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Funny, Stupid, Unknown and Interesting facts about FE10

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Oliver is the only senator and unit of the Bishop/Saint class to not wear anything of the traditional white color associated with the position. He probably thinks of it as a bland ugly color. He is also the magical unit with the lowest RES growth (20%) since Yodel in Binding Blade.

Despite having the skill Serenity in the previous game, Devdan Danved and Rhys are Biorhythm Types 7 and 1 respectively, which spend a lot of time at the Best and Worst positions, therefore higher impact bonuswise.

Edited by Silent Mercenary
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The Greil mercenaries became weaker.

Well, I suppose that depends on how strong you got them in PoR. And remember that if you transfered game clear data from PoR to RD, you can boost the base stats of the Greil Mercenaries.

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The Greil mercenaries became weaker.

if you got ike to about level 15 he, on average does indeed become weaker.

Titan most likely got stronger unless blessed or energy drop'd.

Boyd lost 8 STR if he got to PoR cap O_o

I took a look at a few others, but alot of GMs did indeed get weaker if gotten to the higher levels, i never even realised this stuff...

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Don't know if these are mentioned, but...

- The English script is more quotable than the Japanese one, but the Japanese one has more information. Famous quotes like "you'll hit a tree if I dress it in a skirt" and "Lord Ike... and father of Sothe's children" are not found in the Japanese version. But at the same time, you never know why is Brom using axes, what is Elincia doing in the middle of nothing before 2-P and that Rajaion's son is named Rajaion in memory of him.

- The Japanese community, Kawaki Chatei, mentioned that a soft reset is added in the overseas version of FE10. This is not true. Neither version has soft reset, and shame on you, whoever thought of the stupid HOME Menu thing. I still think Nintendo's copying the copycat (SCE) in this case - although they are obviously implemented in different ways (the HOME Menu isn't really controlled by the Wii system menu since the OS of the system is still with the game when a game is run.... ouch the technicalities).

- Ilyana has the longest screen time in terms of number of chapters - 24 maps. Micaiah is next, with 22 maps playable. After that would be Edward (available from the start but cannot be used in 1-9) and Leonardo (same deal, appearing 4 turns later than Edward). Greil Mercenaries can be used on 18 maps. Needless to say, the worst unit is Lehran with 1 map.

- Even more language version difference here -

- According to the uploader, (1) the voice is more out of pace of the text, (2) some parts of the dialog is silent, and (3) the dummy object used for controlling Mist's dialogs appears thanks to the new 16:9 aspect ratio support.
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Micaiah will statistically cap her luck stat at 40 in tier 2, assuming you reached level 20 in tier 1. Meg will cap luck in tier 2 as well, but she only has a 30 cap.

Assuming that every character can get a perfect transfer from PoR, Geoffrey alone will begin with 4 capped stats (HP/Str/Spd/Res). Three units (Geoffrey, Giffca, and Nasir), will each begin with 3 capped stats, and no other unit will begin with more than 2.

Edited by Fayt Zelpher
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Micaiah will statistically cap her luck stat at 40 in tier 2, assuming you reached level 20 in tier 1. Meg will cap luck in tier 2 as well, but she only has a 30 cap.

Technically, so does Astrid (her average is 29.6 at level 20).

Assuming that every character can get a perfect transfer from PoR, Geoffrey alone will begin with 4 capped stats (HP/Str/Spd/Res). Three units (Geoffrey, Giffca, and Nasir), will each begin with 3 capped stats, and no other unit will begin with more than 2.

Titania would also begin with three capped stats (STR/DEF/RES). Shinon would start with 4 (HP/SKL/SPD/RES).

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Titania would also begin with three capped stats (STR/DEF/RES). Shinon would start with 4 (HP/SKL/SPD/RES).

Actually, I made another mistake with that fact. Nasir would start with 4 capped stats, not 3. (Mag/Skl/Spd/Res)

Also, other statistical stuff:

Vika and Muarim will, on average, have at least 1 stat capped at level 23. This is the earliest level at which a laguz will, on average, reach any cap.

All three herons will be better statwise if they receive every level via BEXP. Because their growth sum is under 300%, they'll benefit more from getting a guaranteed 3 stat ups.

Vika, Micaiah, and Sanaki all have a growth sum of 400%. This is the highest among all characters in RD. However, because non-HP, non-Luck stats are doubled for laguz upon transformation, Vika has an effective growth spread of 675%, by far the highest of any character.

Speaking of Vika - assuming that she can ignore her caps, she would have 37 magic, 58.4 skill, 62.4 speed, and 49.1 Resistance. Coupled with her luck stat of 31.55, she would have a hypothetical avoid of 156.35, before terrain, supports, and authority stars.

Edited by Fayt Zelpher
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Lehran some how manages to hide his wings for almost 1000 years...thats gotta be hard to do!

You'd think stuffing them in clothes would cause lots of pain. Doing that for nearly 1000 years probably explains why he is so cranky. (is it really 1000? I thought they only made it to like 600 or something after the agreement)

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You'd think stuffing them in clothes would cause lots of pain. Doing that for nearly 1000 years probably explains why he is so cranky. (is it really 1000? I thought they only made it to like 600 or something after the agreement)

Well, the goddess slept for something like 780 years. After subtracting the time before the founding of Begnion, his time as Altina's husband, and then however long he spent in isolation, I'd say 700-750 years is reasonable. Of course, it's not like he had to always keep them stuffed in clothing - he would have had time alone every now and again.


Lehran: Indeed, my goddess. You have been asleep for 780 years. During that time, the world kept its promise to you for a mere two hundred years, at best. It was as you said. Neither the laguz nor beorc could resist the urge to fight. They are too weak. Though there are 220 years left until the thousandth year, there is no longer any need to wait.

Taken from the 3-E script.

Edited by Fayt Zelpher
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Well, the goddess slept for something like 780 years. After subtracting the time before the founding of Begnion, his time as Altina's husband, and then however long he spent in isolation, I'd say 700-750 years is reasonable. Of course, it's not like he had to always keep them stuffed in clothing - he would have had time alone every now and again.


Lehran: Indeed, my goddess. You have been asleep for 780 years. During that time, the world kept its promise to you for a mere two hundred years, at best. It was as you said. Neither the laguz nor beorc could resist the urge to fight. They are too weak. Though there are 220 years left until the thousandth year, there is no longer any need to wait.

Taken from the 3-E script.

oooo you guys are right i was remembering the 1000 cuz thats how long she was supposed to sleep not how long she did

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Ilyana is the character who got the best growth improvement from PoR to RD at the least decrease in an individual stat growth (-5% Luck growth for +10% HP, +20% Str, and +15% Skl/Def). Basically her growth sum went up 55% (305 â–º 360). She also has the same availability in both games (24 chapters), if you count PoR Chp17 as 4 chapters. Being the returning character with the lowest tier/level, makes her the Tellius character with the most possible levelups overall (34 + 48 = 82). Ilyana also carries a yellow (El)Thunder tome in both artworks, just like Tormod carries a red (El)Fire [soren's changes colors between games].

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Also with Ena. Despite her breath using her STR stat, her MAG stat is 30% higher (50%) than her STR stat (20%), and she'll cap MAG at level 42, while never capping STR.

According to this, Ena can also go past the level cap.

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Speaking of Ena, she has S strike as an NPC unit in 3-F. She still has S strike in 4-1. But come 4-F when she's finally a playable character, her strike level falls back to A.

EDIT: In fact, she gets a lot weaker. On NM in 3-F, she's level 25 with these stats:

60 HP

10 Str

16 Mag

14 Skl

12 Spd

18 Luck

13 Def

18 Res

And here are her join stats in 4-F:

Level 22

59 HP

10 Str

15 Mag

13 Skl

11 Spd

18 Luck

13 Def

17 Res

Edited by Fayt Zelpher
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Speaking of Ena, she has S strike as an NPC unit in 3-13. She still has S strike in 4-1. But come 4-F when she's finally a playable character, her strike level falls back to A.

You mean 3-E right? 3-13 is a Dawn Brigade level...

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EDIT: In fact, she gets a lot weaker. On NM in 3-F, she's level 25 with these stats:

60 HP

10 Str

16 Mag

14 Skl

12 Spd

18 Luck

13 Def

18 Res

And here are her join stats in 4-F:

Level 22

59 HP

10 Str

15 Mag

13 Skl

11 Spd

18 Luck

13 Def

17 Res

She isn't that much weaker to be truthful (only by a point or so in each stat).

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