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suckiest characters questions

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if Astrid joined in 1-7 instead of Fiona would that suddenly make her godly tier wise?

If Fiona would join in 1-6b and useable in 1-8 would she be one of the better part 1 roster?

If Meg joined earlier (1-3) would she still be useless?

and if Lyre was useable in every chapter Lethe is who would be more useful?

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No, I could see her raising a bit but she still wouldn't be anything better than mid.

No. 1-8 is not cavalier-friendly at all. And by the time she would have joined in 1-6b(Assuming you'd have to talk to her), you'll be close to clearing the chapter.

She'll be a little more useful in terms of shoving around certain units and perhaps have a better chance at establishing at least a C support with Ilyana for better hit-rates seeing as thunder magic is inaccurate as hell which would help her somewhat.


Edited by Joey
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No. The DB chapters are cavalier unfriendly. I would rather have it she joined in chapter 3-2 with the GM again. While they don't need another bow user she wouls argueable be actually good there with Bow utility and high movement.

No. Again DB chapters are cavalier unfriendly. I wonder if her base level dropped by 2 and she joined in chapter 1-5. THEN she might have been a bit better.

Yes. Meg's joining chapter is just wrong. She's a good unit but the fact she get's one-rounded in 1-4 means she's not gonna be used. In 1-5 she'll be okay but by the time 1-6 rolls in she's most likely too far behind for saving grace. Chapter 1-3 might be able to keep her in the surive one round for 1-4 and after that she should be capable of regular fighting.

Maybe if She and her sister would join in 3-1 as playables and continued that way through 3-2, 3-3 and 3-5 she would get a serious boosting. Especially since untransformed training WILL apply to her then (which it doesn't in 3-4 and 3-7 since the enemy base def is too high)

2-2 would help out too a bit to work up that strike level but not too much. 7 turns is a bit low especially with no healer around for untransformed training.


Now immagine what if Tormod & Pals joined in chapter 3-2, 3-4, 3-7 or even 3-11. Especially Muarim.

Edited by Silith
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my turn, I know some too.

if Shinon would join 3 chapters later, would more people choose for Rolf?

if geoffrey would be joining with the other CRK's, would he be that much more usefull?

if there wouldn't be any crossbows, would fliers get a serious boost in the rankings?

if the laguz royals wouldn't have formshift, would they still be that useful?

if Micaiah would gain more speed, would she be god tier?

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if Shinon would join 3 chapters later, would more people choose for Rolf?

Rolf would still be a pretty inefficient character to use, so no.

if geoffrey would be joining with the other CRK's, would he be that much more usefull?

His growths aren't very good and neither are his caps, so no.

if there wouldn't be any crossbows, would fliers get a serious boost in the rankings?

Xbows aren't really that common, so no.

if the laguz royals wouldn't have formshift, would they still be that useful?

Not quite as much, though you can make up for it with stones and gems much of the time.

if Micaiah would gain more speed, would she be god tier?

Probably High if it would actually make her double, her durability would still be pretty bad (though she could get decent Avo, and isn't doubled so many things 2HKO)

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If Fiona would join in 1-6b and useable in 1-8 would she be one of the better part 1 roster?

I don't think so. She wouldn't even be that good in either chapter and thanks to her low bases she'd be hard to get any kills on. Especially in 1-8 where you don't have much budge room for beating it quickly. However, she would at least be guaranteed a few more levels if you decided to use her. I think she might be better than meg with more availability, especially since it's easy to get kills on 1-6b.

If she joined on 1-6a I'd even put her in low.

If Meg joined earlier (1-3) would she still be useless?

What she really needs IMO is higher HP and Def, or more STR and a better weapon type. Not a better join time.

if geoffrey would be joining with the other CRK's, would he be that much more usefull?

Yes. There'd be much more motivation to keep paragon on him for 3-9 since you would have no motivation to take it off early. He'd probably get silver knight and be a good character in part 4. He wouldn't be worth using in endgame but he'd be better than kieran the whole game through, and maybe have something like a 7/10 in overall usefulness IMO thanks to a great part 2.

if there wouldn't be any crossbows, would fliers get a serious boost in the rankings?

Besides Marcia in part 2-E I don't see anyone benefiting very much from this change.

if the laguz royals wouldn't have formshift, would they still be that useful?

Not quite as much because it would take an additional turn to transform them, but by the time they are available you have gems so why wouldn't they be.

It would do more to make non-royal laguz bad (because you wouldn't have enough gem uses for them) than to make royal laguz bad.

Edited by SeverIan
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Besides Marcia in part 2-E I don't see anyone benefiting very much from this change.

Neasala in the desert chapter?

Tibarn would be practically unbeatable if it wasn't for crossbows.

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If Seraph Knights got Staffs (Started with C rank) with a Magic Cap of 30, how much better would they be?

IMO, units using both magic and physical weapons can be average at best. their growth points would be shared between the stats and would be lower than other units (unless another stat would get a serious downer).

but yeah, healers with canto are nice~

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Now immagine what if Tormod & Pals joined in chapter 3-2, 3-4, 3-7 or even 3-11. Especially Muarim.

Seriously. These guys would have been pretty damn nice to have around if they had better avaliability.

if Astrid joined in 1-7 instead of Fiona would that suddenly make her godly tier wise?

Nah. The DB chapters werent really kind to the cavalier/paladin class.

If Fiona would join in 1-6b and useable in 1-8 would she be one of the better part 1 roster?

She may have had a boost in experience if she was playable in 1-6, but then again, maybe not. She appears in an area of the map that by the time you get there, the chapter is nearly finished. In 1-8, she wouldnt have been able to get around much due to the swampy areas.

If Meg joined earlier (1-3) would she still be useless?

Ehh..I never had an issue with Meg's join time. More of her level.

and if Lyre was useable in every chapter Lethe is who would be more useful?

Uhhh...Given Lyre's stats, probably not.

if Shinon would join 3 chapters later, would more people choose for Rolf?

Nah. Shinon's level trumps Rolf's. People would use him regardless because of that i think.

if geoffrey would be joining with the other CRK's, would he be that much more usefull?

Maybe but there are so many Paladins in the CRKs as it is. Plus his growths kinda stink.

if there wouldn't be any crossbows, would fliers get a serious boost in the rankings?

No. Theres not enough crossbows around to be that much of a hinderance.

if the laguz royals wouldn't have formshift, would they still be that useful?

I do not think so.

if Micaiah would gain more speed, would she be god tier?

Not god tier but certainly higher. Having her double would have been nice. But her defense is really bad anyway.

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Fiona should have been a soldier instead, too many cavaliers.

More questions:

If Thunder was not nerfed would that change Ilyana to be considered one of the better mages?

If part 2 had many more CRK chapters who would be better to raise Kieran or Titania?

Tormod, Muarim, and Vika are useful in part 1. Why do you think they gave them no availability? because they found nowhere to put them or because they were forgotten?

Do you like traditional character selection where you recruit chars and they are avalable for the entire game or jumping into parts and diff rosters like RD?

If CRK chapters were more would it change their placement in tiers too much?

Who are your favorite godly and sucky characters and who do you enjoy picking more?

If Largo were in the game where do you think he would be placed in the tier list? (same chapters as Callil)

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Fiona should have been a soldier instead, too many cavaliers.

I dont agree. Mostly because later on, she can be useful if you bother with her. DBs dont get any one else in that class. In the part 3 chapters, shes not that bad.

More questions:

If Thunder was not nerfed would that change Ilyana to be considered one of the better mages?

I dont really think so. Mostly because if you promote her early, she can use other tomes. Its her speed growth that fucks her up pretty bad in my opinion.

If part 2 had many more CRK chapters who would be better to raise Kieran or Titania?

Err..Titania has better speed and can double stuff.

Tormod, Muarim, and Vika are useful in part 1. Why do you think they gave them no availability? because they found nowhere to put them or because they were forgotten?

Just to mess with us i think. To be honest, no idea.

Do you like traditional character selection where you recruit chars and they are avalable for the entire game or jumping into parts and diff rosters like RD?

I did like how different the teams were. I would have preferred the playtime between teams to be more balanced though.

If CRK chapters were more would it change their placement in tiers too much?

I rarely pay attention to tier lists so i cant answer that.

Who are your favorite godly and sucky characters and who do you enjoy picking more?





Sucky: Alot.


Soren (still dont understand why people think he sucks)




Marcia (shes not really sucky but not godly)


I enjoy the shitty characters more cuz i find them fun to raise sometimes.

If Largo were in the game where do you think he would be placed in the tier list? (same chapters as Callil)

No idea.

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If Thunder was not nerfed would that change Ilyana to be considered one of the better mages?

she'd be higher, but not much. DB needs the XP for part 3, Ilyana leaving with lots of XP isn't very good.

If part 2 had many more CRK chapters who would be better to raise Kieran or Titania?

when it's only a few chapters more; titania. at the moment it would be more than the GM's; Kieran.

Tormod, Muarim, and Vika are useful in part 1. Why do you think they gave them no availability? because they found nowhere to put them or because they were forgotten?

that's what I think. or maybe they just didn't like Tormod?

Do you like traditional character selection where you recruit chars and they are avalable for the entire game or jumping into parts and diff rosters like RD?

I liked the RD idea. though I hated how 'teams' start of in later levels, I like training characters from scratch.

If CRK chapters were more would it change their placement in tiers too much?


Who are your favorite godly and sucky characters and who do you enjoy picking more?

like I said, I like training characters from scratch. I'll always choose rolf over Shinon, Soren over Bastian, Meg over Brom, Fiona over Geoffrey, etc.

If Largo were in the game where do you think he would be placed in the tier list? (same chapters as Callil)

Largo wasn't that good in PoR, and with one hand he would even be worse in RD.

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If Ilyana stayed with DB would she be better or worse?

better, there's way more XP in the DB chapters. even when overleveled in part 1 endgame, she's still underleveled for the GM's.

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Fiona should have been a soldier instead, too many cavaliers.

good idea but aran would be the better soilder of the DB because of better avalibility and his stats are better.

More questions:

If Thunder was not nerfed would that change Ilyana to be considered one of the better mages?

she would be top 3, which she already is to some people.

If part 2 had many more CRK chapters who would be better to raise Kieran or Titania?

poor kieran had his speed taken away, my favorite PoR paladin got nerfed more than all the rest.

Tormod, Muarim, and Vika are useful in part 1. Why do you think they gave them no availability? because they found nowhere to put them or because they were forgotten?

because muarim had a demi band and raped people face off in PoR and in RD he doesnt have/do either. so people cry when they see him in RD

Do you like traditional character selection where you recruit chars and they are avalable for the entire game or jumping into parts and diff rosters like RD?i like the way it is in RD because it allows units to be trained better but i dont like going from Ike to miciah. cause i feel gay when im with DB

If CRK chapters were more would it change their placement in tiers too much?


Who are your favorite godly and sucky characters and who do you enjoy picking more?Godly would be: Ike, haar, Tibarn, and Naesala(if hes considered as godly as others)

sucky are: Soren. yeah, just soren

If Largo were in the game where do you think he would be placed in the tier list? (same chapters as Callil)

if he had similar skills to boyd he probably would be lowish because his class sucks. but if he was the only playable character of a class that had many specealties probably medium-high

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Neasala in the desert chapter?

Tibarn would be practically unbeatable if it wasn't for crossbows.

Naesalea has enough move that he can kill something every turn and not have to worry about getting hit by x-bows. I do recommend bringing Haar or Jill to that chapter to work on the xbows however. Tibarn is practically unbeatable even taking crossbows into account since it should take 2 to kill him.

Unlike elemental mages, xbows are not very dangerous to people who aren't weak to them. You get hit but not for very much damage.

Seriously. These guys would have been pretty damn nice to have around if they had better avaliability.

Also Vika would be less of a pain to try and use.

if geoffrey would be joining with the other CRK's, would he be that much more usefull?

Maybe but there are so many Paladins in the CRKs as it is. Plus his growths kinda stink

I want to reiterate that he's a unit near promotion with good bases. He'll never be worth bringing to endgame but he'd be a great unit for 3-F and part 4, especially since you'd be able to keep paragon on him for 3-9.

If Thunder was not nerfed would that change Ilyana to be considered one of the better mages?

No, it's her level in part 3 that really hurts her. She's fine in part 1.

If part 2 had many more CRK chapters who would be better to raise Kieran or Titania?

Both, since they'd still be separate. If there were enough to give Kieran a clear level advantage I think he would be better but I've never actually compared their growths.

From looking at SF, it looks like Kieran would be slightly better because he's easier to BEXP abuse and he has better durability in both HP and DEF.

Do you like traditional character selection where you recruit chars and they are avalable for the entire game or jumping into parts and diff rosters like RD?

I like both. I'd like to see more of RD's version in the future.

If CRK chapters were more would it change their placement in tiers too much?

I don't think that much. I think the most likely to benefit would be Nepehenee, Mordecai, Brom, Marcia and Haar (who would probably get a promo before part 3, no crown required).

If Largo were in the game where do you think he would be placed in the tier list? (same chapters as Callil)

If he was about the same level as Calill, probably not that high, simply because you need durability on 2E and he doesn't have that much. But axe users are always good, he might see action during part 3 and promote.

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