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Skipping chapter 5x

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Isn't that the one with Ephraim, Orson, Forde, and Kyle? I'm pretty sure you can't skip it. At least, I've never heard of anyone skipping it before.

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5x is mandatory, I dunno why it's not just called 6.

Probably because the main chapters before the split are meant to be simply all Eirika, since it is her who is displayed on the map screen.

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Incredibly cute. Adorable, in fact. Moreso than four Pichus sitting in a basket munching on marshmellows dipped in chocolate.

No need to act sour grapes over it just because I (probably) would have beaten you if I could have skipped 5x.

Edited by Detective Badd
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I think you need to use Strength on the ship or something.

What? I thought you had to Surf the side of Cinnibar.

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