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OMG it's a tier list

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@Colonel M: How far down do you want Crash to go? Any reason for that? I'll move Interceptor above you.

I'd say under Fayt, then again he's complaining about him being on the list.

Reasons? Well, look at his posts. I guess I admit to them being slightly better than Soul's if it isn't Fire Emblem related. Still, he's done:

- The Goatsee in FE4. I can't be assed to find that topic.

- The "Hump Mist" topic despite hating Mist.

- The art topic that was full of near-pornography at one point. I think it was the "I'm not attracted to Mist" or something.

To be fair on people like Raven, at least he did a cool thing here and there for the community like the Pokemon trading for all the silly WiFiers. Though I guess his drunken state might've done him in.

EDIT: Well I guess I just wasted that.

Edited by Colonel M
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I don't want to go to high tier if Bananas doesn't come along.

Opps, sorry seph i thought she was high tier X_X

Bananas moves too...so seph can go high tier.

lol, i'm done here. bye bye

Edited by Hatari
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I have Low Mid and Mid High tiers now. Moved Raven, Hatari and Gio into Low Mid. Any suggestions for Mid High?

@Seph: Alright, I'll move you two together, whenever you're moved.

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Right, I forgot about Robert entirely. I'll add him to bottom, but maybe not bottom of bottom. Jarly and co. have done more damage than him, and to the entire community. Granted, if Robert was allowed to have those alts he would've wreaked havoc with them, but that's only a "what if" and not something that actually happened. For now, I'll put him above Jarly. Complaints?

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Yeah, the individual placements, like I said in the first post, are not at all accurate. So bring them up and I'll change stuff. Not even the tier placements are perfectly accurate, so just rip this thing apart and do it violently.

Bryan moved above those two.

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Ok let's see:

I can see Fox going up. Definitely right above Der Kommissar sounds about right.

Joey needs to go to high too. I'd fit him over Ninji at least.

Ayanami much lower. I can definitely see him/her/it in Lower Mid or lower than that.

Soluna and Soul can join Roxas.

Interceptor over dondon151, Colonel M over Hero.

ZX and Death at least at the bottom of High tier.

I can see Pride, GO and Dagron in High tier, possibly over Emerald.

BL and 6669 to Upper Mid at least.

Tremaine should be much lower, where OliverXRenning can join him as well.

Black Soldier, Etel, Pilot and Ilyana deserve at least Mid, over Kintenbo I'd say.

Inui should top bottom tier.

And maybe it's just me but I think Luminothe should get a tier for himself under everyone else.

I'd also suggest cutting Mid in half, right under Grandjackal. Move what's over that to Upper mid and what's under to Lower mid.

Otherwise, nice tier list.

Edited by Dio
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I can see Fox going up. Definitely right above Der Kommissar sounds about right.

I'm unsure about doing that. Recently, most of his active time is spent trolling and while Der Kommissar did the same for a long while, he's not doing it any more and just sticking to normal posts, even when there are great opportunities for trolling. However, Fox also has some good contributions and whatnot, so I'll consider moving him higher.

Joey needs to go to high too. I'd fit him over Ninji at least.

Ayanami much lower. I can definitely see him/her/it in Lower Mid or lower than that.

Soluna and Soul can join Roxas.

Interceptor over dondon151, Colonel M over Hero.

ZX and Death at least at the bottom of High tier.

I can see Pride, GO and Dagron in High tier, possibly over Emerald.

BL and 6669 to Upper Mid at least.

Tremaine should be much lower, where OliverXRenning can join him as well.

Inui should top bottom tier.

And maybe it's just me but I think Luminothe should get a tier for himself under everyone else.

Any reasons for these? They make sense, but I just want to make sure.

Black Soldier, Etel, Pilot and Ilyana deserve at least Mid, over Kintenbo I'd say.

Oh crap, Ilyana as in FE3 Player? I thought this was that really old member. I'll change that, and require reasons for the others.

I'd also suggest cutting Mid in half, right under Grandjackal. Move what's over that to Upper mid and what's under to Lower mid.

Will do. We can discuss the individual placements after.

EDIT: Added a new rule. Be sure to check it out.

Edited by Nightmare
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Any reasons for these? They make sense, but I just want to make sure.

Oh crap, Ilyana as in FE3 Player? I thought this was that really old member. I'll change that, and require reasons for the others.

Most of those moves are about regrouping people with the people they hang around with. Some of them contribute stuff (like Int) while some are just lulzy (Joey, ZX and Death for instance). And I thought it would be funny to see Soluna grouped with both Roxas and Soul. Also GO is a suicide bomber, you really have to respect someone who has the balls to do that.

I don't know how Ayanami got so high in the first place. Can you tell me? His post quality can bepretty dreadful at times.

Tremaine and OxR seem quite out of place among non-banned members. Destiny Hero too, but he was awesome.

I see Inui top something, but it can't be anything other than bottom tier.

Luminothe was just for the lulz.


Yeah that's FE3 Player. By old member maybe you're mixing him with Ayanami or something.

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Most of those moves are about regrouping people with the people they hang around with. Some of them contribute stuff (like Int) while some are just lulzy (Joey, ZX and Death for instance). And I thought it would be funny to see Soluna grouped with both Roxas and Soul. Also GO is a suicide bomber, you really have to respect someone who has the balls to do that.

I'll consider those, but if you can elaborate further on some, I'd appreciate it.

I don't know how Ayanami got so high in the first place. Can you tell me? His post quality can be pretty dreadful at times.

I had not much knowledge on him; that's how a lot of people ended up in mid. How low do you want him to go?

Tremaine and OxR seem quite out of place among non-banned members. Destiny Hero too, but he was awesome.

Hmm...to bottom, then?

I see Inui top something, but it can't be anything other than bottom tier.

I can see why you say that, so I'll move him there.

Luminothe was just for the lulz.

Well, he didn't really have any merit to his posts, so I'll move him to the bottom of bottom (for now).

EDIT: Whoops, looks like he's already there.

Yeah that's FE3 Player. By old member maybe you're mixing him with Ayanami or something.

Mixing him with ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (I think that's her right now), since she was usually known as Ilyana.

Edited by Nightmare
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I'll consider those, but if you can elaborate further on some, I'd appreciate it.

I had not much knowledge on him; that's how a lot of people ended up in mid. How low do you want him to go?

Hmm...to bottom, then?

I might look onto it later.

Where ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ was seems an nice idea.

Yeah. Above Robert.

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I know, I...died a little pulling an RP/Crash, but I just don't want to be compared to others and getting "debated". I am not an object!

There is a good chance that this argument here will be ripped to shreds so if you really wanna be removed and never be put back in, I suggest you never look back at this thread.

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