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Choral Mafia II


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"Ah... there are good reasons for thinking [snike] may be sided with the Bronze or Band, but I'm not convinced. I wonder if Istrell/JB25 looks more suspicious to anyone. Blas, what do you think?"

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Have you already been in contact with this doctor?

Nope, but I know who it is.

As for today's lynch, I have suspicions on JB25. He claimed Bomb even though we already have a much more convincing Spite Bomb claim from someone else, and I find it rather hard to believe that the town would get two bombs.

As for his votes, he helped lynch a Band dude (Ether) and the SK, but it's very possible for him to be Bronze.

Vote JB25.

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'Spite Bomb' eh? Sounds ... explosive.

I mean, um, The evidence seemed all against Istrell, and thus Kyle wasted no time in wordlessly sendin in his verdict.

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Helle was confused. Confused and angry. Confused, angry, and grieving. She was also blaming herself. She'd started to doubt even Sami, not really sure if the Silver Singers had had a Jack of All Trades, and suspicion had been building that she was simply manipulating all of them. The fact that she'd had to kill two innocent students in a row, or that one of them had been among her favorites certainly hadn't helped matters.

But then, all of a sudden, the suspicion was cleared. Sami was dead. Helle had done her best to comfort the girl in her final moments, to wipe clear the fact that she'd even suspected her. She no longer doubted the foreign exchange student either, though it were possible that she had misunderstood the events that had transpired.

Another coalition was forming, but Helle had grown to mistrust such quickly forming, and ill thought out bandwagons. Instead, she was trusting to her gut on this one.

"Personally, I have serious misgivings about Abbey's behaviour. Maybe it's not as concrete as I would like, but I just get a bad feeling about all of this." With a weary and resigned sigh, she dreaded any result, as she would have to kill another student tonight. If they were guilty, she'd be upset with herself that they'd eluded her for so long, worked under her nose, and made a fool of her abilities as an instructor. If they were innocent... Helle shuddered, not even wanting to contemplate the thought.

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You... would vote to kill your former teacher? Why would you vote me out, when all I have done is help the Silvers? Furthermore... I knew each of you personally... why would I want to kill each of you while you are all so dear to me?

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Istrell sighed. "Fine, you got me. I am the leader of the Bronze. And, well, I really didn't want to do this, and neither did Elira... but there was someone. Someone was controlling Elira... and that person got ahold of me as well... I was forced to do this, and I really... really love all of you..."

"It was my fault, though... I did something I shouldn't have done... And then that person found me... and he threatened to kill me... or to give me power. I decided... to follow that person... even though I knew Silvia wouldn't have..."

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As events unfolded and Istrell confessed to her sins, Helle quickly changed her tune. She had not for an instant been lying when she declared her resolute and steadfast commitment to root out this corruption, and a golden chance had just presented itself.

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Istrell gazed wearily at her former students, then at her fellow teacher. Her secret was out now; what difference did it make? What could she do, now that she was a sinner in the eyes of the students she very much cherished when they were but Apprentices ready to apply for membership at the Academy? She hated who brought her into this, who threatened her life to force her into this insanity, this chaos. Now, she wished she had chosen to die. If she died, maybe the lingering corruption would have been discovered sooner, and the problem solved faster—but no, it was too late for that now.

“’Grand Master’ Istrell. Is that what you call yourself now?” Helle’s voice was raised in tension; it echoed throughout the air of the auditorum, “Is that what you call yourself, despite being nothing more than my assistant? Do you know the pain you and your accomplices have caused me? Do you know what you’ve brought upon these innocent students who are here only for a safe and prestigious education in music?”


“Look at what you’ve done!” She screamed, interrupting Istrell and pointing a trembling finger in her face before she could speak, “Just look at what you’ve done! There are students resting in premature graves now because of you! I was forced to do things I will always regret for the rest of my life!” The sound of the single gunshot that ended Jeffrey’s life rang through her ears, “I blame you, and I curse myself for even trusting you!” She turned away then, and some of the remaining students could see her tears glistening in the candlelight. She couldn’t keep her composure—she lost it, and now her pupils were frightened.

“Helle… dry apologies mean nothing, I know.” Istrell was shaking in fear—she knew now that she was in trouble with both her students and the secret corruption faction she worked with. It was a dead-end in two ways. “Do what you want with me… kill me, arrest me, lock me away to rot, what you will. I understand that I can do nothing to atone for the sins I have committed, but I really do…” she choked, causing a pause in her words, “… love you all… I loved you all… especially…” Milen and Aril, she finished in her head. They were so dedicated as Apprentices, and she had watched them grow up and their voices mature—but now they were dead, and so was her spirit. She was a slave to the Bronze Faction and could never again turn back.

Alicia’s voice broke the bleak silence, offering a calming and sweet gesture to the situation, “Let’s not kill her, Helle.”

The teacher swerved around to face the red-haired girl. “What are you saying, Alicia?!” She asked her in a more irate manner than she had initially intended; she softened her tone. “What do you say we do with her then, Alicia?”

“I say we spare her… secure her somewhere where she can no longer offer any harm. Look at her; she may have kept this terrible secret from us, but I see her tears, and those are genuine tears of guilt.” No one noticed that tears were running down Alicia’s own cheeks in the darkness. She tried to keep them at bay, but to no avail. “And these…”

“Alicia—“ Istrell began, though was once again cut off, this time by a thoroughly engulfing embrace.

“… are tears of forgiveness,” Alicia finished. Istrell was reluctant, albeit she returned the hug, and Helle slowly walked away as the other choristers remained gathered around the touching scene.

“Thank you,” Istrell whispered gratefully, “Thank you…”

JB-25 caved under the pressure! He was Istrell, BRONZE Grand Master!

Revealed Roles:

Grand Master/Godfather: You are the head of the Bronze Faction. You have the final say in who dies every night.



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"Istrell... isn't it ironic that we are killing the innocent, while sparing the guilty? But... it's in the past. After we secure ourselves and the academy, and save what we have here... them we'll find the source of this problem. Good people like Istrell shouldn't be forced into becoming murderers. We... shouldn't be forced into becoming murderers."

Alicia pondered on her thoughts, before heading up to her bedroom. The events of the past week had been tough on her body, and she was now sharing a room with Blas - a room with post-it notes all over the walls containing details on other choir members, fanatically scribbled on and distributed for both Blas and Alicia to study. Alicia sat and studied the notes for a few minutes, before lying down to sleep.

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Kyle sighed. He'd dearly love to plunge a knife into Istrell, but...well, apparently it was not to be.

Anyways...best to get under cover. Dangerous times. Still...at least the Silvers were one step closer to ending this...

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Istrell slowly began to cry herself to sleep as she lay down on her bed. No matter how this panned out, she would have lost everything, and she wondered... if only she could have turned back the clock... if only she had chose Silvia's path and died a martyr... what would have happened?

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Kyle snuck somewhere behind his curtain, switchblade in hand. He was ready for anything that came his way, for anything that had the potential to threaten his life. He heard footsteps prowling about the giant hall of death, and he knew almost for certain now that this was it. Tonight, he was their target for murder.

Instantly he leapt out at his foe, which sense his presence and dodged his attack. “Kyle…” it whispered; the voice gave it away.

“Joe?!” Kyle almost shouted, “Wait… you were a part in all of this?”

“I could say the same thing, Kyle,” Joe responded, “What happened to your days as a trumpet player, hm?”

“I gave those days up, long ago. You know that.” His voice was cold. “I wasn’t a fan of our director from the start… I should’ve known you were messing with the choirside. These poor, innocent voice students were no match for your mind-games, were they?”

“I do what I have to do,” said Joe, drawing a knife out of his pocket. Suddenly, Kyle tried a different approach to this situation. A daring approach.

“What about Kelsey?”

Joe’s mood shifted suddenly. “D-don’t you dare mention her!” He shouted, his voice echoing throughout the auditorium they remained trapped in.

“Ah, I see it now… they threatened her. They threatened sickly little Kelsey, didn’t they?”

“I—“ Joe’s emotions flared into anger and confusion. “You—you couldn’t possibly understand how that feels!” The temperature in the gargantuan place was incredibly frigid, and he imagined Kelsey sleeping somewhere on the floor, shivering with cold and fright. “Is… her illness is all right, isn’t it?”

“What do you think, Joe?” The weak spot presented itself—bingo. Now Kyle could taunt him a little more before it was his end. “If she knew you were a cog in the gears of conspiracy, what would her reaction be?”

“She—no—where is she?!”

“Sleeping somewhere… unless she’s in actuality awake and listening to this whole conversation taking place, right now—“

He snapped then, lunging at Kyle with his dagger at the ready. Kyle retaliated with his own, knocking the taller man onto the floor. Joe brought Kyle down with him, the wood making a hollow bang when he crashed into it. The sound irked him slightly—something was hidden under the stage.

His attention was violently snapped back to the fight at hand when he felt the sharp, stabbing pain in his chest that already began to jerk at his senses. No, he wasn’t going to go down without bringing his opponent with him; he allotted all of the strength he still possessed and plunged his switchblade somewhere into his assailant’s body before the numbness paralyzed his abilities completely. “Lucky strike…” He muttered before he blacked out. And his assumptions were true—it was.


A tiny tapping sound approached the scene with a hesitant attitude, as if knowing what it would find would shatter the glass box of sanity. “Ahh… I can’t see anything… I hope I don’t set this place on fire…” The voice had an indescribable tremor in it, as if it had prevailed for a very long time. A candle was rather cautiously lit, and there was a small sigh of relief. It was so cold in the auditorium now that Kelsey could see her own breath as she gripped the candleholder tightly in the night.

… dying, but I can hear her… I’m dying… aren’t I… ? But I… I hear her…


“What?” The girl swerved around…

“You’re there… closer… come, please…”

“I-Joe??” Suddenly, she realized it. The weakness in his voice was too obvious. She bit her lip and trudged forward, reaching out the trembling candleholder forward for better vision. When she found him lying limp on behind the stage, she stopped moving.

“… Hi.”

“… Will you… step forward?”

“The platinum badge is lying right next to you, you know…” The glimmer in the dim light was unmistakable.

“I… was part… of the… to protect… you, Kelsey. I couldn’t…”

She slowly walked forward and took in a deep, calming breath; if she didn’t, she might panic, for she felt something strange coming on. She knelt down next to the closest friend she ever had. “You didn’t have to do it for me…”

“But… I… nothing… without you…”

She shut her eyes tightly, feeling the attack coming on.

“I love you, Kelsey… forever…”

“I love you too… I’m sorry that I was your burden… I’m so, so sorry…”

He hadn’t the strength to say more, albeit he felt her embrace when she wrapped her thin arms around him, ignoring the switchblade embedded in his chest as she silently wept for her beloved in the wintry darkness.

Trompe le Monde and Snike killed each other! Trompe was Kyle, SILVER Spite Bomb; Snike was Joe, BAND Secret Voter:


Spite Bomb: If killed at night, you take your killer with you; if lynched at day, you take a random voter with you.

Secret Voter: You may cast a vote in the thread, but you may cast your actual vote in the Band’s private conversation. If you fake vote and submit your real vote, it only counts as one vote.


Sorry for being late >_> that was my fault

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Bingo! One less suspect (Snike) to worry about. :newyears:

I'll vote Balcerzak today. I do not doubt that he really is the Nexus, but it might very well be a Bronze role. In fact, he's one of the only three suspects remaining.

My suspicions are further strengthened by the fact that Balcerzak refused to vote for JB25 at first in spite of the fact that we had pretty good evidence against him, and only jumped the bandwagon when it was certain that it didn't matter anymore anyway.

EDIT: Unvote

Edited by Raymond
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Bingo! One less suspect (Snike) to worry about. :newyears:

I'll vote Balcerzak today. I do not doubt that he really is the Nexus, but it might very well be a Bronze role. In fact, he's one of the only three suspects remaining.

My suspicions are further strengthened by the fact that Balcerzak refused to vote for JB25 at first in spite of the fact that we had pretty good evidence against him, and only jumped the bandwagon when it was certain that it didn't matter anymore anyway.

And the others are?

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