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What if...

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you realized that life on Earth was a complete waste of time, and aliens invited you to visit their motherland, on the condition that you couldn't come back to Earth until five years later, or bring anyone with you?

Would you take it?

What if they threatened to (typical) A. kill your family and friends B. destroy your countries' government or C. turn you into a plate of flying spaghetti if you didn't accept?

What would you do? :P

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Kill them and be regarded as a hero for all of time and make wenches around the world swoon and get wet every time they see me.

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I'd go. But if they threatened to destroy my country's government if I refused, I'd refuse. I believe that it's time for the nation-state to be retired as a functional unit of government.

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Kill them and be regarded as a hero for all of time and make wenches around the world swoon and get wet every time they see me.

I would so choose that if it were an option. But alas, it is not. That doesn't mean anything though. Making options where there are none is my speciality, so I choose that too!

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Well I'd just ask them one simple question first

Does this tissue smell like chloroform to you?


Old joke is old

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Well, suppose they were really boring aliens...?

We don't know that! There was no description! For all I care, they're fun, smart, caring, and have 3 dimensional personalities!

Aliens aren't perfect, they can be totally wrong. This is also evidenced by our past encounters with them.

Ah, right, how could I forget our past encounters. You know... I was abducted once...

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Whoa I get buried in schoolwork for a couple of days and people post about 89023482904 different replies O_O

Very interesting how people think though. Could be useful for alien mind infiltration : D I didn't have an actual type of alien in mind when I made the first post, you could make up your own fluffy flaming orange aliens with wings if that's what you want :awesome:

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