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Choral Mafia II


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Message from Bizz:

Let everyone know that day phase will be starting two hours late because im stuck at my friends house until we get done singing at the school tonight
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“Excuse me, Ashley.”

The voice was a cold hiss that came from somewhere unknown. She swerved around in one direction, the night not even having hit the midnight mark.

“In the darkness, there is light,” Ashley repeated as almost a survival mantra, “Even in the darkness, there is light. Don’t you know that?” She hadn’t an inkling of an idea of whim or what she was speaking to, only that they were somewhere within earshot. “I’m not scared, for in the darkness, there is always light.”

“Really now?” The sinister presence approached closer to the frightened singer, who continued to repeat her chant. “You’re such a strange one, Ashley… you seem to have some sort of aura of a deity around you. You know, you could be summoning the power of the gods and not even realize it, Ashley.” She stepped back.

“It’s God, and he always protects me!” She shouted, driving herself to the back of the room, “He protects me from sinful scum like you!” The singer trembled violently, her muscles tense and tears running down her face.

“Oh, my silly little girl… you know that you’re a sinner too, do you not?” The question sent the delusional chorister spiraling in denial and confusion—what was she? Where was her Savior when she needed Him the most? “After all… is there such a thing as killing for a good cause?” She suddenly heard footsteps directly in front of her, as if the shadow materialized again to prevent any means of escaping, to seal her fate.

“Killing… people…” Her mind was broken at this point, and her enemy was pleased.

“You know, my lovely little Ashley… back when you were a part-tome Bronze and High Band member, I almost considered coaxing you to come to my side. I could swear you had some sort of divine power… alas, but you defied me…” She heard the metallic sound of a blade being drawn, and froze.

“So, this is it…” She breathed, one of the last breaths she would ever take.

“Good-bye… may God keep you in the palm of his hand.”

The murderer took up his sword and impaled it through Ashley’s small frame; she cried out desperately, though it was slightly muted by the excruciating pain that shocked through her entire body. When the piece of steel was finally withdrawn, she staggered backward against the desk of her room, and blacked out for good with one last dying gasp. Somewhere distant, the Grandfather Clock struck midnight, and the murderer fled.

”Sing a wonderful duet with Meredith for me…

Fayt Zelpher was murdered! He was Ashley, SILVER Church Singer!


Oh and thanks, Tables! Ily.

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Alright, its like this. I have two people that are claiming gold to me, and I have two people that haven't claimed at all. Those two people who haven't claimed basically blew me off when I asked for a claim (as in, not ignoring me, but saying something in a way that seems like blowing me off). Here's one of them.

I'll tell you my role in one or two more night phases. It's something a bit more suited for the end, y'see.

I also got a similar respond from the other guy.

Hang Pride.

Edited by General Spoon
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Unfortunately, I cannot allow the gold claims I have to have access to the information pertaining to the roles until after today's lynch. If Pride flips Gold, then I have two convicted scum on my hands. If Pride flips scum, I will have who I believe to be his partner shot and roleblocked tonight.

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Kyle was shocked to find Ashley lying face down in a pool of her own blood. The already shaken singer shuddered. The choristers were dropping rapidly. He could be next. Anyone could be next.

He coughed. "{Pride}, then. Let us get through the day. I need time to think." So saying, he walked back to his room, wracking his mind for answers within himself.

And yeah it was pretty obvious that Fayt was the Church Singer.

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NIGHT FOUR START! Everyone, please send in your night actions.

There will be a very important rehearsal tomorrow that everyone must attend. You will receive more information on this when the day phase starts.

Helle coughed and tapped her foot. "People, people! We're all forgetting something important. This current course of action must be put on hold. Don't you remember our rehearsal?"

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"I bet you just love choosing who to condemn, don't you?" Alicia asked the until recently ill singer "It's always been in your personality to do that. I'm going to have to side with Sami again and go for [Pride] again."

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Upon Helle's objection, Blas felt the need to say something as well. "Helle, I understand your thoughts; I guess that whoever doesn't attend the rehearsal might be expelled from school. But even so, we must not allow the Bronzes to kill any further people. I don't want to see any more people die for nothing... ...so, let's pray that executing [Pride] isn't another mistake..."

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Wondering what this rehearsal is all about, Nicholas felt it best that he placed his vote. "I will vote for Pride. If he has to keep his role a secret, then there's no telling how many other secrets he has."

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Okay, so if I don't get contacted by somebody else claiming to be Gold within like, the next 30 minutes, I'll just go ahead and give the Gold claims I have access to the claims, since its ben long enough for any gold counterclaims to spring up.

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God's powers... failed? Three shots fired... someone else was protected! Someone is hit, but they survived?!

It seems we have a pretty good doctor and a bulletproof with us.

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From what I can tell, of the three bullets, one hit Fayt, and that's where "God's protection failed", I guess, seeing as his description is "This person prays every odd-numbered night, and is thus protected from all killing actions in those nights." The "praying" probably refers to him praying to God, and since it was Night 4, his "protection" failed. The second bullet must have hit a bulletproof, and the third hit someone the doctor saved.

In any case, looks like we definitely have a bulletproof, who's protection is now gone, and a doctor, who's protection worked last night.

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