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Choral Mafia II


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Also, I would appreciate it if people would claim to me. The point of this is to have the village organized around a leader (Village Leader). This greatly increases the town's ability to coordinate and find scum.

By claim I mean send me a private message telling me your role name, and a short description of what your role does. I don't care about any flavor text, really.

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Let me describe the benefits of village leader. The village leader should, of course, be able to be trusted for one reason or another. I think that saying BEFORE the update that Ether is the poisoner, and then the update revealing the poisoner role, and Ether being lynched and turning up as poisoner makes me able to be trusted.

1. Anyone who does not claim to the village leader or has a more suspicious claim makes a good lynch candidate.

2. The village can aim their roles more effectivly, by making sure important roles are protected, the people who have more suspicious claims are investigated, etc.

3. We will not end up lynching somebody with an important role.

4. All the cop/rolecop investigations are able to be brought together to clear people/discover scum.

Edited by General Spoon
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There are two mafia teams this game, the band and the bronze (as far as we know)

You got a band member

That leaves a faction

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Hmm, I had interpretted it as a mafia faction and a serial killer.

In any event, the fact that I said Ether was poisoner, and then Bizz revealed the poisoner role in the update, and that Ether did turn out to be poisoner still stands. Do you really think that Bizz would reveal a mafia rolefinder result in the update? I do not. So, yeah.

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Well, this is mafia. Serious Business.

Edited by Snike
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I'm still waiting on a few night phase actions.

If I do not receive them in an hour, I will go onto day phase.

By the way, I may have to look for a replacement in the future.

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Okay, my computer is retarded. I am sorry.

”No, no, no… stay away, get away![/b] Angel shouted, raising up her crossbow, “I’m not afraid to use it, I-I’m not afraid to—“ Sadly, her threats were groundless as a silent figure materialized behind her and ended her struggle in one swift blow.


Travis stirred violently in the night; eventually he woke up with a start, panting hard and shaking terribly. He quickly and frantically scanned every inch of his room, though the effort was close to useless in the blinding darkness.

Immediately the man threw himself out of his bed and groped about the room; eventually he reached his window and promptly opened the curtains. The dim moonlight illuminated brightly enough for him to register the sight of a figure in the corner. He gulped nervously, taking a few steps back. “H-hey, man, I’m not up for any f-f-fighting or anything,” he stuttered nervously. The figure only drew closer.

“You… sinful bastard…” It whispered eerily; Travis caught the glint of bronze his assailant held in its hand. My sash— he said quickly in his head, knowing now that he was doomed.

“H-hey man, let’s not jump to anything rash here,” His voice rose with his panic, despite his failing attempt to hold a façade of calmness, “Wh-why don’t we just settle this like adults? Buy s-some ice cream or something… ? I mean, vanilla ice cream is nice, right—“

He wasn’t given the chance to finish his proposal—without warning, the attacker lashed out at Travis, tying the bronze sash firmly around his neck. After managing this feat, he forcefully dragged his choking victim out of his dorm.


Many outside spectators watched Alicia as she prepared her mind and body for the miraculous solo that was soon to take place. “Stay back, everyone,” she instructed the choir, who after years of singing were used to taking such directions. Alicia nodded in confirmation, aligning the body of the late Blas for the best of her performance.

“To the rest of you here,” She continued, “I encourage you to join along with me—we are after all a chorus and must perform as all choirs do, correct?” She flashed everyone a grin. “Oh… and,” she suddenly added, “if I by some chance do end up dying tonight… then I wish the Silver Singers luck.”

With a lovely vivacity, Alicia began her sacred song:

Fortuna desperata

Iniqua e maledecta, maledecta

Che de tal dona electa

La fama hai denigrata.

O morte dispietata

Inimica e crudele, e crudele

Che d'alto più che stelle

L'hai cusì abassata.

Meschino e despietata

Ben piangere posso may, posso may

Et desiro finire,

Desiro finire i mei guay.

The light engulfed everything it could; it surrounded the halls, the rooms, all of the people encircling the scene as the rest of the students joined together for a four-part harmony, the dynamics superb and the tone quality marvelous. An array of angels gracefully danced in front of the awed singers as their voices rose to the Heavens, channeled by the single voice that guided all of the spirits of the former massacre to assist their fallen friend. The miracle began to work its magic then; sound could hear Sophie’s resounding soprano notes giving the friend she loved so much yet another chance at life…

Suddenly the restored Blas took another desperate breath, and then another; as the gathered choristers began to gasp in surprise as well as exchange shocked whispers and triumphed shouts, an exhausted Alicia felt a sudden lapse in her strength and fell to her knees. Another spirit touched her as she rifted in the thin line between life and death. She heard a voice speak to her before she lost consciousness.

”My dear Alicia, you have been sapped of your strength, yet it seemed someone wished to keep you alive…

What a lucky… astounding… saint…”

Lightning has been murdered; he was Travis, BRONZE Rolefinder!

Nightmare has also been murdered; he was Angel, GOLD Matchmaker!

Raymond has been revived.

Revealed Roles:

Rolefinder: This player may ‘stalk’ one person at night to find his/her role. The result will be posted up on the thread, though they will not know whom the rolefinder is.

Matchmaker: This player has the once-only option to choose two players in the night; those players will then become Lovers.

Lovers: If one Lover is killed, the other will automatically commit suicide.

Church Singer: This person prays every odd-numbered night, and is thus protected from all killing actions in those nights.



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HAH, I SO CALLED IT. Oh, yeah, I was right with both of my suspicions.

P.S: It's Bizz! <3

Abbie woke up with a yawn. She reached her hands out and looked around. "I'm still alive...", she sighed with relief. She had made it through another night. But, night also meant other people died, so she went to check it on the board.

"A GOLD member...?", she whispered. "SILVERs, BRONZEs, the Bnd and now GOLDs?". This was becoming a big ball. More complicated with every day that passed. More danger, too.

As for Travis, she was not surprised. For some reason, she knew.

"Wait a minute... Blas was revived?" she said out aloud. She didn't seem to eat it up.

"Blas is alive. Blas is alive? BLAS IS ALIVE." She screamed. People around her looked at her in a strange manner, but she did not care. She wanted to run and meet her. She didn't care much about that extra bit of info.

As for Travis, she was just not surprised. For some reason, deep inside, she knew.

Edited by Spike
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"I... I'm so glad... Blas, I hope you feel okay... for someone who was dead a few minutes ago..." Alicia was lying on the stone floor, struggling to breathe, but despite her obvious pain, she was smiling. "The most powerful song known... we did it. We really did it!" Alicia closed her eyes and fell to sleep where she lie. Blas, her energy returning, with other members of the choir, carried her back to her room for some rest.

Thanks to the doctor who protected me, General Spoon who Safeguarded me, and everyone who joined in the song.

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I Eat Tables, have you been informed of any side effects to reviving Raymond?

TL;DR: I can revive Raymond tonight. I die, unless the doctor saves me, in which case, "you aren’t sure what will happen." Raymond doesn't get his ability, but he's a confirmed townie and can out his report. I suspect that if the doctor saves me I stay alive but can't use my ability, and perhaps get a posting restriction too.
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"Magnificent, purely magnificent. Surely this is a choir to take pride in. The unthinkable has been accomplished here today, and we do well to rejoice because of it." Helle had to express her admiration for Alicia's magnum opus. The solo went far beyond what she could have imagined, and it was all she could do to have kept the accompaniment from faltering in awe.

As the information from the rest of the night's occurences was made known, she continued, "Though, with joy comes also sorrow. Once again, our younger talent has somehow gotten wrapped up in this chaotic mess as well. Angel of the Gold has been brutally murdered, and so our joy must be tempered. But, at least, tragedy did not strike twice, and indeed the contrary. A great boon has been granted us by Travis's death, as the Bronze's ability to spy upon us, and subsequently use this knowledge to strike where it would hurt us the most has been cut short."

After a brief pause for deliberation Helle concluded, "As far as our daily deliberation is concerned, I think I will at least wait until Blas is well rested enough, and has recovered from her journey through the hereafter."

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"I don't think the Gold are a cult... they normally side with the Silver Singers, don't they? They're also a much closer community, so they know who is innocent among them." Alicia had already come back downstairs after just an hours rest; staying in bed past sunrise didn't feel comfortable to her. "And... I can't sing any song of that power again. In fact, I don't think I can do much more to help asides from using my brain."

edit: unclosed tag

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