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Fullmetal Alchemist

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I believe it's officially released on the 12th. Leaks are getting out now. I won't link to them, because I'm trying to not read it yet myself (have fifteen more volumes to reread before I can do that). There is one page I saw, though, that appears to act as a sort of epilogue, and it kind of had me crying. I mean, I got something in my eye. Yeah.

Well, it seems pretty much the entire chapter has leaked then. Unless it really has 150 pages like some people claim.

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How much has been leaked? Last I checked (a few hours ago) there were only about five pages out, just some of them were from the end.

Update: Checked again. There's about fortysome spoiler pics (not necessarily pages) out now and they're not in any particular order.

The 80/150 rumor seems to have been false (darnit) but I still reckon this one's longer.

Another update: Sounds like it's going to be somewhere around 110 when everything's put together. Epic.

And I've spent the past few minutes just staring at this one page, laughing and crying, when I should be doing homework...

More update: They're at 70 pages and counting; not sure where it's going to end. Haven't checked on translations because I don't want to know until I've finished rereading the series up to 107.

Yet another update: The full raw is in at 113 pages.

Final update to this post: I'm crying... tears of joy.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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  • 2 weeks later...

Have you already read it, Lacuna? I actually found the final fitting to the series, in line with my expectations of it. Probably only too much miraculous solutions in the end but hey, some of it was actually quite nice.

I just disliked the last panel only showing Edward. For me, Alphonse is as much protagonist as him and somewhat more hero-like. Didn't like (nor really disliked) the solution Ed came with. It was fine but being linked with Al in order to escape was stretching it.

Loved the end of Father: if you don't get hold of the truth, the truth will swallow you. Also Ed proposal to Winry and how he didn't sacrifice himself for Al (that's really what makes Ed more hero here, so that Al wouldn't suffer loneliness.

I'm going to watch the anime now. I'll make company to a friend of mine who will also start watching so we can talk about it.

Edited by Magna
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I know.

[spoiler=Serious frickin' spoilers]Yeah, there should have been a split with Al on the last page, I think...

I would have said that the link-with-Al escape was stretching it, except for all the attention that had been paid to that link before.

Ed's proposal was awesome, and completely in-character... I love how the family photo at the end echoes the one of the Elric family from before, too.

I did think that we should have seen more of what happened to Mustang and co, during the "two years later" bit. They were pretty darn major characters too-- certainly more so than Grumman. (The fate of the country is, of course, important, but still...) I'd like to see an omake regarding that: perhaps Roy finally gets his money back? XD

First anime, or Brotherhood? Lol. Brotherhood's about at ch. 105's events right now, and handling it really well...

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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  • 3 weeks later...

Just watched the final three episodes (once I saw the post-credits song saying which number was going to be the final number I held back on purpose).

[spoiler=My random thoughts]The resolution of the whole Father business felt weak to me, personally, but then again, I'm not entirely sure what would have been more fitting. The whole 'swallowing God' thing was kind of nebulous to begin with though, so... yeah.

Seeing Greed die was heartrending. He was truly the best Homonculus, and deserved to survive much more than Selim did, but maybe this is just me.

After reading through your guys' previous spoilers about how Ed only could come back because of the link with Al, I guess I'm not sure I understand your complaint at all, but maybe that's because something was lost in the adaptation?

The proposal was massive amounts of win.

More if I think of it later.

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I love FMA. It is my favorite anime. I have seen the original three times and the movie seven. Now I am eagerly awaiting Brotherhood to be translated. Greed is awesome. >=]

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@Laharl: You can watch the Brotherhood dub on Adult Swim's website, but they only have two episodes up at a time, and I don't know if you can get the dub anywhere else. If you want the sub, Funimation's site has it, as does Hulu.

Man, I can't wait for the last episode. (I know it's out, but out of mercy for my cousin, I haven't watched it yet.)

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Brotherhood was amazing.

lol @ waiting for dubs

I couldn't manage that even if I liked English dubs. Too good of a show to wait.

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I know, but I just can't get into anime if I don't understand what the hell they're saying. >=[

You don't know how to read?

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@Laharl: You can watch the Brotherhood dub on Adult Swim's website, but they only have two episodes up at a time, and I don't know if you can get the dub anywhere else. If you want the sub, Funimation's site has it, as does Hulu.

Man, I can't wait for the last episode. (I know it's out, but out of mercy for my cousin, I haven't watched it yet.)

For those people who are region blocked by ridiculous internet policies, Eclipse is also doing a fine job of subbing it as well.

Not that I would know about this first-hand, mind you.

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Ahhh, watched the last episode. <3


-Even though they moved things around a bit from the manga, I liked that bit with the hospital; I thought Roy-tachi got a bit screwed over in the last chapter, that we didn't get to see them starting with their new mission. Also the rabid shipper in me was all "ZOMG SAME ROOM SQUEEEEEE."

-Ed and Winry... d'awwwwwwww. Seeing it in motion was just kind of great.

-The photos at the end... ~happysigh~ though Roy does not, never has, and never will had a mustache, and anything that says otherwise is heresy.


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