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Voice Actors

Best Voice Actor  

56 members have voted

  1. 1. Who has the best VA?

    • Ike
    • Mist
    • Micaiah
    • Sothe
    • Dheg
    • Sephiran
    • Ranulf
    • Skrimir
    • Mia
    • Shinon
    • Rolf
    • Zelgius
    • Ashera
    • Yune
    • Any random NPC
    • Tibarn
    • Boyd
    • Reyson
    • Rafiel
    • Leanne

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I thought the narrator was George Takei at first listen, actually.

He had a slow narrate-ey voice. Obviously he wasn't the narrator from Final Fantasy 12, or Leonard Nimoy who should narrate everything forever but he did a fair enough job especially considering the other VAs.

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I don't know, I actually found the narrator's voice to be decent. The main issue was the pronunciations but I personally thought it was a good voice for a narrator.

His pronunciations were very different that I expected at times.

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Shinon was the best. I actually liked listening to him. =D I do think Ranulf was fine, though, and Mia's voice was so unexpected it was endearing.

Mist, though. Hoo boy. I consider her the worst. Rolf at least was hilariously painful, but Mist was just bad.

...By the way, who is Ranulf's voice actor? He sounds familiar and I'm really not sure why.

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I don't know who any of the voice actors were except for...Ike's. XD

And that would be Jason Adkins. He voices Ike in all games he appears in, which automatically makes this guy talented because Ike sounded different in each game (though Brawl Ike and RD Ike sound pretty similar sometimes).

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I don't know who any of the voice actors were except for...Ike's. XD

And that would be Jason Adkins. He voices Ike in all games he appears in, which automatically makes this guy talented because Ike sounded different in each game (though Brawl Ike and RD Ike sound pretty similar sometimes).

Ike's was one of the few I thought were decent (apart from the whole "WHAT HAPPENED THEY'RE STATUES." line.) Besides him, I liked Shinon and Ranulf, and I thought Sephiran, Zelgius and the narrator were mostly okay. Adkins's performance in Brawl disappointed me; though, he just sounded bored and robotic. Even more so than usual.

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Ranulf's voice wasnt bad. It gave him this nonchalant feel i kinda liked. I was glad Ike's voice was the same guy from the previous game. The Narrator was ok too except for his horrible pronounciations of Titania and Geoffrey. Skrimir's voice was well suited. Even though half the time when he was speaking in dialogue boxes, i couldnt imagine the voice actor saying that stuff.

Sephrian's voice was so horrible for his character. I mean he sounded like all whiney and weird. I was expecting something more calm and regal. He also has some of the biggest narm in the game. "SO much chaos! So much...PAIN!" I mean, really? Put forth some effort, bro! Im so glad Soren didnt get a voice actor. That would have made me rage if he sounded all emo and flat. or worse...like a little boy.

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Ike's was one of the few I thought were decent (apart from the whole "WHAT HAPPENED THEY'RE STATUES." line.) Besides him, I liked Shinon and Ranulf, and I thought Sephiran, Zelgius and the narrator were mostly okay. Adkins's performance in Brawl disappointed me; though, he just sounded bored and robotic. Even more so than usual.

Wha? I thought Adkins did a great job in Brawl! I thought the way Ike shouted "GREAT...AETHERRR!" was epic. D:

"Prepare yourself!" was awesome too. "I fight for my friends" could have been a little better though. "You'll get no sympathy from me" was pretty decent. Ike's grunts and such vary, but in general I really liked those too. Adkins gives him such a handsomely deep voice that fits him! <3

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  • 3 weeks later...

I LOVE Ranulfs voice, no offense, but, mist voice, is just toooo squeky and hi pitched for me, and Rolf is suppose to be around 13, so I think his voice should be lower than that, and Shinon's voice is awesome too ^-^

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I thought Mia fit quite well, though there could have been better ones.

Rolf was facepalm

Shinon was sick

Mist's PoR was so much more fitting.

Boyd is firing his lazahs

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Rolf's was CLEARLY the best. Yeah, some people had decent ones, but no one came anywhere near the awesomeness of Rolf.

Trolling ill befits you, Slize.

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ne was gay, and she was a bitch to soren, i had to say that, adn what about Tibarn they give him badass lines the whole last game and this game and then, that crap and hes voice sounded like their was something in his throat D:

i thought shinon ranulf zelgius and skrimir were the best, lehrans was just plain weird to me also

I'm probably the only one who liked Skrimir's baddass low voice.

no your not! :D

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But honestly, who here enjoyed any voice as much as Rolf's?

I hate to say it, but you're right. Rolf's voice brought thousands of lulz.

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Shinon is the best and most fitting. I like Skrimir's, though honestly, I expected a much louder voice for him and every time I read his lines, I automatically imagine a louder, more fiery voice in my head. But despite all that, it's a good voice and very fitting, like the growls of a lion (sort of like Mordecai's, as someone else here said so a long time ago).

Zelgius and Dheginsea suffer a little from the acting standpoint, but they both had excellent voices, something I would expect. Same goes for Tibarn...except the "Keep up with me if you can!" line sounded a bit too ^_^ to me. Like suddenly Tibarn was all cheerful and gay. Ranulf was cool, Jason Adkins is kind of more fitting as older Ike and the rest range from average to bad (narrator notwithstanding).

The generics were all great though.


OHH THE GENERAL'S GONNA LOOOOOVE THIS <--- This guy in particular had a very rich and seductive voice. I bet voice acting is his part-time job and he's really a pimp.

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OHH THE GENERAL'S GONNA LOOOOOVE THIS <--- This guy in particular had a very rich and seductive voice. I bet voice acting is his part-time job and he's really a pimp.

:lol: Totally. I forgot about that guy.

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Shinon has the best

Skrimir's is good

the Crimean soldier "Form up! Surround them all! Don't let a single one escape!"

also the Begnion soldier "Listen up, lass. if you don't want to get hurt, don't struggle."

Ranulf's was good too except in the River Crossing cutscene he talks too soft

Rolf's is funny. poor guy hasn't hit puberty yet, and yet he has a 75% strength growth :o

Zelgius' and Sephrian's in the memory scenes were awful. Mist's sucks as well. why is her voice so high?

and Dheginsea's is funny/bad.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I voted Mia. To me she was right in character and it didn't sound broken like Ike or Zelgius. But to be honest I was torn between her and Shinon. Rolf comes in third.

Also, if fyou're complaining about Mist in this game then I'm assuming you never played Path of Radiance.

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I voted Mia. To me she was right in character and it didn't sound broken like Ike or Zelgius. But to be honest I was torn between her and Shinon. Rolf comes in third.

Also, if fyou're complaining about Mist in this game then I'm assuming you never played Path of Radiance.

lol mia was gay, no one tells soren what to do.

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Also, if fyou're complaining about Mist in this game then I'm assuming you never played Path of Radiance.

PoR Mist being arguably worse certainly doesn't excuse the shitty quality of RD Mist.

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