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Super Mario Galaxy 2

Don Draper

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Comes out on Sunday May 23rd, although some stores are selling it early. I know a few people who already have it.

Anyways, this game has been getting insane review scores. A 10 from IGN AND Gamespot. The last Nintendo game with that honor was Ocarina of Time.

IGN Review

Gamespot Review

It also has a 97 average at Metacritic.

I have high expectations for this game. Gameplay looks great, I've seen many creative stars from live streams. Music sounds great too of course:

Fluffy Buff Galaxy Theme

Final Bowser Fight Theme

Sky Station Galaxy 2 Theme (sounds like something from FE)

Also, a blast from the past (Spoiler)

Anyone else picking this up on Sunday?

Edited by Ari Gold
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You must hate fun :P

That doesn't connect. I was not fond of SMG either, though I loved 64 and Sunshine.

Although from what I've heard and seen from the game, it improves on everything from the first game significantly.

If that's the case, I might actually try it.

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I loved 64, Sunshine was disappointing and Galaxy was in between, but this might be promising.

If I do get it, it won't be until a few months once the craze dies down a bit. I got really lucky with NSMB Wii, but we'll see for this one.

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It's too bad I'm broke, because that looks pretty fun. Never played a Galaxy game, so what the hell.

Though dammit Cynthia, now I have a craving for some Paper Mario, even though I don't have the original or the Thousand Year Door anymore.

You're right that Super Paper Mario sucked though. I'm surprised I put up with it as long as I did. How far did you go before you decided "fuck it", the space portion?

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I'm pretty sure I quit right after you got Peach, so end of Chapter 1. I have very little patience with Gamefly rentals. Surprisingly though, FFXII lasted much longer, despite similar disappointment. I got all the way until the Elder Wyrm, reloaded about 20 times until I beat the damn thing. Then I realized I had no inspiration to keep going, so I sent it back.

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Comes out on Sunday May 23rd, although some stores are selling it early. I know a few people who already have it.

Anyone else picking this up on Sunday?

June the 11th :angry: but thanks for not rubbing it in much ;) :(

I probably will get it 3 weeks time (when it comes out over here)even though these games are getting so much easier to complete there's still the challnege of getting all the stars.

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The first one was a weird game. I really love some aspects of it but overall it's...I don't know how to describe it. Too simple, probably. It's far from the best game, in any case, since there are other top contenders for that spot (God Hand, Demon's Souls, etcetera). But I had a lot of fun with it anyhow.

It's almost like Nintendo is milking the first game (in relation to SMG2), but who knows. If it has even more gravity platforming and other stuff, and some actually difficult parts, then I'll probably get it.

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From what I've heard, the difficulty was ramped up immensely. In Gametrailers' review, they actually docked marks for it being too hard.

Here's a cool video showing off the game if nobody minds spoilers:

I think its one of the last galaxies, so don't watch it if you're adamant about keeping spoilers away.

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I'm 40 stars in, and I have to say that this game is about 100x better then SMG1 and I loved SMG1.

The level design is so much better, you're doing something new every level. There is a much stronger emphasis on platforming, and the "fly from spherical world to spherical world" gimmick from the first game is almost completely eradicated. It takes what Galaxy introduced, expands on it, and cuts out all the monotonous parts.

Plus. its much, much harder. Flip Swap's Purple Coins in the 1st World is harder then any star from Galaxy 1. Don't get me started on Tall Trunk Big Slide's Purple Coins either.

All in all, anybody that didn't like Galaxy 1 has to give this a try. I can somewhat see where people were coming from when they say they didn't like the first one, but this game pretty much is flawless. The million 10/10 scores its getting are justified.

I'd be happy to answer any questions people have if they are still skeptical, and I'll keep it unbiased.

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A friend of mine mentioned that the game was really slow to start. He said the Level Designs prior to World 3 were rather boring, in particular. Should I just ignore him?

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The level designs prior to World 3 perhaps aren't as great, but its by no means "Slow to start." You're still doing something new and unique every level, and World 2 in particular has Puzzle Plank, Hightail Falls and Bowser's Lava Lair which are certainly on par with anything from the later galaxies.

As of yet, there hasn't been a single galaxy where I've been bored. I can kind of see where he's coming from, as the game does keep getting better and harder. But it still isn't "slow to start".

Hope that helps.

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I'm liking the level designs a lot more than Mario Galaxy 1, which is saying something because I really enjoyed MG1's levels.

What I don't like is the premise of the game and your spaceship. Yeah, it's funny having your ship being Mario's head, but I liked the spacestation better. I know it doesn't really matter, but I also dislike how the beginning is a more-rushed, less cool version of the last game's opening. I know, I know, continuity doesn't matter in Mario games, it just rubbed me the wrong way for some reason.

But the gameplay is top-notch, and thats what really matters anyway.

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Just reached World 3. Loved World 2's final boss and I'm glad to see that this is back.

I find it a bit weird how they give you access to Yoshi so early and yet he's only been used in 1 stage so far (granted, I haven't tried for the secondary stars of all the stages yet).

Can't say much about difficulty since most of my deaths have been pretty stupid (Ground Pounding a cloud in an attempt to secure a better landing :facepalm:). Getting squished is 1HKO btw.

Also, is there more to the Star Bits bank than getting 1-ups and the banker changing how he looks?

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Not only is Road to Bowser back, but the best part is covered by a freaking choir!

As for the difficulty, did you feel like you actually had to put some effort into clearing the levels, or at least more effort than in the first Mario Galaxy?

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Never played Galaxy 1 so I can't make a comparison but yes I do feel that I've had to put some effort on things like the Comet Medals and some of the secondary stars I've attempted. It also helps that being squished is now 1HKO so you can't be too reckless with Thwomps and other enemies that attack by trying to squish you (IIRC, this wasn't instant death in Mario 64).

Like in Mario 64, Coins heal damage. This time it's just 3 hits = death though sometimes there's a power up that increases your capacity to 6 which goes away if you ever end up with just 3 points left and only coins or that life power up heal you. The coins seem a little more scarce compared with the other games so if you're struggling on some boss fights, you might want to avoid getting them until it's necessary... I actually ended up winning a boss fight with 1 point left and all coins gone since the boss exposed them early thus making them disappear after a short time.

Oh and no, going up for air on water levels doesn't restore your health but I'm guessing this was true since Galaxy 1.

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Don't worry about Yoshi, his appearances become more and more frequent as you progress through the game. He's only in one galaxy per world for the first two worlds, but that increases to three galaxies by World 3.

The Star Bits bank is kind of pointless for pretty much the entire game, unless you want to transfer Starbits between save files. However, he'll serve another purpose at the very end of the game which I won't spoil for you.

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IOS, what did you think of the comets? I just got a second one to show up and I'm about to go and tackle one.

Yeah I just saw Yoshi in this ghost level... it could've used more groups of ghosts IMO.

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Comets are some of the hardest challenges in the game. I wasn't a big fan of the "Kill everything in X amount of time" comets, but I loved any of the challenges that had to do with the cosmic clones. The speedrun comets are fun too. Also, the comets change the levels around a bit in some cases which is a nice change from the first Galaxy where the levels stayed exactly the same.

Good luck with Flip Swap's Purple Coins, I remember that comet being the first time I raged at the game :P

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