in a cave?

General Spoon

Sent 28 April 2010 - 05:32 PM

I decided that you get a cave.

General Spoon

Sent 29 April 2010 - 02:04 PM

Please send me your orders.


Sent 29 April 2010 - 02:08 PM

Recruit Balcerzak. Do I have to send a specific person to do it now that I have two cultists? Also, what happens if I try to recruit mafia? Just curious.

General Spoon

Sent 29 April 2010 - 02:16 PM

Your two cultists will go to recruit him.

And if you try and recruit mafia...things will happen like normal. Though I will have to make a new mafia meeting for the last member left. And the remaining mafia may try and shoot his former buddy, or may work with him to get culted.


Sent 29 April 2010 - 02:23 PM

Okay. That sounds fun~ anyway, yeah, that's my night action for the night. Though I feel this ominous feeling that either I'm going to die tonight or Bal is (unless he's mafia, which I'm slightly suspicious of now)


Sent 29 April 2010 - 04:00 PM

If we ever recruit mafia, we should also go for the other mafia, as they are the biggest remaining threat to what an awesome cult this is.


Sent 29 April 2010 - 04:04 PM

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. It'd be so funnn if we got both of the mafia and won

Balcerzak seems to believe that I'm the tracker. It's really funny. I can't wait until tonight ends so I can finally reveal who I am to him. It'll be fantastic, and I will be so close to victory. I'm just really hoping the mafia don't decide to kill me soon...

General Spoon

Sent Yesterday, 09:23 AM

Balcerzak has now been invited into this conversation as he was converted into the cult.

Balcerzak, you are no longer a doctor. You are now a cultist.


Sent Yesterday, 09:44 AM

Hilarious. Though it seems a threat has arisen.


Sent Yesterday, 10:48 AM

Fayt was particularly specific with the accusation that she's cult. Might he be mafia? Word slip is possibly exploitable, but I don't think it necessarily wise. Advise on whether I should drum it up, or hope someone else notices?


Sent Yesterday, 03:44 PM

Well, I was going to vote Ninji, since I have my suspicions on him as well. I don't want to dieeee~

Somebody help me, Fayt is going to start a bandwagon D: See how Hika and Ninji are following ideas? Vote somebody and save meee ;-; I was going to come on and voice my suspicions on Ninji and possibly vote him, claiming that I'm just a townie or something but I don't knoow~

Haha, Baal, I had a feeling you were the doctor. I feel bad now. But Russell was killed last night, and I needed a good supporter, and you're smart~


Sent Yesterday, 04:30 PM

Guys, vote Ninji or something. Sway the town into voting him. Save me!


Sent Yesterday, 05:54 PM

I think there are 3 possible courses of action here.

1. Bizz, you claim doctor. I have a strong feeling Fayt is the tracker, and tracked your culting, which should remove votes.

2. We try to bribe Fayt into voting with cult, under promises that we will cult him next night phase. As it stands, if he is informed you are cult leader and really is tracker, then he will lose if this lynch goes through.

3. We pull madness and Bizz, you claim cult leader in front of everyone, scare townies into voting on our side in fear of the mafia winning in case you die, and pull more BS in saying doc claim to us and protect you, which should keep you safe in the night to win tomorrow. All the while we keep alive the possibility for any selected town to be culted, keeping them on our side; maybe tell them to claim doc even though they aren't in hopes we miss it.


Sent Yesterday, 05:57 PM

I was thinking one, and two seems almost like it would work. I almost want to go with two more than one, because if I go with one the mafia might decide to kill me, and we lose. Three is probably last resort, if anything.


Sent Yesterday, 06:45 PM

You want to go ahead with two or wait for Bal to chip in?


Sent Yesterday, 06:49 PM

I don't know; Bal hasn't been on yet and I don't want to waste too much precious time. What do you think?


Sent Yesterday, 06:51 PM

I'm behind the situation, I've been gone all day, and apparently my efforts to head it off at the beginning did nothing. Sorry guys.

Give #2 a try, I guess.


Sent Yesterday, 06:54 PM

Alright, you two want to handle things? I've got an SAT tomorrow.

Let's make sure he's tracker first.


Sent Yesterday, 06:55 PM

Oh, no, Bal, I'm sorry; my previous post sounded as if I were frustrated with you, which was not my intention at all.

Anyway, I guess we're going with number two


Sent Yesterday, 06:55 PM

Also, if Fayt won't bow to #2, #3 is crazy enough it just might work.


Sent Yesterday, 06:57 PM

Well, I hope so.

Anyway, Bal, how are we going to find out if he's tracker or not? I'm bad at these sneaky things, and you seem to be good at them, haha


Sent Yesterday, 06:58 PM

We could just ask him in the thread.


Sent Yesterday, 07:00 PM

Well, he did claim being normal townie earlier...

I don't know. Who should ask him? If I ask him, I'll look terribly suspicious at this point


Sent Yesterday, 07:18 PM

Actually, why do we have to convince Fayt, we could try any of the other voters, couldn't we?


Sent Yesterday, 07:20 PM

Well, I just want to make sure we don't accidentally contact any mafia


Sent Yesterday, 08:03 PM

I'm not sure I trust Fayt well enough to approach him about the subject.

Here's another thing that might be worth trying.

I go out, role-claim Doctor. I explain that with the current situation the mafia can't afford to waste time killing me, explain my history of saves, detail that I chat with Bizz on IM every night and that if she's cult she's been playing me like a damn fiddle, note that Weapons' logic about the lose condition is incredibly sound and sobering, and see if any of the sheep follow.

Good idea, bad idea?


Sent Yesterday, 08:07 PM

Furthermore, I could mention that I had a suspicion she might be the Tracker. If that prompts the real Tracker to counter-claim, then we know for certain where to go.


Sent Yesterday, 08:54 PM

Alright guys, rough draft of the message. Comments welcome:

Okay guys. Let me make this clear. I don't like where things are going with today's lynch, and I haven't from the start.

Let me begin by coming clean. I'm this town's Doctor. I can safely say this because at this stage in the game, the mafia have to be more worried about the cult than the town. Hell, we have to be more worried about the cult than the mafia at this point to, and as Weapons pointed out, not only that, but we have to avoid hitting the cult leader or we auto-lose by suicide party followed by mafia night kill, tied numbers, and no vig. This gives us a 25% chance survival rate.

Let me further assure you of my role by explaining the people I've protected each night, and my motivations behind them:

First night phase, I protected CATS. It seemed like an obvious plan, as he's well regarded, and has known to be a night zero target in the past. Nothing panned out, as Tables was killed, but since he'd turned traitor, that was a good thing anyway.

Night two, I'd had a close encounter when Weapons was on my case. I have to admit, I wasn't without suspicion, due to poor understanding of cult rules at the time, and a hope of alleviating my chance of dying as a Doctor trying to protect someone if the Tracker was watching me and thought I was converting someone. (Yes, this was part of the goal behind my first long-winded post. Take that as you will.) Bizz was the first to stand up for me, and Weapons was making threats like "suspicion noted", and I had reason to believe he was the vigilante. I figured he was going to off either myself or Bizz, and since I can't protect myself this round, I opted to protect Bizz.

Night three. I chat with Bizz regularly. I'm not gonna lie about this. Ever since Choral mafia, we've been on pretty good terms and talk over IM about bunches of things. Every so often mafia comes up. We make sure to keep things well within the rules of the game, or even sometimes just things our personal code of ethics won't allow. As an example I'll just provide a few snippets of conversation:

IMs said:

(22:34:32) John: Are you the Tracker?

(22:34:51) Bizz: You mean for mini mafia?

(22:34:55) John: yes, in mini

(22:35:05) Bizz: I can't tell you that kind of information

(22:35:11) John: Ok, that is fair too

(22:35:18) Bizz: tee hee

(22:35:56) Bizz: I feel like it's my fault the vig got lynched

(22:36:10) Bizz: I blame Ether

(22:36:13) John: that was a pretty unfortunate thing

(22:36:16) John: Ether?

(22:36:21) John: Ninji,

(22:36:22) Bizz: uh

(22:36:24) Bizz: Ninji*

(22:36:25) John: you made that typo before

(22:36:27) John: lol

(22:36:31) Bizz: Yeah

(22:36:33) Bizz: I don't know why

(22:36:47) Bizz: I've used my brain too much with little sleep I suppose

(22:37:03) John: I blame me having a hugely busy day and not getting around to paying enough attention to it when it counted

(22:37:30) John: I was going to say that clearly the players deemed "smart" would be left alone by the cultists because they're likely mafia death targets

(22:37:42) John: and the cult doesn't want themselves getting killed off, etc.

(22:37:48) John: but I was too late to get that in there

(22:37:58) Bizz: Hmm

(22:38:40) John: Anyway, if you are the tracker, I'd track King Russel

(22:38:47) John: if not, just ignore that

(22:39:43) Bizz: Well, I don't think there's a rule against posting that in a night phase? And, I suppose he's been oddly left alone so far; usually he dies by now and usually he's mafia, too, which I find kind of funny

(22:39:46) Bizz: Ever notice that?

(22:40:06) John: I have a personal policy of 'sleeping' during night phases

(22:40:13) Bizz: Haha

(22:40:24) Bizz: Me too actually because it was the rule in the games I used to play

(22:40:31) John: ^exactly this

(22:40:41) Bizz: wooo

(22:41:59) Bizz: but yeah

(22:42:23) Bizz: What was I going to say?

(22:43:08) John: I wish I could tell you!

(22:43:20) Bizz: Bahaha

(22:43:38) Bizz: Anyway, when this night phase is over, I think I know who I'm voting for

(22:43:43) Bizz: But I can't be sure

(22:44:05) Bizz: I'm sure people are going to want to kill me because I screwed up

(22:44:26) John: Assuming another townie dies, that's not me, AND assuming I don't get inducted. I know exactly what I have to do.

(22:44:30) John: But not who I'm voting for

(22:45:12) Bizz: Yeah, I'm kinda wondering who the cultists are too

(22:45:24) John: Anyway, if people are gonna kill you for screwing up, they'd have killed me already for Hammering Pride

which is generally how things tend to go. After that things drited to some other topics and aren't particularly relevant. The main point I'm trying to say here is that at this point I'd been harboring suspicions that Bizz was the Tracker. I didn't get clear confirmation like I'd been hoping, but an evasive answer was good enough, and so I chose to protect her night three as well. In fact, my exact message to General Spoon was:

"Probably a mistake, but once again, I'll

Night 3: Protect Bizz"

NB: If I'm wrong about her being the Tracker, the real Tracker should contact me so I can protect you tonight. Though if you can't find it in yourself to trust me, I'll understand that too.

Needless to say, I'm pretty firmly convinced that Bizz is neither cult, nor mafia. If she is, she's been playing me like a fiddle this entire game, and I'll have to seriously re-evaluate how I treat her as an opponent in future games.

Furthermore, on account of my already previously voiced suspicions on Ninji being devious, as well as the decent analysis Weapons put forth, I highly urge for a reconsideration of the situation.

Furthermore, I still have suspicions on Fayt. Particularly telling is the word slip where he accuses Bizz of being cult, which he could only know if he's a) The Tracker (self-denied), or B) mafia. That said, since we really need to back-burner our focus on the mafia at the moment, he's going to have to evade the noose for tonight, but we can't forget this as a possibility for tomorrow, depending on how the night phase plays out. If we lynch a cult, and mafia hits a cultist or the leader, then we can start to safely re-evaluate the situation.

PS: Knowing 'Exactly what I have to do', did in fact refer to role-claiming Doctor by the way.


Sent Yesterday, 09:03 PM

Looks good, also makes sure we still have fallback plans.


Sent Today, 04:12 AM

Fresh news!

Also, the votes, they are falling like dominoes, lining up into position.

Trompe Le Monde said:

I'm the tracker. I followed you last night, but wasn't certain whether you were cult leader or doctor. Anyway, I saw the post and weighed up between you being CL or Doctor...I was tired of indecision, and figured that the worst that could happen is that a not especially powerful role would become cult. Eh, mafia's all about these gambits anyways.

Explanations aside, these were my results;

Night One: King Russell visited nobody.

Night Two: WoMC also visited nobody.

Night Three: You visited Bizz.

Oh, and just in case you are the cult leader and have captured me with wordy soliloquys, well played.

General Spoon

Sent Today, 10:09 AM

Please send me your orders.


Sent Today, 11:14 AM

Shiit. You guys, should I recruit Trompe? I don't want to risk him tracking me and everything falling apart.


Sent Today, 11:17 AM

edit: screw this message


Sent Today, 11:21 AM

Wait. wait wait wait. Disregard that.

Either Trompe or Bal are likely to be killed tonight (and me), and if it's Trompe, what if I recruited Hika instead? I have a good feeling he's mafia at this point.


Sent Today, 01:07 PM

no no should I recruit Trompe or Hika guys


Sent Today, 02:47 PM

Crap, I was hoping that Ninji was mafia, and that we might get lucky and recruit the final mafia here tonight, but no such doings.

Anyway, we have to try to recruit a mafia in my opinion, as they're the only people guaranteed not to die. Also if they kill Weapons or myself, if there's only 1 mafia left, then lynching it would be easier than if there were two informed members coordinating during town and eliminating any more night kills would also ensure a win.

That leaves either Fayt, Hika, or Cheez. I'm slightly leaning towards a Hika/Cheez team because otherwise I can't figure out why they'd have changed their votes instead of sticking together with scum-buddy Fayt.

I could be very wrong, though, as on the other hand, I don't know what to make of Fayt's behaviour.


Sent Today, 03:24 PM

All right: Recruit Hika. I have a strong feeling that he has to be mafia at this point

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Sent 29 April 2010 - 02:23 PM

Okay. That sounds fun~ anyway, yeah, that's my night action for the night. Though I feel this ominous feeling that either I'm going to die tonight or Bal is

ha ha ha >_>

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I love how I'm so unloved there in the cult cave.

Oh well, it's part of the job... Not much I could have done...

Actually, I just like to know what they're saying about me behind my back. :)

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Yeah, but it still happened. And now I think about it, there definitely was another one. I was the first mafia kill in it. Round 4 perhaps?

Edited by I Eat Tables
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